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Sexual reproduction and variation

Difference between sexual and asexual reproduction:

  • Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of gametes from two different parents, resulting in offspring that have a unique combination of genetic material from each parent. Asexual reproduction, on the other hand, involves only one parent and produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent.

What is a zygote:

  • A zygote is the cell that results from the fusion of two gametes during fertilization. It is the first stage of development for a new organism and contains all the genetic information needed to create a new individual.

Internal Fertilization and External Fertilization:

  • Internal fertilization is when the sperm travels from the male's body into the Females body to meet the egg for example: Humans

  • External fertilization is when the sperm and the egg meet outside the bodies of both parents for example: Fish

Haploid And Diploid:

  • Haploid - is having a single set of chromosomes

  • Diploid- having two sets of chromosomes


  • Gametes are specialized cells for reproduction, for example: Sperm cells and egg cells.


  • Differences in characteristics caused by genetic and environmental factors.


  • Fertilization is the process where the sperm and egg cells combine to form a zygote. During this process, the genetic material from both the sperm and the egg combine to create a unique genetic combination. This process is essential for sexual reproduction and the creation of offspring with genetic variation. Fertilization can occur either internally, such as in humans, or externally, such as in fish. The resulting zygote contains all the genetic information necessary to create a new individual.

Difference between meiosis and mitosis:




To produce four haploid cells, each with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell

To produce two identical diploid cells, each with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell


Two rounds of division (meiosis I and meiosis II), each with prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase

One round of division, with prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase

Resulting cells

Four haploid cells, each genetically distinct from the others and the parent cell

Two diploid cells, each genetically identical to the parent cell


Meiosis is necessary for sexual reproduction, as it produces haploid gametes that can combine during fertilization

Mitosis is necessary for growth, repair, and asexual reproduction in some organisms


  • It is the process where organicism's combine their gametes for fertilization.

Complete Metamorphosis and Incomplete Metamorphosis:

  • Complete Metamorphosis-Process by which an organism develops into un adult by changing from one form to another ex: Moth

  • Incomplete metamorphosis-Organisms develop into an adult through series of Stages having slightly different forms ex: Nymphs


  • An embryo is the early stage of development for a multicellular organism. It is formed after fertilization, when the zygote begins to divide and differentiate into different cell types. During embryonic development, the organism's basic body plan is established, and organs and tissues begin to form. In humans, for example, the embryonic stage lasts from fertilization until about 8 weeks (about 2 months) of development.

Difference between body cell and sex cell:

  • Body cells, also known as somatic cells, are the cells that make up the body tissues and organs. These cells are diploid, which means they contain two sets of chromosomes (one set inherited from each parent). Body cells undergo mitosis to produce two identical daughter cells, which are used for growth, repair, and maintenance of the body.

  • On the other hand, sex cells, also known as gametes, are the cells responsible for sexual reproduction. In humans, sex cells are the sperm in males and the egg (or ovum) in females. Unlike body cells, sex cells are haploid, which means they contain only one set of chromosomes. During fertilization, the sperm and egg combine to form a zygote, which has the full complement of chromosomes necessary for the development of a new individual.

  • In summary, the main difference between body cells and sex cells is that body cells are diploid and used for growth and maintenance of the body, while sex cells are haploid and used for sexual reproduction.

External Fertilization – most water dwelling animals:

Egg and Sperm:

  • Sperm - the gametes in male animals

  • Egg – the gametes in female animals

Difference between mating and fertilization:

  • Mating is the process by which two individuals of opposite sexes come together in order to reproduce. This process involves a series of behaviors and interactions that allow the individuals to identify and select a suitable mate.

  • Fertilization, on the other hand, is the process by which the sperm and the egg fuse together to form a zygote. This occurs after mating when the sperm from the male fertilizes the egg from the female. The zygote contains all the genetic information from both parents and will develop into a new individual.

Short Answer

Similarities and differences between body cells/sex cells; egg/sperm; sexual/asexual reproduction:


  • Both body cells and sex cells have genetic material in the form of DNA.

  • Both body cells and sex cells have a cell membrane and cytoplasm.

  • Both egg and sperm cells are involved in sexual reproduction.

  • Both sexual and asexual reproduction involve the production of new cells.


  • Body cells are diploid, containing two sets of chromosomes, while sex cells are haploid, containing only one set of chromosomes.

  • Body cells undergo mitosis to produce two identical daughter cells, while sex cells undergo meiosis to produce genetically diverse daughter cells.

  • Sperm cells are small and motile, designed to travel to and fertilize the egg cell, while egg cells are large and immobile, designed to provide nutrients for the developing embryo.

  • Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of a sperm and an egg cell, while asexual reproduction does not require the fusion of gametes.

  • In sexual reproduction, offspring inherit genetic material from both parents, while in asexual reproduction, offspring are genetically identical to the parent.

  • Sexual reproduction typically results in more genetic diversity, while asexual reproduction results in genetic uniformity.

In summary, while body cells and sex cells have some similarities, they differ in their ploidy and mode of division. Similarly, while egg and sperm cells are both involved in sexual reproduction, they differ in size and function. Finally, sexual and asexual reproduction differ in the requirement for gamete fusion and the amount of genetic diversity produced.

Function of mating in animals and how it differs from fertilization:

Why more sperm are produced than eggs (diagrams?):

  • More sperm are produced than eggs in most sexually reproducing animals because the production of sperm is a continuous process that occurs throughout the male's reproductive life, while the production of eggs is a limited process that occurs only during the female's reproductive years. Additionally, sperm are much smaller and simpler in structure than eggs, so the male can produce a larger number of sperm cells for the same number of resources that would be used to produce fewer, larger, and more complex egg cells. A typical human female produces one mature egg cell per month, while a male can produce millions of sperm cells per day.

Reason why animals in nature only mate during certain times:

  • In many species, reproduction is timed to coincide with periods of abundance in food, favorable weather conditions, or other factors that increase the likelihood of survival for the offspring. For example, some animals mate during the spring when food is plentiful and temperatures are mild, providing optimal conditions for raising young. Other species may mate during the fall, when resources are abundant, and the weather is favorable for migration. 

Sexual reproduction and variation

Difference between sexual and asexual reproduction:

  • Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of gametes from two different parents, resulting in offspring that have a unique combination of genetic material from each parent. Asexual reproduction, on the other hand, involves only one parent and produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent.

What is a zygote:

  • A zygote is the cell that results from the fusion of two gametes during fertilization. It is the first stage of development for a new organism and contains all the genetic information needed to create a new individual.

Internal Fertilization and External Fertilization:

  • Internal fertilization is when the sperm travels from the male's body into the Females body to meet the egg for example: Humans

  • External fertilization is when the sperm and the egg meet outside the bodies of both parents for example: Fish

Haploid And Diploid:

  • Haploid - is having a single set of chromosomes

  • Diploid- having two sets of chromosomes


  • Gametes are specialized cells for reproduction, for example: Sperm cells and egg cells.


  • Differences in characteristics caused by genetic and environmental factors.


  • Fertilization is the process where the sperm and egg cells combine to form a zygote. During this process, the genetic material from both the sperm and the egg combine to create a unique genetic combination. This process is essential for sexual reproduction and the creation of offspring with genetic variation. Fertilization can occur either internally, such as in humans, or externally, such as in fish. The resulting zygote contains all the genetic information necessary to create a new individual.

Difference between meiosis and mitosis:




To produce four haploid cells, each with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell

To produce two identical diploid cells, each with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell


Two rounds of division (meiosis I and meiosis II), each with prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase

One round of division, with prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase

Resulting cells

Four haploid cells, each genetically distinct from the others and the parent cell

Two diploid cells, each genetically identical to the parent cell


Meiosis is necessary for sexual reproduction, as it produces haploid gametes that can combine during fertilization

Mitosis is necessary for growth, repair, and asexual reproduction in some organisms


  • It is the process where organicism's combine their gametes for fertilization.

Complete Metamorphosis and Incomplete Metamorphosis:

  • Complete Metamorphosis-Process by which an organism develops into un adult by changing from one form to another ex: Moth

  • Incomplete metamorphosis-Organisms develop into an adult through series of Stages having slightly different forms ex: Nymphs


  • An embryo is the early stage of development for a multicellular organism. It is formed after fertilization, when the zygote begins to divide and differentiate into different cell types. During embryonic development, the organism's basic body plan is established, and organs and tissues begin to form. In humans, for example, the embryonic stage lasts from fertilization until about 8 weeks (about 2 months) of development.

Difference between body cell and sex cell:

  • Body cells, also known as somatic cells, are the cells that make up the body tissues and organs. These cells are diploid, which means they contain two sets of chromosomes (one set inherited from each parent). Body cells undergo mitosis to produce two identical daughter cells, which are used for growth, repair, and maintenance of the body.

  • On the other hand, sex cells, also known as gametes, are the cells responsible for sexual reproduction. In humans, sex cells are the sperm in males and the egg (or ovum) in females. Unlike body cells, sex cells are haploid, which means they contain only one set of chromosomes. During fertilization, the sperm and egg combine to form a zygote, which has the full complement of chromosomes necessary for the development of a new individual.

  • In summary, the main difference between body cells and sex cells is that body cells are diploid and used for growth and maintenance of the body, while sex cells are haploid and used for sexual reproduction.

External Fertilization – most water dwelling animals:

Egg and Sperm:

  • Sperm - the gametes in male animals

  • Egg – the gametes in female animals

Difference between mating and fertilization:

  • Mating is the process by which two individuals of opposite sexes come together in order to reproduce. This process involves a series of behaviors and interactions that allow the individuals to identify and select a suitable mate.

  • Fertilization, on the other hand, is the process by which the sperm and the egg fuse together to form a zygote. This occurs after mating when the sperm from the male fertilizes the egg from the female. The zygote contains all the genetic information from both parents and will develop into a new individual.

Short Answer

Similarities and differences between body cells/sex cells; egg/sperm; sexual/asexual reproduction:


  • Both body cells and sex cells have genetic material in the form of DNA.

  • Both body cells and sex cells have a cell membrane and cytoplasm.

  • Both egg and sperm cells are involved in sexual reproduction.

  • Both sexual and asexual reproduction involve the production of new cells.


  • Body cells are diploid, containing two sets of chromosomes, while sex cells are haploid, containing only one set of chromosomes.

  • Body cells undergo mitosis to produce two identical daughter cells, while sex cells undergo meiosis to produce genetically diverse daughter cells.

  • Sperm cells are small and motile, designed to travel to and fertilize the egg cell, while egg cells are large and immobile, designed to provide nutrients for the developing embryo.

  • Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of a sperm and an egg cell, while asexual reproduction does not require the fusion of gametes.

  • In sexual reproduction, offspring inherit genetic material from both parents, while in asexual reproduction, offspring are genetically identical to the parent.

  • Sexual reproduction typically results in more genetic diversity, while asexual reproduction results in genetic uniformity.

In summary, while body cells and sex cells have some similarities, they differ in their ploidy and mode of division. Similarly, while egg and sperm cells are both involved in sexual reproduction, they differ in size and function. Finally, sexual and asexual reproduction differ in the requirement for gamete fusion and the amount of genetic diversity produced.

Function of mating in animals and how it differs from fertilization:

Why more sperm are produced than eggs (diagrams?):

  • More sperm are produced than eggs in most sexually reproducing animals because the production of sperm is a continuous process that occurs throughout the male's reproductive life, while the production of eggs is a limited process that occurs only during the female's reproductive years. Additionally, sperm are much smaller and simpler in structure than eggs, so the male can produce a larger number of sperm cells for the same number of resources that would be used to produce fewer, larger, and more complex egg cells. A typical human female produces one mature egg cell per month, while a male can produce millions of sperm cells per day.

Reason why animals in nature only mate during certain times:

  • In many species, reproduction is timed to coincide with periods of abundance in food, favorable weather conditions, or other factors that increase the likelihood of survival for the offspring. For example, some animals mate during the spring when food is plentiful and temperatures are mild, providing optimal conditions for raising young. Other species may mate during the fall, when resources are abundant, and the weather is favorable for migration.