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Unit 4.1 ~ Plate Tectonics

The Layers of  Earth

  • The core is radioactive and hot which drives convection.


  • Convection occurs in the upper mantle in a slow, creeping motion. It breaks the lithosphere into plates and moves them

Oceanic - Continental

  • Oceanic crust is denser than continental and subducts below

  • Subduction creates trenches and cracks

  • Magma seeps through cracks and creates volcanoes

  • Causes earthquakes and volcanoes

Oceanic - Oceanic

  • Both crusts are basalt

  • Older crust is denser due to more sediments

  • Creates volcanic island arcs (Japan and Aleutian Islands in Alaska)

  • Causes tsunamis and earthquakes


  • Both crusts are granite

  • Same density so push up

  • Little subduction

  • Happens in

    • Himalaya Mountains between India and Nepal


  • Crusts pull apart and magma rises to fill gap

  • Magma hardens when cooled by ocean water

  • Creates underwater mountain ranges

  • Mid-ocean ridges in

    • Iceland, African Rift Valley


  • 2 plates slip past earth other

  • Some called strike-slip faults

  • San Andreas fault in California between Pacific and North American plates

Hot Spot Volcanoes

  • Occur in the middle of plates where crust cracks and magma seeps up

  • Hawaiian Islands on Pacific Plate

  • Yellowstone hot spot on N. Amer. plate - flat volcano

    Rock Cycle

Unit 4.1 ~ Plate Tectonics

The Layers of  Earth

  • The core is radioactive and hot which drives convection.


  • Convection occurs in the upper mantle in a slow, creeping motion. It breaks the lithosphere into plates and moves them

Oceanic - Continental

  • Oceanic crust is denser than continental and subducts below

  • Subduction creates trenches and cracks

  • Magma seeps through cracks and creates volcanoes

  • Causes earthquakes and volcanoes

Oceanic - Oceanic

  • Both crusts are basalt

  • Older crust is denser due to more sediments

  • Creates volcanic island arcs (Japan and Aleutian Islands in Alaska)

  • Causes tsunamis and earthquakes


  • Both crusts are granite

  • Same density so push up

  • Little subduction

  • Happens in

    • Himalaya Mountains between India and Nepal


  • Crusts pull apart and magma rises to fill gap

  • Magma hardens when cooled by ocean water

  • Creates underwater mountain ranges

  • Mid-ocean ridges in

    • Iceland, African Rift Valley


  • 2 plates slip past earth other

  • Some called strike-slip faults

  • San Andreas fault in California between Pacific and North American plates

Hot Spot Volcanoes

  • Occur in the middle of plates where crust cracks and magma seeps up

  • Hawaiian Islands on Pacific Plate

  • Yellowstone hot spot on N. Amer. plate - flat volcano

    Rock Cycle