Untitled Flashcards Set

DEMOCRATIC INTERVENTIONS Government Interventions The ways in which a government regulates or interferes with the various activities or decisions made by individuals or organizations with its jurisdiction. The effects of this can be positive or negative. Democracy is derived from two Greek words, namely, demos (people) and Kratos (rule) which means “rule by the people.” -As a system of government, democracy adheres to the rule of the people. It provides people the right to exercise “some form of genuine control over government” (Lawson, 1989, 547). -Democracy is an egalitarian form of government in which all the citizens of a nation together determine public policy, the laws, and the actions of their state. It requires that all citizens (meeting certain qualifications) have an equal opportunity to express their opinion. In practice, democracy is the extent to which a given system approximates this ideal. Democratic Participation empowers people to effectively involve themselves in creating structures and designing policies and programs that serve the interests of all. It requires association with other people. Elements of Democracy  Rule of Law

  • Ensures the rights and freedoms of citizens are protected and no one is above the law. All citizens stand as equals in the eye of the law.

 Separation of powers Check and balances. Powers are distributed among the executive, legislative, and judiciary. Basic Rights and Freedom Under the Rule of Law A. Human Rights -right that is believed to belong justifiably to every person. Ex. Right to life, right to be secured in one’s person and right to live freely. B. Civil Rights -rights that protect individuals from unfair treatment Ex. Right to own a property, rights to enjoy privileges accorded to being citizen of a country. C. Political Rights -rights that protect individual freedom from infringement by government, social institutions, and private individuals. Ex. Right to foe elective office, right to suffrage Basic rights and freedom D. Other rights from the rule of law -Freedom of speech, Freedom of worship, Freedom of association, Freedom of political expression, and Freedom of the press. Suffrage Civil and political rights. Every citizen with the recognized legal age has the right to participate in an election by casting a vote regardless of sex, religion, political affiliation, educational attainment, and socio-economic status. They are entitled to one vote. Freedom of Speech Ensures that the citizen can voice out their agreement, disagreement, affirmations, criticism, and proposal to the government. Freedom of Speech A. Libel– a crime broadly characterized by maliciously publishing an article or write-up that may be detrimental to a person’s character or may cause dishonor. B. Oral Defamation– someone telling lies about you. Slander – the act of making a false verbal statement in public. Kulong (1month) (20,000) Libel – the act of making a false written statement in public Grave Slander – (4 months & 1 day – 2 years and 4 months) (20,000-100,000) Pluralism People are entitled to diverse beliefs and opinions which may result in becoming a part of different organizations with varying thrusts and advocacies. Ex. Administration vs Opposition Types of Democracy

  1. Direct Democracy / Pure Democracy

✓ Citizens come together to decide on issues or pass laws through a vote. ✓ “Ideal Democracy” – every person can participate in the voting process and ensure their will is being followed. ✓ Practiced in the Cantons of Switzerland. ✓ Philippines, practices in provisions of the constitution (initiative and referendum). Advantage Each citizen has a voice in making important decisions for the community Disadvantage Difficult to implement with huge populations because of the amount of time needed to gather each citizen vote and opinion on issues.

  1. Indirect Democracy / Representative Democracy

✓ People elect leaders to act as their representatives in the government. ✓ Citizens vote for the members of the executive and legislative. Advantage Relatively easier to decide on issues, pass laws, and carry out their implementations. Disadvantage Very difficult to consider the will of every citizen. They resort to intelligent guesses to decide what they think their constituents need.

  1. Participatory Democracy

✓ People rule through the collective discussion of issues that need to be debated. ✓ Decisions and solutions are agreed upon and made by all members without resorting to a vote. ✓ Ex: Cooperative meetings; Political Party Conventions Democracy and Civil Society Elements of a Representative Democracy Popular Support of Government Popular support is a very important component of democracy because democratic governments need legitimacy that is rooted in the support that they receive from a majority of votes cast by people in a free and fair election. Political Competition The people have several choices when electing officials. Different political parties have their own platform and individual plans of action for their constituents. Majority Rule The decision of the majority would have to be respected and followed by everyone. Recognition of Rights to Dissent and Disobedience Right to resist the orders and policies of the government if they believe that it is against the will of the people. Political Equality People have equal rights to run for public office. Popular Consultation Governments serve the interests of the people. Democratic Interventions Prevailing in Political and Social Institutions Political Dynasty is rampant in the Philippines. This makes it unfair to a new aspiring politician or talent to penetrate and in effect it will decrease the level of political participation among the populace Undemocratic Practices in the Philippines Gender Bias. Unequal treatment on men and women. Poverty. State of being extremely poor. Political Marginalization. Effect of political exclusions. Racial Inequality. Disparity in opportunity and treatment as a result of someone’s race. Cultural Domination. Cultural practice that is dominant within a particular political, social or economic entity.
