Paper 1
Germany- includes: Kaiser Germany, Weimar, Nazi
Source questions:
Q1 (4)- how do they differ
5 min
1 paragraph- compare and contrast
1 quote from each interpretation
Content only
No own knowledge
Q2 (4)- why might have different opinion
5 min
1 paragraph- compare and contrast
Provenance only
No own knowledge
Q3 (8)- which is more convincing
10 min
3 paragraph total
1st paragraph- interpretation A
2nd paragraph- interpretation B
Conclusion- both have elements of accuracy, but lean towards one
No provenance- which is closer to own knowledge
Knowledge questions:
Q4 (4)- describe 2 …
5 min
1 paragraph- containing 2 points
Specific evidence
Q5 (8)- what ways were … affected by…
10 min
2 paragraphs:
1st paragraph- point 1 PEE
2nd paragraph- point 2 PEE
Conclusion- short, 2 sentences, summarise which way affected more
Before and after change
Mention how different subgroups within the group were affected
Q6 (12)- more important reason with 2 given points
15 minutes
3 paragraphs:
Paragraph 1- PEE on first given point
Paragraph 2- PEE on second given point
Conclusion- link both by saying one is only possible by another
Specific evidence
Interwar- will include all of: Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations, Hitler’s foreign policy (cause of WW2):
Source Questions
Q1 (4)- source is critical or supportive, explain why
5 min
1 paragraph- 1 point from source, max 2,
1 piece of own knowledge (contexual knowledge), max 2
Q2 (12)- How useful are source B and C for a historian studying….
15 min
3 paragraphs
Paragraph 1- Source B PEE chain
Paragraph 2- Source C PEE chain
Conclusion- link to both points, lean towards one
Content- quotes
Context- own knowledge (contexual knowledge)
Provenance- given information on source- date, type of source, country of origin, what is it on
Knowledge Questions
Q3 (8)- write an account of … involvement/contribution to … in the 19..s
1 longer paragraph- Narrative style- explain and link events together
chronological order, causes and consequences
Lots of dates, key events and facts
Q4 (16+4 SPaG)- How far do you agree with a statement
20-25 min
3 paragraphs:
Paragraph 1- For, agree to statement- point from statement
Paragraph 2- Against, disagree to statement- 2 other key points, mention 3rd point briefly,
Conclusion- link to both, explained, agree/disagree to statement to what extent
Mention key facts, dates, etc.
Paper 2:
Elizabeth + Hardwick
Source Questions
Q1 (8)- How convincing is interpretation A on…
10 min
3 paragraphs:
Paragraph 1- How is the source convincing?
Paragraph 2- How is the source not convincing? Or Also convincing because… (if fully accurate)
Conclusion- judgement, convincing/not convincing because…, explain answer
Convincing- how accurate- how close to own knowledge
No provenance
Content- quotes
Context- own knowledge
Knowledge Questions
Q2 (8)- Explain what was important about…
10 min
2 paragraphs:
Paragraph 1- PEE chain on 1st event
Paragraph 2- PEE chain on 2nd event
Why was it important, what consequencs if event happened
Link to question
Q3 (8)- write an account of … in Elizabeth’s reign
10 min
chronological order, causes and consequences
1 paragraph
Q4 (16+4 SPaG)- How far does Hardwick Hall support the study of…
20-25 min
3 paragraphs:
Paragraph 1- PEE agree with statement
Paragraph 2- PEE disagree with statement- 2 points, mention 3rd point
Conclusion- justified with explanation and a clear side, study of Hardwick Hall supports/does not support the statement to … extent because…
Describe key features of Hardwick
Link to Elizabethan era
Medicine through time- includes medieval, renaissance, industrial, modern
Source Questions
Q1 (8)- How useful is source A to an historian studying issues with …
10 min
2x PEE- 2-3 elements of source
Knowledge Questions
Q2 (8)- Explain the significance of … in the history of medicine
10 min
2x PEE chains
1st para: Short term impact- how significant
2nd para: Long term impact- how significant
Q3 (8)- Explain two ways the events/people… was similar
10 min
2x PEE
Do not mention differences
Overlap similarities and compare between
1st Para:
One way they are similar
2nd para:
Second way they are similar
Q4 (16+4 SPaG)- Has the role of … been the main factor in the development of … in Britain?
25 mins
Short- 2 sentences
Starting opinion/view
Was or wasn’t main factor
1st para- for the factor given (PEE Chains)
All 4 time periods (1-2 arguments each):
2nd para- other factor (PEE Chains)
All 4 time periods (1-2 arguments each):
3rd para (if time allows)- other factor (PEE Chains)
All 4 time periods (1-2 arguments each):
Roles each factor played
Links between each factor
ultimate most important factor