Paper one - Global Politics

Command terms: 

  • Describe - detailed account 

  • Define - precise meaning of word, concept, phrase or quantity 

  • Identify - provide an answer from a number of possibilities

  • Outline- brief account or summary  

4 questions: 

Question one- 

  • 5 lines 

  • Topic: knowledge and understanding 

    • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of key political concepts 

Question 2: 

  • 200-250 words 

  • Application and analysis 

    • Apply knowledge of key political concepts to analyse contemporary political issues in context 

    • Identify and analyse relevant material and supporting examples 

    • Use political concepts to present and sustain an argument.

Question 3: 

  • 300 words - 2 to 4 paragraphs 

  • Synthesis and evaluation 

    • Compare and contrast evidence from sources, background knowledge, perspectives, approaches to global politics, evaluate political belief, basis and prejudices (and origins) 

Question 4: 

  •  600 words or more 

  • Use and application of skills

    • Well structured written material that uses the right terminology 

    • Organized material in logical and relevant response
