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10/05 Video Games{99f4db6d-289a-483f-8367-61d12d32f3be}&action=embedview&wdAr=1.7777777777777777"

Oligopoly- a state of limited competition, in which a market is shared by a small number of producers or sellers

Curran & Seaton

  • The general trend within the media is towards greater concentration

  • The media is controlled by an ever-shrinking number of companies that are largely driven by logic of profit and power

  • This leads to risk-aversion

  • Media concentration limits or inhibits variety, creativity and quality

  • More socially diverse patterns of ownership help to create the conditions for more varied and adventurous media products

The industry

  • Sony

  • Microsoft

  • Valve

  • EA

  • Tencent

  • Nintendo

  • Epic Games


  • French company

  • Vertical integrated, owning both development studios and publishing capabilities;

    Developers: the people and companies who conceive, design and program games. Used to be mainly independent

    Publishers: right-holders for the game, responsible for marketing and manufacturing process, if there’s a physical product. The section is becoming concentrated with fewer and fewer companies

    Distributors: traditionally, responsible for the physical storage and delivery of the product.

    Retailers: institutions selling products to customers

  • Horizontally integrated, owning a variety of in-house studios. It is involved in the production of different media forms, it is also diversifying and ensures financial security.

The multi-media franchise now consists of:

  • 13 games

  • 1 film

  • 1 (forthcoming) series (for Netflix)

  • 17+ books (some of which are straight novelisations of the games)


10/05 Video Games{99f4db6d-289a-483f-8367-61d12d32f3be}&action=embedview&wdAr=1.7777777777777777"

Oligopoly- a state of limited competition, in which a market is shared by a small number of producers or sellers

Curran & Seaton

  • The general trend within the media is towards greater concentration

  • The media is controlled by an ever-shrinking number of companies that are largely driven by logic of profit and power

  • This leads to risk-aversion

  • Media concentration limits or inhibits variety, creativity and quality

  • More socially diverse patterns of ownership help to create the conditions for more varied and adventurous media products

The industry

  • Sony

  • Microsoft

  • Valve

  • EA

  • Tencent

  • Nintendo

  • Epic Games


  • French company

  • Vertical integrated, owning both development studios and publishing capabilities;

    Developers: the people and companies who conceive, design and program games. Used to be mainly independent

    Publishers: right-holders for the game, responsible for marketing and manufacturing process, if there’s a physical product. The section is becoming concentrated with fewer and fewer companies

    Distributors: traditionally, responsible for the physical storage and delivery of the product.

    Retailers: institutions selling products to customers

  • Horizontally integrated, owning a variety of in-house studios. It is involved in the production of different media forms, it is also diversifying and ensures financial security.

The multi-media franchise now consists of:

  • 13 games

  • 1 film

  • 1 (forthcoming) series (for Netflix)

  • 17+ books (some of which are straight novelisations of the games)