Attack – An attack can be a spike, tip, set or a hit as an over-the-head contact.
Attack line – The attack line is the line 3 meters from the net and runs parallel on each side of the court.
Attack zone or Front zone – This zone is between the net and the line of attack and is in which are the 3 attack players. They can block the opponent's balls or send the ball to the other half at will.
Ball in or Inside - Indicates that the ball bounced inside the playing court.
Ball out or Outside - Indicates that the ball bounced outside the playing court.
Ball touch or Check ball - Indicates that the players touch the ball while the ball fall outside the playing court.
Block – A block in volleyball is when one team makes a move trying to get the ball over the net and the other team reaches up and blocks the ball from coming onto their side.
Catch or Holding - Indicates that the ball has been held, thrown or carried.
Centerline – The centerline is the line that runs underneath the net. This line is the width of the court and divides the volleyball court into two equal halves.
Cool down – Cool Down should consist of: Light jogging and skipping and 3-5 minutes to stretch.
Dead ball - The ball is dead if the ball touches the floor of the court. When the referee blows his/her whistle to stop play the ball is dead.
Default – An un-played match that is recorded as a loss rather than a forfeit.
Defense Zone (or Back Zone) – This is where the defensive players stand, who are responsible for receiving most of the balls that come from the half of the opposing team.
Delay – An improper action of a team that defers resumption of the game is a delay and includes… delaying a substitution, prolonging other interruptions, after having been instructed to resume the game, requesting an illegal substitution, repeating an improper request.
Delay in service or 8 seconds - This hand signal indicates that the server commits an eight seconds violation during services.
Dig Pass – A dig is a pass of a hard-driven ball from the other team.
Double Fault – A double fault occurs when players of opposing teams simultaneously commit faults. A replay is called for double faults.
Double fault and replay or Jump ball - Indicates that the point is not awarded in any of the team to be fair.
Interference – The team are doing any destructive behavior during ball on play.
Interval – An interval is the time between sets.
Joust – A joust in volleyball is when two defending players go for the ball at the same time that is just above the net and attempt to push it back onto their opponent’s side.
Libero – The libero wears a different color from the rest of the team and they are not allowed to serve or rotate to the front line. They serves as defensive specialist.
Line judge or Lines men - An official who assists a referee especially in determining if a ball are ball in, ball out or ball touch.
Net touch or Touching the net - Indicates that the player is/are touching the net.
Pass – A volleyball pass is a done with the objective to move the ball to a teammate called a setter. The pass is the first touch by the team.
Penetration or Crossing - Indicates that the feet or foot of the players totally crossed in the centerline.
Point – A point is the result of a rally. Points are scored in various ways - by players committing faults, ball landing "in", ball landing "out", etc.
Rally - A rally is the time between the serve and the end of the play. In some volleyball terminology a rally is synonymous with volley.
Reaching beyond the net or Over reaching - Indicates that the attacker or blocker hit the ball beyond the net on their opponent court.
Receiver – The receiver must assess incoming angle, decide where to pass the ball and then control their pass in the blink of an eye
Rotation – Taking turns to serve.
Sanctions – It is the punishment of a referee in any member of a team.
Server – a server uses one, open hand to swing overhead and send the ball over the net from behind the end line.
Service Ace – A service ace (SA) is a serve that results directly in a point. A service ace is awarded to a player: (1) If the serve strikes the opponent's court untouched.
Set or Toss – A volleyball set is an over the head pass to a hitter so they are able to spike the ball over the net.
Side bands – Side bands are two white bands attached vertically to the net and placed above each sideline.
Spike or Kill – spiking is the act of scoring a point by slamming the ball over the net into the opposing court effectively and aggressively.
Substitution – If one player leaves the court during the substitution, another player should take his/her position.
Team captain or Captain ball - Is given to those athletes whom the rest of the team respect and trust to lead the team in the right direction.
Toss Coin – To determined which team will serve first and which side of the court teams will start.
Warm up – Warm up exercises for volleyball matches help players get ready to play.
Net Height
Men - 2.43 m
Women - 2.23 m
Elem boys - 2.15 m
Elem girls - 2.10 m
Ball Circumference - 65-67 cm
Antenna/Antennae - 2.55 m