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Biology Test Unit 2

Tour of the Cell:

  • What is a cell?

    • smallest unit of structure and function in all living things

    • performs all the life processes to maintain homeostasis

    • enclosed by membranes that maintain an internal environment and separate them from the external one

  • smooth ER: no ribosomes, synthesize lipids, like phospholipids, cholesterol, fatty acids

  • rough ER: ribosomes on it, make protein that will be secreted

  • ribosome: synthesize proteins by translating code from mRNA to amino acids. made in nucleus. large subunit, mRNA, small subunit. rRNA + protein, do not have membranes

  • centriole: made out of microtubules, pair animal cell

  • centrosome: microtubule organizing center, makes them specifically during cell division/mitosis

  • plasma membrane: controls movement

  • cell wall: shape + protection

  • cytoplasm: involved in cell metabolism

  • cells are small so they can be replaced

  • Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes:



no nucleus- DNA floats in cytoplasm archea, bacteria only have plasma membrane, cytoplasm, ribosomes, DNA, and cytoskeleton very high SA:V ratio

Have nucleus only some have cell wall plants, animals, fungi, protist has all organelles/cell parts

Endosymbiotic Theory:

  • explains how eukaryotes evolved from prokaryotes

    1. small aerobic prokaryoric cells were engulfed by larger prokaryotes (endocytosis)

    2. the two cells formed a mutualistic symbiotic relationship. host cell helped provide nutrients and the internal cell produced energy

    3. 2 cells became interdependent to survive

  • evidence: mitochondria and chloroplasts are membrane bound organelles that

    • are similar in size + shape to prokaryotes

    • each have their own set of circular DNA and ribosomes

    • double membranes

    • divide independently

The Cytoskeleton:

  • a cellular scaffolding or skeleton contained within the cytoplasm to help keep cell shape/structure

  • 3 proteins make up the cytoskeleton: microtubules, intermediate fibers, microfilaments

  • microtubules: long, hollow tubes made of tubulin

    • provide framework for organelles/ vesicles to move within cell

    • seperate chromatins during cells division

  • intermediate fibers: fibrous, rope-like protein keratin

    • stabilizes cell’s structure by resisting tension

    • helps anchor nucleus

  • microfilaments: thing, threadlike strands of contractile protein, actin

    • aid in moving the cytoplasm around the cell: cyclosis

Cell Junctions:

  • plasmodesmata: channels between adjacent plant cells that allow chemical messages and nourishment to be shared

  • extracellular matrix: sticky layer in animal cells that helps hold cells together. connected by 3 types:

    • tight junctions: bind cells tightly, leakproof

    • anchoring junctions: fasten cells together w/ cytoskeleton fibers, allowing stretching

    • gap junctions: allows neighboring cells to exchange signals + materials

Protein Processing + Secretion:

DNA → (transcription) copy occurs in nucleus → mRNA leave nucleus through nuclear pores → (translation) attaches to ribosomes → polypeptide

  • if mRNA attaches to cytoplasm/ free floating ribosome, protein stays in cell

  • if mRNA attaches to rough ER, protein will be secereted

  • ribosome: synthesize proteins

  • RER: transports and modifies the protein

  • transport vesicle: protein is transported here from RER

  • golgi apparatus: receives the incoming protein at the cis end, the packages and prepares protein for secretion at trans end.

  • secretory vesicle: fuse within cell membrane, releasing the protein outside the cell (exocytosis)

  • lysosomes: break down nutrients for use inside cell, digest old cell parts, digest bacteria + virusus in WBC

  • proteins secreted: enzymes, hormones, antibodies

  • lysosomal storage disorders: genetic disorders that cause lysosomes to be missing one functional enzyme

    • tay sachs: missing an enzyme that breaks down lipids, affects nervous system (lethal)

    • pompe disease: missing an enzyme that breaks down glycogen which is stored in muscle, liver and stops heart (treatable)

Why Cells Are Small:

  • specific cellular structures are used to maximize the exchange of materials with the environment. these structures increase SA:V ratio

    • ex. root hairs: thin extensions of the root that increase the SA for water/mineral absorption

    • ex. alveoli: thin, small sacs in lungs to increase SA to maximize gas exchange

    • villi and microvilli are finger-like projections of the small intestine to increase SA to increase absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream.

  • volume grows faster than SA because is it to the third power instead of the second.

  • if there is a high ratio, the exchange rate of nutrients will meet the metabolic needs of the cell

  • as cell grows, SA:V decreases because V changes faster

The Plasma Membrane:

  • function: a selectively permeable nonpolar barrier that maintains homeostasis by controlling movement into and out of the cell

  • structure: phospholipid bilayer with embedded membrane proteins (transmembrane proteins)

  • membrane proteins are amphipathic

  • fluid mosaic model: lateral movement and bobbing of the membrane proteins within the phospholipid components

  • membrane transport:

    • factors that determine how/if a substance will cross cell membrane:

      • polarity/charge: nonpolar, uncharged pass easily

      • size

      • concentration gradient: ions move down or with the concentration gradient without energy

      • does it need a receptor?

  • structure and function of the extracellular matrix:

    • structure: collagen, fibronectin, proteoglycan, integrins

    • function:

      • support

      • adhesion

      • regulation

      • movement

Functions of Membrane Proteins:

  • transport proteins: protein carriers and channels, move substances across membrane

  • enzymes: catalyzes reactions

  • identity markers: carb antenna used to detect surroundings (cell-to-cell recognition)

    • glycoprotein: short polysaccharide attached to protein and if antigen enters the body, the glycoproteins are not recognized so an immune attack will occur (glycolipids do the same thing)

  • receptors: receives external signals from ligands (hormones, ions, neurotransmitters) and send info into cell causing signal transductions

  • cell junctions: uses peripheral and integral proteins, connects one cell to another (anchoring, gap, tight)

  • structure: attachment to cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix (outside of cell), maintains shape

Blood Types:

  • 4 types: A, B, AB, O

  • blood types are names for the glycoproteins found on the surface of the red blood cells

  • antibodies are made by white blood cells to attack and kill antigens that the body does not recognize

  • blood type A:

    • protein A, anitgen A

    • does not recognize protein B

    • anti-body is anti-B

  • blood type B:

    • protein B, antigen B

    • does not recognize protein A

    • anti-body is anti-A

  • blood type AB

    • protein A and protein B

    • all proteins recognized

    • no antibodies

  • blood type O

    • no protein

    • does not recognize protein A or B

    • anti-body is anti-A and anti-B

  • Rh factor: postitve blood types can accept negative blood types, but negative blood types can only accept negative negative blood types have anti-Rh antibody

    • postivie blood types have the Rh antigen

    • ex. A+ has protein A and Rh so they can accept O+, O-, A+, A-. A- can only accept O- and A- because they have anti-Rh

  • universal donor: O-

  • universal recipient: AB+

Membrane Transport:

  • passive transport: does not require energy to move substance across membrane [high] → [low]

    • diffusion and facilitated diffusion are the two types

  • active transport: requires energy to move substance across membrane [low] → [high]

    • bulk transport and protein pumps are the two types


  • the movement of molecules across a membrane from a region of high concentration to low

  • ex, smal, lipid soluble, non polar, uncharged molecules like O2 and CO2

  • molecules diffuse inside cell

  • high concentration outside low concentration inside

  • molecules stop moving at equilibrium (equal number of molecules on both sides- no more gradient)

  • real life: diffusion of oxygen + CO2 occurs between alveoli and red blood cells, then at our muscle cells

    • blood cells coming from lungs have [high] CO2 and [low] O2

    • muscle cells have the same thing

  • what would happen if oxygen reached the equilibirum?

    • we would die because without a gradient oxygen will no longer diffuse into muscle cells

Facilitated Diffusion:

  • the movement of molecules through a membrane using a protein channel or carrier

  • ex. substances that are charged, polar, medium size like Na or Cl or glucose

  • the inside of the channel or carrier will have charges that will attract the molecules and pull them into the channel

Protein Pumps Active Transport:

  • ions are pumped against the electrochemical gradient

  • sodium potassium pump

    • resets cells to resting potential

    • salted bananas: high Na concentration outside cell high potassium concentration inside cell

  • ion pumps help create a difference in charge across the membrane (membrane potential- inside of cell neg, outside pos)

  • has to go back to resting potential before messages are sent

Bulk Transport:

  • movement of large moelcules (proteins-hormones, enzymes; starch) into or out of the cell using vesicles

    1. exocytosis: moves materials out of the cell using secretory vesicles (ex. hormones, enzymes)

    2. endocytosis: movement of materials into the cell

      1. phagocytosis: moves solid into the cell using pseudopods

      2. pinocytosis: moves liquid into the cell

    3. receptor-mediated endocytosis: require specific receptor proteins that only endocytose a specific molecule that activate the receptors

      1. ex. body cells remove the bad LDL from circulating in the blood by receptor-mediated endocytosis. this reduces the accumulation of dangerous plaques that could block arteries

      2. hypercholesterolemia: no functional LDL receptors→ too much LDL in body

  • how glucose gets into the cell:

    • insulin activates the receptor in the membrane, causing a signla transduction, which mobilizes the glucose channel proteins to fuse with the plasma membrane

    • the glucose channels open and allow glucose into the cell

    • the insulin receptors are endocytosed by receptor-mediated endocytosis, breaking down the insulin, and then fuses back to the membrane to replace the receptors in the membrane


  • type of secondary active transport

  • transport protein couples the movement of an ion down its electrochemical gradient to the movement of another ion or molecule against a concentration or electrochemical gradient

  • more potential energy builds as H+ ions accumulate

  • sucrose utilizes the energy of the H+ ions flowing down the gradient to get into the cell

Biology Test Unit 2

Tour of the Cell:

  • What is a cell?

    • smallest unit of structure and function in all living things

    • performs all the life processes to maintain homeostasis

    • enclosed by membranes that maintain an internal environment and separate them from the external one

  • smooth ER: no ribosomes, synthesize lipids, like phospholipids, cholesterol, fatty acids

  • rough ER: ribosomes on it, make protein that will be secreted

  • ribosome: synthesize proteins by translating code from mRNA to amino acids. made in nucleus. large subunit, mRNA, small subunit. rRNA + protein, do not have membranes

  • centriole: made out of microtubules, pair animal cell

  • centrosome: microtubule organizing center, makes them specifically during cell division/mitosis

  • plasma membrane: controls movement

  • cell wall: shape + protection

  • cytoplasm: involved in cell metabolism

  • cells are small so they can be replaced

  • Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes:



no nucleus- DNA floats in cytoplasm archea, bacteria only have plasma membrane, cytoplasm, ribosomes, DNA, and cytoskeleton very high SA:V ratio

Have nucleus only some have cell wall plants, animals, fungi, protist has all organelles/cell parts

Endosymbiotic Theory:

  • explains how eukaryotes evolved from prokaryotes

    1. small aerobic prokaryoric cells were engulfed by larger prokaryotes (endocytosis)

    2. the two cells formed a mutualistic symbiotic relationship. host cell helped provide nutrients and the internal cell produced energy

    3. 2 cells became interdependent to survive

  • evidence: mitochondria and chloroplasts are membrane bound organelles that

    • are similar in size + shape to prokaryotes

    • each have their own set of circular DNA and ribosomes

    • double membranes

    • divide independently

The Cytoskeleton:

  • a cellular scaffolding or skeleton contained within the cytoplasm to help keep cell shape/structure

  • 3 proteins make up the cytoskeleton: microtubules, intermediate fibers, microfilaments

  • microtubules: long, hollow tubes made of tubulin

    • provide framework for organelles/ vesicles to move within cell

    • seperate chromatins during cells division

  • intermediate fibers: fibrous, rope-like protein keratin

    • stabilizes cell’s structure by resisting tension

    • helps anchor nucleus

  • microfilaments: thing, threadlike strands of contractile protein, actin

    • aid in moving the cytoplasm around the cell: cyclosis

Cell Junctions:

  • plasmodesmata: channels between adjacent plant cells that allow chemical messages and nourishment to be shared

  • extracellular matrix: sticky layer in animal cells that helps hold cells together. connected by 3 types:

    • tight junctions: bind cells tightly, leakproof

    • anchoring junctions: fasten cells together w/ cytoskeleton fibers, allowing stretching

    • gap junctions: allows neighboring cells to exchange signals + materials

Protein Processing + Secretion:

DNA → (transcription) copy occurs in nucleus → mRNA leave nucleus through nuclear pores → (translation) attaches to ribosomes → polypeptide

  • if mRNA attaches to cytoplasm/ free floating ribosome, protein stays in cell

  • if mRNA attaches to rough ER, protein will be secereted

  • ribosome: synthesize proteins

  • RER: transports and modifies the protein

  • transport vesicle: protein is transported here from RER

  • golgi apparatus: receives the incoming protein at the cis end, the packages and prepares protein for secretion at trans end.

  • secretory vesicle: fuse within cell membrane, releasing the protein outside the cell (exocytosis)

  • lysosomes: break down nutrients for use inside cell, digest old cell parts, digest bacteria + virusus in WBC

  • proteins secreted: enzymes, hormones, antibodies

  • lysosomal storage disorders: genetic disorders that cause lysosomes to be missing one functional enzyme

    • tay sachs: missing an enzyme that breaks down lipids, affects nervous system (lethal)

    • pompe disease: missing an enzyme that breaks down glycogen which is stored in muscle, liver and stops heart (treatable)

Why Cells Are Small:

  • specific cellular structures are used to maximize the exchange of materials with the environment. these structures increase SA:V ratio

    • ex. root hairs: thin extensions of the root that increase the SA for water/mineral absorption

    • ex. alveoli: thin, small sacs in lungs to increase SA to maximize gas exchange

    • villi and microvilli are finger-like projections of the small intestine to increase SA to increase absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream.

  • volume grows faster than SA because is it to the third power instead of the second.

  • if there is a high ratio, the exchange rate of nutrients will meet the metabolic needs of the cell

  • as cell grows, SA:V decreases because V changes faster

The Plasma Membrane:

  • function: a selectively permeable nonpolar barrier that maintains homeostasis by controlling movement into and out of the cell

  • structure: phospholipid bilayer with embedded membrane proteins (transmembrane proteins)

  • membrane proteins are amphipathic

  • fluid mosaic model: lateral movement and bobbing of the membrane proteins within the phospholipid components

  • membrane transport:

    • factors that determine how/if a substance will cross cell membrane:

      • polarity/charge: nonpolar, uncharged pass easily

      • size

      • concentration gradient: ions move down or with the concentration gradient without energy

      • does it need a receptor?

  • structure and function of the extracellular matrix:

    • structure: collagen, fibronectin, proteoglycan, integrins

    • function:

      • support

      • adhesion

      • regulation

      • movement

Functions of Membrane Proteins:

  • transport proteins: protein carriers and channels, move substances across membrane

  • enzymes: catalyzes reactions

  • identity markers: carb antenna used to detect surroundings (cell-to-cell recognition)

    • glycoprotein: short polysaccharide attached to protein and if antigen enters the body, the glycoproteins are not recognized so an immune attack will occur (glycolipids do the same thing)

  • receptors: receives external signals from ligands (hormones, ions, neurotransmitters) and send info into cell causing signal transductions

  • cell junctions: uses peripheral and integral proteins, connects one cell to another (anchoring, gap, tight)

  • structure: attachment to cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix (outside of cell), maintains shape

Blood Types:

  • 4 types: A, B, AB, O

  • blood types are names for the glycoproteins found on the surface of the red blood cells

  • antibodies are made by white blood cells to attack and kill antigens that the body does not recognize

  • blood type A:

    • protein A, anitgen A

    • does not recognize protein B

    • anti-body is anti-B

  • blood type B:

    • protein B, antigen B

    • does not recognize protein A

    • anti-body is anti-A

  • blood type AB

    • protein A and protein B

    • all proteins recognized

    • no antibodies

  • blood type O

    • no protein

    • does not recognize protein A or B

    • anti-body is anti-A and anti-B

  • Rh factor: postitve blood types can accept negative blood types, but negative blood types can only accept negative negative blood types have anti-Rh antibody

    • postivie blood types have the Rh antigen

    • ex. A+ has protein A and Rh so they can accept O+, O-, A+, A-. A- can only accept O- and A- because they have anti-Rh

  • universal donor: O-

  • universal recipient: AB+

Membrane Transport:

  • passive transport: does not require energy to move substance across membrane [high] → [low]

    • diffusion and facilitated diffusion are the two types

  • active transport: requires energy to move substance across membrane [low] → [high]

    • bulk transport and protein pumps are the two types


  • the movement of molecules across a membrane from a region of high concentration to low

  • ex, smal, lipid soluble, non polar, uncharged molecules like O2 and CO2

  • molecules diffuse inside cell

  • high concentration outside low concentration inside

  • molecules stop moving at equilibrium (equal number of molecules on both sides- no more gradient)

  • real life: diffusion of oxygen + CO2 occurs between alveoli and red blood cells, then at our muscle cells

    • blood cells coming from lungs have [high] CO2 and [low] O2

    • muscle cells have the same thing

  • what would happen if oxygen reached the equilibirum?

    • we would die because without a gradient oxygen will no longer diffuse into muscle cells

Facilitated Diffusion:

  • the movement of molecules through a membrane using a protein channel or carrier

  • ex. substances that are charged, polar, medium size like Na or Cl or glucose

  • the inside of the channel or carrier will have charges that will attract the molecules and pull them into the channel

Protein Pumps Active Transport:

  • ions are pumped against the electrochemical gradient

  • sodium potassium pump

    • resets cells to resting potential

    • salted bananas: high Na concentration outside cell high potassium concentration inside cell

  • ion pumps help create a difference in charge across the membrane (membrane potential- inside of cell neg, outside pos)

  • has to go back to resting potential before messages are sent

Bulk Transport:

  • movement of large moelcules (proteins-hormones, enzymes; starch) into or out of the cell using vesicles

    1. exocytosis: moves materials out of the cell using secretory vesicles (ex. hormones, enzymes)

    2. endocytosis: movement of materials into the cell

      1. phagocytosis: moves solid into the cell using pseudopods

      2. pinocytosis: moves liquid into the cell

    3. receptor-mediated endocytosis: require specific receptor proteins that only endocytose a specific molecule that activate the receptors

      1. ex. body cells remove the bad LDL from circulating in the blood by receptor-mediated endocytosis. this reduces the accumulation of dangerous plaques that could block arteries

      2. hypercholesterolemia: no functional LDL receptors→ too much LDL in body

  • how glucose gets into the cell:

    • insulin activates the receptor in the membrane, causing a signla transduction, which mobilizes the glucose channel proteins to fuse with the plasma membrane

    • the glucose channels open and allow glucose into the cell

    • the insulin receptors are endocytosed by receptor-mediated endocytosis, breaking down the insulin, and then fuses back to the membrane to replace the receptors in the membrane


  • type of secondary active transport

  • transport protein couples the movement of an ion down its electrochemical gradient to the movement of another ion or molecule against a concentration or electrochemical gradient

  • more potential energy builds as H+ ions accumulate

  • sucrose utilizes the energy of the H+ ions flowing down the gradient to get into the cell