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1.1 UK Democracy

Representative + Direct Democracy

DD Advantages

  • equal votes

  • responsibility

  • community

  • participation

DD Disadvantages

  • TOTM

  • impractical

  • uninformed voter

  • demagogues

RD Advantages

  • practical

  • expertise

  • pluralism

  • minority voice

  • accountable

RD Disadvantages

  • elitism

  • apathy

  • influence of the majority

  • infrequent elections

  • corruption

Democratic Deficit

Strengths of UK System

  • devolution

  • independent judiciary

  • free + fair elections

  • free media


  • elite media

  • house of lords legitimacy

  • MP scandals

  • FPTP

  • human rights protections (derogation)

  • political + legal sovereignty in NI (NI Protocol)

NI Protocol

  • still within EU free market

  • follows

Participation Crisis


  • (h)apathy

  • voter turnout

    • 76% unmatched

    • 2022 local election turnout: 33.6% (second order)

    • West Lancashire By-Election turnout: 31.4%

  • distrust of MPs

  • party membership

    • 1.5% electorate belongs to three main parties (3.8% 1983)

    • Labour: 432000

    • Conservatives: 172000

    • SNP: 104000

    • Lib Dems: 74000


  • rise of social media activism + e-petitions (alt methods to trad.)

  • turnout spikes on national issues e.g. 72% EU ref

  • recent strike action (e.g. RMT, BMA, RCN + NEU + Border Force)

    • junior doctor strikes 13th-16th March 2023

  • inc. turnout for PCC: 15% 2012 - 33% 2021

Improving UK System

  1. stop media moguls owning multiple outlets

  2. compulsory + e-voting

  3. reduce voting age

  4. proportional Westminster elections

  5. elected HoL

Compulsory Voting


  • participation

  • abstain option

  • duty/right

  • mandate

  • broader political campaign


  • immoral

  • rote/donkey voting

Debates over Suffrage

Development of the Franchise

Suffragettes + Suffragists

Votes at 16

Pressure Groups

Factors, methods + types

BMA + Occupy Movement

Think Tanks

Lobbying + Chumocracy


Cash for Qs + Cash for Influence

Modern examples

Rights in Context


controversies + debates

Abu Qatada

Shamima Begum

British Bill of Rights

1.1 UK Democracy

Representative + Direct Democracy

DD Advantages

  • equal votes

  • responsibility

  • community

  • participation

DD Disadvantages

  • TOTM

  • impractical

  • uninformed voter

  • demagogues

RD Advantages

  • practical

  • expertise

  • pluralism

  • minority voice

  • accountable

RD Disadvantages

  • elitism

  • apathy

  • influence of the majority

  • infrequent elections

  • corruption

Democratic Deficit

Strengths of UK System

  • devolution

  • independent judiciary

  • free + fair elections

  • free media


  • elite media

  • house of lords legitimacy

  • MP scandals

  • FPTP

  • human rights protections (derogation)

  • political + legal sovereignty in NI (NI Protocol)

NI Protocol

  • still within EU free market

  • follows

Participation Crisis


  • (h)apathy

  • voter turnout

    • 76% unmatched

    • 2022 local election turnout: 33.6% (second order)

    • West Lancashire By-Election turnout: 31.4%

  • distrust of MPs

  • party membership

    • 1.5% electorate belongs to three main parties (3.8% 1983)

    • Labour: 432000

    • Conservatives: 172000

    • SNP: 104000

    • Lib Dems: 74000


  • rise of social media activism + e-petitions (alt methods to trad.)

  • turnout spikes on national issues e.g. 72% EU ref

  • recent strike action (e.g. RMT, BMA, RCN + NEU + Border Force)

    • junior doctor strikes 13th-16th March 2023

  • inc. turnout for PCC: 15% 2012 - 33% 2021

Improving UK System

  1. stop media moguls owning multiple outlets

  2. compulsory + e-voting

  3. reduce voting age

  4. proportional Westminster elections

  5. elected HoL

Compulsory Voting


  • participation

  • abstain option

  • duty/right

  • mandate

  • broader political campaign


  • immoral

  • rote/donkey voting

Debates over Suffrage

Development of the Franchise

Suffragettes + Suffragists

Votes at 16

Pressure Groups

Factors, methods + types

BMA + Occupy Movement

Think Tanks

Lobbying + Chumocracy


Cash for Qs + Cash for Influence

Modern examples

Rights in Context


controversies + debates

Abu Qatada

Shamima Begum

British Bill of Rights