### Digestive System Summary
#### Key Functions:
- Ingestion: Taking in food and liquids.
- Mechanical digestion: Physical breakdown (chewing, stomach churning).
- Chemical digestion: Enzymatic breakdown (proteins, carbs, fats).
- Absorption: Nutrients move into the blood or lymph.
- Defecation: Elimination of indigestible material.
#### Mechanical vs. Chemical Digestion:
- Mechanical digestion: Physical breakdown (e.g., chewing, peristalsis).
- Chemical digestion: Enzymes break down food molecules (e.g., carbs to sugars).
#### Digestive System Components:
- Alimentary canal (GI tract): Mouth → Anus (includes stomach, small and large intestine).
- Accessory organs: Salivary glands, pancreas, liver, gallbladder.
#### Peristalsis vs. Segmentation:
- Peristalsis: Wave-like muscle contractions that move food.
- Segmentation: Mixing contractions that help digestion and absorption.
#### 4 Layers of the GI Tract:
1. Mucosa: Secretes digestive enzymes, absorbs nutrients.
2. Submucosa: Contains blood vessels, nerves.
3. Muscularis externa: Controls peristalsis and segmentation.
4. Serosa: Outer layer, reduces friction.
#### Saliva:
- Composition: Water, mucus, enzymes (salivary amylase).
- Function: Moistens food, starts carbohydrate digestion.
#### Preventing Food from Entering the Nasal Cavity & Larynx:
- Soft palate blocks the nasal cavity.
- Epiglottis covers the larynx to prevent choking.
#### Gastric Gland Cells:
- Mucous cells: Secrete mucus to protect the stomach.
- Parietal cells: Secrete hydrochloric acid (HCl) and intrinsic factor.
- Chief cells: Secrete pepsinogen (for protein digestion).
- Enteroendocrine cells: Secrete hormones like gastrin.
#### Small Intestine Modifications:
- Villi and microvilli: Increase surface area for nutrient absorption.
- Circular folds: Slow down chyme and increase absorption.
#### Pancreas, Liver, Gallbladder Roles:
- Pancreas: Secretes digestive enzymes and bicarbonate ions.
- Liver: Produces bile (for fat digestion).
- Gallbladder: Stores and releases bile.
#### Bicarbonate in Pancreatic Juice:
- Neutralizes stomach acid to create a proper pH for digestive enzymes.
#### Mucus in the Digestive Tract:
- Protects the lining of the GI tract from digestive acids and mechanical damage.
#### End Products of Digestion:
- Carbs: Simple sugars (glucose, fructose).
- Fats: Fatty acids and glycerol.
- Proteins: Amino acids.
#### Absorption:
- Blood capillaries: Absorb amino acids, sugars, and water-soluble vitamins.
- Lacteals: Absorb fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins as chylomicrons.
#### Digestive Tract Regions & Functions:
| Region | Main Function | Nutrients Digested | Enzymes Produced | Enzymes That Act Here |
| Mouth | Ingestion, initial digestion | Carbohydrates | Salivary amylase | Salivary amylase |
| Stomach | Protein digestion, churning | Proteins | Pepsinogen (activated to pepsin) | Pepsin |
| Small Intestine (Lumen) | Digestion and absorption | Carbs, fats, proteins | Pancreatic enzymes (amylase, lipase, proteases) | Pancreatic enzymes, bile salts |
| Small Intestine (Brush Border) | Final digestion and absorption | Carbs, proteins, fats | Maltase, sucrase, lactase, dipeptidases | Brush border enzymes |
| Large Intestine | Water absorption, bacterial fermentation | Fiber, water | None | Bacterial enzymes |
#### Bile:
- Composition: Water, bile salts, cholesterol.
- Function: Emulsifies fats, aids in fat digestion and absorption.
#### What Cannot Be Digested?
- Cellulose (fiber): Not digestible by humans.
#### Vitamin Synthesis:
- Intestinal flora produce vitamin K and some B vitamins.
This simplified guide highlights the main concepts of the digestive system, its anatomy, functions, and processes. Feel free to review each section as needed!