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Unit 1 - Scientific Processes

The Nature of Chemistry

  • Science vs Pseudoscience

    • Science

      • Systematic

        • Scientific process

      • Collect information & ideas

      • Based of facts

      • Used to explain natural phenomenon

      • Constantly updated

    • Pseudoscience

      • Beliefs are used to support explanations

        • Is subjective

      • No facts or evidence that support the explanations

      • Lack of scientific process

    • Differentiating Questions

      • Does evidence exist to support the claim?

      • Was a scientific process used to collect evidence?

      • Is the claim based on objective or subjective proof?

  • Reliability of Information

    • Information is reliable if:

      • Complete (non-altered) data set

      • No bias in the data collection

  • The Importance of Chemistry

    • Chemistry - The study of substances that make up the world & the changes they undergo

    • All other sciences are based on chemistry

      • Used to make pretty much every piece of tech

    • Negative effects of chemistry

      • Environmental damages i.e pollution

Scientific Methods

Hypothesis, Laws, and Theories

Tools, Technology, and Measurement

Safety in Science

  • Common sense

Using Math to Analyze Data

  • Accuracy - How close the measurements are to the actual value

  • Precision - How close the measurements are to each other

    • Based on graduation marks

    • Precision = smallest graduation mark

    • Estimate the last digit

    • Percent Error

      • | (Experimental Value - Accepted Value) / Accepted Value | * 100

  • Graphs

    • Bar Graph

      • Display information for a group of categories

    • Line Graph

      • Show change i.e over time

    • Scatter Plot

      • Two variables that relate but are not necessarily independent/dependent

    • Histogram

      • Representation of frequency

Evaluating Scientific Explanations

  • Use common sense…

Unit 1 - Scientific Processes

The Nature of Chemistry

  • Science vs Pseudoscience

    • Science

      • Systematic

        • Scientific process

      • Collect information & ideas

      • Based of facts

      • Used to explain natural phenomenon

      • Constantly updated

    • Pseudoscience

      • Beliefs are used to support explanations

        • Is subjective

      • No facts or evidence that support the explanations

      • Lack of scientific process

    • Differentiating Questions

      • Does evidence exist to support the claim?

      • Was a scientific process used to collect evidence?

      • Is the claim based on objective or subjective proof?

  • Reliability of Information

    • Information is reliable if:

      • Complete (non-altered) data set

      • No bias in the data collection

  • The Importance of Chemistry

    • Chemistry - The study of substances that make up the world & the changes they undergo

    • All other sciences are based on chemistry

      • Used to make pretty much every piece of tech

    • Negative effects of chemistry

      • Environmental damages i.e pollution

Scientific Methods

Hypothesis, Laws, and Theories

Tools, Technology, and Measurement

Safety in Science

  • Common sense

Using Math to Analyze Data

  • Accuracy - How close the measurements are to the actual value

  • Precision - How close the measurements are to each other

    • Based on graduation marks

    • Precision = smallest graduation mark

    • Estimate the last digit

    • Percent Error

      • | (Experimental Value - Accepted Value) / Accepted Value | * 100

  • Graphs

    • Bar Graph

      • Display information for a group of categories

    • Line Graph

      • Show change i.e over time

    • Scatter Plot

      • Two variables that relate but are not necessarily independent/dependent

    • Histogram

      • Representation of frequency

Evaluating Scientific Explanations

  • Use common sense…