Cell Cycle Basics
Cell Cycle = a series of steps in which an organisms cells grow and divide to form 2 genetically identical diploid daughter cells
Human cells have 46 chromosomes
Cell Cycle Timing
G0 (non-dividing cells) can enter /leave the cell cycle based on environmental signals and cues
Not all cells divide at the same rate
How often a cell divides is usually based on how much a cell is “used” or exposed to damaging conditions
Some cells never go through cell cycle (stay in G0) —> brain cells, lens of eyes, nerves
Cell cycle takes about 24hrs after leaving G0
Steps of the Cell Cycle
G1 - growth
Grow and develop
Make more VIP molecules and structure
Synthesis - DNA synthesis
DNA replication only
G2 - growth 2
Finish growing
Make extra organelles
Produce extra VIP molecules and structures in preparation for division
M Phase - split nucleus (PMAT)
Nucleus dissolves
DNA condenses, chromosomes are visible
Spindle fibers form
Spindle fibers attach to chromosomes
Chromosomes line up on the equatorial plate (AKA middle of the cell)
Contract spindle fibers to move one set of chromosomes to opposite poles of the cell
Nucleus reforms
DNA decondenses (chromosomes uncoil basically)
Cell membrane starts pinching in
Cytokinesis - cell splits in two
Cytoplasm divides
Cell membrane pinches in to form two genetically identical daughter cells