Principles of Biomedical Science
Study Guide for lesson 2.2 (Decoding a Diagnosis & New to Practice)
Primary Care Physician
Medical Technician
Nurses (LPN, RN, NP)
Patient Liaison
Molecular Biologist
By the end of lessons 2.2-3, you should know or be able to:
Describe briefly the difference between a new and existing patient in taking history and possibly investigation.
Describe briefly the difference between acute and chronic.
Review the structure of eukaryotic cells.
Describe the stages of mitosis and main event in each of them
Describe the stages of meiosis and main event in each of them
Explain the difference between mitosis and meiosis regarding the stages, number of divisions, number of cells and number of chromosomes at the end of each.
Describe the main microscopic features of malignant cells with regard to mitosis, size and shape, nucleus, arrangement, and specialized features.
Describe the four major types of tissues with examples of each
List two types of skin cancer
Identify basal cell carcinoma under the microscope
Describe the process of making a differential diagnosis
Describe some of the functions of proteins.
Describe the location of NF-1, mode of inheritance, and effect of mutation.
Describe the functional category of neurofibromin and its effect on cellular division, then use it to describe and explain some clinical features of neurofibromatosis-1.
Read the codon chart.
Explain the meaning of transcription and translation and the location of each.
Summarize the relationship between DNA, mRNA, and proteins.
Describe types of mutations and list some mutagens.
Be able to use and interpret pedigrees to figure out the mode of inheritance
Be able to to use and interpret Punnett squares to calculate possibilities of genotypes
Describe the difference between phenotype and genotype
Describe the difference between autosomal and sex-linked
Describe the difference between dominant and recessive
Make a short list of differentials for a child that is not meeting their growth curve
Be able to interpret karyotyping
Describe the number of chromosomes in normal karyotype
Describe the mode of inheritance of FH, the main clinical and laboratory findings, and treatment options.
Explain how the class of medications called statins works to lower cholesterol levels in the body.
Describe briefly the karyotype and some clinical features of Turner Syndrome, Cri Du Chat, and PKU.
Give some recommendations to maintain health in diabetes
Reflect on the process of delivering news to patients. How do doctors deliver bad news? Why is telling the truth important?
Reflect on the pros and cons of genetic testing.
Reflect on the history of HeLa cells and the ethics of research.
Essential Questions
How does differential diagnosis help a doctor determine appropriate treatments for their patient?
What extra steps do you need to take with a new patient?
What is the difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells? What is an example of each?
What are the main differences between mitosis and meiosis? Where does each one happen?
What is the purpose of mitosis and meiosis?
What characteristics can help you determine whether a tissue sample has healthy or cancerous cells?
What is the NF-1 gene? Where is it located? What is the mode of inheritance?
What type of protein is neurofibromin? What are the effects of a dysfunctional neurofibromin?
Describe the difference between DNA and RNA regarding structure, function, and location
What is a start codon? What is a stop codon?.
How many types of RNA are there? What is the location and function of each?
What happens when there is a change to the sequence of DNA bases that make up a gene? How does this affect the protein the gene codes for? How does this affect the individual in which the change occurred?
What are the types of mutations you know of?
What are some examples of mutagens that you know of?
What is karyotype used for? What are the basic steps of karyotyping?
Explain why being able to view chromosomes from an individual is a useful tool for scientists and medical professionals.
Can mutations be diagnosed by karyotyping? Why or why not?
Which process do you think offers a greater chance of nondisjunction—mitosis or meiosis? Explain your answer.
What is the mode of inheritance of FH? What are the main clinical and laboratory findings? What are the treatment options?
How do statins work?
What are the benefits of collaborating with a patient on the development of their care plan?
Why is informed consent important?
What is diabetes? What is the difference between type 1 and type 2?
Why is glucose monitoring important in diabetes?
What are some recommendations to maintain health in diabetes, as well as treatment options?
What is HIPAA, what kinds of information are protected and when can information be shared?
What are the stages of Mitosis?
What is the purpose of Mitosis? What happens to chromosomes during this process?
What makes cancer cells different from normal cells?
What are the basic categories of protein functions?
Where does each process take place? What are the products? What enzymes, organelles or molecules are involved with each?
Eukaryotic vs. prokaryotic
Somatic vs sex cell
Meiosis vs mitosis
Homologous chromosomes
Benign vs malignant
Locally malignant
Epithelial tissue
Connective tissue
Muscle tissue
Nervous tissue
Basal cell carcinoma
Differential diagnosis
Genetic disorders
Protein primer
Genetic testing
rRNA, mRNA, and tRNA
Nitrogenous bases: Adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine & Uracil
Single and double stranded
Double helix
DNA replication
Restriction enzymes
Start codon (AUG)
Stop codons
Substitution, insertion & deletion
DNA sequencing
Dominant vs recessive
Punnett squares
Adrenal gland
Ovary and testis
Growth hormone
Steroid hormones
Chromosomal disorder
Turner syndrome
Transposable elements (TE)
HeLa cells
Direct-to-consumer (DTC) gene testing
Familial hypercholesterolemia
Cri du chat syndrome
Phenylketonuria (PKU)
Care Plan
Informed consent
Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM)
Diabetes type 1 & 2