Subtractive Color System


  • Objects create color by subtracting or absorbing certain wavelengths of color while reflecting other wavelengths back to the viewer.

  • This subtractive color system uses colorants and reflected light.

    • You start with an object that reflects light and use colorants (dyes or pigments) to subtract portions of the white light that is shining on the object.

    • The colors are cyan, magenta and yellow.

Subtractive Primary Colors

  • The subtractive primary colors are: Cyan, Magenta and Yellow

    • Each one absorbs one of additive primary colors:

      • Cyan absorbs Red

      • Magenta absorbs Green

      • Yellow absorbs Blue.

    • Adding two subtractive primary colors: will transmit one of the primary additive colors.

    • Adding all three subtractive primary color: will absorb all the colors of the white light spectrum.
