Developmental Trauma

How many women compared to men will experience some form of sexual violence? One in women and one and six men will experience some form of sexual violence.

What is required for healthy attachment?Needs are met Physical, environmental, emotional Safety is assured Reassurance.

What is ambivalent attachment?Anxious and insecure, can not rely on needs being met.

What is avoidant attachment?Subconsiously believes that his/her needs wont be met.

What is disorganized attachment?Severely confused with no strategy to have needs met.

What is category A of the Diagnostic Criteria?Being exposed to developmentally adverse interpersonal traumas abandonment, physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, coercive practices, chronically unmet needs, chronic chaos) Subjective feelings of shame, defeat, resignation, rage

What is category B of the Diagnostic Criteria?Triggered pattern of repeated dysregulation in response to trauma cue. Not being able to control emotion, behaviors, cognition, and relationships.

What is category C of the Diagnostic Criteria?Negative attributions and expectations of beliefs, distrust of caretakes/social agencies, stop expecting protection from others, victimization is inevitable.

What is category D of the Diagnostic Criteria?Functional impairment of academic, family, social, and legal.

What is complex PTSD?A negative self-view, changes in beliefs and worldview. Difficulty in beliefs and worldview. Difficulty in emotion regulation Relationship Dysfunction.

What is the significance of Adverse childhood experiences (ACES) study?The risk increase with each ACE, Behavioral(Sedentary lifestyle substance abuse). Mental Health(Suicide attempts, depression) Physical(Obesity, heart disease, cancer).

Therapeutics that can be used for trauma?Meds, therapy (DBT,CBT)m EMDR.