Total Bones in One Foot: 26
Breakdown of Bones:
Tarsals (Ankle): 7 bones
Metatarsals: 5 bones
Phalanges: 14 bones
Total Bones in Both Feet: 52
Bones in the Hands: 28
Phalanges in the Hands: 14 (2 for thumb, 3 for each finger)
Total Phalanges in the Body: 56
Understanding Test Format:
May not have the same exact questions but similar content.
Importance of reading questions carefully to avoid mistakes.
Effective Note-taking Strategies:
Writing notes by hand typically enhances memory recall versus typing.
Reviewing and rewriting notes after class can improve understanding.
Lab Notebook Example:
One student dedicated extra time to visually enhance her notes, improving retention and understanding.
Relevance of Course Material:
Focused on practical applications of anatomy knowledge (e.g., understanding burns, skin cancer).
Anatomy and Physiology (A&P):
Emphasis on repetition rather than memorization for long-term retention.
Students should focus on foundational knowledge of anatomy to succeed in advanced courses.
Advanced assessments typically require deeper understanding and application of knowledge.
Example question formats include multiple correct answers requiring critical analysis.