Scenario 1: Y = 700
Aggregate Spending (A) = 200 + 0.8Y = 200 + 560 = 760
A > Y (Aggregate spending > total production)
Unplanned decrease in inventories of 60
Result: Production increases, Y rises.
Scenario 2: Y = 1,000
Aggregate Spending (A) = 200 + 0.8Y = 200 + 800 = 1,000
A = Y (Aggregate spending = total production)
No unplanned increase or decrease in inventories
Result: Equilibrium achieved.
Scenario 3: Y = 1,200
Aggregate Spending (A) = 200 + 0.8Y = 200 + 960 = 1,160
A < Y (Aggregate spending < total production)
Unplanned increase in inventories of 40
Result: Production decreases, Y falls.
The scenarios can be illustrated graphically.
The equilibrium occurs where the aggregate spending curve (A) intersects the 45-degree line at an income level of Y = 1,000 (point 2).
Points left of equilibrium indicate that A > Y, resulting in excess demand and unplanned reductions in inventories.
Firms will respond by increasing production until equilibrium is restored.