M4 The concept of Hazard

Module Overview

  • Module Title: The Concept of Hazard

  • Instructor: Ronelio E. Zuilan

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the concept of hazard

  • Identify different types of hazards

  • Assess the impact of various hazards

Performance Standard

  • Relate various types of hazards to preparedness strategies

Learning Objectives

  • Define types of hazards and provide examples

  • Observe safety signs and symbols

  • Appreciate the importance of precautionary measures

Definitions of Hazard

  • General Definition: An agent that has the potential to cause harm (Burton et al., 1978).

  • Standards Australia: A source of potential harm or a situation causing loss.

  • ADPC: A natural event capable of causing harm or loss.

  • USGS: A phenomenon that may disrupt or damage people and their environment.

  • Dormant Hazards: Hazards that are potential but inactive until they create an emergency.

Types of Hazards

  1. Natural Hazards: Arise from environmental processes (earthquakes, floods).

  2. Quasi-Natural Hazards: Result from the interaction of natural processes and human activities (pollution).

  3. Technological Hazards: Human-made hazards (industrial accidents).

General Hazard Classifications

  • Natural Hazards: Purely natural events like earthquakes or floods.

  • Quasi-Natural Hazards: Interaction between natural events and human activities (e.g., smog).

  • Technological Hazards: Human-induced events causing harm (e.g., chemical spills).

Impacts of Hazards

  1. Physical: Death and destruction of infrastructure.

  2. Psychological: Depression and trauma.

  3. Socio-Cultural: Displacement, cultural loss, and ethnic conflicts.

  4. Economic: Job loss, decreased livelihood, and property damage.

  5. Environmental: Loss of biodiversity, water pollution, and forest degradation.

  6. Biological: Illnesses due to exposure to biological agents pandemics).

Hazard Signs and Symbols

  • Recognizable symbols that indicate potential hazards (flammable materials, toxic substances).

  • Familiarity with these signs enhances safety awareness.

Real-World Applications

  • Urban Planning: Understanding hazards for infrastructure safety in disaster-prone areas.

  • Environmental Science: Addressing hazards related to climate change impacts.

  • Public Health: Managing biological hazards to prevent disease outbreaks.

Assessment Activities

  • Spot the Hazards: Identify and classify hazards in provided scenarios.

  • Summative Assessment: Analyze a real-life situation involving hazards and propose solutions.
