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module 22 notes

lesson 1

hitler’s lightning war

germany’s new war in europe

  • hitler and stalin - nonaggression pact

    • agree to split poland

germany’s lightning attack (sept 1, 1939)

  • war on poland put in motion

    • britain/france declare war

    • hitler annexed western half of poland

  • blitzkrieg - “lightning war”

soviets make their move

  • stalin sends troops to east poland/northern nations

  • finland resists

    • soviets unprepared for war

    • soviets win, but huge losses

“the phony war”

  • britain and france mobilize armies

  • standoff at maginot line - “sitzkrieg”

  • hitler attacks - denmark and norway

rescue at dunkirk

  • germans had allies trapped → retreat to dunkirk

  • sacrifice troops at calais

  • heroic rescue by british

    • rescue 338,000 out of 400,000 soldiers

france falls (june 22, 1940)

  • french surrender at dunkirk

  • charles de gaulle - government in exile

    • goal = reconquer france/resist germans

the battle of britain (july 10 - oct 31, 1940)

  • winston churchill - never give in

  • hitler’s plan - destroy RAF (royal air force)

    • luftwaffe begins bombing britain

technology benefits RAF

  • radar - track enemy planes

  • enigma - decode german messages

  • battle of britain - hitler can be stopped

war in the balkans

  • hitler’s ultimate prize - attack the soviet union

    • wants bases in balkans

  • growing axis powers

hitler invades the soviet union (june 22, 1941)

  • operation barbarossa

    • soviets unprepared → scorched earth policy

  • hitler cuts off leningrad from soviet union

    • forced starvation → 1 million die

    • city refuses to fall

hitler’s attack on moscow

  • nazi’s unprepared for russian winter

    • hitler - “no retreat!”

  • no territorial gain and 500,000 dead

us aid to allies

  • FDR goes against neutrality acts

    • cash and carry policy

      • allies can pay money and pick up materials themselves to bring back

    • lend-lease act

      • giving supplies but need to give it back when finished

lesson 2

japan’s pacific campaign

japan’s plan for southeast asia

  • us cracks code of japanese plans

    • aids china’s resistance

  • FDR shuts off oil shipments to japan

attack on pearl harbor

  • admiral isoroku yamamoto

    • calls for attack on us fleet in hawaii

day of infamy (dec 7, 1941)

  • japan launches attack on pearl harbor

  • FDR requests congress declare war

uss west virginia

  • engulfed in flames after japanese attack on pearl harbor

    • 19 ships sunk

    • 2300 americans killed

    • 1100 americans wounded

japanese victories

  • guam quickly falls

  • philippines next target - bataan peninsula

allies strike back

  • japan unbeatable?

  • us seeks revenge (for pearl harbor) → bomb tokyo

    • lieutenant colonel james h doolittle

    • psychological impact > physical

allies turn the tide

  • american morale goes up, japan confidence goes down

  • battle of the coral sea

    • new naval warfare - aircraft carriers

    • allies stop japan’s advances

the battle of midway (june 4, 1942)

  • decode japan’s plan

    • us admiral chester nimitz

  • allow japan to begin bombing island

    • us planes counterattack

    • major success - destroy 300+ planes

  • turning point in war of pacific

allied offensive

  • general douglas macarthur

    • strategy of “island hopping”

  • 1st target - guadalcanal

    • japan building air base

    • plan - quick strike

the battle of guadalcanal (aug 7, 1942 - feb 9, 1943)

  • intense 6 month battle

  • japan abandons “island of death”

lesson 3 - outline of holocaust

look in word

lesson 4

the allied victory

northern african campaign

  • allies launch operation torch

    • led by dwight d eisenhower (34th president)

    • crush nazi forces

battle of stalingrad (aug 23, 1942)

  • luftwaffe begins bombing stalingrad nightly

  • stalin - “defend it to the death”

battle of stalingrad

  • nazis control 90% → soviets launch counter attack

  • hitler orders “no retreat”

    • massive death count by both

    • put germany on defensive

mobilizing for war

  • total war = everything for war effort

    • 1939 - us produced around 3,000 military aircrafts

    • 1941-45 - us produced around 300,000 military aircrafts

  • factories converted for war, rationing

war limits civil rights

  • pearl harbor → prejudice vs japanese-americans

  • internment camps

    • prevent aiding japan

    • real threat?

planning for d-day

  • general dwight d eisenhower

  • storm beaches of normandy

  • decoy army to throw off hitler

d-day invasion (june 6, 1944)

  • operation overlord - largest attack in history

  • heavy allied casualties - 4,400 killed that day

d-day victory

  • allies hold the beaches

    • 1 million more troops arrive

  • victory march into paris

    • begin liberation

battle of the bulge

  • hitler’s move of desperation: avoid two front war

    • all out attack on west

    • allies push back and win

germany’s surrender

  • nazi’s surrounded - hitler and braun commit suicide

  • third reich surrenders

    • FDR died month earlier

  • war over in europe - truman becomes next president

japan in retreat

  • allies moving in on japan

    • no plan to surrender

    • only option: destroy us fleet

  • battle of leyte gulf

    • japan loses horribly

japan’s last effort

  • kamikaze attacks - suicide bombers

  • us marine victories

    • iwo jima and okinawa

japanese surrender

  • advisers warn of ground invasion

  • manhattan project

    • top secret - develop atomic bomb

dropping the atomic bombs

  • final warning to japan - “rain of ruin from the air”

  • hiroshima (aug 6, 1945) - little man

  • nagasaki (aug 9, 1945) - fat boy

  • ww2 over!

nuremberg trials

the nuremberg trials

  • 22 nazi leaders charged

    • ranging from life in prison to death penalty

    • some nazi leaders committed suicide even before sentences

    • bodies of executed burned in concentration camps

module 22 notes

lesson 1

hitler’s lightning war

germany’s new war in europe

  • hitler and stalin - nonaggression pact

    • agree to split poland

germany’s lightning attack (sept 1, 1939)

  • war on poland put in motion

    • britain/france declare war

    • hitler annexed western half of poland

  • blitzkrieg - “lightning war”

soviets make their move

  • stalin sends troops to east poland/northern nations

  • finland resists

    • soviets unprepared for war

    • soviets win, but huge losses

“the phony war”

  • britain and france mobilize armies

  • standoff at maginot line - “sitzkrieg”

  • hitler attacks - denmark and norway

rescue at dunkirk

  • germans had allies trapped → retreat to dunkirk

  • sacrifice troops at calais

  • heroic rescue by british

    • rescue 338,000 out of 400,000 soldiers

france falls (june 22, 1940)

  • french surrender at dunkirk

  • charles de gaulle - government in exile

    • goal = reconquer france/resist germans

the battle of britain (july 10 - oct 31, 1940)

  • winston churchill - never give in

  • hitler’s plan - destroy RAF (royal air force)

    • luftwaffe begins bombing britain

technology benefits RAF

  • radar - track enemy planes

  • enigma - decode german messages

  • battle of britain - hitler can be stopped

war in the balkans

  • hitler’s ultimate prize - attack the soviet union

    • wants bases in balkans

  • growing axis powers

hitler invades the soviet union (june 22, 1941)

  • operation barbarossa

    • soviets unprepared → scorched earth policy

  • hitler cuts off leningrad from soviet union

    • forced starvation → 1 million die

    • city refuses to fall

hitler’s attack on moscow

  • nazi’s unprepared for russian winter

    • hitler - “no retreat!”

  • no territorial gain and 500,000 dead

us aid to allies

  • FDR goes against neutrality acts

    • cash and carry policy

      • allies can pay money and pick up materials themselves to bring back

    • lend-lease act

      • giving supplies but need to give it back when finished

lesson 2

japan’s pacific campaign

japan’s plan for southeast asia

  • us cracks code of japanese plans

    • aids china’s resistance

  • FDR shuts off oil shipments to japan

attack on pearl harbor

  • admiral isoroku yamamoto

    • calls for attack on us fleet in hawaii

day of infamy (dec 7, 1941)

  • japan launches attack on pearl harbor

  • FDR requests congress declare war

uss west virginia

  • engulfed in flames after japanese attack on pearl harbor

    • 19 ships sunk

    • 2300 americans killed

    • 1100 americans wounded

japanese victories

  • guam quickly falls

  • philippines next target - bataan peninsula

allies strike back

  • japan unbeatable?

  • us seeks revenge (for pearl harbor) → bomb tokyo

    • lieutenant colonel james h doolittle

    • psychological impact > physical

allies turn the tide

  • american morale goes up, japan confidence goes down

  • battle of the coral sea

    • new naval warfare - aircraft carriers

    • allies stop japan’s advances

the battle of midway (june 4, 1942)

  • decode japan’s plan

    • us admiral chester nimitz

  • allow japan to begin bombing island

    • us planes counterattack

    • major success - destroy 300+ planes

  • turning point in war of pacific

allied offensive

  • general douglas macarthur

    • strategy of “island hopping”

  • 1st target - guadalcanal

    • japan building air base

    • plan - quick strike

the battle of guadalcanal (aug 7, 1942 - feb 9, 1943)

  • intense 6 month battle

  • japan abandons “island of death”

lesson 3 - outline of holocaust

look in word

lesson 4

the allied victory

northern african campaign

  • allies launch operation torch

    • led by dwight d eisenhower (34th president)

    • crush nazi forces

battle of stalingrad (aug 23, 1942)

  • luftwaffe begins bombing stalingrad nightly

  • stalin - “defend it to the death”

battle of stalingrad

  • nazis control 90% → soviets launch counter attack

  • hitler orders “no retreat”

    • massive death count by both

    • put germany on defensive

mobilizing for war

  • total war = everything for war effort

    • 1939 - us produced around 3,000 military aircrafts

    • 1941-45 - us produced around 300,000 military aircrafts

  • factories converted for war, rationing

war limits civil rights

  • pearl harbor → prejudice vs japanese-americans

  • internment camps

    • prevent aiding japan

    • real threat?

planning for d-day

  • general dwight d eisenhower

  • storm beaches of normandy

  • decoy army to throw off hitler

d-day invasion (june 6, 1944)

  • operation overlord - largest attack in history

  • heavy allied casualties - 4,400 killed that day

d-day victory

  • allies hold the beaches

    • 1 million more troops arrive

  • victory march into paris

    • begin liberation

battle of the bulge

  • hitler’s move of desperation: avoid two front war

    • all out attack on west

    • allies push back and win

germany’s surrender

  • nazi’s surrounded - hitler and braun commit suicide

  • third reich surrenders

    • FDR died month earlier

  • war over in europe - truman becomes next president

japan in retreat

  • allies moving in on japan

    • no plan to surrender

    • only option: destroy us fleet

  • battle of leyte gulf

    • japan loses horribly

japan’s last effort

  • kamikaze attacks - suicide bombers

  • us marine victories

    • iwo jima and okinawa

japanese surrender

  • advisers warn of ground invasion

  • manhattan project

    • top secret - develop atomic bomb

dropping the atomic bombs

  • final warning to japan - “rain of ruin from the air”

  • hiroshima (aug 6, 1945) - little man

  • nagasaki (aug 9, 1945) - fat boy

  • ww2 over!

nuremberg trials

the nuremberg trials

  • 22 nazi leaders charged

    • ranging from life in prison to death penalty

    • some nazi leaders committed suicide even before sentences

    • bodies of executed burned in concentration camps