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Cultural explanations

Language & Speech patterns

Bernstein-Language Codes

Restricted Code- Mainly working class pupils, a more limited vocabulary, don’t know more sophisticated words, can affect their academic achievement & experience, improper use of grammar, context bound, assumes the listener shares the same experience, limited ability to explain, etc... (symbolic violence can occur by teachers, labelling, etc…)

Elaborated Code- Mainly middle class pupils, vast vocabulary, more sophisticated, gives them advantages in the educational system, context free, doesn’t assume the listener shares the same experience, full & detailed explanations, elaborated code is used by teachers, textbooks & exams. It is taken as the ‘correct’ way to speak & write, etc… (builds rapport with a teacher, etc…)

Language skills and Ethnic Differences in Achievement

  • The UK is a multicultural society, with over 300 languages that are spoken in UK schools

  • In England, English is an additional language for over 20% of primary school children

  • Modood argues that a lack of fluency in English may cause a problem for some groups at school.

  • Examples- why might having English as an additional language impact levels of achievement in school?

  • How can you support this explanation with the work of Bernstein? Which ethnic groups are likely to be impacted by a restricted language code?


  • Cultural deprivation is a ‘myth’ - It is victim blaming

  • Teachers have a ‘speech hierarchy’ linked to the middle class habitus

  • School fails to teach them how to use the elaborated code

  • Gilborn and Mirza- Indian pupils do very well in school despite not having English as their home language. Why?

Home background & Parental Interest

  • Do working class parents show less interest in their children’s educational experiences?

  • How might this impact the child’s educational achievement?

  • 45% of kids from Bangladeshi Families in the UK are in Free School Meals

  • Asian Family Dynamic somewhat mirrors the school dynamic


  • Middle class parents are more likely to encourage academic attainment and progression. Why?

  • Middle class parents are more likely to not miss a parents evening, whereas Working class parents may miss it, but this doesn’t suggest a lack of interest as they may be doing shift work or have antisocial work hours.

Feinstein (2008)

Argues that parents own level of education is the most important factor affecting children’s achievement. Why?

  • Parenting Style

    • Middle class parents use more consistent, correct discipline and higher expectations

    • Whereas Working class parents use inconsistent discipline or may be really harsh/old school with discipline.

  • Parents educational behaviours

    • Middle class parents have cultural capital

  • Use of income (Link to material explanation)

    • Middle class parents have economic capital

  • Class, income and parental education

    • Even within a given social class, better educated parents tend to have children who are more successful at school.

Deviant subcultures norms and values

This refers to the idea that deviant subcultures are more likely to emerge among disadvantaged groups as their cultural deprivation means they fail to get status through legitimate means

Define the concept of deviance

How might a person gain status legitimately in society

How might a person gain status illegitimately in society

Sugarman (1970)

Argues that the working class formed a different subculture and that has the following characteristics

  • Fatalism ‘‘Whatever will be, will be’’

  • Immediate Gratification ‘‘YOLO’’

  • Present-time Orientation ‘‘Live for today’’

  • Collectivism ‘‘Pack Mentality’’’

Deviant subcultures, norms & values applied to ethnic differences in educational achievement.

How can you use the studies of Pryce & Sewell to explain why black boys are more likely to form deviant subcultures?

Can you give any examples of the norms and values they’d believe in?

How will this impact their educational achievement?


Gillborn argues that it is institutional racism within the educational system itself

Cultural deprivation is actually victim blaming

Material Deprivation has a greater impact on educational success

Compensatory education

-Sure Start

Sesame Street

Cultural explanations

Language & Speech patterns

Bernstein-Language Codes

Restricted Code- Mainly working class pupils, a more limited vocabulary, don’t know more sophisticated words, can affect their academic achievement & experience, improper use of grammar, context bound, assumes the listener shares the same experience, limited ability to explain, etc... (symbolic violence can occur by teachers, labelling, etc…)

Elaborated Code- Mainly middle class pupils, vast vocabulary, more sophisticated, gives them advantages in the educational system, context free, doesn’t assume the listener shares the same experience, full & detailed explanations, elaborated code is used by teachers, textbooks & exams. It is taken as the ‘correct’ way to speak & write, etc… (builds rapport with a teacher, etc…)

Language skills and Ethnic Differences in Achievement

  • The UK is a multicultural society, with over 300 languages that are spoken in UK schools

  • In England, English is an additional language for over 20% of primary school children

  • Modood argues that a lack of fluency in English may cause a problem for some groups at school.

  • Examples- why might having English as an additional language impact levels of achievement in school?

  • How can you support this explanation with the work of Bernstein? Which ethnic groups are likely to be impacted by a restricted language code?


  • Cultural deprivation is a ‘myth’ - It is victim blaming

  • Teachers have a ‘speech hierarchy’ linked to the middle class habitus

  • School fails to teach them how to use the elaborated code

  • Gilborn and Mirza- Indian pupils do very well in school despite not having English as their home language. Why?

Home background & Parental Interest

  • Do working class parents show less interest in their children’s educational experiences?

  • How might this impact the child’s educational achievement?

  • 45% of kids from Bangladeshi Families in the UK are in Free School Meals

  • Asian Family Dynamic somewhat mirrors the school dynamic


  • Middle class parents are more likely to encourage academic attainment and progression. Why?

  • Middle class parents are more likely to not miss a parents evening, whereas Working class parents may miss it, but this doesn’t suggest a lack of interest as they may be doing shift work or have antisocial work hours.

Feinstein (2008)

Argues that parents own level of education is the most important factor affecting children’s achievement. Why?

  • Parenting Style

    • Middle class parents use more consistent, correct discipline and higher expectations

    • Whereas Working class parents use inconsistent discipline or may be really harsh/old school with discipline.

  • Parents educational behaviours

    • Middle class parents have cultural capital

  • Use of income (Link to material explanation)

    • Middle class parents have economic capital

  • Class, income and parental education

    • Even within a given social class, better educated parents tend to have children who are more successful at school.

Deviant subcultures norms and values

This refers to the idea that deviant subcultures are more likely to emerge among disadvantaged groups as their cultural deprivation means they fail to get status through legitimate means

Define the concept of deviance

How might a person gain status legitimately in society

How might a person gain status illegitimately in society

Sugarman (1970)

Argues that the working class formed a different subculture and that has the following characteristics

  • Fatalism ‘‘Whatever will be, will be’’

  • Immediate Gratification ‘‘YOLO’’

  • Present-time Orientation ‘‘Live for today’’

  • Collectivism ‘‘Pack Mentality’’’

Deviant subcultures, norms & values applied to ethnic differences in educational achievement.

How can you use the studies of Pryce & Sewell to explain why black boys are more likely to form deviant subcultures?

Can you give any examples of the norms and values they’d believe in?

How will this impact their educational achievement?


Gillborn argues that it is institutional racism within the educational system itself

Cultural deprivation is actually victim blaming

Material Deprivation has a greater impact on educational success

Compensatory education

-Sure Start

Sesame Street