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Chinese HSK 3-4 Vocabulary


1) 週末你有什麼打算

週末 [zhōumò]: weekend

打算 [dǎsuàn]: plan; to intend

啊 [a]: (ending particle of conformation or defense)

跟 [gēn]: with

一直 [yìzhí]: all the time, continuously 

遊戲 [yóuxì]: game

作業 [zuòyè]: homework

著急 [zháojí]: worried, anxious

複習 [fùxí]: to review

南(方) [nán(fāng)]: south, southern part

北方 [běifāng]: north, northern part

麵包 [miànbāo]: bread

帶 [dài]: to take along, to bring

地圖 [dìtú]: map

搬 [bān]: to move, to carry

2) 他什麼時候回來

腿 [tuǐ]: leg

疼 [téng]: hurt, painful

腳 [jiǎo]: foot

樹 [shù]: tree

容易 [róngyì]: easy

難 [nán]: difficult, hard

太太 [tàitai]: Mrs., madam

秘書 [mìshū]: secretary

經理 [jīnglǐ]: manager

辦公室 [bàngōngshì]: office

輛 [liàng]: (m. used for vehicles)

樓 [lóu]: building

拿 [ná]: to take, to fetch

把 [bǎ]: (m. used for things with a handle)

傘 [sǎn]: umbrella 

胖 [pàng]: fat

其實 [qíshí]: actually

瘦 [shòu]: thin

3) 桌子放著很多飲料

還是 [háishi]: or

爬山 [pá shān]: to climb a mountain

小心 [xiǎoxīn]: careful

條 [tiáo]: (m. word for pants, dresses, etc.)

褲子 [kùzi]: pants

記得 [jìde]: to remember 

襯衫 [chènshān]: shirt 

元 [yuán]: (m. unit of money)

新鮮 [xīnxiān]: fresh

甜 [tián]: sweet

只 [zhǐ]: only, solely

放 [fàng]: to put, place

飲料 [yǐnliào]: drink, beverage

或者 [huòzhě]: or

舒服 [shūfu]: comfortable

花 [huā]: flower

綠 [lüù]: green

4) 他總是笑著跟客人說話

比賽 [bǐsài]: match, competition

照片 [zhàopiàn]: photo

年紀 [niánjí]: grade 

又 [yòu]: and

聰明 [cōngming]: clever, smart

熱情 [rèqíng]: warm, enthusiastic 

努力 [nǔlì]: hard-working

總是 [zǒngshì]: always

回答 [huídá]: to answer

站 [zhàn]: to stand

餓 [è]: hungry 

超市 [chāoshì]: supermarket

蛋糕 [dàngāo]: cake

年輕 [niánqīng]: young

認真 [rènzhēn]: serious, earnest

客人 [kèrén]: customer, guest

5) 我最近越來越胖了

發燒 [fā shāo]: to have a fever

為 [wèi]: for

照顧 [zhàogù]: to take care of 

用 [yòng]: to need

感冒 [gǎnmào]: to catch a cold

季節 [jìjié]: season 

當然 [dāngrán]: of course

春(天) [chūn(tiān)]: spring

草 [cǎo]: grass

夏(天) [xià(tiān)]: summer

裙子 [qúnzi]: skirt

最近 [zuìjìn]: lately, recently

越 [yuè]: more, to a greater degree

6) 怎麼突然找不到了

眼睛 [yǎnjìng]: glasses, spectacles

突然 [tūrán]: suddenly

離開 [lí kāi]: to leave, to part with

清楚 [qīngchu]: clear, distinct

剛才 [gāngcái]: just now

幫忙 [bāng máng]: to help

特別 [tèbié]: extraordinary, special

講 [jiǎng]: to explain

明白 [míngbai]: clear

鍛鍊 [duànliàn]: to do physical exercise

音樂 [yīnyuè]: music

公園 [gōngyuán]: park

聊天(兒) [liáo tiān (er)]: to chat

睡著 [shuì zháo]: to fall asleep

更 [gèng]: more, even more

7) 我跟他都認識五年了

同事 [tóngshì]: colleague

以前 [yǐqián]: before, ago

銀行 [yínháng]: bank

久 [jiǔ]: for a long time, long

感興趣 [gǎn xìngqù]: to be interested in

結婚 [jié hūn]: to marry, to get married

歡迎 [huānyíng]: to welcome

遲到 [chídào]: to be late

半 [bàn]: half

接 [jiē]: to meet (sb.), to pick up (sb.)

刻 [kè]: a quarter

差 [chà]: to fall short of

8) 你去哪兒我就去哪兒

又 [yòu]: again

滿意 [mǎnyì]: to be satisfied

電梯 [diàntī]: elevator 

層 [céng]: (m. used for floors)

害怕 [hài pà]: to be afraid, to be scared

熊貓 [xióngmāo]: panda 

見面 [jiàn miàn]: to meet

安靜 [ānjìng]: quiet

可樂 [kělè]: cola, Coke

一會兒 [yíhuìr]: a moment

馬上 [mǎshàng]: immediately, at once

洗手間 [xǐshǒujiān]: bathroom, restroom

老 [lǎo]: old 

幾乎 [jīhū]: almost

變化 [biànhuà]: to change

健康 [jiànkāng]: healthy

重要 [zhòngyào]: important

9) 他的漢語說得跟中國人一樣好

中文 [zhōngwén]: Chinese language 

班 [bān]: class

一樣 [yíyàng]: same, as…as…

最後 [zuìhòu]: the last one

放心 [fàng xīn]: to ease one's mind, to rest assured

一定 [yídìng]: definitely, certainly

擔心 [dān xīn]: to worry

比較 [bǐjiào]: fairly, rather

了解 [liǎojiě]: to know

先 [xiān]: first, in advance

中間 [zhōngjiān]: the middle

參加 [cānjiā]: to participate

影響 [yǐngxiǎng]: influence

10) 數學比歷史難多了

個子 [gèzi]: height, stature

矮 [ǎi]: short 

歷史 [lìshǐ]: history

體育 [tǐyù]: PE, sports

數學 [shùxué]: math

方便 [fāngbiàn]: convenient

自行車 [zìxíngchē]: bicycle

騎 [qí]: to ride 

舊 [jiù]: old, used, worn

換 [huàn]: to change, substitute

地方 [dìfang]: place

中介 [zhōngjiè]: intermediary, agent

主要 [zhǔyào]: main

環境 [huánjìng]: environment

附近 [fùjìn]: nearby, vicinity

11) 別忘了把空調關了

圖書館 [túshūguǎn]: library

借 [jiè]: to borrow, to lend 

詞典 [cídiǎn]: dictionary

還 [huán]: to return

燈 [dēng]: light, lamp

會議 [huìyì]: meeting, conference 

結束 [jiéshù]: to end, to finish

忘記 [wàngjì]: to forget

空調 [kōngtiáo]: air conditioner

關 [guān]: to turn off, to close

地鐵 [dìtiě]: subway

雙 [shuāng]: pair

筷子 [kuàizi]: chopsticks

啤酒 [píjiǔ]: beer

口 [kǒu]: mouthful

瓶子 [píngzi]: bottle

筆記本(電腦) [bǐjìběn(diànnǎo): notebook, laptop

電子郵件 [diànzǐ yóujiàn]: e-mail

習慣 [xíguàn]: to be used to, habit

12) 把重要的東西放在我這兒

太陽 [tàiyáng]: sun

西 [xī]: west

生氣 [shēng qì]: angry

行李箱 [xínglixiāng]: luggage, suitcase

自己 [zìjǐ]: self

包 [bāo]: bag, sack

發現 [fāxiàn]: to discover

護照 [hùzhào]: passport

起飛 [qǐfēi]: (of an island)

司機 [sījī]: driver

教 [jiāo]: to teach

畫 [huà]: to draw, to paint; drawing, painting

需要 [xūyào]: to need

黑板 [hēibǎn]: blackboard

13) 我是走回來的

終於 [zhōngyú]: finally

爺爺 [yéye]: grandfather 

禮物 [lǐwù]: gift, present

奶奶 [nǎinai]: grandmother

遇到 [yùdào]: to come across, to run into

一邊 [yìbiān]: (indicating two actions taking place at the same time)

過去 [guòqù]: past

一般 [yìbān]: general, usually 

願意 [yuànyì]: would like to

起來 [qǐlai]: (indicating an upward movement) to rise

應該 [yīnggāi]: should

生活 [shēnghuó]: life

校長 [xiàozhǎng]: headmaster

壞 [huài]: broken, ruined

經常 [jīngcháng]: often

14) 你把水果拿過來

打掃 [dǎsǎo]: to clean up, to sweep

乾淨 [gānjìng]: clean

然後 [ránhòu]: then, after that

冰箱 [bīngxiāng]: refrigerator 

洗澡 [xǐ zǎo]: to take a bath/shower

節目 [jiémù]: programme

月亮 [yuèliang]: moon

像 [xiàng]: to be like

盤子 [pánzi]: plate

颳風 [guā fēng]: to be windy

叔叔 [shūshu]: uncle

阿姨 [āyí]: aunt

故事 [gùshì]: story 

聲音 [shēngyīn]: sound, voice

菜單 [càidān]: menu

簡單 [jiǎndān]: simple

香蕉 [xiāngjiāo]: banana

15) 其他都沒什麼問題

留學 [liú xué]: to study abroad

水平 [shuǐpíng]: level, standard

提高 [tí gāo]: to improve

練習 [liànxí]: exercise 

完成 [wán chéng]: to complete

句子 [jùzi]: sentence

其他 [qítā]: the rest

發 [fā]: to send

要求 [yāoqiú]: requirement

注意 [zhù yì]: to pay attention to

上網 [shàng wǎng]: to surf the Internet

除了 [chúle]: other than

新聞 [xīnwén]: news

花 [huā]: to spend

極(了) [jí(le)]: extremely 

節日 [jiérì]: festival

舉行 [jǔxíng]: to hold (a meeting, an event, etc.)

世界 [shìjiè]: world

街道 [jiēdào]: street

各 [gè]: each

文化 [wénhuà]: culture 

16) 我現在累得下了班就想睡覺

城市 [chéngshì]: city

如果 [rúguǒ]: if, in that case

認為 [rènwéi]: to think, to believe

皮鞋 [píxié]: leather shoes 

帽子 [màozi]: hat, cap

長 [zhǎng]: to grow, to develop 

可愛 [kě’ài]: lovely, adorable 

米 [mǐ]: meter

公斤 [gōngjīn]: kilogram

鼻子 [bízi]: nose

頭髮 [tóufa]: hair

檢查 [jiǎnchá]: to check, examine

刷牙 [shuā yá]: to brush

關係 [guānxì]: relationship

別人 [biérén]: other people

詞語 [cíyǔ]: word, expression

17) 誰都有辦法看好你的“病”

請假 [qǐng jià]: to ask for leave

一共 [yígòng]: in total

鄰居 [línjū]: neighbour

後來 [hòulái]: later, afterwards

愛好 [àihào]: hobby, interest

辦法 [bànfǎ]: way, approach

飽 [bǎo]: full, having eaten one’s fill 

為了 [wèile]: for the sake of 

決定 [juédìng]: to decide 

選擇 [xuǎnzé]: to choose

冬(天) [dōng(tiān)]: winter

必須 [bìxū]: must

根據 [gēnjù]: according to, based on

情況 [qíngkuàng]: condition, situation

口 [kǒu]: mouth 

渴 [kě]: thirsty 

18) 我相信他們會同意的

向 [xiàng]: towards

萬 [wàn]: ten thousand

只 [zhī]: (m. ysed for certain animals)

嘴 [zuǐ]: mouth

動物 [dòngwù]: animal

段 [duàn]: (m. used for sections or periods)

不但…而且… [búdàn…ěrqiě…]: not only…but also…

有名 [yǒumíng]: famous

同意 [tóngyì]: to agree

相信 [xiāngxìn]: to believe

關於 [guānyú]: about, regarding

機會 [jīhuì]: opportunity 

國家 [guójiā]: country, nation

種 [zhǒng]: kind, type

特點 [tèdiǎn]: feature

奇怪 [qíguài]: strange, odd

地 [de]: (used to connect an adverbial modifier and the verb it modifies)

19) 你沒看出來嗎

耳朵 [ěrduo]: ear

臉 [liǎn]: face

短 [duǎn]: short

馬 [mǎ]: horse

張 [zhāng]: (measure word for flat objects such as paper, photos, etc.)

位 [wèi]: (m. a respectful measure word for people)

藍 [lán]: blue

秋(天) [qiū(tiān)]: autumn, fall

過 [guò]: to spend, to pass

鳥 [niǎo]: bird

哭 [kū]: to cry

黃河 [huáng hé]: The Yellow River

船 [chuán]: boat, ship

經過 [jīngguò]: to pass by

20) 我被他影響了

照相機 [zhàoxiàngjī]: camera

被 [bèi]: (used to indicate the passive voice)

難過 [nánguò]: sad

東 [dōng]: east

信用卡 [xìnyòngkǎ]: credit card

關心 [guānxīn]: to care for, to be interested in

只有…才… [zhǐyǒu…cái…]: only…(that/can…)

成績 [chéngjì]: grade, performance, achievement

碗 [wǎn]: bowl

分 [fēn]: to distinguish

解決 [jiějué]: to solve

試 [shì]: to try

真正 [zhēnzhèng]: really, truly

多麼 [duōme]: very, to a great extent


1) 簡單的愛情

法律 [fǎlüù]: law

倆 [liǎ]: two, both

印象 [yìnxiàng]: impression

深 [shēn]: deep

熟悉 [shúxi]: to be familiar with

不僅 [bùjǐn]: not only

性格 [xìnggé]: character, personality

開玩笑 [kāi wánxiào]: to be kidding

從來 [cónglái]: always, all along

最好 [zuìhǎo]: had better

共同 [gòngtóng]: common, shared

適合 [shìhé]: to suit, to fit

幸福 [xìngfú]: happy

生活 [shēnghuó]: life, to live

剛 [gāng]: just, not long

浪漫 [làngmàn]: romantic 

夠 [gòu]: to be enough

缺點 [quēdiǎn]: shortcoming

接受 [jiēshòu]: to accept

羨慕 [xiànmù]: to envy, to admire

愛情 [àiqíng]: love (between. man and a woman - idk why they specified this)

星星 [xīngxing]: star

即使 [jíshǐ]: even if

亮 [liàng]: to shine, to be lit

感動 [gǎndòng]: to touch, to move

自然 [zìrán]: naturally, certainly

原因 [yuányīn]: reason

互相 [hùxiāng]: mutually

吸引 [xīyǐn]: to attract

幽默 [yōumò]: humourous

脾氣 [píqi]: temper, disposition

2) 真正的朋友

適應 [shìyìng]: to get used to

交 [jiāo]: to make (friends)

平時 [píngshí]: normal times 

逛 [guàng]: to stroll, to roam

短信 [duǎnxìn]: text message

正好 [zhènghǎo]: just in time, just right

聚會 [jùhùi]: to have a party; party, get-together

聯繫 [liánxì]: to contact

差不多 [chàbuduō]: almost

專門 [zhuānmén]: specially 

畢業 [bì yè]: to graduate

麻煩 [máfan]: to bother 

好像 [hǎoxiàng]: as if

重新 [chóngxīn]: again, once more

儘管 [jǐnguǎn]: although

真正 [zhēnzhèng]: true, real

友誼 [yǒuyì]: friendship

豐富 [fēngfù]: to enrich

無聊 [wúliáo]: boring

討厭 [tǎoyàn]: to dislike

卻 [què]: but rather, yet

周圍 [zhōuwéi]: surrounding

交流 [jiāoliú]: to exchange, to communicate

理解 [lǐjiě]: to understand 

鏡子 [jìngzi]: mirror

而 [ér]: (showing contrast) while, yet

當 [dāng]: when, just at (a time or place)

困難 [kùnnan]: difficulty

及時 [jíshí]: in time

陪 [péi]: to accompany

3) 經歷對我印象不錯

挺 [tǐng]: quite, rather

緊張 [jǐnzhāng]: nervous

信心 [xìnxīn]: confidence

能力 [nénglì]: ability, competence

招聘 [zhāopìn]: to recruit

提供 [tígōng]: to provide

負責 [fùzé]: to be in charge of 

本來 [běnlái]: originally, at first

應聘 [yìngpìn]: to apply for a job

材料 [cáiliào]: data, material

符合 [fúhé]: to accord with

通知 [tōngzhī]: to inform

律師 [lüùshī]: lawyer

專業 [zhuānyè]: major, specialty

另外 [lìngwài]: besides, in addition

收入 [shōurù]: income

咱們 [zánmen]: we, us

安排 [ānpái]: to arrange

首先 [shǒuxiān]: first

正式 [zhèngshì]: formal

留 [liú]: to leave (an impression)

其次 [qícì]: second, next 

誠實 [chéngshí]: honest 

改變 [gǎibiàn]: to change 

感覺 [gǎnjué]: feeling

判斷 [pànduàn]: to judge, to decide

顧客 [gùkè]: customer, client 

準時 [zhǔnshí]: punctual, on time

不管 [bùguǎn]: no matter (what, how, etc.)

與 [yǔ]: (indicating involvement, relationship, etc.) with

約會 [yuēhuì]: to date, to go to an appointment 

4) 不要太著急賺錢

提 [tí]: to mention

以為 [yǐwéi]: to think, to believe

份 [fèn]: (m. for jobs among other things)

完全 [wánquán]: completely

賺 [zhuàn]: to earn 

調查 [diàochá]: to investigate, to inquire into

原來 [yuánlái]: original, originally 

計畫 [jìhuà]: plan; to intend to

提前 [tíqián]: to do (sth.) in advance or ahead of time

保証 [bǎozhèng]: to guarantee

提醒 [tí xǐng]: to remind

亂 [luàn]: hurry-scurry, confused

生意 [shēngyi]: business, trade

談 [tán]: to talk, discuss

並 [bìng]: (used before a negative emphasis)

積累 [jīlěi]: to accumulate

經驗 [jīngyàn]: experience

一切 [yíqiè]: all, every

按照 [ànzhào]: according to

成功 [chénggōng]: successful

順利 [shùnlì]: smooth, successful

感謝 [gǎnxiè]: to thank 

消息 [xiāoxi]: news

按時 [ànshí]: on time, on schedule 

獎金 [jiǎngjīn]: money award, bonus 

工資 [gōngzī]: pay, salary

方法 [fāngfǎ]: method, way

知識 [zhīshi]: knowledge

不得不 [bù dé bù]: to have to, to have no choice to

甚至 [shènzhì]: even, so far as to

責任 [zérèn]: responsibility, duty

5) 只買對的、不買貴的

家具 [jiājù]: furniture

沙發 [shāfā]: sofa

打折 [dǎ zhé]: to give a discount

價格 [jiàgé]: price

質量 [zhìliàng]: quality

肯定 [kěndìng]: surely, certainly

流行 [líuxíng]: to be popular

順便 [shùnbiàn]: in passing

台 [tái]: (m. used for machines)

光 [guāng]: only, merely

實在 [shízài]: really

制冷 [zhìlěng]: to refrigerate 

效果 [xiàoguǒ]: effect

現金 [xiànjīn]: cash

邀請 [yāoqǐng]: to invite

葡萄 [pútao]: grape

藝術 [yìshù]: art

廣告 [guǎnggào]: advertisement

味道 [wèidào]: taste

優點 [yōudiǎn]: merit

實際 [shíjì]: reality

考慮 [kǎolüǔ]: to consider

標準 [biāozhǔn]: standard

樣子 [yàngzi]: look, appearance 

年齡 [niánlíng]: age

浪費 [làngfèi]: to waste

購物 [gòu wù]: to shop, to buy things

尤其 [yóuqí]: especially

受到 [shòudào]: to receive

任何 [rènhé]: any, whatever

寄 [jì]: to mail, to send

6) 一分錢一分貨

果汁 [guǒzhī]: fruit juice 

售貨員 [shòuhuòyuán]: salesperson

襪子 [wàzi]: socks

打擾 [dǎrǎo]: to disturb, to bother 

竟然 [jìngrán]: (indicating unexpectedness)

西紅柿 [xīhóngshì]: tomato

百分之 [bǎi fēn zhī]: percent

倍 [bèi]: times, -fold

皮膚 [pífū]: skin

好處 [hǎochù]: benefit, advantage

嘗 [cháng]: to taste

輕 [qīng]: light, of little weight

方面 [fāngmiàn]: aspect

值得 [zhídé]: to be worth

活動 [huódòng]: activity, event

內 [nèi]: in, within

免費 [miǎn fèi]: to be free of charge

修理 [xiūlǐ]: to repair, to mend

支持 [zhīchí]: to support

舉行 [jǔxíng]: to hold (a meeting, event, etc)

滿 [mǎn]: to reach a quota or limit 

其中 [qízhōng]: among (which, them, etc.)

小說 [xiǎoshuō]: novel, fiction

會員卡 [huìyuánkǎ]: membership card

所有 [suǒyǒu]: all

獲得 [huòdé]: to get, to obtain

情況 [qíngkuàng]: situation, circumstances

例如 [lìrú]: for example

舉辦 [jǔbàn]: to hold, to conduct

各 [gè]: various, different

降低 [jiàngdī]: to lower, to reduce

7) 最好的醫生是自己

流血 [liú xiě]: to bleed

擦 [cā]: to wipe

氣候 [qìhòu]: climate

估計 [gūjì]: to estimate, to reckon

咳嗽 [késou]: to cough

嚴重 [yánzhòng]: serious, grave

窗戶 [chuānghu]: window

空氣 [kōngqì]: air

抽煙 [chōu yān]: to smoke

動作 [dòngzuò]: action, movement 

帥 [shuài]: handsome

出現 [chūxiàn]: to appear, to emerge

後悔 [hòuhuǐ]: to regret

來不及 [láibují]: to have enough time to, to be late too

反對 [fǎnduì]: to oppose, to object to

大夫 [dàifu]: doctor

植物 [zhíwù]: plant 

研究 [yánjiū]: to study, to do research 

超過 [chāoguò]: to exceed, to surpass

散步 [sàn bù]: to take a walk

指 [zhǐ]: to refer to

精神 [jīngshén]: spirit, mind

教授 [jiàoshòu]: professor

數字 [shùzì]: number

說明 [shuōmíng]: to explain, to show

要是 [yàoshi]: if, supposing

既 [jì]: (used together with 又) both…and…

減肥 [jiǎn féi]: to lose weight

辛苦 [xīnkǔ]: hard, toilsome

肚子 [dùzi]: belly, stomach

感情 [gǎnqíng]: affection, love

煩惱 [fánnǎo]: worried, vexed

掉 [diào]: (used after certain verbs, indicating the result of an action)

8) 生活中不缺少美

巧克力 [qiǎokèlì]: chocolate

親戚 [qīnqi]: relative, kinsfolk

傷心 [shāng xīn]: sad, sorrowful 

心情 [xīnqíng]: mood, state of mind

愉快 [yúkuài]: glad, cheerful

景色 [jǐngsè]: scene, view

放鬆 [fàngsōng]: to relax

壓力 [yālì]: pressure, stress

回憶 [huíyì]: to call to mind, to recall

發生 [fāshēng]: to happen, to take place

成為 [chéngwéi]: to become

只要 [zhǐyào]: as long as, provided師傅 [shīfu]: (a polite title for one with accomplished skills in trade or handicraft)

大使館 [dàshǐguǎn]: embassy

堵車 [dǔ chē]: traffic jam

距離 [jùlí]: distance

耐心 [nàixīn]: patience

生命 [shēngmìng]: life

缺少 [quēshǎo]: to lack

到處 [dàochù]: everywhere

態度 [tàidù]: attitude

因此 [yīncǐ]: therefore, so

科學 [kēxué]: science

證明 [zhèngmíng]: to prove

往往 [wǎngwǎng]: often, usually

陽光 [yángguāng]: optimistic, cheerful

積極 [jījí]: positive

特點 [tèdiǎn]: characteristics

9) 陽光總在風雨後

餅乾 [bǐnggān]: biscuit

難道 [nándào]: (used in a rhetorical question for emphasis)

得 [děi]: must, have to

堅持 [jiānchí]: to insist, to persist

放棄 [fàngqì]: to give up

注意 [zhǔyi]: idea, plan

網球 [wǎngqiú]: tennis

國際 [guójì]: international 

輕鬆 [qīngsōng]: relaxed, at effortless

贏 [yíng]: to win

隨便 [suíbiàn]: casual, at random

汗 [hàn]: sweat, perspiration 

通過 [tōngguò]: through, by means of

Chinese HSK 3-4 Vocabulary


1) 週末你有什麼打算

週末 [zhōumò]: weekend

打算 [dǎsuàn]: plan; to intend

啊 [a]: (ending particle of conformation or defense)

跟 [gēn]: with

一直 [yìzhí]: all the time, continuously 

遊戲 [yóuxì]: game

作業 [zuòyè]: homework

著急 [zháojí]: worried, anxious

複習 [fùxí]: to review

南(方) [nán(fāng)]: south, southern part

北方 [běifāng]: north, northern part

麵包 [miànbāo]: bread

帶 [dài]: to take along, to bring

地圖 [dìtú]: map

搬 [bān]: to move, to carry

2) 他什麼時候回來

腿 [tuǐ]: leg

疼 [téng]: hurt, painful

腳 [jiǎo]: foot

樹 [shù]: tree

容易 [róngyì]: easy

難 [nán]: difficult, hard

太太 [tàitai]: Mrs., madam

秘書 [mìshū]: secretary

經理 [jīnglǐ]: manager

辦公室 [bàngōngshì]: office

輛 [liàng]: (m. used for vehicles)

樓 [lóu]: building

拿 [ná]: to take, to fetch

把 [bǎ]: (m. used for things with a handle)

傘 [sǎn]: umbrella 

胖 [pàng]: fat

其實 [qíshí]: actually

瘦 [shòu]: thin

3) 桌子放著很多飲料

還是 [háishi]: or

爬山 [pá shān]: to climb a mountain

小心 [xiǎoxīn]: careful

條 [tiáo]: (m. word for pants, dresses, etc.)

褲子 [kùzi]: pants

記得 [jìde]: to remember 

襯衫 [chènshān]: shirt 

元 [yuán]: (m. unit of money)

新鮮 [xīnxiān]: fresh

甜 [tián]: sweet

只 [zhǐ]: only, solely

放 [fàng]: to put, place

飲料 [yǐnliào]: drink, beverage

或者 [huòzhě]: or

舒服 [shūfu]: comfortable

花 [huā]: flower

綠 [lüù]: green

4) 他總是笑著跟客人說話

比賽 [bǐsài]: match, competition

照片 [zhàopiàn]: photo

年紀 [niánjí]: grade 

又 [yòu]: and

聰明 [cōngming]: clever, smart

熱情 [rèqíng]: warm, enthusiastic 

努力 [nǔlì]: hard-working

總是 [zǒngshì]: always

回答 [huídá]: to answer

站 [zhàn]: to stand

餓 [è]: hungry 

超市 [chāoshì]: supermarket

蛋糕 [dàngāo]: cake

年輕 [niánqīng]: young

認真 [rènzhēn]: serious, earnest

客人 [kèrén]: customer, guest

5) 我最近越來越胖了

發燒 [fā shāo]: to have a fever

為 [wèi]: for

照顧 [zhàogù]: to take care of 

用 [yòng]: to need

感冒 [gǎnmào]: to catch a cold

季節 [jìjié]: season 

當然 [dāngrán]: of course

春(天) [chūn(tiān)]: spring

草 [cǎo]: grass

夏(天) [xià(tiān)]: summer

裙子 [qúnzi]: skirt

最近 [zuìjìn]: lately, recently

越 [yuè]: more, to a greater degree

6) 怎麼突然找不到了

眼睛 [yǎnjìng]: glasses, spectacles

突然 [tūrán]: suddenly

離開 [lí kāi]: to leave, to part with

清楚 [qīngchu]: clear, distinct

剛才 [gāngcái]: just now

幫忙 [bāng máng]: to help

特別 [tèbié]: extraordinary, special

講 [jiǎng]: to explain

明白 [míngbai]: clear

鍛鍊 [duànliàn]: to do physical exercise

音樂 [yīnyuè]: music

公園 [gōngyuán]: park

聊天(兒) [liáo tiān (er)]: to chat

睡著 [shuì zháo]: to fall asleep

更 [gèng]: more, even more

7) 我跟他都認識五年了

同事 [tóngshì]: colleague

以前 [yǐqián]: before, ago

銀行 [yínháng]: bank

久 [jiǔ]: for a long time, long

感興趣 [gǎn xìngqù]: to be interested in

結婚 [jié hūn]: to marry, to get married

歡迎 [huānyíng]: to welcome

遲到 [chídào]: to be late

半 [bàn]: half

接 [jiē]: to meet (sb.), to pick up (sb.)

刻 [kè]: a quarter

差 [chà]: to fall short of

8) 你去哪兒我就去哪兒

又 [yòu]: again

滿意 [mǎnyì]: to be satisfied

電梯 [diàntī]: elevator 

層 [céng]: (m. used for floors)

害怕 [hài pà]: to be afraid, to be scared

熊貓 [xióngmāo]: panda 

見面 [jiàn miàn]: to meet

安靜 [ānjìng]: quiet

可樂 [kělè]: cola, Coke

一會兒 [yíhuìr]: a moment

馬上 [mǎshàng]: immediately, at once

洗手間 [xǐshǒujiān]: bathroom, restroom

老 [lǎo]: old 

幾乎 [jīhū]: almost

變化 [biànhuà]: to change

健康 [jiànkāng]: healthy

重要 [zhòngyào]: important

9) 他的漢語說得跟中國人一樣好

中文 [zhōngwén]: Chinese language 

班 [bān]: class

一樣 [yíyàng]: same, as…as…

最後 [zuìhòu]: the last one

放心 [fàng xīn]: to ease one's mind, to rest assured

一定 [yídìng]: definitely, certainly

擔心 [dān xīn]: to worry

比較 [bǐjiào]: fairly, rather

了解 [liǎojiě]: to know

先 [xiān]: first, in advance

中間 [zhōngjiān]: the middle

參加 [cānjiā]: to participate

影響 [yǐngxiǎng]: influence

10) 數學比歷史難多了

個子 [gèzi]: height, stature

矮 [ǎi]: short 

歷史 [lìshǐ]: history

體育 [tǐyù]: PE, sports

數學 [shùxué]: math

方便 [fāngbiàn]: convenient

自行車 [zìxíngchē]: bicycle

騎 [qí]: to ride 

舊 [jiù]: old, used, worn

換 [huàn]: to change, substitute

地方 [dìfang]: place

中介 [zhōngjiè]: intermediary, agent

主要 [zhǔyào]: main

環境 [huánjìng]: environment

附近 [fùjìn]: nearby, vicinity

11) 別忘了把空調關了

圖書館 [túshūguǎn]: library

借 [jiè]: to borrow, to lend 

詞典 [cídiǎn]: dictionary

還 [huán]: to return

燈 [dēng]: light, lamp

會議 [huìyì]: meeting, conference 

結束 [jiéshù]: to end, to finish

忘記 [wàngjì]: to forget

空調 [kōngtiáo]: air conditioner

關 [guān]: to turn off, to close

地鐵 [dìtiě]: subway

雙 [shuāng]: pair

筷子 [kuàizi]: chopsticks

啤酒 [píjiǔ]: beer

口 [kǒu]: mouthful

瓶子 [píngzi]: bottle

筆記本(電腦) [bǐjìběn(diànnǎo): notebook, laptop

電子郵件 [diànzǐ yóujiàn]: e-mail

習慣 [xíguàn]: to be used to, habit

12) 把重要的東西放在我這兒

太陽 [tàiyáng]: sun

西 [xī]: west

生氣 [shēng qì]: angry

行李箱 [xínglixiāng]: luggage, suitcase

自己 [zìjǐ]: self

包 [bāo]: bag, sack

發現 [fāxiàn]: to discover

護照 [hùzhào]: passport

起飛 [qǐfēi]: (of an island)

司機 [sījī]: driver

教 [jiāo]: to teach

畫 [huà]: to draw, to paint; drawing, painting

需要 [xūyào]: to need

黑板 [hēibǎn]: blackboard

13) 我是走回來的

終於 [zhōngyú]: finally

爺爺 [yéye]: grandfather 

禮物 [lǐwù]: gift, present

奶奶 [nǎinai]: grandmother

遇到 [yùdào]: to come across, to run into

一邊 [yìbiān]: (indicating two actions taking place at the same time)

過去 [guòqù]: past

一般 [yìbān]: general, usually 

願意 [yuànyì]: would like to

起來 [qǐlai]: (indicating an upward movement) to rise

應該 [yīnggāi]: should

生活 [shēnghuó]: life

校長 [xiàozhǎng]: headmaster

壞 [huài]: broken, ruined

經常 [jīngcháng]: often

14) 你把水果拿過來

打掃 [dǎsǎo]: to clean up, to sweep

乾淨 [gānjìng]: clean

然後 [ránhòu]: then, after that

冰箱 [bīngxiāng]: refrigerator 

洗澡 [xǐ zǎo]: to take a bath/shower

節目 [jiémù]: programme

月亮 [yuèliang]: moon

像 [xiàng]: to be like

盤子 [pánzi]: plate

颳風 [guā fēng]: to be windy

叔叔 [shūshu]: uncle

阿姨 [āyí]: aunt

故事 [gùshì]: story 

聲音 [shēngyīn]: sound, voice

菜單 [càidān]: menu

簡單 [jiǎndān]: simple

香蕉 [xiāngjiāo]: banana

15) 其他都沒什麼問題

留學 [liú xué]: to study abroad

水平 [shuǐpíng]: level, standard

提高 [tí gāo]: to improve

練習 [liànxí]: exercise 

完成 [wán chéng]: to complete

句子 [jùzi]: sentence

其他 [qítā]: the rest

發 [fā]: to send

要求 [yāoqiú]: requirement

注意 [zhù yì]: to pay attention to

上網 [shàng wǎng]: to surf the Internet

除了 [chúle]: other than

新聞 [xīnwén]: news

花 [huā]: to spend

極(了) [jí(le)]: extremely 

節日 [jiérì]: festival

舉行 [jǔxíng]: to hold (a meeting, an event, etc.)

世界 [shìjiè]: world

街道 [jiēdào]: street

各 [gè]: each

文化 [wénhuà]: culture 

16) 我現在累得下了班就想睡覺

城市 [chéngshì]: city

如果 [rúguǒ]: if, in that case

認為 [rènwéi]: to think, to believe

皮鞋 [píxié]: leather shoes 

帽子 [màozi]: hat, cap

長 [zhǎng]: to grow, to develop 

可愛 [kě’ài]: lovely, adorable 

米 [mǐ]: meter

公斤 [gōngjīn]: kilogram

鼻子 [bízi]: nose

頭髮 [tóufa]: hair

檢查 [jiǎnchá]: to check, examine

刷牙 [shuā yá]: to brush

關係 [guānxì]: relationship

別人 [biérén]: other people

詞語 [cíyǔ]: word, expression

17) 誰都有辦法看好你的“病”

請假 [qǐng jià]: to ask for leave

一共 [yígòng]: in total

鄰居 [línjū]: neighbour

後來 [hòulái]: later, afterwards

愛好 [àihào]: hobby, interest

辦法 [bànfǎ]: way, approach

飽 [bǎo]: full, having eaten one’s fill 

為了 [wèile]: for the sake of 

決定 [juédìng]: to decide 

選擇 [xuǎnzé]: to choose

冬(天) [dōng(tiān)]: winter

必須 [bìxū]: must

根據 [gēnjù]: according to, based on

情況 [qíngkuàng]: condition, situation

口 [kǒu]: mouth 

渴 [kě]: thirsty 

18) 我相信他們會同意的

向 [xiàng]: towards

萬 [wàn]: ten thousand

只 [zhī]: (m. ysed for certain animals)

嘴 [zuǐ]: mouth

動物 [dòngwù]: animal

段 [duàn]: (m. used for sections or periods)

不但…而且… [búdàn…ěrqiě…]: not only…but also…

有名 [yǒumíng]: famous

同意 [tóngyì]: to agree

相信 [xiāngxìn]: to believe

關於 [guānyú]: about, regarding

機會 [jīhuì]: opportunity 

國家 [guójiā]: country, nation

種 [zhǒng]: kind, type

特點 [tèdiǎn]: feature

奇怪 [qíguài]: strange, odd

地 [de]: (used to connect an adverbial modifier and the verb it modifies)

19) 你沒看出來嗎

耳朵 [ěrduo]: ear

臉 [liǎn]: face

短 [duǎn]: short

馬 [mǎ]: horse

張 [zhāng]: (measure word for flat objects such as paper, photos, etc.)

位 [wèi]: (m. a respectful measure word for people)

藍 [lán]: blue

秋(天) [qiū(tiān)]: autumn, fall

過 [guò]: to spend, to pass

鳥 [niǎo]: bird

哭 [kū]: to cry

黃河 [huáng hé]: The Yellow River

船 [chuán]: boat, ship

經過 [jīngguò]: to pass by

20) 我被他影響了

照相機 [zhàoxiàngjī]: camera

被 [bèi]: (used to indicate the passive voice)

難過 [nánguò]: sad

東 [dōng]: east

信用卡 [xìnyòngkǎ]: credit card

關心 [guānxīn]: to care for, to be interested in

只有…才… [zhǐyǒu…cái…]: only…(that/can…)

成績 [chéngjì]: grade, performance, achievement

碗 [wǎn]: bowl

分 [fēn]: to distinguish

解決 [jiějué]: to solve

試 [shì]: to try

真正 [zhēnzhèng]: really, truly

多麼 [duōme]: very, to a great extent


1) 簡單的愛情

法律 [fǎlüù]: law

倆 [liǎ]: two, both

印象 [yìnxiàng]: impression

深 [shēn]: deep

熟悉 [shúxi]: to be familiar with

不僅 [bùjǐn]: not only

性格 [xìnggé]: character, personality

開玩笑 [kāi wánxiào]: to be kidding

從來 [cónglái]: always, all along

最好 [zuìhǎo]: had better

共同 [gòngtóng]: common, shared

適合 [shìhé]: to suit, to fit

幸福 [xìngfú]: happy

生活 [shēnghuó]: life, to live

剛 [gāng]: just, not long

浪漫 [làngmàn]: romantic 

夠 [gòu]: to be enough

缺點 [quēdiǎn]: shortcoming

接受 [jiēshòu]: to accept

羨慕 [xiànmù]: to envy, to admire

愛情 [àiqíng]: love (between. man and a woman - idk why they specified this)

星星 [xīngxing]: star

即使 [jíshǐ]: even if

亮 [liàng]: to shine, to be lit

感動 [gǎndòng]: to touch, to move

自然 [zìrán]: naturally, certainly

原因 [yuányīn]: reason

互相 [hùxiāng]: mutually

吸引 [xīyǐn]: to attract

幽默 [yōumò]: humourous

脾氣 [píqi]: temper, disposition

2) 真正的朋友

適應 [shìyìng]: to get used to

交 [jiāo]: to make (friends)

平時 [píngshí]: normal times 

逛 [guàng]: to stroll, to roam

短信 [duǎnxìn]: text message

正好 [zhènghǎo]: just in time, just right

聚會 [jùhùi]: to have a party; party, get-together

聯繫 [liánxì]: to contact

差不多 [chàbuduō]: almost

專門 [zhuānmén]: specially 

畢業 [bì yè]: to graduate

麻煩 [máfan]: to bother 

好像 [hǎoxiàng]: as if

重新 [chóngxīn]: again, once more

儘管 [jǐnguǎn]: although

真正 [zhēnzhèng]: true, real

友誼 [yǒuyì]: friendship

豐富 [fēngfù]: to enrich

無聊 [wúliáo]: boring

討厭 [tǎoyàn]: to dislike

卻 [què]: but rather, yet

周圍 [zhōuwéi]: surrounding

交流 [jiāoliú]: to exchange, to communicate

理解 [lǐjiě]: to understand 

鏡子 [jìngzi]: mirror

而 [ér]: (showing contrast) while, yet

當 [dāng]: when, just at (a time or place)

困難 [kùnnan]: difficulty

及時 [jíshí]: in time

陪 [péi]: to accompany

3) 經歷對我印象不錯

挺 [tǐng]: quite, rather

緊張 [jǐnzhāng]: nervous

信心 [xìnxīn]: confidence

能力 [nénglì]: ability, competence

招聘 [zhāopìn]: to recruit

提供 [tígōng]: to provide

負責 [fùzé]: to be in charge of 

本來 [běnlái]: originally, at first

應聘 [yìngpìn]: to apply for a job

材料 [cáiliào]: data, material

符合 [fúhé]: to accord with

通知 [tōngzhī]: to inform

律師 [lüùshī]: lawyer

專業 [zhuānyè]: major, specialty

另外 [lìngwài]: besides, in addition

收入 [shōurù]: income

咱們 [zánmen]: we, us

安排 [ānpái]: to arrange

首先 [shǒuxiān]: first

正式 [zhèngshì]: formal

留 [liú]: to leave (an impression)

其次 [qícì]: second, next 

誠實 [chéngshí]: honest 

改變 [gǎibiàn]: to change 

感覺 [gǎnjué]: feeling

判斷 [pànduàn]: to judge, to decide

顧客 [gùkè]: customer, client 

準時 [zhǔnshí]: punctual, on time

不管 [bùguǎn]: no matter (what, how, etc.)

與 [yǔ]: (indicating involvement, relationship, etc.) with

約會 [yuēhuì]: to date, to go to an appointment 

4) 不要太著急賺錢

提 [tí]: to mention

以為 [yǐwéi]: to think, to believe

份 [fèn]: (m. for jobs among other things)

完全 [wánquán]: completely

賺 [zhuàn]: to earn 

調查 [diàochá]: to investigate, to inquire into

原來 [yuánlái]: original, originally 

計畫 [jìhuà]: plan; to intend to

提前 [tíqián]: to do (sth.) in advance or ahead of time

保証 [bǎozhèng]: to guarantee

提醒 [tí xǐng]: to remind

亂 [luàn]: hurry-scurry, confused

生意 [shēngyi]: business, trade

談 [tán]: to talk, discuss

並 [bìng]: (used before a negative emphasis)

積累 [jīlěi]: to accumulate

經驗 [jīngyàn]: experience

一切 [yíqiè]: all, every

按照 [ànzhào]: according to

成功 [chénggōng]: successful

順利 [shùnlì]: smooth, successful

感謝 [gǎnxiè]: to thank 

消息 [xiāoxi]: news

按時 [ànshí]: on time, on schedule 

獎金 [jiǎngjīn]: money award, bonus 

工資 [gōngzī]: pay, salary

方法 [fāngfǎ]: method, way

知識 [zhīshi]: knowledge

不得不 [bù dé bù]: to have to, to have no choice to

甚至 [shènzhì]: even, so far as to

責任 [zérèn]: responsibility, duty

5) 只買對的、不買貴的

家具 [jiājù]: furniture

沙發 [shāfā]: sofa

打折 [dǎ zhé]: to give a discount

價格 [jiàgé]: price

質量 [zhìliàng]: quality

肯定 [kěndìng]: surely, certainly

流行 [líuxíng]: to be popular

順便 [shùnbiàn]: in passing

台 [tái]: (m. used for machines)

光 [guāng]: only, merely

實在 [shízài]: really

制冷 [zhìlěng]: to refrigerate 

效果 [xiàoguǒ]: effect

現金 [xiànjīn]: cash

邀請 [yāoqǐng]: to invite

葡萄 [pútao]: grape

藝術 [yìshù]: art

廣告 [guǎnggào]: advertisement

味道 [wèidào]: taste

優點 [yōudiǎn]: merit

實際 [shíjì]: reality

考慮 [kǎolüǔ]: to consider

標準 [biāozhǔn]: standard

樣子 [yàngzi]: look, appearance 

年齡 [niánlíng]: age

浪費 [làngfèi]: to waste

購物 [gòu wù]: to shop, to buy things

尤其 [yóuqí]: especially

受到 [shòudào]: to receive

任何 [rènhé]: any, whatever

寄 [jì]: to mail, to send

6) 一分錢一分貨

果汁 [guǒzhī]: fruit juice 

售貨員 [shòuhuòyuán]: salesperson

襪子 [wàzi]: socks

打擾 [dǎrǎo]: to disturb, to bother 

竟然 [jìngrán]: (indicating unexpectedness)

西紅柿 [xīhóngshì]: tomato

百分之 [bǎi fēn zhī]: percent

倍 [bèi]: times, -fold

皮膚 [pífū]: skin

好處 [hǎochù]: benefit, advantage

嘗 [cháng]: to taste

輕 [qīng]: light, of little weight

方面 [fāngmiàn]: aspect

值得 [zhídé]: to be worth

活動 [huódòng]: activity, event

內 [nèi]: in, within

免費 [miǎn fèi]: to be free of charge

修理 [xiūlǐ]: to repair, to mend

支持 [zhīchí]: to support

舉行 [jǔxíng]: to hold (a meeting, event, etc)

滿 [mǎn]: to reach a quota or limit 

其中 [qízhōng]: among (which, them, etc.)

小說 [xiǎoshuō]: novel, fiction

會員卡 [huìyuánkǎ]: membership card

所有 [suǒyǒu]: all

獲得 [huòdé]: to get, to obtain

情況 [qíngkuàng]: situation, circumstances

例如 [lìrú]: for example

舉辦 [jǔbàn]: to hold, to conduct

各 [gè]: various, different

降低 [jiàngdī]: to lower, to reduce

7) 最好的醫生是自己

流血 [liú xiě]: to bleed

擦 [cā]: to wipe

氣候 [qìhòu]: climate

估計 [gūjì]: to estimate, to reckon

咳嗽 [késou]: to cough

嚴重 [yánzhòng]: serious, grave

窗戶 [chuānghu]: window

空氣 [kōngqì]: air

抽煙 [chōu yān]: to smoke

動作 [dòngzuò]: action, movement 

帥 [shuài]: handsome

出現 [chūxiàn]: to appear, to emerge

後悔 [hòuhuǐ]: to regret

來不及 [láibují]: to have enough time to, to be late too

反對 [fǎnduì]: to oppose, to object to

大夫 [dàifu]: doctor

植物 [zhíwù]: plant 

研究 [yánjiū]: to study, to do research 

超過 [chāoguò]: to exceed, to surpass

散步 [sàn bù]: to take a walk

指 [zhǐ]: to refer to

精神 [jīngshén]: spirit, mind

教授 [jiàoshòu]: professor

數字 [shùzì]: number

說明 [shuōmíng]: to explain, to show

要是 [yàoshi]: if, supposing

既 [jì]: (used together with 又) both…and…

減肥 [jiǎn féi]: to lose weight

辛苦 [xīnkǔ]: hard, toilsome

肚子 [dùzi]: belly, stomach

感情 [gǎnqíng]: affection, love

煩惱 [fánnǎo]: worried, vexed

掉 [diào]: (used after certain verbs, indicating the result of an action)

8) 生活中不缺少美

巧克力 [qiǎokèlì]: chocolate

親戚 [qīnqi]: relative, kinsfolk

傷心 [shāng xīn]: sad, sorrowful 

心情 [xīnqíng]: mood, state of mind

愉快 [yúkuài]: glad, cheerful

景色 [jǐngsè]: scene, view

放鬆 [fàngsōng]: to relax

壓力 [yālì]: pressure, stress

回憶 [huíyì]: to call to mind, to recall

發生 [fāshēng]: to happen, to take place

成為 [chéngwéi]: to become

只要 [zhǐyào]: as long as, provided師傅 [shīfu]: (a polite title for one with accomplished skills in trade or handicraft)

大使館 [dàshǐguǎn]: embassy

堵車 [dǔ chē]: traffic jam

距離 [jùlí]: distance

耐心 [nàixīn]: patience

生命 [shēngmìng]: life

缺少 [quēshǎo]: to lack

到處 [dàochù]: everywhere

態度 [tàidù]: attitude

因此 [yīncǐ]: therefore, so

科學 [kēxué]: science

證明 [zhèngmíng]: to prove

往往 [wǎngwǎng]: often, usually

陽光 [yángguāng]: optimistic, cheerful

積極 [jījí]: positive

特點 [tèdiǎn]: characteristics

9) 陽光總在風雨後

餅乾 [bǐnggān]: biscuit

難道 [nándào]: (used in a rhetorical question for emphasis)

得 [děi]: must, have to

堅持 [jiānchí]: to insist, to persist

放棄 [fàngqì]: to give up

注意 [zhǔyi]: idea, plan

網球 [wǎngqiú]: tennis

國際 [guójì]: international 

輕鬆 [qīngsōng]: relaxed, at effortless

贏 [yíng]: to win

隨便 [suíbiàn]: casual, at random

汗 [hàn]: sweat, perspiration 

通過 [tōngguò]: through, by means of