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Questions on page 7

Explain two reasons why Christians believe in the trinity. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority. 

Two reasons why Christains believe in the trinity is because although the Nicene Creed expresses that there is one being - God, he is experienced as three persons as a Trinity: the Father, the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. Christians feel that belief in the Trinity helps them understand the different ways that God has shown his presence in the world. God the Son helps Christians understand God's love. In his life and teachings, Jesus showed God's love by healing and feeding people. Through his death, he showed how much God loves the world. The Holy Spirit helps Christians understand the presence of God in the world. Christians believe that the Holy Spirit is God's means of communicating with people, revealing God's presence in the world. Christians believe that through the presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives, God can strengthen and empower Christians.

‘’You can’t be a Christian if you don’t believe in the Trinity’’. Evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your answer you should:

  • Refer to christian teachings

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement, ‘’You can’t be a Christian if you don’t believe in the Trinity’’ we must consider the differing Christian points of view. 

Christian beliefs about the Holy trinity are clearly stated in the Nicene Creed. However there are different Christian understandings of the Trinity. Three main points of view come from Mormons, Unitarians and Jehovah’s Witnesses. The Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints, alternatively known as mormons believe that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are not one in substance or essence. Instead, they are three separate beings united in will and purpose as one God. Unitarians believe there is only one God and do not recognize Jesus as part of the Trinity. Rather, he was a man whose teachings and life gave him moral authority but not divinity. They believe that there is no difference between God and God the holy spirit. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jehovah is the only true God. Jesus was created by God and so is God's Son; The Holy Spirit is God's power applied to the world and is therefore not a person.

In conclusion, there are many different beliefs and interpretations of the Trinity within Christianity that are valid and therefore there are different types of christians.

Questions on page 156

Explain two reasons why the five roots are important for Shi’a Muslims. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority

Two reasons why the five roots are important for Shi’a Muslims are because the five roots arose to summarise what one must believe in order to be a Shi’a Muslim, therefore they are the basis of Shi'a Islam, and were what differentiates the beliefs of the Shi’a from the beliefs of the Sunnis. They are based on the Qur'an and the teachings of the Twelve Imams.

Shi’a muslims believe that unless they follow and believe the five roots, they will not be able to perform the acts of worship necessary to live the muslim life and go to heaven.

“It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you worship God and live a good life.” Evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your answer you should:

  • Refer to muslim points of view 

  • Refer to different Muslim points of view

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement “It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you worship God and live a good life.” we must consider both the Sunni and Shia points of view.

Sunni muslims believe that there are six principal beliefs that a muslim must believe to be accepted as a muslim. These six beliefs are: Belief in Allah, Belief in His angels, Belief in His holy books, Belief in His messengers, Belief in the Last day, Belief in life after death

However, Shi’a muslims believe in five roots. These five roots are: Belief in oneness of Allah, Belief in Allah’s justice, Belief in Allah’s prophets, Belief in the successors of Muhammad, Belief in the Day of Judgement.

In conclusion, there are different views in Islam on what you must believe in order to be accepted as a muslim. It is also important to note that the five roots are developed from the six beliefs. Hence there are certain beliefs that you have to follow.

Questions on page 11

Explain three ways in which Christians interpret the biblical accounts of creation. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority.  

Three ways in which Christians interpret the biblical accounts of creation are:

Firstly, Genesis 1 records that at the beginning of creation, ‘‘the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters’’, and it was the Spirit of God that created the universe out of nothing (nihilo) in 6 days, beginning with light and ending with creating humans, showing that god is all-powerful and is the creator of all.

Secondly, genesis 2 says that God created the heavens and earth, then created man (Adam), then vegetation, then animals and at last woman.

Lastly, John’s Gospel records ‘’in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the word was God.’’ (John 1:1), claiming everything was made through the Word and that without the Word ‘’nothing was made that has been made’’(John 1:3). John identifies the Word with Jesus, the Son, which the biblical creation shows was God who created, and which became flesh in Jesus and is the God christians believe to be a Trinity.(1) This answer should say how Christians explain the creation narratives not give the descriptions of them.  Literalist, conservative and liberal.

Please ask for help if you do not fully understand 

‘’It's hard to believe the biblical accounts of creation’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your answer you should:

  • Refer to christian teachings 

  • Refer to different christian points of view 

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement, “It's hard to believe the biblical accounts of creation” we must consider the differing Christian points of view.

Literalist Christians believe that the Bible is the actual word of God. This means that they believe that every word in the Bible is the Word of God and so is true. They believe that both accounts are correct and do not contradict each other. They interpret Genesis 1 as the overall broad picture of creation, whilst Genesis 2 as being just about Day 6 of the creation, with details of exactly how God created male and female and animals. Literalist christians do not accept scientific theories such as the big bang theory and evolution. 

Conservative christians believe that the Bible is the word of God, but not his direct words. That means they think that the writers of the Bible were inspired and guided by God, but they used their own ideas. Conservatives see the Bible as a book of faith rather than a scientific source, and therefore they do not regard Genesis 1 and 2 as absolute facts, but see Genesis 1 as generally factual and Genesis 2 as commentary on chapter 1. Conservatives accept the big bang theory and evolution.

Liberal christians believe that the Bible is a book about God, rather than a book of words from God. They feel that the Bible writers were people who had special insights or experiences of God which they told in their own way. Which means that liberal christians accept the possibility that there could be mistakes and contradictions in the Bible, but what matters are the big truths about God that the Bible contains. Such christians think that Genesis 1 to 3 have different human authors and that they are stories giving the important truth that everything was created by God and that the creation was good. Liberal christians accept the theories of evolution and the big bang theory. 

In conclusion, opinions on this differ within and outside of christianity, and it can be seen as doubtful, but the major significance of Christian beliefs about creation is that they show God’s goodness and the key teaching of the Bible is that God’s creation is good.

Questions on page 156

Explain two reasons why the five roots are important for Shi’a Muslims. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority

Two reasons why the five roots are important for Shi’a Muslims are because the five roots arose to summarise what one must believe in order to be a Shi’a Muslim, therefore they are the basis of Shi'a Islam, and were what differentiates the beliefs of the Shi’a from the beliefs of the Sunnis. They are based on the Qur'an and the teachings of the Twelve Imams.

Shi’a muslims believe that unless they follow and believe the five roots, they will not be able to perform the acts of worship necessary to live the muslim life and go to heaven.

“It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you worship God and live a good life.” Evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your answer you should:

  • Refer to muslim points of view 

  • Refer to different Muslim points of view

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement “It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you worship God and live a good life.” we must consider both the Sunni and Shia points of view.

Sunni muslims believe that there are six principal beliefs that a muslim must believe to be accepted as a muslim: believing in Allah, His holy books, angels and messengers, and the Last day and life after death. 

Shi'a Muslims believe in five roots: oneness of Allah, His justice, prophets and successors, and the Day of Judgement.

In conclusion, there are different views in Islam on what you must believe in order to be accepted as a muslim. It is also important to note that the five roots are developed from the six beliefs. Hence there are certain beliefs that you have to follow. Explain the differences between the Sunni and Shia in more detail

Questions on page 161

Explain two reasons why God’s justice is important for Muslims. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority. 

Two reasons why God’s justice is important for Muslims. Islamic teaching on the Last Day is concerned with the need for the good to be rewarded and the evil punished. The Qur’an teaches that God is a just God who will reward the good and punish the bad on the Last Day. Therefore Muslims need to work for justice so they are not sent to hell on the Last day. 

Allah’s justice means that muslims must work to make sure that all people have equal rights before the law and that muslims should work for a fairer sharing of the earth’s resources through the pillar of zakah. Muslims must behave justly to other people and ensure that the world is governed in a fair way by following the Shari’ah.

‘’No one knows what God is like’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your answer you should:

  • Refer to Muslim points of view 

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement, “no one knows what God is like” we must consider the differing Muslim points of view.

Muslims believe the universe was made by and belongs to one God, therefore the Muslim community must itself be a unity (ummah). Furthermore, there can only be one law for Muslims, Allah’s law, which is known as the Shari’ah. The most serious violation of the Shari'ah that a Muslim can commit is shirk, which involves associating others with Allah. This is why there can be no images or statues in the mosque and why Muslims decorate with calligraphy rather than representational art.

In conclusion, all muslims must believe in Tawhid (Belief in the Oneness of Allah) and must never associate others with Allah and must never picture Allah. Therefore no man could possibly know what God is like and it is a law for all Muslims. You must talk about the characteristics of Allah and also the immanence and transcendence of Allah in this answer

Questions on page 14

Explain two reasons why Christians believe Jesus was God incarnate. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority.

two reasons why Christians believe Jesus was God incarnate are:

Christians believe that Jesus was God incarnate, because Jesus’ birth fulfils the prophecy from the Old Testament. The prophecy states that a messiah will be born of a virgin

Christians believe that Jesus did not have a normal conception, but a normal birth because Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit rather than Joseph, so therefore Jesus is God's son and simultaneously God in flesh. As described in Matthew’s Gospels Jesus' mother, Mary, was a virgin during his birth, which is crucial for Christians as it demonstrates that Jesus was the Son of God and if Jesus was not conceived by the Holy Spirit, he would not be God incarnate but just a man.

 ‘’Jesus was God incarnate’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against, in your answer you should:

  • Refer to Christian teachings 

  • Reach a justified conclusion 

In evaluating the statement, “Jesus was God incarnate” we must consider the differing Christian points of view. There are different Gospels describing the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Matthew’s gospel tells about the prophecy and the conception of Jesus by the Holy Spirit, Luke’s gospel tells about the birth of Jesus and the triumphant entry to Jerusalem, and lastly John’s gospel tells about the incarnation theologically. The incarnation is important for Christians because it is the basis of the Christian faith. The incarnation is both the start of Christianity and the beginning of salvation from sin, therefore is very significant in Christian faith. 

In conclusion, all christians believe Jesus was God incarnate, following the different gospels describing that the embodiment of Jesus was the beginning and basis of christianity 

Questions on page 18

Explain two reasons why the events of his last days show the importance of Jesus. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority.

Two reasons why the events of his last day show the importance of Jesus can be shown through two events of his last days, sourced in Luke’s gospel. The crucifixion of Jesus and his death on the cross in his last days is perceived as a sacrificial act for the salvation of mankind. This event is highly significant to Christians because it serves as a means for the forgiveness of human sins and as a demonstration of God’s love. 

The resurrection of Jesus on the third day after his crucifixion is another significant event in his last days. His rising from the dead signifies his authority over life and death, emphasising his significance as the source of hope, salvation, and the assurance of eternal life. The event is regarded as a demonstration of his divine nature, extraordinary power and the promise of eternal life, reinforcing his significance as a divine figure.

Collectively, these two events show Jesus’ divinity and his central role in the christian faith. They show how his actions, especially in his last days, form the foundation of the faith and continue to resonate as fundamental principles of Christian belief and practice.

‘’The resurrection of Jesus is the most important event in the life of Jesus’’ Evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should:

  • Refer to Christian teachings 

  • Reach a justified conclusion 

In evaluating the statement ‘’the resurrection of Jesus is the most important event in the life of Jesus’’ we must consider the differing Chritisian points of view. Certainly, the resurrection of Jesus carries immense importance as it marks the inception of Christianity. It serves as the starting point of Christianity as its own religion, which led to the creation of the gospels that tell us about Jesus now. The event is important for affirming Jesus' divinity and his message of hope and salvation.

However, we must also consider many other events, such as the birth of Jesus himself. The birth of Jesus is considered fundamental because it establishes the presence of God in the world in a tangible way for the very first time. Jesus’ birth was an event that provided the necessary context for the resurrection to hold its significance, without it the subsequent events leading to the resurrection wouldn't have taken place. The incarnation is seen as the very starting point, making it a critical element of Christian faith.

In conclusion, many events in the life of Jesus contribute in various ways to the significance of Christian faith, and are all interconnected to form the foundation and teachings of Christianity. However, it can be reasonably argued that the birth of Jesus holds a particularly crucial role as it serves as the very beginning and is of even greater importance compared to the subsequent resurrection. Mention all the events in the last days of Jesus in this answer

Questions on page 166

Explain two beliefs which the prophets teach Muslims

Two beliefs which the prophets teach muslims are Allah’s true messages that  muslims should follow. All prophets lived lives that could be taken as an example of a perfect muslim life, but the sunnah of Muhhamad has to be the most important one as Muhhamad was the final prophet and Muhhamad was the one to receive all of Allah’s message in a way that could not be distorted or forgotten. Another belief that the prophet Muhhamad teaches Muslims is to treat the Qur’an respectfully and to read it regularly so as to not forget or ignore any of its messages.

‘’Prophets show how much God loves humanity’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your answer you should:

  • Refer to Muslim points of view 

  • Reach a justified conclusion 

In evaluating the statement ‘’Prophets show how much God loves humanity’’ we must consider the different roles in prophets. According to the Qur’an, the first prophet of Islam was Adam, and so he was the first man. Allah created him to be Allah’s vicegerent to look after the earth for Allah in the way Allah wanted. Initially, Adam and his wife Hawwa lived in the garden and eventually disobeyed Allah and had to leave the garden to live on earth. Allah forgave them and gave Adam his guidance, thus Adam became the first prophet, and in his thanks, Adam built a house for Allah in Makkah called the Ka’aba.

Muslims consider Ibrahim as the second greatest prophet before Isa. Ibrahim was born into a polytheistic family, which shows that the message of the previous prophets hadn’t been impactful enough, however, Ibrahim argued with his father and his father’s people about the wrongness of false gods, and rejected polytheism. When the people tried to burn Ibrahim, Allah saved him and condemned idolatry and thus showed the people the truth of Islam. The Quran recorded that Ibrahim has a vision from Allah where he sacrificed his son. His son urged him to obey Allah’s order in the vision, but as Ibrahim was about to sacrifice his son Allah stopped them and rewarded them for being obedient and doing right.

His son, Isma’il, was Ibrahim’s eldest son that helped him in rebuilding the Ka’aba and establishing it as a place of pilgrimage. Isma’il is considered as the prophet of the Arabs and is believed by Muslims to be the ancestor of Muhammad.

Musa has more mentions in the Qur’an than any other prophet. The Qur’an records that Musa was born a jew but brought up by Pharaoh’s wife. He killed an egyptian and fled to Midian before getting called by Allah to go back to Egypt to lead the jewish people out of slavery and into god’s promised land. Musa was then chosen to receive the holy book of Tawrat (Torah), but the people rejected or distorted his message. 

The Qur’an then says that because of the distortion of the Tawrat, Dawud the great king of Israel, was chosen as the next prophet and was given the holy book of Zabur (Psalms). The Zabur was not written down until long after Dawud’s death, so it was never written down properly except as one part in the Quran.

In the Qur’an, there is a surah fully dedicated to Isa and his virgin mother Maryam. In this Surah, it is recorded that Maryam never had sex and conceived Isa by the power of Allah. According to the Qur’an, the Jewish authorities wanted to execute Isa through crucifixion, but Allah prevented it from happening and took Isa to heaven. The Qur’an records many miracles of Isa such as healing powers and raising the dead, but the Qur’an makes it very clear that Isa was just an ordinary man and a prophet, not the son of God.

The Quran refers to Muhammad as the apostle of Allah, Allah’s messenger and Allah’s prophet. Muhammad was sent by Allah after the previous messages of the prophets were distorted and/or forgotten to bring a final message to humanity that could never be distorted. His message must be followed and those who follow his message will be rewarded, and those who don’t will be punished. In that way, Muhammad’s life is also taken as a perfect example for muslim people to follow. 

In conclusion, Allah sent the prophets for a variety of purposes, but they were all sent because of his love for people. The prophets convey Allah's message to humanity and teach them the principles of Islam. They also set an example for Muslims to follow. But because the majority of the messages shared by the prophets were either distorted or ignored, Allah gave humanity one final, clear message through the prophet Muhammad for people to follow.

Questions on page 22

Explain two reasons why christians believe salvation is important. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority

Two reasons why christians believe salvation is important are because, for some christians, salvation is important because without salvation from sin they will not be able to go to heaven and have a proper relationship with God, and send them to purgatory or hell after death. Salvation is the only way Christians can have eternal life with God, perfect beyond description as described in the Bible. For other christians, salvation and atonement is important because it inspires them to live a good christian life which will bring them salvation. Salvation was the whole purpose of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus who brought forgiveness of sins and the assurance of eternal life through his death on the cross.

‘’Only those who have been saved from sin will get to heaven’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should:

  • Refer to Christian teachings

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’Only those who have been saved from sin will get to heaven’’ we must consider the differing christian points of view. 

Many christians believe that those who die with unforgiven sins will not be able to get to heaven and that salvation is essential to have a relationship with God while on earth and to have an eternal life with God in heaven after. However there are different interpretations of how Jesus' death brought atonement and salvation in christianity.

The roman catholic church believes that christ offered himself as a sacrifice for satisfaction of human sin as an act of love. His sacrifice is a sign of God’s love for humanity.

The evangelical protestant church believes that God’s justice meant that he needed to punish human sin, but rather than punishing humans he took the punishment on himself through jesus’ death on the cross. Jesus acted as a substitute to atone for all of the sins of humanity.

The liberal protestant church believes that Jesus brought atonement through acting as a moral example to christians. They believe that salvation comes from the example Jesus set through his teachings, his life and his death on the cross to show God’s love for humanity. In response to the love Jesus showed, humans are inspired to follow his example and live a good christian life and repent their sins. By doing these things humans can be reunited with God.

In conclusion, there are many different views within Christianity on what a person must do to get to heaven, But they commonly emphasise honouring Jesus’ sacrifice and reflect on their sins in order to be reunited with God after death.

Questions on page 171

Explain two reasons why there are Muslim holy books other than the Qur’an. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority.

Two reasons why there are muslim books other than the Qur’an are because the previous messages were all aiming to deliver Allah’s message to humanity. The existence of multiple holy books in Islam can be understood as evidence of the continuity of communication with God throughout history. However, all of the messages entrusted to the prophets were either disregarded or distorted. So Allah sent one final incorruptible message to humanity in the form of the Qur’an. The main source of wisdom and authority in Islam that confirms that the Qur’an as the last and final message of Allah is the Qur’an itself. The Qur’an explicitly states itself as the final and unchangeable message of Allah.

‘’The Qur’an is God’s final word to humanity and so should be obeyed.’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your answer you should:

  • Refer to muslim points of view

  • Refer to different muslim points of view

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating this statement ‘’The Qur’an is God’s final word to humanity and so should be obeyed.’’ we must consider the different muslim points of view. The Qur’an is one final and clear message of Allah that can not be altered because it is the eternal word of God sent to humanity after multiple previous attempts where his message was distorted, however the Qur’an is direct words of God and so it must be all true and muslims must follow everything in it if they want to want to do what God wants them to do. Omnipotence of God is one of the fundamental teachings of the Qur’an, there can be no greater authority than the Qur’an for muslims, the Qur’an tells them what to believe and follow. The Qur’an also teaches to believe in God's messengers and holy books, including the messages of the previous prophets, although they are distorted, they can still be followed and are frequently mentioned in the Qur’an itself. 

In conclusion, the Qur'an tells the significance of God's messengers and past holy books, acknowledging their corruptions while emphasising their divine value. Muslims are must follow the Qur'an without question as it represents the direct and undistorted message of Allah. While the stories of the prophets in the Qur'an are valued, the decision to follow the previous books is optional, as they still hold divine value. Good answer, but reference the previous holy books by name and prophets

Questions on page 26

Explain two reasons why beliefs about life after death are important for Christians. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority

Two reasons why beliefs about life after death are important to christians are because Christians believe that after death they will be judged by God by how they have lived in this life, they will get to heaven only if they have lived a good christian life. Christians try to live a good christian life following the teachings of the Bible and the church so that they get to heaven in the afterlife. Another thing Christians believe is that sin can stop them from going to heaven. Some Christians believe that those who die with unforgiven sins will go to hell, and other christians such as the roman catholic church believe that those with unforgiven sins will go to purgatory to be purified before they reach heaven. Because of that, Christians will try to avoid commiting sins in order to live a good christian life and go to heaven.

‘’Only those who believe in Jesus will go to heaven’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should:

  • Refer to Christian teachings

  • Refer to different Christian points of view

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’Only those who believe in Jesus will go to heaven’’ we must consider the differing christian points of view. 

All christians believe that heaven is a place of everlasting life where people reunite with God after death, however different christians may describe the path to heaven and hell. The common understanding of hell is the opposite of heaven, it is a place of suffering away from the presence of God. Most catholics believe that all christians and any good followers of any religion who have lived a good life may go to heaven eventually, but everyone else would go to hell. Some exceptional christians believe that only good christians will go to heaven and all the bad christians and followers of any other religions will go to hell. Similarly, other christians believe that all the generally good people will go to heaven regardless of what they believe, and all the bad people will go to hell. Other christians believe that there is no hell at all, only levels of heaven that everyone will eventually get to. 

Within christianity there are also two branches that diverge people’s beliefs regarding the fate of the soul and body. Some christians believe in the immortality of the soul, which originated from the belief that Jesus became a spirit after his ascension. They believe that the soul is immortal and when the body dies, it leaves to reunite with god. These christians also believe that there is a spirit world where God can be experienced in a much more immediate way than on earth. Some of these christians believe that the afterlife is determined by how the people lived their lives and what they believed in. They believe that good christians will go to heaven and everyone else will go to a spiritual form of hell. Or some don’t believe in any form of hell and just believe that all souls will have the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and move their way up in heaven until they reach the presence of God. 

Other christians, such as Protestants, believe in the full resurrection of the body. The origin of this belief can be traced back to Jesus’s body physically rising from the dead, with a body different from his earthly body. Such Christians believe that when people die, their soul remains in the grave until the Last Day, which will follow the Second Coming of Jesus where Jesus will return to earth to declare the end of the world. In that moment, the dead will be raised and both the living and the dead will receive a resurrected body free of any illness. Final judgement will then follow, and everyone will be judged on how they have lived their life and what their beliefs were. By the belief of some christians, those christians who have been born again and have repented of their sins will be forgiven and will go to heaven for eternity, while everyone else will go to hell for eternity because they have rejected God’s love.

In conclusion, there are many divergent beliefs regarding the afterlife in christianity. While all christians share the concept of heaven as a realm of ultimate connection with God after death, the beliefs vary on the nature of hell and the path towards salvation.

Questions on page 174

Explain two of the roles of angels in Islam. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority

Two roles angels play in Islam involve, as creations of Allah, their primary and main duty of praising Allah. In Islam, angels are tasked with a continuous and devoted act of praising Allah. As beings created by Allah, they exist to fulfil His divine commands and express eternal devotion. This act is not just a routine task but a vital demonstration of their obedience and acknowledgment of Allah's authority.

Second role angels play in Islam is to communicate Allah’s messages to humans. The Qur’an teaches that Allah created the malaikah as immortal beings without free will, and so are unable to commit sin. Because they are sinless, angels can have direct contact with Allah and deliver his message to humans. Muslims believe that the greatness of Allah is far too holy to communicate directly with humans, so angels act as a way of communication between God and Humanity.

There are also angels entrusted to guard the gates of hell, and others are responsible for even more specialised tasks, like Mika’il, whose job includes sending down rain to nourish the earth.

‘’Without angels there would be no islam’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should:

  • Refer to Muslim points if view

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’Without angels there would be no islam’’ we must consider the different angels and their importance.

Jibril holds the chief position among angels, and as outlined in the Qur'an, his primary role is to convey Allah's messages to the prophets, who then convey them to humanity.

Jibril conveyed many important messages to various prophets, informing Ibrahim of the birth of his sons, the prophet Zechariah of the birth of Yahya, and revealing the virgin birth of Isa to Maryam. However, Jibril's primary role was revealing the Qur’an to Muhammad, which lasted for the next twenty years.

Mika’il is the second most important angel, who is believed to be the guardian of heaven, protecting it from evil and the devil himself. He also nourishes the earth by sending rain down to earth. There is only one reference to Mika’il in the Quran which states ‘’whoever is an enemy of God or his angels or his apostles or Jibril or Mika’il, verily God is an enemy of the unbelievers (Surah 2.98)’’ which emphasises the concept of faith and the consequences of opposing God or his angels.

Izra’il, as the angel of death, takes the souls of people after death and returns them to Allah. Izra’il acts at Allah’s command because it is Allah alone who decides when a person will die. There are several Hadith that record the prophets meeting Izra'il during their lifetime and say that Izra’il is the one who watches over the dying. 

In conclusion, angels play a crucial role in the emergence and maintenance of Islam by performing necessary tasks such as delivering Allah’s messages, protecting the gates of heaven and completion of various other important tasks. Of particular importance is the role of Jibril, who revealed the Qur’an to Muhammad, marking the inception of Islam. Nevertheless, it is important to recognise Allah’s omnipotence. This implies that, even in the absence of angels, Allah possesses the power and knowledge to bring islam into existence.

Questions on page 29

Explain two reasons why evil and suffering in the world cause problems for Christian beliefs about the nature of God. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority.  

Two reasons why evil and suffering in the world is a problem for christian beliefs about the nature of God are because of the omnipotence and omniscience of God. The Christian teachings about God include the belief in His omniscience, which means that God has the knowledge of all things all of the time, for past, present and future. This implies that God is aware of all instances of evil and suffering occurring in the world. 

Furthermore, the christian teachings also include the belief in His omnipotence, meaning that He possesses absolute unlimited power and is capable of anything, including stopping evil and suffering in the world. The question arises when considering why an omnipotent and omniscient God allows natural and moral suffering to persist in the world despite having the ability to acknowledge it and stop it.

evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your answer you should:

  • Refer to Christian teachings  

  • Reach a justified conclusion

 In evaluating the statement ‘’Evil and suffering are the fault of humans’’ we must consider the different Christian views. 

Suffering can be divided into two distinct groups: natural and moral suffering. Moral suffering refers to suffering that comes from human actions, such as violence. Natural suffering refers to suffering caused by natural disasters such as earthquakes, diseases and other things considered out of human control. God intentionally granted people free will, permitting them to misuse it and, as a result, making human choices accountable for evil and suffering. The genesis says, ‘’God saw all that he had made, and it was very good’’ which implies that God created a world that was initially good, and it was human disobedience as the original sin that brought suffering into the world. 

However not all suffering can be attributed to human actions, natural disasters such as a tsunami, which are considered beyond human ability to control.

In conclusion, there are questions about to which extent humans are to blame for suffering, but in Christianity, the common belief is that suffering was brought through the original sin and human free will.

Questions on page 176

Explain two reasons why Muslims believe in al-Qadir. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority.

Two reasons why Muslims believe in al-Qadir are rooted in the omniscience of Allah. The Qur'an teaches that Allah is all knowing, ensuring that every event in the life of any human is a part of His divine plan. Therefore Muslims do not need to worry about their long term future because God is in full control of it, and any sufferings Muslims undergo can be accepted as a part of God’s plan with the assurance of a positive outcome in the end.

‘’Nothing happens unless God wants it to’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your answer you should

  • Refer to Muslim points of view

  • Refer to different Muslim points of view

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating this statement ‘’Nothing happens unless God wants it to’’ we must consider the different Muslim points of view. Al-Qadir, meaning fate or predestination, suggests that everything in the universe is following a divine plan of God. The concept of al-Qadir is approached differently within the Shia and Sunni branches of Islam. 

Shia Muslims, particularly those influenced by Mu'tazilite theology, emphasise the idea of human free will. They believe that Allah granted humans the freedom to make moral decisions, therefore they can be judged by God on the Last Day as they are responsible for their own actions.

Sunni Muslims tend to follow the explanation of another theologian, al’Ashari, which emphasises Allah's divine knowledge and predestination. While it acknowledges human free will to some extent, it mainly makes a point that God, being omniscient, is aware of all human actions before they occur. Allah knows what people will do, but they do it out of their own free will.

In conclusion, Sunni and Shia have differing understandings of al Qadir, with Sunni Muslims emphasising Allah’s divine knowledge and awareness of human actions, acknowledging some degree of free will, while Shia Muslims, emphasise human free will and individual responsibility. I lean towards agreement with the Sunni point of view because I believe in the idea of people holding responsibility for their actions, and to me, this perspective aligns better with the concept of the omniscience of Allah without conflicting with it.

Questions on page 180

Explain two different Muslim views about the final judgement. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority.  

Two different muslim views about the final judgement revolve around the Surah (4:123) ‘’whoever does evil will be requited accordingly, nor will he find, besides God, any protector or helper’’ and its different interpretations.

Most Muslims believe it means that the final judgement on the Last Day will be based on both faith and action, since there are many references in the Qur’an where both who have sinned and those who have rejected faith being sent to hell despite living a ’’good life’’. Consequently, the belief that only good Muslims will pass the final judgement is highly common.

Some Muslims interpret the verse as a means that God will intercede for His followers who have tried their best to be good Muslims, regardless of the sins they have committed. After all, one of the main teachings of the Qur’an is the mercifulness and compassion of Allah for His people. Similar Muslim belief is that Muhammad is the one who will intercede for his followers who have sinned for God to accept the intercession.

‘’When you’re dead, you’re dead and that’s the end of you’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your answer you should:

  • Refer to Muslim points of view 

  • Refer to different Muslim points of view 

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’When you’re dead, you’re dead and that’s the end of you’’ we must consider the different Muslim points of view. 

One of the common Muslim beliefs about afterlife is that after death souls stay in the grave until the Last Day comes, is easily challenged by the Qur’anic teaching that those who die in the process of a holy act like the hajj or fighting in a holy war will go straight to heaven. Some Muslims interpret these verses to claim that the afterlife is spiritual and that people’s souls are judged immediately after death, and then get to heaven or hell.

The opinions start to differ on what happens during Barzakh. Some Muslims believe that after death, souls are visited by the angel of death and get questioned about their faith. If they answer accordingly with the true Muslim belief, they are shown their place in heaven and look at it until they are raised on the Last Day. If they answer wrongly, they are beaten with clubs until the Last Day when they will get sent to hell. Other Muslims believe that the soul hovers over the grave until the Last Day, or the soul simply sleeps until the Last Day so that Barzakh will just seem like a moment between death and the final day of the judgement, as described in the Qur’an quotation in the margin. Those are the many reasons why Muslims are so careful with the body after death, and insist on burial rather than cremation.

In conclusion, Although ideas vary regarding the duration in the grave and the details of the judgement, many Muslims generally agree on the belief in a meaningful existence after physical death and the expectation of the Last Day.

Questions on page 220

Explain two reasons why justice is important for either muslims or jews. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority. 

Two reasons why justice is important for muslims can be derived from the 99 names of Allah, four of which are the Judge, the Utterly Just, the Truth and the Equitable. As God Himself is just, then justice must be of the highest importance for muslims. Justice is considered a fundamental principle in Islam because it is explicitly commanded by God in many Qur’anic verses, such as surah 16:90 ‘’God commands justice, the doing of good… and He forbids all shameful deeds and injustice’’ 

Islamic teachings regarding the Last Day revolve around the necessity of rewarding the good and punishing the evil, forming the basis for principles of justice.

‘’It is more important that the justice system protects society from crime than that it gives justice to the victims of crime’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your answer you should:

  • Refer to muslims or jewish points of view 

  • Refer to non-religious points of view 

  • Reach a justified conclusion 

In evaluating the statement ‘’It is more important that the justice system protects society from crime than that it gives justice to the victims of crime’’ we must consider the different christian points of view. Muslims believe that all people should have equal rights before the law and there are many principles on equality in the islamic justice system. However, Islam teaches that the victim is totally innocent and that it is only just when the victim receives justice from the perpetrator. 

Non religious people might prioritise punishment to the perpetrator over compensation to the victim. The fear of severe consequences can discourage potential offenders, leading to a safer society. This approach emphasises the well-being of the wider community rather than individual cases. In some cases, ensuring justice for every victim can strain limited resources in the justice system. Prioritising the prevention of future crimes can lead to more efficient allocation of resources. However, victims' rights are a critical aspect of justice, and prioritising the protection of society should not come at the expense of ignoring the needs and rights of those affected by criminal acts. 

In conclusion, Islam teaches to protect and ensure justice for the victim, while trying to maintain the balance between social protection and justice for individual victims. Achieving the right balance is essential to maintaining a justice system that not only prevents crime, but also upholds the principles of fairness, equity and respect for individual rights.

Questions on page 39

Explain two reasons why christians get married. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority.

Two reasons why christians get married come from biblical verses.The christian church teaches that God created marriage so that a couple can have a lifelong relationship, in which they can have the support and comfort of each other and so that children can be raised in a christian family, to later become a member of the Christ’s church. The verse ‘’In marriage, God joins the couple together in a sacred bond that humans have no right to break. So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God had joined together, let no one separate’’ implies that marriage is a way for the couple to gain God’s grace and guidance in their married life. In both the Catholic and Orthodox churches, marriage holds significance as a part of the seven sacraments, and as such seen not only as a sacred union between a man and a woman, but also a sign of divine commitment. Christians also believe that the marital relationship is the exclusive and only appropriate way for Christians to engage in a sexual relationship.

‘’Marriage is more important for christians than for non-religious people’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your answer you should:

  • Refer to christian teachings 

  • Refer to different christian or non-religious points of view

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’Marriage is more important for christians than for non-religious people’’ we must consider different christian and non-religious points of view.

The christian church teaches that marriage as a sacrament not only involves the groom and the bride, but also God himself and is a way for God to join the couple together in a sacred bond. Christians believe that marriage was established by God as a way of preserving society, and for christians, marriage can be seen as a significant act of commitment to God. Therefore, Christians may favour marriage because of their commitment to these religious principles, seeing it as a way to live a morally upright life.

However, people have different values and priorities regardless of religious affiliation. Non-religious people may view marriage as a social or legal contract rather than a religious sacrament, and so the importance assigned to it may differ. Some non-religious people may place a high value on committed relationships and family without a religious context. As on the contrary, some Christians may not prioritise marriage due to personal circumstances or different interpretations of their faith.

In conclusion, the importance of marriage varies among both religious and non-religious people. While Christians may often see marriage as a significant part of their faith, non-religious individuals may find significance of marriage in personal values, cultural norms, or legal factors.

Questions on page 224

Explain two ways in which Muslims try to stop people committing crime 

Two ways in which Muslims try to stop people committing crime come from the principles of Qur’an, which strictly prohibit any kind of intoxicants. Muslims are taught that intoxicants are a means by which Satan tries to keep people away from God and from saying their prayers. Prophet Muhammad has also said several times that Muslims must never drink alcohol and must not have anything to do with the production or sale of alcohol.

Another way Muslims stop people from committing crime is through banning gambling and the use of interest in order to prevent poverty and the later desperate situation which could make people turn to crime. Islam encourages Muslims to share their wealth, organise supporting charities, and let people off their debts.

‘’Religion could do a lot more to prevent crime’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should: 

  • Refer to Muslim points of view

  • Refer to non-religious points of view 

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’Religion could do a lot more to prevent crime’’ we must consider the differing muslims and non-religious points of view. 

Islam deals with the problem of upbringing by guiding Muslims parents on how to raise their children. Islam teaches that children are a gift from God, and on the Last Day, Muslim parents will be judged by how well they raised their children. Muslim parents are expected to teach their kids what is right and wrong, and to introduce them into faith through observing Salah and Ramadan at home, and ensure they go to the madrasah. Additionally, many Mosques provide family support in case the family is struggling. By following these principles, Islam ensures a good upbringing of kids which helps prevent crime. There are several Muslim organisations such as ‘’the Muslim Chaplains’ Association’’, which aim to to support Muslim prison chaplains in their work towards resettlement of prisoners and prevention of them reoffending on release. Muslim chaplains have been providing pastoral care in prisons voluntarily since the 1970s, and regularly organises meetings of chaplains all over the UK to share their challenge and good practices against them.

Another organisation such as the ‘’Mosaic’’, is a mentoring programme organised to help mainly for Muslim prisoners to provide them support six months prior to release and at least six months post release. Volunteers mentor prisoners by helping them find work, home, and prepare for life outside prison by regularly visiting to support if problems arise. It has shown good progress and the reoffending rates of prisoners supported by Mosaic is up to 20 percent lower than national average.

However, we must consider the non-religious point of view. It is also the government’s responsibility to minimise and handle crime, whether the country is religious or not. The government must establish safe and working laws to prevent crime.

In conclusion, Islam handles crime according to the principles given out by God and by organising supporting organisations for the purpose of resettlement of prisoners, but it is the government’s responsibility to establish safe laws and ensure the safety of their country.

Questions on page 44

Explain two ways why any Christians are against people having sex before they are married. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority. 

Two ways why Christians are against people having sex before they are married come from the Christian teachings. 

Firstly, Christianity teaches that sex is a sacred gift from God meant for the exclusive union of one man and one woman within the bonding of marriage. It is intended to bring joy, pleasure, and emotional bonding to married couples, as well as serve the purpose of procreation. 

Secondly, according to Biblical teachings, engaging in sexual activity outside of marriage contradicts God's intentions and is considered sinful. Christians are highly encouraged to follow the teachings from the Bible regarding sexual relationships.

‘’Non-religious people have the most sensible attitude to homosexuality’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should: 

  • Refer to Christian teachings 

  • Refer to different Christian or non-religious points of view 

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’Non-religious people have the most sensible attitude to homosexuality’’ we must consider the differing Christian and non-religious points of view. 

Catholics believe that being homosexual is not a sin, but that engaging in homosexual sexual relationships is sinful. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, which all Catholics should follow, teaches that marriage is exclusive to one man and one woman for the purpose of procreation, which is not possible for homosexuals. The Bible condemns homosexual sexual activity, but it does not oppose civil partnerships. The Church teaches that everyone has human dignity because they are made in the image of God, and so it is sinful to discriminate against homosexuals.

Evangelical protestants regard homosexuality as a sin. They believe that the salvation of Christ can remove all sins, including homosexuality. Some hold special prayers to give homosexuals the power of the Spirit to change their sexual orientation. They believe that homosexuality is sinful because all the Churches in the past have taught it that way, despite some accepting homosexuality now. They believe that the Bible is the direct Word of God, and the Bible condemns homosexuality in some passages of both New and Old Testaments. However, the Evangelical church repudiates homophobia and encourages the Churches to welcome homosexuals as any other person.

Liberal Protestants believe that lifelong homosexual relationships are acceptable and are welcomed into the Church. They are happy to provide blessings for civil partnerships but not same-sex marriage, as they view it as inequitable to heterosexual marriage, In exception of some Protestants (such as Quakers) who are happy to celebrate same sex weddings in their Churches and are happy for homosexuals to be ministers and priests. Liberal Protestants believe that the teachings of the Bible need reinterpreting and that the messages condemning homosexuality are a reflection of the Jewish culture at the time and not the Word of God. They believe that Christians should be open and honest, and refusing to homosexual Christians encourages them to be dishonest. They regard belief in love and acceptance as a major Christian belief, which means that homosexuals must be accepted.

Non religious attitudes, such as Atheists and Humanists, see no problems with same-sex marriage and sexual relationships. They regard people’s sexuality as their own concern unless it interferes with other people’s human rights. This is primarily because all the Christian arguments come from religious beliefs, so if people have no religion they have no reason for disapproving of homosexuality.

In conclusion, the majority of Christian perspectives tend to oppose same-sex marriage or homosexual sexual practices but are okay with civil partnerships and advocate against discrimination, whilst Non-Religious viewpoints perceive homosexuality as acceptable as long as it respects the human rights of others and does not interfere with them

Questions on page 227

Explain two reasons why evil and suffering cause problems for Muslims 

Two reasons why evil and suffering causes problems for Muslims are based on the characteristics of Allah. One could argue that, if Allah is omnibenevolent, then he must want to remove evil and suffering from the world since they are the root of unhappiness. Furthermore, if Allah is omnipotent, then he is capable of removing all evil and suffering from the world. This raises a question regarding the existence of Allah, since if Allah does exist, it follows that there should be no evil or suffering in the world. As there is evil and suffering in the world, either Allah is not omnipotent, not omnibenevolent, or Allah does not exist.

‘’Evil and suffering are not a problem if you believe in God’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should: 

  • Refer to Muslim points of view

  • Refer to different Muslim or non-religious points of view 

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’Evil and suffering are not a problem if you believe in God’’ we must consider the differing points of view. 

The Qur’an teaches that God is good and only wants good, and so there must be good reasons for evil and suffering, but humans are not able to understand these reasons as God is much greater than humans. Life is a period of testing and is full of temptations, constantly testing Muslims’ belief in Islam. Those that will remain faithful through the trials will be rewarded with eternity in paradise at the final judgement. However, Islam also teaches Muslims to work actively on removing evil and suffering, hence organisations such as ‘’Mosaic’’ were made. Muslims respond to evil through helping those who are suffering, either practically or through prayer, and those who help the suffering will be rewarded by God on the Last Day.

However, we must consider the non-religious point of view. Natural evil makes non-religious people question ro reject God’s existence. Many non-religious people, atheists and Humanists find it hard to believe that an all good God would have designed a world that had natural evils. Most non-religious people believe the scientific explanation that bad things happen as a result of the earth evolving by accident from the big bang.

In conclusion, religious people accept evil and suffering as God’s will and believe that God has good reasons for evil and suffering, while non-religious people tend to handle evil and suffering as a result of evolution. 

Questions on page 49

Explain two reasons why there are more single-parent and blended families than there used to be 

Two reasons why there are more single-parent and blended families than there used to be can be attributed to two key factors: divorce and remarriage.

Divorce, the legal termination of a marriage, has become more common as societal attitudes toward marriage have evolved. As couples face challenges in their relationships, many opt for divorce as a solution, leading to an increase in single-parent households. Furthermore, remarriage, the act of marrying again after a previous marriage has ended, contributes to the formation of blended families. Individuals who have divorced often choose to remarry, thereby forming new unions that include stepparents, step siblings, and biological children from previous relationships.

‘’The family is more important for Christians than for non-religious people’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should: 

  • Refer to Christian teachings 

  • Refer to different Christian points of view 

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’The family is more important for Christians than for non-religious people’’ we must consider the differing Christian points of view. All Christians believe that the family was created by God as the basic unit of society and the primary environment for raising children. One of the main purposes of Christian marriage is to have children and bring them up in a loving Christian environment, fostering their love for God. Families play a crucial role in introducing children to the faith through baptism, church attendance, and moral education. Parents bear the responsibility of meeting their children's physical, material, and moral needs, while children are expected to care for their parents in old age. However, some Christians believe it is not the role of the family to make Christians and that the purpose of the family is to provide love, security, education, and a Christian upbringing, but that it is not the duty of children to obey their parents, and a Christian family should encourage children to develop their own ideas to make sure that children are educated to think for themselves, which may potentially lead to different ideas from their parents. Christian teachings emphasise the importance of marriage and encourage parents to stay together for the well-being of their children. For many Christians, family is considered to be the most important part of society, believing that without the family society would collapse. However, some Christians believe that there are more important things than the family for Christians. Marriage is not compulsory for Christians and many Christians feel they can serve God best by remaining single, for example Roman Catholic priests, nuns and monks leave their families to serve God.

In conclusion, there are many differing Christian attitudes regarding the importance of family. Some prioritise family bonds, while others focus on the broader Christian community. Despite these differences, many Christians see family as crucial for love, support, and spiritual development.

Questions on page 52

Explain two ways in which local parishes provide support for families 

Two ways in which local parishes provide support for families are through education and counselling. Most parishes have a local Church primary and secondary school connected to them, which help raise and educate young children to worship alongside standard education. The school buildings are provided and maintained by the Church but the equipment and teachers are paid by the state. Many churches also run Sunday Schools where children can learn about Christian faith in a child-centred environment, while their parents attend Church. There are also counselling services run by the Church which provide support to Christian families and remind parents of the importance of keeping their marriage vows and the family. Clergy in the local Church are available for help with counselling families on familial or marital problems. 

‘’Parents don’t need help from the local parish church to raise their family’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should: 

  • Refer to Christian teachings 

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’Parents don’t need help from the local parish church to raise their family’’ we must consider the christian teachings. Support from the Church is important for Christian families because raising kids with Christian values means regularly attending church, which requires the Church's assistance. Teaching children about Christianity requires expertise in the faith that parents may lack, making Church schools and Sunday Schools crucial. For Catholic, Anglican and Orthodox families, taking part in the sacraments is important and that requires the help of the Church. Being part of the Church community offers families comfort and strength, and knowing the local parish is praying for them gives them God's strength.

However, parents who do not adhere to standard teachings or practices of Christianity may not see the need for involvement with the local parish church in raising their family due to personal beliefs and may have other sources of support, such as extended family, friends, or community organisations, that provide sufficient assistance without involvement from the local parish church.

In conclusion, the role of the local parish Church in supporting Christian families is highly important as it provides essential guidance in Christian teachings and offers practical assistance in nurturing children in faith through Church Schools and Sunday Schools, but is not essential as some Christian families may have different practices due to personal beliefs.

Questions on page 56

Explain two reasons why non-Catholic Christians support the use of contraceptives. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority. 

Two reasons why non-Catholic Christians support the use of contraceptives are because contraception improves maternal health and is permissible as long as it's used to limit the family size and raise the standard of living children, and not to stop having children altogether. Nothing in the Bible has been said against contraception, instead, the Bible teaches that God created sex for enjoyment and to strengthen marriage bonds.

In 1930, the church of England declared contraception as legitimate for a reason of restricting family size and has been followed by the Orthodox and major Protestant Churches. Non-Catholic christians believe that using condoms in prevention of HIV/AIDS is better than expecting everyone to follow Christian rules about sex and marriage.

‘’The world would be a better place if everyone followed catholic teachings on contraception’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should: 

  • Refer to christian teachings

  • Refer to different christian or non-religious points of view

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’The world would be a better place if everyone followed catholic teachings on contraception’’ we must consider the differing points of view. 

There are two main attitudes towards contraception in christianity: the Roman Catholic and the non-Catholic Christians. The Catholic Church teaches that sexual intercourse is a gift from God for the unitive (pleasure) and creative (family creating) purposes. The Catholic Church also teaches to approach family planning responsibly by using natural methods of family planning.The Catholic Church also teaches that using artificial methods of contraception is going against the God’s gift, as they seperate the creative and unitive purposes of sex, which goes against what God intended.

Nearly all non-Catholic Churches believe that all forms of contraceptives are permissible as long as it is used for reasons such as support of maternal health or/and to restrict family size. There was no clear statement in the Bible that forbids the use of contraception, and non-Catholics interpret contraception as a way to seperate the role of sex as a source of pleasure and a way to strengthen marriage bonds from its role of reproducing. 

In conclusion, there are different arguments for and against the Catholic point of view on contraception, however the non-Catholic opinion stands from the perspective of efficiency and focuses on (primarily maternal) safety and success of marriage. 

Questions on page 238

Explain two reasons why punishment is important for Muslims. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority 

There are two main reasons why punishment is important for Muslims. 

Firstly, the Qur’an has set down lashes and amputation for certain crimes, introducing retribution as a form of punishment and deterrence, and given that the Quran is the Word of God, it must be followed. 

Secondly, punishment underscores the importance of justice by ensuring fairness and discouraging transgressions, thereby promoting a society grounded in moral principles. Additionally, punishment helps to maintain order (deterrence), promote goodness, and helps seeking forgiveness, all in accordance with the teachings of the Quran.

‘’Religious people should be concerned with reforming criminals, not punishing them’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should: 

  • Refer to Muslim points of view

  • Refer to different Muslim points of view 

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’Religious people should be concerned with reforming criminals, not punishing them’’ we must consider the different Muslim points of view.

Muslim attitudes on punishment are based on retribution, deterrence, and reformation. They believe that criminals will be frightened of the punishment, and that will deter most people from committing crimes. They also make the criminal pay for their crime (retribution), and will reform the criminal because no thief who has had one hand cut off will ever steal again in order to avoid getting the other hand cut off as well. Muslims have these attitudes on punishment because the idea of deterrence requires very severe punishments to work, amputation is much more likely to deter thieves than six months of prison. The Qur’an also sets down lashes or amputation for certain crimes, and the Qur’an is the word of God which must be followed. Whipping and amputation allow the offender to remain in society without the risk of reoffending. However, severe punishments are used only as a last resort. Islamic courts thoroughly investigate the cause and moral state of the crime before imposing severe punishment.

In conclusion, most Muslims follow the ideas of retribution, deterrence and reformation, ultimately turning criminals into a state that is safe enough to bring them back safely into society.

Questions on page 60

Explain two reasons why remarriage is a problem for Catholic Christians. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority 

Two reasons why remarriage is a problem for Catholic Christians come from the Christian teachings. The Catholic Church prohibits religious divorce and remarriage, considering marriage a sacrament. The exchange of vows means that the only way a marriage between two baptised Catholics can be dissolved religiously is by the death of one of the partners or if the marriage is annulled. Legal separation and civil divorce are permitted for the well-being of spouses and children but do not dissolve the marriage in the eyes of the Church and so remarriage is not possible. 

Remarriage after divorce is considered adultery and is forbidden as it is considered a very serious sin, potentially resulting in denial of communion. Annulment is allowed if the marriage was not consummated or did not meet criteria for a valid Christian marriage. This attitude is based on Jesus' teachings in Mark's Gospel, which condemns divorce, and is reinforced in the Catechism where it teaches that a marriage cannot be dissolved and so religious divorce is impossible. Catholics are expected to follow these teachings and not pursue divorce.

‘’Christians should never divorce’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should: 

  • Refer to Christian teachings 

  • Refer to different Christian points of view

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’Christians should never divorce’’ we must consider the differing Christian points of view. 

The Catholic Church does not allow religious divorce or remarriage, as it is a sacrament and the exchange of vows means that the only way a marriage between two baptised Christians can be religiously broken is by the death of one of the partners or annulment of marriage. However, the Catholic Church does allow a civil divorce if the couple finds it impossible to live together, or if separation is required to ensure proper care and safety of the children, but the couple is still married in the eyes of God and therefore cannot remarry as it would be considered adultery and/or bigamy both of which are considered to be very serious sins. Catholics have this attitude because in Mark’s Gospel Jesus taught that divorce is wrong and Christianst should follow the teachings of Jesus. 

Most Protestants believe divorce is wrong, but allow it if the marriage has broken down. Most of these Churches allow the divorced to remarry, but may ask to show repentance for failure and to promise that this time their marriage will be for life. Protestants have this attitude because Jesus allowed divorce in Matthew 19:9 for a partner’s adultery.

In conclusion, there are different attitudes to divorce within Christianity, Catholics may accept civil divorce but they do not see it as legitimate and therefore do not allow remarriage, whilst although most Protestants believe divorce is wrong, they allow remarriage as long as you show repentance for failure. 

Questions on page 243

Explain two reasons why Muslims support restorative justice

Two reasons why Muslims support restorative justice come from the teachings from the Qur’an. Firstly, Muslims believe restorative justice is the only way of bringing peace and reconciliation between the criminal and the victim and that is what the Quran encourages. In Islam, all Muslims are brothers and sisters and should work to help each other as described in Surah 49:10 ‘’The believers are but a single brotherhood: so make peace and reconciliation between your two contending brothers’’.

Secondly, the Quran also says that on the Last Day those criminals who have not gone through the restorative justice process will say: ‘’Ah! Would that I had sent forth good deeds for this my former life.’’ as stated in Surah 89:24.

‘’Criminals are more likely to be forgiven and reintegrated into society by religious people’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should: 

  • Refer to Muslim points of view

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’Criminals are more likely to be forgiven and reintegrated into society by religious people’’ we must consider Muslim points of view.

The Qur’an teaches that God is Compassionate and Merciful to sinners (as every Surah begins with ‘’Bismillah’’, meaning in ‘’In the name of God the Merciful, the Compassionate’’), and on the Day of Judgement, God will deal with everyone as they deserve, but Muslims will be able to request his mercy. They must be prepared to forgive, in order to be forgiven, so the Qur’an teaches that Muslims should forgive others’ sins against them, and the Qur’an should be obeyed as it is the Word of God.

There are many hadith from the Prophet Muhammad, who is considered the perfect example for Muslims, about reconciliation and about forgiving people who have offended others. Muslims are in favour of restorative justice because it is the only way to reconcile the criminal and the victim, which is what the Qur’an encourages. 

In conclusion, the Qur’an teaches that God will deal with everyone on the Day of Judgement as they deserve, and Muslims are encouraged to be forgiving and reconcile the victim with the criminal to bring restorative justice. 

Questions on page 249

Explain two reasons good treatment of criminals is important for Muslims. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority 

Two reasons why good treatment of criminals is important for Muslims.

Firstly, the most common attitude comes from Muslims who live in Islamic states which have adopted Western-type legal systems or who live in non-muslim states, they believe that criminals should be treated fairly and that punishment should aim at both reforming criminals and bringing restorative justice. 

Secondly, all muslims are opposed to the use of torture, ‘’Verily, Allah will torture those who torture people in this world [Sahih Muslim]; do not torture the creation of Allah the Exalted. [Al-adab Al-Mufrad]’’ 

‘’Religion ensures the best treatment for prisoners’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should: 

  • Refer to Muslim points of view

  • Refer to different Muslim points of view 

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’religion ensures the best treatment for prisoners’’ we must consider the Muslim points of view. 

Most Muslims, especially those who live in Islamic states which have adopted Western-type legal systems or who live in non-muslim states, believe that criminals should be treated fairly and humanely and their rights should be respected. All Muslims are against the use of torture as they believe torturing the creation of Allah is wrong, and Allah will torture those who torture people in this world. However, some non-Muslims regard the Shari’ah punishments (such as amputation, stoning, etc.) as torture, and some Muslims may agree that torture is allowed if the innocent are at risk (ex. Torturing a criminal hiding the location of a bomb).

In conclusion, most Muslims believe in equal and humane treatment of criminals and are against torture, with the exception of cases where the innocent are at a risk.


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Questions on page 7

Explain two reasons why Christians believe in the trinity. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority. 

Two reasons why Christains believe in the trinity is because although the Nicene Creed expresses that there is one being - God, he is experienced as three persons as a Trinity: the Father, the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. Christians feel that belief in the Trinity helps them understand the different ways that God has shown his presence in the world. God the Son helps Christians understand God's love. In his life and teachings, Jesus showed God's love by healing and feeding people. Through his death, he showed how much God loves the world. The Holy Spirit helps Christians understand the presence of God in the world. Christians believe that the Holy Spirit is God's means of communicating with people, revealing God's presence in the world. Christians believe that through the presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives, God can strengthen and empower Christians.

‘’You can’t be a Christian if you don’t believe in the Trinity’’. Evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your answer you should:

  • Refer to christian teachings

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement, ‘’You can’t be a Christian if you don’t believe in the Trinity’’ we must consider the differing Christian points of view. 

Christian beliefs about the Holy trinity are clearly stated in the Nicene Creed. However there are different Christian understandings of the Trinity. Three main points of view come from Mormons, Unitarians and Jehovah’s Witnesses. The Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints, alternatively known as mormons believe that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are not one in substance or essence. Instead, they are three separate beings united in will and purpose as one God. Unitarians believe there is only one God and do not recognize Jesus as part of the Trinity. Rather, he was a man whose teachings and life gave him moral authority but not divinity. They believe that there is no difference between God and God the holy spirit. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jehovah is the only true God. Jesus was created by God and so is God's Son; The Holy Spirit is God's power applied to the world and is therefore not a person.

In conclusion, there are many different beliefs and interpretations of the Trinity within Christianity that are valid and therefore there are different types of christians.

Questions on page 156

Explain two reasons why the five roots are important for Shi’a Muslims. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority

Two reasons why the five roots are important for Shi’a Muslims are because the five roots arose to summarise what one must believe in order to be a Shi’a Muslim, therefore they are the basis of Shi'a Islam, and were what differentiates the beliefs of the Shi’a from the beliefs of the Sunnis. They are based on the Qur'an and the teachings of the Twelve Imams.

Shi’a muslims believe that unless they follow and believe the five roots, they will not be able to perform the acts of worship necessary to live the muslim life and go to heaven.

“It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you worship God and live a good life.” Evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your answer you should:

  • Refer to muslim points of view 

  • Refer to different Muslim points of view

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement “It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you worship God and live a good life.” we must consider both the Sunni and Shia points of view.

Sunni muslims believe that there are six principal beliefs that a muslim must believe to be accepted as a muslim. These six beliefs are: Belief in Allah, Belief in His angels, Belief in His holy books, Belief in His messengers, Belief in the Last day, Belief in life after death

However, Shi’a muslims believe in five roots. These five roots are: Belief in oneness of Allah, Belief in Allah’s justice, Belief in Allah’s prophets, Belief in the successors of Muhammad, Belief in the Day of Judgement.

In conclusion, there are different views in Islam on what you must believe in order to be accepted as a muslim. It is also important to note that the five roots are developed from the six beliefs. Hence there are certain beliefs that you have to follow.

Questions on page 11

Explain three ways in which Christians interpret the biblical accounts of creation. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority.  

Three ways in which Christians interpret the biblical accounts of creation are:

Firstly, Genesis 1 records that at the beginning of creation, ‘‘the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters’’, and it was the Spirit of God that created the universe out of nothing (nihilo) in 6 days, beginning with light and ending with creating humans, showing that god is all-powerful and is the creator of all.

Secondly, genesis 2 says that God created the heavens and earth, then created man (Adam), then vegetation, then animals and at last woman.

Lastly, John’s Gospel records ‘’in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the word was God.’’ (John 1:1), claiming everything was made through the Word and that without the Word ‘’nothing was made that has been made’’(John 1:3). John identifies the Word with Jesus, the Son, which the biblical creation shows was God who created, and which became flesh in Jesus and is the God christians believe to be a Trinity.(1) This answer should say how Christians explain the creation narratives not give the descriptions of them.  Literalist, conservative and liberal.

Please ask for help if you do not fully understand 

‘’It's hard to believe the biblical accounts of creation’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your answer you should:

  • Refer to christian teachings 

  • Refer to different christian points of view 

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement, “It's hard to believe the biblical accounts of creation” we must consider the differing Christian points of view.

Literalist Christians believe that the Bible is the actual word of God. This means that they believe that every word in the Bible is the Word of God and so is true. They believe that both accounts are correct and do not contradict each other. They interpret Genesis 1 as the overall broad picture of creation, whilst Genesis 2 as being just about Day 6 of the creation, with details of exactly how God created male and female and animals. Literalist christians do not accept scientific theories such as the big bang theory and evolution. 

Conservative christians believe that the Bible is the word of God, but not his direct words. That means they think that the writers of the Bible were inspired and guided by God, but they used their own ideas. Conservatives see the Bible as a book of faith rather than a scientific source, and therefore they do not regard Genesis 1 and 2 as absolute facts, but see Genesis 1 as generally factual and Genesis 2 as commentary on chapter 1. Conservatives accept the big bang theory and evolution.

Liberal christians believe that the Bible is a book about God, rather than a book of words from God. They feel that the Bible writers were people who had special insights or experiences of God which they told in their own way. Which means that liberal christians accept the possibility that there could be mistakes and contradictions in the Bible, but what matters are the big truths about God that the Bible contains. Such christians think that Genesis 1 to 3 have different human authors and that they are stories giving the important truth that everything was created by God and that the creation was good. Liberal christians accept the theories of evolution and the big bang theory. 

In conclusion, opinions on this differ within and outside of christianity, and it can be seen as doubtful, but the major significance of Christian beliefs about creation is that they show God’s goodness and the key teaching of the Bible is that God’s creation is good.

Questions on page 156

Explain two reasons why the five roots are important for Shi’a Muslims. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority

Two reasons why the five roots are important for Shi’a Muslims are because the five roots arose to summarise what one must believe in order to be a Shi’a Muslim, therefore they are the basis of Shi'a Islam, and were what differentiates the beliefs of the Shi’a from the beliefs of the Sunnis. They are based on the Qur'an and the teachings of the Twelve Imams.

Shi’a muslims believe that unless they follow and believe the five roots, they will not be able to perform the acts of worship necessary to live the muslim life and go to heaven.

“It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you worship God and live a good life.” Evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your answer you should:

  • Refer to muslim points of view 

  • Refer to different Muslim points of view

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement “It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you worship God and live a good life.” we must consider both the Sunni and Shia points of view.

Sunni muslims believe that there are six principal beliefs that a muslim must believe to be accepted as a muslim: believing in Allah, His holy books, angels and messengers, and the Last day and life after death. 

Shi'a Muslims believe in five roots: oneness of Allah, His justice, prophets and successors, and the Day of Judgement.

In conclusion, there are different views in Islam on what you must believe in order to be accepted as a muslim. It is also important to note that the five roots are developed from the six beliefs. Hence there are certain beliefs that you have to follow. Explain the differences between the Sunni and Shia in more detail

Questions on page 161

Explain two reasons why God’s justice is important for Muslims. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority. 

Two reasons why God’s justice is important for Muslims. Islamic teaching on the Last Day is concerned with the need for the good to be rewarded and the evil punished. The Qur’an teaches that God is a just God who will reward the good and punish the bad on the Last Day. Therefore Muslims need to work for justice so they are not sent to hell on the Last day. 

Allah’s justice means that muslims must work to make sure that all people have equal rights before the law and that muslims should work for a fairer sharing of the earth’s resources through the pillar of zakah. Muslims must behave justly to other people and ensure that the world is governed in a fair way by following the Shari’ah.

‘’No one knows what God is like’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your answer you should:

  • Refer to Muslim points of view 

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement, “no one knows what God is like” we must consider the differing Muslim points of view.

Muslims believe the universe was made by and belongs to one God, therefore the Muslim community must itself be a unity (ummah). Furthermore, there can only be one law for Muslims, Allah’s law, which is known as the Shari’ah. The most serious violation of the Shari'ah that a Muslim can commit is shirk, which involves associating others with Allah. This is why there can be no images or statues in the mosque and why Muslims decorate with calligraphy rather than representational art.

In conclusion, all muslims must believe in Tawhid (Belief in the Oneness of Allah) and must never associate others with Allah and must never picture Allah. Therefore no man could possibly know what God is like and it is a law for all Muslims. You must talk about the characteristics of Allah and also the immanence and transcendence of Allah in this answer

Questions on page 14

Explain two reasons why Christians believe Jesus was God incarnate. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority.

two reasons why Christians believe Jesus was God incarnate are:

Christians believe that Jesus was God incarnate, because Jesus’ birth fulfils the prophecy from the Old Testament. The prophecy states that a messiah will be born of a virgin

Christians believe that Jesus did not have a normal conception, but a normal birth because Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit rather than Joseph, so therefore Jesus is God's son and simultaneously God in flesh. As described in Matthew’s Gospels Jesus' mother, Mary, was a virgin during his birth, which is crucial for Christians as it demonstrates that Jesus was the Son of God and if Jesus was not conceived by the Holy Spirit, he would not be God incarnate but just a man.

 ‘’Jesus was God incarnate’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against, in your answer you should:

  • Refer to Christian teachings 

  • Reach a justified conclusion 

In evaluating the statement, “Jesus was God incarnate” we must consider the differing Christian points of view. There are different Gospels describing the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Matthew’s gospel tells about the prophecy and the conception of Jesus by the Holy Spirit, Luke’s gospel tells about the birth of Jesus and the triumphant entry to Jerusalem, and lastly John’s gospel tells about the incarnation theologically. The incarnation is important for Christians because it is the basis of the Christian faith. The incarnation is both the start of Christianity and the beginning of salvation from sin, therefore is very significant in Christian faith. 

In conclusion, all christians believe Jesus was God incarnate, following the different gospels describing that the embodiment of Jesus was the beginning and basis of christianity 

Questions on page 18

Explain two reasons why the events of his last days show the importance of Jesus. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority.

Two reasons why the events of his last day show the importance of Jesus can be shown through two events of his last days, sourced in Luke’s gospel. The crucifixion of Jesus and his death on the cross in his last days is perceived as a sacrificial act for the salvation of mankind. This event is highly significant to Christians because it serves as a means for the forgiveness of human sins and as a demonstration of God’s love. 

The resurrection of Jesus on the third day after his crucifixion is another significant event in his last days. His rising from the dead signifies his authority over life and death, emphasising his significance as the source of hope, salvation, and the assurance of eternal life. The event is regarded as a demonstration of his divine nature, extraordinary power and the promise of eternal life, reinforcing his significance as a divine figure.

Collectively, these two events show Jesus’ divinity and his central role in the christian faith. They show how his actions, especially in his last days, form the foundation of the faith and continue to resonate as fundamental principles of Christian belief and practice.

‘’The resurrection of Jesus is the most important event in the life of Jesus’’ Evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should:

  • Refer to Christian teachings 

  • Reach a justified conclusion 

In evaluating the statement ‘’the resurrection of Jesus is the most important event in the life of Jesus’’ we must consider the differing Chritisian points of view. Certainly, the resurrection of Jesus carries immense importance as it marks the inception of Christianity. It serves as the starting point of Christianity as its own religion, which led to the creation of the gospels that tell us about Jesus now. The event is important for affirming Jesus' divinity and his message of hope and salvation.

However, we must also consider many other events, such as the birth of Jesus himself. The birth of Jesus is considered fundamental because it establishes the presence of God in the world in a tangible way for the very first time. Jesus’ birth was an event that provided the necessary context for the resurrection to hold its significance, without it the subsequent events leading to the resurrection wouldn't have taken place. The incarnation is seen as the very starting point, making it a critical element of Christian faith.

In conclusion, many events in the life of Jesus contribute in various ways to the significance of Christian faith, and are all interconnected to form the foundation and teachings of Christianity. However, it can be reasonably argued that the birth of Jesus holds a particularly crucial role as it serves as the very beginning and is of even greater importance compared to the subsequent resurrection. Mention all the events in the last days of Jesus in this answer

Questions on page 166

Explain two beliefs which the prophets teach Muslims

Two beliefs which the prophets teach muslims are Allah’s true messages that  muslims should follow. All prophets lived lives that could be taken as an example of a perfect muslim life, but the sunnah of Muhhamad has to be the most important one as Muhhamad was the final prophet and Muhhamad was the one to receive all of Allah’s message in a way that could not be distorted or forgotten. Another belief that the prophet Muhhamad teaches Muslims is to treat the Qur’an respectfully and to read it regularly so as to not forget or ignore any of its messages.

‘’Prophets show how much God loves humanity’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your answer you should:

  • Refer to Muslim points of view 

  • Reach a justified conclusion 

In evaluating the statement ‘’Prophets show how much God loves humanity’’ we must consider the different roles in prophets. According to the Qur’an, the first prophet of Islam was Adam, and so he was the first man. Allah created him to be Allah’s vicegerent to look after the earth for Allah in the way Allah wanted. Initially, Adam and his wife Hawwa lived in the garden and eventually disobeyed Allah and had to leave the garden to live on earth. Allah forgave them and gave Adam his guidance, thus Adam became the first prophet, and in his thanks, Adam built a house for Allah in Makkah called the Ka’aba.

Muslims consider Ibrahim as the second greatest prophet before Isa. Ibrahim was born into a polytheistic family, which shows that the message of the previous prophets hadn’t been impactful enough, however, Ibrahim argued with his father and his father’s people about the wrongness of false gods, and rejected polytheism. When the people tried to burn Ibrahim, Allah saved him and condemned idolatry and thus showed the people the truth of Islam. The Quran recorded that Ibrahim has a vision from Allah where he sacrificed his son. His son urged him to obey Allah’s order in the vision, but as Ibrahim was about to sacrifice his son Allah stopped them and rewarded them for being obedient and doing right.

His son, Isma’il, was Ibrahim’s eldest son that helped him in rebuilding the Ka’aba and establishing it as a place of pilgrimage. Isma’il is considered as the prophet of the Arabs and is believed by Muslims to be the ancestor of Muhammad.

Musa has more mentions in the Qur’an than any other prophet. The Qur’an records that Musa was born a jew but brought up by Pharaoh’s wife. He killed an egyptian and fled to Midian before getting called by Allah to go back to Egypt to lead the jewish people out of slavery and into god’s promised land. Musa was then chosen to receive the holy book of Tawrat (Torah), but the people rejected or distorted his message. 

The Qur’an then says that because of the distortion of the Tawrat, Dawud the great king of Israel, was chosen as the next prophet and was given the holy book of Zabur (Psalms). The Zabur was not written down until long after Dawud’s death, so it was never written down properly except as one part in the Quran.

In the Qur’an, there is a surah fully dedicated to Isa and his virgin mother Maryam. In this Surah, it is recorded that Maryam never had sex and conceived Isa by the power of Allah. According to the Qur’an, the Jewish authorities wanted to execute Isa through crucifixion, but Allah prevented it from happening and took Isa to heaven. The Qur’an records many miracles of Isa such as healing powers and raising the dead, but the Qur’an makes it very clear that Isa was just an ordinary man and a prophet, not the son of God.

The Quran refers to Muhammad as the apostle of Allah, Allah’s messenger and Allah’s prophet. Muhammad was sent by Allah after the previous messages of the prophets were distorted and/or forgotten to bring a final message to humanity that could never be distorted. His message must be followed and those who follow his message will be rewarded, and those who don’t will be punished. In that way, Muhammad’s life is also taken as a perfect example for muslim people to follow. 

In conclusion, Allah sent the prophets for a variety of purposes, but they were all sent because of his love for people. The prophets convey Allah's message to humanity and teach them the principles of Islam. They also set an example for Muslims to follow. But because the majority of the messages shared by the prophets were either distorted or ignored, Allah gave humanity one final, clear message through the prophet Muhammad for people to follow.

Questions on page 22

Explain two reasons why christians believe salvation is important. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority

Two reasons why christians believe salvation is important are because, for some christians, salvation is important because without salvation from sin they will not be able to go to heaven and have a proper relationship with God, and send them to purgatory or hell after death. Salvation is the only way Christians can have eternal life with God, perfect beyond description as described in the Bible. For other christians, salvation and atonement is important because it inspires them to live a good christian life which will bring them salvation. Salvation was the whole purpose of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus who brought forgiveness of sins and the assurance of eternal life through his death on the cross.

‘’Only those who have been saved from sin will get to heaven’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should:

  • Refer to Christian teachings

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’Only those who have been saved from sin will get to heaven’’ we must consider the differing christian points of view. 

Many christians believe that those who die with unforgiven sins will not be able to get to heaven and that salvation is essential to have a relationship with God while on earth and to have an eternal life with God in heaven after. However there are different interpretations of how Jesus' death brought atonement and salvation in christianity.

The roman catholic church believes that christ offered himself as a sacrifice for satisfaction of human sin as an act of love. His sacrifice is a sign of God’s love for humanity.

The evangelical protestant church believes that God’s justice meant that he needed to punish human sin, but rather than punishing humans he took the punishment on himself through jesus’ death on the cross. Jesus acted as a substitute to atone for all of the sins of humanity.

The liberal protestant church believes that Jesus brought atonement through acting as a moral example to christians. They believe that salvation comes from the example Jesus set through his teachings, his life and his death on the cross to show God’s love for humanity. In response to the love Jesus showed, humans are inspired to follow his example and live a good christian life and repent their sins. By doing these things humans can be reunited with God.

In conclusion, there are many different views within Christianity on what a person must do to get to heaven, But they commonly emphasise honouring Jesus’ sacrifice and reflect on their sins in order to be reunited with God after death.

Questions on page 171

Explain two reasons why there are Muslim holy books other than the Qur’an. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority.

Two reasons why there are muslim books other than the Qur’an are because the previous messages were all aiming to deliver Allah’s message to humanity. The existence of multiple holy books in Islam can be understood as evidence of the continuity of communication with God throughout history. However, all of the messages entrusted to the prophets were either disregarded or distorted. So Allah sent one final incorruptible message to humanity in the form of the Qur’an. The main source of wisdom and authority in Islam that confirms that the Qur’an as the last and final message of Allah is the Qur’an itself. The Qur’an explicitly states itself as the final and unchangeable message of Allah.

‘’The Qur’an is God’s final word to humanity and so should be obeyed.’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your answer you should:

  • Refer to muslim points of view

  • Refer to different muslim points of view

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating this statement ‘’The Qur’an is God’s final word to humanity and so should be obeyed.’’ we must consider the different muslim points of view. The Qur’an is one final and clear message of Allah that can not be altered because it is the eternal word of God sent to humanity after multiple previous attempts where his message was distorted, however the Qur’an is direct words of God and so it must be all true and muslims must follow everything in it if they want to want to do what God wants them to do. Omnipotence of God is one of the fundamental teachings of the Qur’an, there can be no greater authority than the Qur’an for muslims, the Qur’an tells them what to believe and follow. The Qur’an also teaches to believe in God's messengers and holy books, including the messages of the previous prophets, although they are distorted, they can still be followed and are frequently mentioned in the Qur’an itself. 

In conclusion, the Qur'an tells the significance of God's messengers and past holy books, acknowledging their corruptions while emphasising their divine value. Muslims are must follow the Qur'an without question as it represents the direct and undistorted message of Allah. While the stories of the prophets in the Qur'an are valued, the decision to follow the previous books is optional, as they still hold divine value. Good answer, but reference the previous holy books by name and prophets

Questions on page 26

Explain two reasons why beliefs about life after death are important for Christians. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority

Two reasons why beliefs about life after death are important to christians are because Christians believe that after death they will be judged by God by how they have lived in this life, they will get to heaven only if they have lived a good christian life. Christians try to live a good christian life following the teachings of the Bible and the church so that they get to heaven in the afterlife. Another thing Christians believe is that sin can stop them from going to heaven. Some Christians believe that those who die with unforgiven sins will go to hell, and other christians such as the roman catholic church believe that those with unforgiven sins will go to purgatory to be purified before they reach heaven. Because of that, Christians will try to avoid commiting sins in order to live a good christian life and go to heaven.

‘’Only those who believe in Jesus will go to heaven’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should:

  • Refer to Christian teachings

  • Refer to different Christian points of view

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’Only those who believe in Jesus will go to heaven’’ we must consider the differing christian points of view. 

All christians believe that heaven is a place of everlasting life where people reunite with God after death, however different christians may describe the path to heaven and hell. The common understanding of hell is the opposite of heaven, it is a place of suffering away from the presence of God. Most catholics believe that all christians and any good followers of any religion who have lived a good life may go to heaven eventually, but everyone else would go to hell. Some exceptional christians believe that only good christians will go to heaven and all the bad christians and followers of any other religions will go to hell. Similarly, other christians believe that all the generally good people will go to heaven regardless of what they believe, and all the bad people will go to hell. Other christians believe that there is no hell at all, only levels of heaven that everyone will eventually get to. 

Within christianity there are also two branches that diverge people’s beliefs regarding the fate of the soul and body. Some christians believe in the immortality of the soul, which originated from the belief that Jesus became a spirit after his ascension. They believe that the soul is immortal and when the body dies, it leaves to reunite with god. These christians also believe that there is a spirit world where God can be experienced in a much more immediate way than on earth. Some of these christians believe that the afterlife is determined by how the people lived their lives and what they believed in. They believe that good christians will go to heaven and everyone else will go to a spiritual form of hell. Or some don’t believe in any form of hell and just believe that all souls will have the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and move their way up in heaven until they reach the presence of God. 

Other christians, such as Protestants, believe in the full resurrection of the body. The origin of this belief can be traced back to Jesus’s body physically rising from the dead, with a body different from his earthly body. Such Christians believe that when people die, their soul remains in the grave until the Last Day, which will follow the Second Coming of Jesus where Jesus will return to earth to declare the end of the world. In that moment, the dead will be raised and both the living and the dead will receive a resurrected body free of any illness. Final judgement will then follow, and everyone will be judged on how they have lived their life and what their beliefs were. By the belief of some christians, those christians who have been born again and have repented of their sins will be forgiven and will go to heaven for eternity, while everyone else will go to hell for eternity because they have rejected God’s love.

In conclusion, there are many divergent beliefs regarding the afterlife in christianity. While all christians share the concept of heaven as a realm of ultimate connection with God after death, the beliefs vary on the nature of hell and the path towards salvation.

Questions on page 174

Explain two of the roles of angels in Islam. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority

Two roles angels play in Islam involve, as creations of Allah, their primary and main duty of praising Allah. In Islam, angels are tasked with a continuous and devoted act of praising Allah. As beings created by Allah, they exist to fulfil His divine commands and express eternal devotion. This act is not just a routine task but a vital demonstration of their obedience and acknowledgment of Allah's authority.

Second role angels play in Islam is to communicate Allah’s messages to humans. The Qur’an teaches that Allah created the malaikah as immortal beings without free will, and so are unable to commit sin. Because they are sinless, angels can have direct contact with Allah and deliver his message to humans. Muslims believe that the greatness of Allah is far too holy to communicate directly with humans, so angels act as a way of communication between God and Humanity.

There are also angels entrusted to guard the gates of hell, and others are responsible for even more specialised tasks, like Mika’il, whose job includes sending down rain to nourish the earth.

‘’Without angels there would be no islam’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should:

  • Refer to Muslim points if view

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’Without angels there would be no islam’’ we must consider the different angels and their importance.

Jibril holds the chief position among angels, and as outlined in the Qur'an, his primary role is to convey Allah's messages to the prophets, who then convey them to humanity.

Jibril conveyed many important messages to various prophets, informing Ibrahim of the birth of his sons, the prophet Zechariah of the birth of Yahya, and revealing the virgin birth of Isa to Maryam. However, Jibril's primary role was revealing the Qur’an to Muhammad, which lasted for the next twenty years.

Mika’il is the second most important angel, who is believed to be the guardian of heaven, protecting it from evil and the devil himself. He also nourishes the earth by sending rain down to earth. There is only one reference to Mika’il in the Quran which states ‘’whoever is an enemy of God or his angels or his apostles or Jibril or Mika’il, verily God is an enemy of the unbelievers (Surah 2.98)’’ which emphasises the concept of faith and the consequences of opposing God or his angels.

Izra’il, as the angel of death, takes the souls of people after death and returns them to Allah. Izra’il acts at Allah’s command because it is Allah alone who decides when a person will die. There are several Hadith that record the prophets meeting Izra'il during their lifetime and say that Izra’il is the one who watches over the dying. 

In conclusion, angels play a crucial role in the emergence and maintenance of Islam by performing necessary tasks such as delivering Allah’s messages, protecting the gates of heaven and completion of various other important tasks. Of particular importance is the role of Jibril, who revealed the Qur’an to Muhammad, marking the inception of Islam. Nevertheless, it is important to recognise Allah’s omnipotence. This implies that, even in the absence of angels, Allah possesses the power and knowledge to bring islam into existence.

Questions on page 29

Explain two reasons why evil and suffering in the world cause problems for Christian beliefs about the nature of God. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority.  

Two reasons why evil and suffering in the world is a problem for christian beliefs about the nature of God are because of the omnipotence and omniscience of God. The Christian teachings about God include the belief in His omniscience, which means that God has the knowledge of all things all of the time, for past, present and future. This implies that God is aware of all instances of evil and suffering occurring in the world. 

Furthermore, the christian teachings also include the belief in His omnipotence, meaning that He possesses absolute unlimited power and is capable of anything, including stopping evil and suffering in the world. The question arises when considering why an omnipotent and omniscient God allows natural and moral suffering to persist in the world despite having the ability to acknowledge it and stop it.

evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your answer you should:

  • Refer to Christian teachings  

  • Reach a justified conclusion

 In evaluating the statement ‘’Evil and suffering are the fault of humans’’ we must consider the different Christian views. 

Suffering can be divided into two distinct groups: natural and moral suffering. Moral suffering refers to suffering that comes from human actions, such as violence. Natural suffering refers to suffering caused by natural disasters such as earthquakes, diseases and other things considered out of human control. God intentionally granted people free will, permitting them to misuse it and, as a result, making human choices accountable for evil and suffering. The genesis says, ‘’God saw all that he had made, and it was very good’’ which implies that God created a world that was initially good, and it was human disobedience as the original sin that brought suffering into the world. 

However not all suffering can be attributed to human actions, natural disasters such as a tsunami, which are considered beyond human ability to control.

In conclusion, there are questions about to which extent humans are to blame for suffering, but in Christianity, the common belief is that suffering was brought through the original sin and human free will.

Questions on page 176

Explain two reasons why Muslims believe in al-Qadir. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority.

Two reasons why Muslims believe in al-Qadir are rooted in the omniscience of Allah. The Qur'an teaches that Allah is all knowing, ensuring that every event in the life of any human is a part of His divine plan. Therefore Muslims do not need to worry about their long term future because God is in full control of it, and any sufferings Muslims undergo can be accepted as a part of God’s plan with the assurance of a positive outcome in the end.

‘’Nothing happens unless God wants it to’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your answer you should

  • Refer to Muslim points of view

  • Refer to different Muslim points of view

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating this statement ‘’Nothing happens unless God wants it to’’ we must consider the different Muslim points of view. Al-Qadir, meaning fate or predestination, suggests that everything in the universe is following a divine plan of God. The concept of al-Qadir is approached differently within the Shia and Sunni branches of Islam. 

Shia Muslims, particularly those influenced by Mu'tazilite theology, emphasise the idea of human free will. They believe that Allah granted humans the freedom to make moral decisions, therefore they can be judged by God on the Last Day as they are responsible for their own actions.

Sunni Muslims tend to follow the explanation of another theologian, al’Ashari, which emphasises Allah's divine knowledge and predestination. While it acknowledges human free will to some extent, it mainly makes a point that God, being omniscient, is aware of all human actions before they occur. Allah knows what people will do, but they do it out of their own free will.

In conclusion, Sunni and Shia have differing understandings of al Qadir, with Sunni Muslims emphasising Allah’s divine knowledge and awareness of human actions, acknowledging some degree of free will, while Shia Muslims, emphasise human free will and individual responsibility. I lean towards agreement with the Sunni point of view because I believe in the idea of people holding responsibility for their actions, and to me, this perspective aligns better with the concept of the omniscience of Allah without conflicting with it.

Questions on page 180

Explain two different Muslim views about the final judgement. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority.  

Two different muslim views about the final judgement revolve around the Surah (4:123) ‘’whoever does evil will be requited accordingly, nor will he find, besides God, any protector or helper’’ and its different interpretations.

Most Muslims believe it means that the final judgement on the Last Day will be based on both faith and action, since there are many references in the Qur’an where both who have sinned and those who have rejected faith being sent to hell despite living a ’’good life’’. Consequently, the belief that only good Muslims will pass the final judgement is highly common.

Some Muslims interpret the verse as a means that God will intercede for His followers who have tried their best to be good Muslims, regardless of the sins they have committed. After all, one of the main teachings of the Qur’an is the mercifulness and compassion of Allah for His people. Similar Muslim belief is that Muhammad is the one who will intercede for his followers who have sinned for God to accept the intercession.

‘’When you’re dead, you’re dead and that’s the end of you’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your answer you should:

  • Refer to Muslim points of view 

  • Refer to different Muslim points of view 

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’When you’re dead, you’re dead and that’s the end of you’’ we must consider the different Muslim points of view. 

One of the common Muslim beliefs about afterlife is that after death souls stay in the grave until the Last Day comes, is easily challenged by the Qur’anic teaching that those who die in the process of a holy act like the hajj or fighting in a holy war will go straight to heaven. Some Muslims interpret these verses to claim that the afterlife is spiritual and that people’s souls are judged immediately after death, and then get to heaven or hell.

The opinions start to differ on what happens during Barzakh. Some Muslims believe that after death, souls are visited by the angel of death and get questioned about their faith. If they answer accordingly with the true Muslim belief, they are shown their place in heaven and look at it until they are raised on the Last Day. If they answer wrongly, they are beaten with clubs until the Last Day when they will get sent to hell. Other Muslims believe that the soul hovers over the grave until the Last Day, or the soul simply sleeps until the Last Day so that Barzakh will just seem like a moment between death and the final day of the judgement, as described in the Qur’an quotation in the margin. Those are the many reasons why Muslims are so careful with the body after death, and insist on burial rather than cremation.

In conclusion, Although ideas vary regarding the duration in the grave and the details of the judgement, many Muslims generally agree on the belief in a meaningful existence after physical death and the expectation of the Last Day.

Questions on page 220

Explain two reasons why justice is important for either muslims or jews. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority. 

Two reasons why justice is important for muslims can be derived from the 99 names of Allah, four of which are the Judge, the Utterly Just, the Truth and the Equitable. As God Himself is just, then justice must be of the highest importance for muslims. Justice is considered a fundamental principle in Islam because it is explicitly commanded by God in many Qur’anic verses, such as surah 16:90 ‘’God commands justice, the doing of good… and He forbids all shameful deeds and injustice’’ 

Islamic teachings regarding the Last Day revolve around the necessity of rewarding the good and punishing the evil, forming the basis for principles of justice.

‘’It is more important that the justice system protects society from crime than that it gives justice to the victims of crime’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your answer you should:

  • Refer to muslims or jewish points of view 

  • Refer to non-religious points of view 

  • Reach a justified conclusion 

In evaluating the statement ‘’It is more important that the justice system protects society from crime than that it gives justice to the victims of crime’’ we must consider the different christian points of view. Muslims believe that all people should have equal rights before the law and there are many principles on equality in the islamic justice system. However, Islam teaches that the victim is totally innocent and that it is only just when the victim receives justice from the perpetrator. 

Non religious people might prioritise punishment to the perpetrator over compensation to the victim. The fear of severe consequences can discourage potential offenders, leading to a safer society. This approach emphasises the well-being of the wider community rather than individual cases. In some cases, ensuring justice for every victim can strain limited resources in the justice system. Prioritising the prevention of future crimes can lead to more efficient allocation of resources. However, victims' rights are a critical aspect of justice, and prioritising the protection of society should not come at the expense of ignoring the needs and rights of those affected by criminal acts. 

In conclusion, Islam teaches to protect and ensure justice for the victim, while trying to maintain the balance between social protection and justice for individual victims. Achieving the right balance is essential to maintaining a justice system that not only prevents crime, but also upholds the principles of fairness, equity and respect for individual rights.

Questions on page 39

Explain two reasons why christians get married. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority.

Two reasons why christians get married come from biblical verses.The christian church teaches that God created marriage so that a couple can have a lifelong relationship, in which they can have the support and comfort of each other and so that children can be raised in a christian family, to later become a member of the Christ’s church. The verse ‘’In marriage, God joins the couple together in a sacred bond that humans have no right to break. So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God had joined together, let no one separate’’ implies that marriage is a way for the couple to gain God’s grace and guidance in their married life. In both the Catholic and Orthodox churches, marriage holds significance as a part of the seven sacraments, and as such seen not only as a sacred union between a man and a woman, but also a sign of divine commitment. Christians also believe that the marital relationship is the exclusive and only appropriate way for Christians to engage in a sexual relationship.

‘’Marriage is more important for christians than for non-religious people’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your answer you should:

  • Refer to christian teachings 

  • Refer to different christian or non-religious points of view

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’Marriage is more important for christians than for non-religious people’’ we must consider different christian and non-religious points of view.

The christian church teaches that marriage as a sacrament not only involves the groom and the bride, but also God himself and is a way for God to join the couple together in a sacred bond. Christians believe that marriage was established by God as a way of preserving society, and for christians, marriage can be seen as a significant act of commitment to God. Therefore, Christians may favour marriage because of their commitment to these religious principles, seeing it as a way to live a morally upright life.

However, people have different values and priorities regardless of religious affiliation. Non-religious people may view marriage as a social or legal contract rather than a religious sacrament, and so the importance assigned to it may differ. Some non-religious people may place a high value on committed relationships and family without a religious context. As on the contrary, some Christians may not prioritise marriage due to personal circumstances or different interpretations of their faith.

In conclusion, the importance of marriage varies among both religious and non-religious people. While Christians may often see marriage as a significant part of their faith, non-religious individuals may find significance of marriage in personal values, cultural norms, or legal factors.

Questions on page 224

Explain two ways in which Muslims try to stop people committing crime 

Two ways in which Muslims try to stop people committing crime come from the principles of Qur’an, which strictly prohibit any kind of intoxicants. Muslims are taught that intoxicants are a means by which Satan tries to keep people away from God and from saying their prayers. Prophet Muhammad has also said several times that Muslims must never drink alcohol and must not have anything to do with the production or sale of alcohol.

Another way Muslims stop people from committing crime is through banning gambling and the use of interest in order to prevent poverty and the later desperate situation which could make people turn to crime. Islam encourages Muslims to share their wealth, organise supporting charities, and let people off their debts.

‘’Religion could do a lot more to prevent crime’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should: 

  • Refer to Muslim points of view

  • Refer to non-religious points of view 

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’Religion could do a lot more to prevent crime’’ we must consider the differing muslims and non-religious points of view. 

Islam deals with the problem of upbringing by guiding Muslims parents on how to raise their children. Islam teaches that children are a gift from God, and on the Last Day, Muslim parents will be judged by how well they raised their children. Muslim parents are expected to teach their kids what is right and wrong, and to introduce them into faith through observing Salah and Ramadan at home, and ensure they go to the madrasah. Additionally, many Mosques provide family support in case the family is struggling. By following these principles, Islam ensures a good upbringing of kids which helps prevent crime. There are several Muslim organisations such as ‘’the Muslim Chaplains’ Association’’, which aim to to support Muslim prison chaplains in their work towards resettlement of prisoners and prevention of them reoffending on release. Muslim chaplains have been providing pastoral care in prisons voluntarily since the 1970s, and regularly organises meetings of chaplains all over the UK to share their challenge and good practices against them.

Another organisation such as the ‘’Mosaic’’, is a mentoring programme organised to help mainly for Muslim prisoners to provide them support six months prior to release and at least six months post release. Volunteers mentor prisoners by helping them find work, home, and prepare for life outside prison by regularly visiting to support if problems arise. It has shown good progress and the reoffending rates of prisoners supported by Mosaic is up to 20 percent lower than national average.

However, we must consider the non-religious point of view. It is also the government’s responsibility to minimise and handle crime, whether the country is religious or not. The government must establish safe and working laws to prevent crime.

In conclusion, Islam handles crime according to the principles given out by God and by organising supporting organisations for the purpose of resettlement of prisoners, but it is the government’s responsibility to establish safe laws and ensure the safety of their country.

Questions on page 44

Explain two ways why any Christians are against people having sex before they are married. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority. 

Two ways why Christians are against people having sex before they are married come from the Christian teachings. 

Firstly, Christianity teaches that sex is a sacred gift from God meant for the exclusive union of one man and one woman within the bonding of marriage. It is intended to bring joy, pleasure, and emotional bonding to married couples, as well as serve the purpose of procreation. 

Secondly, according to Biblical teachings, engaging in sexual activity outside of marriage contradicts God's intentions and is considered sinful. Christians are highly encouraged to follow the teachings from the Bible regarding sexual relationships.

‘’Non-religious people have the most sensible attitude to homosexuality’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should: 

  • Refer to Christian teachings 

  • Refer to different Christian or non-religious points of view 

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’Non-religious people have the most sensible attitude to homosexuality’’ we must consider the differing Christian and non-religious points of view. 

Catholics believe that being homosexual is not a sin, but that engaging in homosexual sexual relationships is sinful. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, which all Catholics should follow, teaches that marriage is exclusive to one man and one woman for the purpose of procreation, which is not possible for homosexuals. The Bible condemns homosexual sexual activity, but it does not oppose civil partnerships. The Church teaches that everyone has human dignity because they are made in the image of God, and so it is sinful to discriminate against homosexuals.

Evangelical protestants regard homosexuality as a sin. They believe that the salvation of Christ can remove all sins, including homosexuality. Some hold special prayers to give homosexuals the power of the Spirit to change their sexual orientation. They believe that homosexuality is sinful because all the Churches in the past have taught it that way, despite some accepting homosexuality now. They believe that the Bible is the direct Word of God, and the Bible condemns homosexuality in some passages of both New and Old Testaments. However, the Evangelical church repudiates homophobia and encourages the Churches to welcome homosexuals as any other person.

Liberal Protestants believe that lifelong homosexual relationships are acceptable and are welcomed into the Church. They are happy to provide blessings for civil partnerships but not same-sex marriage, as they view it as inequitable to heterosexual marriage, In exception of some Protestants (such as Quakers) who are happy to celebrate same sex weddings in their Churches and are happy for homosexuals to be ministers and priests. Liberal Protestants believe that the teachings of the Bible need reinterpreting and that the messages condemning homosexuality are a reflection of the Jewish culture at the time and not the Word of God. They believe that Christians should be open and honest, and refusing to homosexual Christians encourages them to be dishonest. They regard belief in love and acceptance as a major Christian belief, which means that homosexuals must be accepted.

Non religious attitudes, such as Atheists and Humanists, see no problems with same-sex marriage and sexual relationships. They regard people’s sexuality as their own concern unless it interferes with other people’s human rights. This is primarily because all the Christian arguments come from religious beliefs, so if people have no religion they have no reason for disapproving of homosexuality.

In conclusion, the majority of Christian perspectives tend to oppose same-sex marriage or homosexual sexual practices but are okay with civil partnerships and advocate against discrimination, whilst Non-Religious viewpoints perceive homosexuality as acceptable as long as it respects the human rights of others and does not interfere with them

Questions on page 227

Explain two reasons why evil and suffering cause problems for Muslims 

Two reasons why evil and suffering causes problems for Muslims are based on the characteristics of Allah. One could argue that, if Allah is omnibenevolent, then he must want to remove evil and suffering from the world since they are the root of unhappiness. Furthermore, if Allah is omnipotent, then he is capable of removing all evil and suffering from the world. This raises a question regarding the existence of Allah, since if Allah does exist, it follows that there should be no evil or suffering in the world. As there is evil and suffering in the world, either Allah is not omnipotent, not omnibenevolent, or Allah does not exist.

‘’Evil and suffering are not a problem if you believe in God’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should: 

  • Refer to Muslim points of view

  • Refer to different Muslim or non-religious points of view 

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’Evil and suffering are not a problem if you believe in God’’ we must consider the differing points of view. 

The Qur’an teaches that God is good and only wants good, and so there must be good reasons for evil and suffering, but humans are not able to understand these reasons as God is much greater than humans. Life is a period of testing and is full of temptations, constantly testing Muslims’ belief in Islam. Those that will remain faithful through the trials will be rewarded with eternity in paradise at the final judgement. However, Islam also teaches Muslims to work actively on removing evil and suffering, hence organisations such as ‘’Mosaic’’ were made. Muslims respond to evil through helping those who are suffering, either practically or through prayer, and those who help the suffering will be rewarded by God on the Last Day.

However, we must consider the non-religious point of view. Natural evil makes non-religious people question ro reject God’s existence. Many non-religious people, atheists and Humanists find it hard to believe that an all good God would have designed a world that had natural evils. Most non-religious people believe the scientific explanation that bad things happen as a result of the earth evolving by accident from the big bang.

In conclusion, religious people accept evil and suffering as God’s will and believe that God has good reasons for evil and suffering, while non-religious people tend to handle evil and suffering as a result of evolution. 

Questions on page 49

Explain two reasons why there are more single-parent and blended families than there used to be 

Two reasons why there are more single-parent and blended families than there used to be can be attributed to two key factors: divorce and remarriage.

Divorce, the legal termination of a marriage, has become more common as societal attitudes toward marriage have evolved. As couples face challenges in their relationships, many opt for divorce as a solution, leading to an increase in single-parent households. Furthermore, remarriage, the act of marrying again after a previous marriage has ended, contributes to the formation of blended families. Individuals who have divorced often choose to remarry, thereby forming new unions that include stepparents, step siblings, and biological children from previous relationships.

‘’The family is more important for Christians than for non-religious people’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should: 

  • Refer to Christian teachings 

  • Refer to different Christian points of view 

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’The family is more important for Christians than for non-religious people’’ we must consider the differing Christian points of view. All Christians believe that the family was created by God as the basic unit of society and the primary environment for raising children. One of the main purposes of Christian marriage is to have children and bring them up in a loving Christian environment, fostering their love for God. Families play a crucial role in introducing children to the faith through baptism, church attendance, and moral education. Parents bear the responsibility of meeting their children's physical, material, and moral needs, while children are expected to care for their parents in old age. However, some Christians believe it is not the role of the family to make Christians and that the purpose of the family is to provide love, security, education, and a Christian upbringing, but that it is not the duty of children to obey their parents, and a Christian family should encourage children to develop their own ideas to make sure that children are educated to think for themselves, which may potentially lead to different ideas from their parents. Christian teachings emphasise the importance of marriage and encourage parents to stay together for the well-being of their children. For many Christians, family is considered to be the most important part of society, believing that without the family society would collapse. However, some Christians believe that there are more important things than the family for Christians. Marriage is not compulsory for Christians and many Christians feel they can serve God best by remaining single, for example Roman Catholic priests, nuns and monks leave their families to serve God.

In conclusion, there are many differing Christian attitudes regarding the importance of family. Some prioritise family bonds, while others focus on the broader Christian community. Despite these differences, many Christians see family as crucial for love, support, and spiritual development.

Questions on page 52

Explain two ways in which local parishes provide support for families 

Two ways in which local parishes provide support for families are through education and counselling. Most parishes have a local Church primary and secondary school connected to them, which help raise and educate young children to worship alongside standard education. The school buildings are provided and maintained by the Church but the equipment and teachers are paid by the state. Many churches also run Sunday Schools where children can learn about Christian faith in a child-centred environment, while their parents attend Church. There are also counselling services run by the Church which provide support to Christian families and remind parents of the importance of keeping their marriage vows and the family. Clergy in the local Church are available for help with counselling families on familial or marital problems. 

‘’Parents don’t need help from the local parish church to raise their family’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should: 

  • Refer to Christian teachings 

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’Parents don’t need help from the local parish church to raise their family’’ we must consider the christian teachings. Support from the Church is important for Christian families because raising kids with Christian values means regularly attending church, which requires the Church's assistance. Teaching children about Christianity requires expertise in the faith that parents may lack, making Church schools and Sunday Schools crucial. For Catholic, Anglican and Orthodox families, taking part in the sacraments is important and that requires the help of the Church. Being part of the Church community offers families comfort and strength, and knowing the local parish is praying for them gives them God's strength.

However, parents who do not adhere to standard teachings or practices of Christianity may not see the need for involvement with the local parish church in raising their family due to personal beliefs and may have other sources of support, such as extended family, friends, or community organisations, that provide sufficient assistance without involvement from the local parish church.

In conclusion, the role of the local parish Church in supporting Christian families is highly important as it provides essential guidance in Christian teachings and offers practical assistance in nurturing children in faith through Church Schools and Sunday Schools, but is not essential as some Christian families may have different practices due to personal beliefs.

Questions on page 56

Explain two reasons why non-Catholic Christians support the use of contraceptives. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority. 

Two reasons why non-Catholic Christians support the use of contraceptives are because contraception improves maternal health and is permissible as long as it's used to limit the family size and raise the standard of living children, and not to stop having children altogether. Nothing in the Bible has been said against contraception, instead, the Bible teaches that God created sex for enjoyment and to strengthen marriage bonds.

In 1930, the church of England declared contraception as legitimate for a reason of restricting family size and has been followed by the Orthodox and major Protestant Churches. Non-Catholic christians believe that using condoms in prevention of HIV/AIDS is better than expecting everyone to follow Christian rules about sex and marriage.

‘’The world would be a better place if everyone followed catholic teachings on contraception’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should: 

  • Refer to christian teachings

  • Refer to different christian or non-religious points of view

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’The world would be a better place if everyone followed catholic teachings on contraception’’ we must consider the differing points of view. 

There are two main attitudes towards contraception in christianity: the Roman Catholic and the non-Catholic Christians. The Catholic Church teaches that sexual intercourse is a gift from God for the unitive (pleasure) and creative (family creating) purposes. The Catholic Church also teaches to approach family planning responsibly by using natural methods of family planning.The Catholic Church also teaches that using artificial methods of contraception is going against the God’s gift, as they seperate the creative and unitive purposes of sex, which goes against what God intended.

Nearly all non-Catholic Churches believe that all forms of contraceptives are permissible as long as it is used for reasons such as support of maternal health or/and to restrict family size. There was no clear statement in the Bible that forbids the use of contraception, and non-Catholics interpret contraception as a way to seperate the role of sex as a source of pleasure and a way to strengthen marriage bonds from its role of reproducing. 

In conclusion, there are different arguments for and against the Catholic point of view on contraception, however the non-Catholic opinion stands from the perspective of efficiency and focuses on (primarily maternal) safety and success of marriage. 

Questions on page 238

Explain two reasons why punishment is important for Muslims. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority 

There are two main reasons why punishment is important for Muslims. 

Firstly, the Qur’an has set down lashes and amputation for certain crimes, introducing retribution as a form of punishment and deterrence, and given that the Quran is the Word of God, it must be followed. 

Secondly, punishment underscores the importance of justice by ensuring fairness and discouraging transgressions, thereby promoting a society grounded in moral principles. Additionally, punishment helps to maintain order (deterrence), promote goodness, and helps seeking forgiveness, all in accordance with the teachings of the Quran.

‘’Religious people should be concerned with reforming criminals, not punishing them’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should: 

  • Refer to Muslim points of view

  • Refer to different Muslim points of view 

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’Religious people should be concerned with reforming criminals, not punishing them’’ we must consider the different Muslim points of view.

Muslim attitudes on punishment are based on retribution, deterrence, and reformation. They believe that criminals will be frightened of the punishment, and that will deter most people from committing crimes. They also make the criminal pay for their crime (retribution), and will reform the criminal because no thief who has had one hand cut off will ever steal again in order to avoid getting the other hand cut off as well. Muslims have these attitudes on punishment because the idea of deterrence requires very severe punishments to work, amputation is much more likely to deter thieves than six months of prison. The Qur’an also sets down lashes or amputation for certain crimes, and the Qur’an is the word of God which must be followed. Whipping and amputation allow the offender to remain in society without the risk of reoffending. However, severe punishments are used only as a last resort. Islamic courts thoroughly investigate the cause and moral state of the crime before imposing severe punishment.

In conclusion, most Muslims follow the ideas of retribution, deterrence and reformation, ultimately turning criminals into a state that is safe enough to bring them back safely into society.

Questions on page 60

Explain two reasons why remarriage is a problem for Catholic Christians. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority 

Two reasons why remarriage is a problem for Catholic Christians come from the Christian teachings. The Catholic Church prohibits religious divorce and remarriage, considering marriage a sacrament. The exchange of vows means that the only way a marriage between two baptised Catholics can be dissolved religiously is by the death of one of the partners or if the marriage is annulled. Legal separation and civil divorce are permitted for the well-being of spouses and children but do not dissolve the marriage in the eyes of the Church and so remarriage is not possible. 

Remarriage after divorce is considered adultery and is forbidden as it is considered a very serious sin, potentially resulting in denial of communion. Annulment is allowed if the marriage was not consummated or did not meet criteria for a valid Christian marriage. This attitude is based on Jesus' teachings in Mark's Gospel, which condemns divorce, and is reinforced in the Catechism where it teaches that a marriage cannot be dissolved and so religious divorce is impossible. Catholics are expected to follow these teachings and not pursue divorce.

‘’Christians should never divorce’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should: 

  • Refer to Christian teachings 

  • Refer to different Christian points of view

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’Christians should never divorce’’ we must consider the differing Christian points of view. 

The Catholic Church does not allow religious divorce or remarriage, as it is a sacrament and the exchange of vows means that the only way a marriage between two baptised Christians can be religiously broken is by the death of one of the partners or annulment of marriage. However, the Catholic Church does allow a civil divorce if the couple finds it impossible to live together, or if separation is required to ensure proper care and safety of the children, but the couple is still married in the eyes of God and therefore cannot remarry as it would be considered adultery and/or bigamy both of which are considered to be very serious sins. Catholics have this attitude because in Mark’s Gospel Jesus taught that divorce is wrong and Christianst should follow the teachings of Jesus. 

Most Protestants believe divorce is wrong, but allow it if the marriage has broken down. Most of these Churches allow the divorced to remarry, but may ask to show repentance for failure and to promise that this time their marriage will be for life. Protestants have this attitude because Jesus allowed divorce in Matthew 19:9 for a partner’s adultery.

In conclusion, there are different attitudes to divorce within Christianity, Catholics may accept civil divorce but they do not see it as legitimate and therefore do not allow remarriage, whilst although most Protestants believe divorce is wrong, they allow remarriage as long as you show repentance for failure. 

Questions on page 243

Explain two reasons why Muslims support restorative justice

Two reasons why Muslims support restorative justice come from the teachings from the Qur’an. Firstly, Muslims believe restorative justice is the only way of bringing peace and reconciliation between the criminal and the victim and that is what the Quran encourages. In Islam, all Muslims are brothers and sisters and should work to help each other as described in Surah 49:10 ‘’The believers are but a single brotherhood: so make peace and reconciliation between your two contending brothers’’.

Secondly, the Quran also says that on the Last Day those criminals who have not gone through the restorative justice process will say: ‘’Ah! Would that I had sent forth good deeds for this my former life.’’ as stated in Surah 89:24.

‘’Criminals are more likely to be forgiven and reintegrated into society by religious people’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should: 

  • Refer to Muslim points of view

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’Criminals are more likely to be forgiven and reintegrated into society by religious people’’ we must consider Muslim points of view.

The Qur’an teaches that God is Compassionate and Merciful to sinners (as every Surah begins with ‘’Bismillah’’, meaning in ‘’In the name of God the Merciful, the Compassionate’’), and on the Day of Judgement, God will deal with everyone as they deserve, but Muslims will be able to request his mercy. They must be prepared to forgive, in order to be forgiven, so the Qur’an teaches that Muslims should forgive others’ sins against them, and the Qur’an should be obeyed as it is the Word of God.

There are many hadith from the Prophet Muhammad, who is considered the perfect example for Muslims, about reconciliation and about forgiving people who have offended others. Muslims are in favour of restorative justice because it is the only way to reconcile the criminal and the victim, which is what the Qur’an encourages. 

In conclusion, the Qur’an teaches that God will deal with everyone on the Day of Judgement as they deserve, and Muslims are encouraged to be forgiving and reconcile the victim with the criminal to bring restorative justice. 

Questions on page 249

Explain two reasons good treatment of criminals is important for Muslims. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority 

Two reasons why good treatment of criminals is important for Muslims.

Firstly, the most common attitude comes from Muslims who live in Islamic states which have adopted Western-type legal systems or who live in non-muslim states, they believe that criminals should be treated fairly and that punishment should aim at both reforming criminals and bringing restorative justice. 

Secondly, all muslims are opposed to the use of torture, ‘’Verily, Allah will torture those who torture people in this world [Sahih Muslim]; do not torture the creation of Allah the Exalted. [Al-adab Al-Mufrad]’’ 

‘’Religion ensures the best treatment for prisoners’’ evaluate this statement considering arguments for and against. In your response you should: 

  • Refer to Muslim points of view

  • Refer to different Muslim points of view 

  • Reach a justified conclusion

In evaluating the statement ‘’religion ensures the best treatment for prisoners’’ we must consider the Muslim points of view. 

Most Muslims, especially those who live in Islamic states which have adopted Western-type legal systems or who live in non-muslim states, believe that criminals should be treated fairly and humanely and their rights should be respected. All Muslims are against the use of torture as they believe torturing the creation of Allah is wrong, and Allah will torture those who torture people in this world. However, some non-Muslims regard the Shari’ah punishments (such as amputation, stoning, etc.) as torture, and some Muslims may agree that torture is allowed if the innocent are at risk (ex. Torturing a criminal hiding the location of a bomb).

In conclusion, most Muslims believe in equal and humane treatment of criminals and are against torture, with the exception of cases where the innocent are at a risk.
