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Jeffersonian restraint:

  • He persuaded congress to repeal the excise tax, which wore heavily on his farmer following. His devotion to principle caused the federal government to revenue.

  • Albert gallatin- watchdog of treasury, agreed with jeff that national debt was bane. 

  • And by strict economy, it succeeded in reducing it substantially. 

  • Other than that, Jeff didn't change any of the hamiltonian framework.

  • To show the support of federalism, a bigger bank was instituted to boost the protective tariff to higher levels. 

  • Jeff showed that it changed the regime need not to be bad for the defeated group- SIGNIFICANCE- his effort resulted in a step forward to the two party system that was later to become a characteristic feature of American politics. 

The dead clutch of the judiciary:

  • Judiciary act of 1801 “deathbed” - last important laws passed by the federalist congress.

What it was: created 16 new federal judgeships+judicial offices. 

  • It aroused bitter resentment = because people thought that they were trying and trenched themselves into one of the three branches of government. 

  • A year after the republican congress repealed the act. 


  • JOHN MARSHALL was a lifelong federalist. He suffered at valley forge and because of this, committed himself to strengthening the power of the federal government. Because he believed it was necessary for it to support its people. 

  • WILLIAM MURBERRY= justice of the peace of the district of columbia. 

  • He sued JAMES MADISON when he found out that his commission was being shelved by the new secretary of states (James Madison).

  • Marburry’s sue got dismissed, marshall said that part of the judiciary act of 1789 on which mulberry tried to base his appeal was unconstitutional. 

  • MVM clouded the question of who had the final authority to determine what the constitution meant. 

  • JUDICIAL REVIEW= the idea that the supreme court had the last word on the question of constitutionality. 

  • SAMUEL CHASE had republicans named vicious dogs after him. 

  • Samuel Chase was getting impeached based on high crimes and misdemeanors. 

  • The attempt failed.

Jefferson, a reluctant warrior:

  • He instituted few police and military (25,000 officers and men) because he believed in peaceful coercion. 

  • They were having trouble with pirates of the north african barbary states. 

  • In 1798, 26 barrels of blackmail dollars were being shipped to the piratical algiers. 

  • In 1801, war was declared across the Atlantic between Tripoli and the US by cutting down the flag staff of the American consulate. 

  • In 1805, a treaty of peace was signed. It was secured at the bargaining price of only 60000.

  • JEFF/mosquito fleet = postal craft (frail vessels) were valuable in guarding American shores. 


  • In 1800, Napoleon took over the transmissippi region of louisiana which included the new orleans area.

  • The deposit privileges were vital to farmers who floated their produce down the mississippi. 

  • JAMES MONROE to Paris joined forces with ROBERT AR. LIVINGSTON to buy as much land east of New Orleans as possible for 10 million dollars. 

  • In order to secure New Orleans, Jeff was willing to become friends with britain. 

  • Napoleon changes his mind= abandons dream of new world empire.

  • why : 

  1. Fail to gain control of SANTO DOMINGO

  2. French troops were dying bc of mosquitoes carrying yellow fever

A precarious neutrality

  • In 1803, when he sold Louisiana, Napoleon caused a new conflict with Britain that lasted 11 years.

  • Battle of TRAFALGAR, NELSON achieved in mortality by smashing the combined french and spanish fleets, ensuring britain supremacy at seas. 

  • BATTLE OF AUSTERLITZ happening in Austria, Napoleon crushed the Austrian and Russian armies, ensuring mastery of the land. 

  • Orders in council= issued by britain in 1806 and they closed the european ports under french control to foreign shipping unless they stopped at a british port.

  • French response seizure of all merchant ships that entered British ports. 

  • Impressment- the forcible enlistment of sailors= it formed a conscription.

  • The CHESAPEAKE incident was when the British forced upon American sailors forcibly, killing four Americans which angered many americans. They wanted war but Jefferson wanted peace.

  • Instead of war, Jeff reasoned that if America cut off its exports, the offending powers would be forced to bow and agree to respect its rights. 

  • EMBARGO ACT 1807- a form of peaceful coercion that forbade all exports of goods from the US, whether in american or foreign. 

  • The result of the embargo act= excessive unexportable cotton, grain, and tobacco. Harming the south. The north began to be unemployed. 

  • Illicit trade flourished along the canadian border where citizens Sicily transported the letters of EMBARGO to read; “o grab me”, “go bar em” and “mobridge” who;e heatlity cursing the “dambargo”.

  • Because of the act, the federalists party came back to life and congress was forced to repeal the act. 

  • The embargo was replaced by the Non-Intercourse Act, which reopened trade with all nations except Britain and France—the two countries at the heart of the problem.


  1. Underestimated British Resilience: Jefferson misjudged Britain's ability to cope with the embargo, as they had good harvests and alternative trade routes.

  2. Overestimated Dependence: He overestimated how much Britain and France relied on American goods; they found other trading partners, especially in Latin America.

  3. Widespread Smuggling: The embargo led to rampant illegal trade, undermining its effectiveness.

  4. Unpopularity: The embargo was unpopular, especially in New England, causing economic hardship and political backlash.

  5. Weak Enforcement: Enforcement was inconsistent, allowing many Americans to bypass the embargo.

  6. Failure to Achieve Goals: The embargo did not change British or French policies, leading to frustration among Americans.

  7. Political Consequences: The rising discontent revived the Federalist Party and made it politically necessary to repeal the embargo.

  • JAMES MADISON followed as president on March 4, 1809. 

  • He was not as strong of a president as Jefferson, because there were factions within his party and their cabinet. 

  • NON INTERCOURSE ACT 1809, watered down version of Jefferson's embargo was due to expire in 1810. 

  • MACON’S BILL NUMBER 2 was a measure that congress took to dismal the embargo act completely. 

  • Macon's bill admitted that the US needed one of the belligerents as a commercial ally but it left determination of who the ally would be to the potentates of London and paris.


Jeffersonian restraint:

  • He persuaded congress to repeal the excise tax, which wore heavily on his farmer following. His devotion to principle caused the federal government to revenue.

  • Albert gallatin- watchdog of treasury, agreed with jeff that national debt was bane. 

  • And by strict economy, it succeeded in reducing it substantially. 

  • Other than that, Jeff didn't change any of the hamiltonian framework.

  • To show the support of federalism, a bigger bank was instituted to boost the protective tariff to higher levels. 

  • Jeff showed that it changed the regime need not to be bad for the defeated group- SIGNIFICANCE- his effort resulted in a step forward to the two party system that was later to become a characteristic feature of American politics. 

The dead clutch of the judiciary:

  • Judiciary act of 1801 “deathbed” - last important laws passed by the federalist congress.

What it was: created 16 new federal judgeships+judicial offices. 

  • It aroused bitter resentment = because people thought that they were trying and trenched themselves into one of the three branches of government. 

  • A year after the republican congress repealed the act. 


  • JOHN MARSHALL was a lifelong federalist. He suffered at valley forge and because of this, committed himself to strengthening the power of the federal government. Because he believed it was necessary for it to support its people. 

  • WILLIAM MURBERRY= justice of the peace of the district of columbia. 

  • He sued JAMES MADISON when he found out that his commission was being shelved by the new secretary of states (James Madison).

  • Marburry’s sue got dismissed, marshall said that part of the judiciary act of 1789 on which mulberry tried to base his appeal was unconstitutional. 

  • MVM clouded the question of who had the final authority to determine what the constitution meant. 

  • JUDICIAL REVIEW= the idea that the supreme court had the last word on the question of constitutionality. 

  • SAMUEL CHASE had republicans named vicious dogs after him. 

  • Samuel Chase was getting impeached based on high crimes and misdemeanors. 

  • The attempt failed.

Jefferson, a reluctant warrior:

  • He instituted few police and military (25,000 officers and men) because he believed in peaceful coercion. 

  • They were having trouble with pirates of the north african barbary states. 

  • In 1798, 26 barrels of blackmail dollars were being shipped to the piratical algiers. 

  • In 1801, war was declared across the Atlantic between Tripoli and the US by cutting down the flag staff of the American consulate. 

  • In 1805, a treaty of peace was signed. It was secured at the bargaining price of only 60000.

  • JEFF/mosquito fleet = postal craft (frail vessels) were valuable in guarding American shores. 


  • In 1800, Napoleon took over the transmissippi region of louisiana which included the new orleans area.

  • The deposit privileges were vital to farmers who floated their produce down the mississippi. 

  • JAMES MONROE to Paris joined forces with ROBERT AR. LIVINGSTON to buy as much land east of New Orleans as possible for 10 million dollars. 

  • In order to secure New Orleans, Jeff was willing to become friends with britain. 

  • Napoleon changes his mind= abandons dream of new world empire.

  • why : 

  1. Fail to gain control of SANTO DOMINGO

  2. French troops were dying bc of mosquitoes carrying yellow fever

A precarious neutrality

  • In 1803, when he sold Louisiana, Napoleon caused a new conflict with Britain that lasted 11 years.

  • Battle of TRAFALGAR, NELSON achieved in mortality by smashing the combined french and spanish fleets, ensuring britain supremacy at seas. 

  • BATTLE OF AUSTERLITZ happening in Austria, Napoleon crushed the Austrian and Russian armies, ensuring mastery of the land. 

  • Orders in council= issued by britain in 1806 and they closed the european ports under french control to foreign shipping unless they stopped at a british port.

  • French response seizure of all merchant ships that entered British ports. 

  • Impressment- the forcible enlistment of sailors= it formed a conscription.

  • The CHESAPEAKE incident was when the British forced upon American sailors forcibly, killing four Americans which angered many americans. They wanted war but Jefferson wanted peace.

  • Instead of war, Jeff reasoned that if America cut off its exports, the offending powers would be forced to bow and agree to respect its rights. 

  • EMBARGO ACT 1807- a form of peaceful coercion that forbade all exports of goods from the US, whether in american or foreign. 

  • The result of the embargo act= excessive unexportable cotton, grain, and tobacco. Harming the south. The north began to be unemployed. 

  • Illicit trade flourished along the canadian border where citizens Sicily transported the letters of EMBARGO to read; “o grab me”, “go bar em” and “mobridge” who;e heatlity cursing the “dambargo”.

  • Because of the act, the federalists party came back to life and congress was forced to repeal the act. 

  • The embargo was replaced by the Non-Intercourse Act, which reopened trade with all nations except Britain and France—the two countries at the heart of the problem.


  1. Underestimated British Resilience: Jefferson misjudged Britain's ability to cope with the embargo, as they had good harvests and alternative trade routes.

  2. Overestimated Dependence: He overestimated how much Britain and France relied on American goods; they found other trading partners, especially in Latin America.

  3. Widespread Smuggling: The embargo led to rampant illegal trade, undermining its effectiveness.

  4. Unpopularity: The embargo was unpopular, especially in New England, causing economic hardship and political backlash.

  5. Weak Enforcement: Enforcement was inconsistent, allowing many Americans to bypass the embargo.

  6. Failure to Achieve Goals: The embargo did not change British or French policies, leading to frustration among Americans.

  7. Political Consequences: The rising discontent revived the Federalist Party and made it politically necessary to repeal the embargo.

  • JAMES MADISON followed as president on March 4, 1809. 

  • He was not as strong of a president as Jefferson, because there were factions within his party and their cabinet. 

  • NON INTERCOURSE ACT 1809, watered down version of Jefferson's embargo was due to expire in 1810. 

  • MACON’S BILL NUMBER 2 was a measure that congress took to dismal the embargo act completely. 

  • Macon's bill admitted that the US needed one of the belligerents as a commercial ally but it left determination of who the ally would be to the potentates of London and paris.