Cpu Scheduling

Q1. __________ scheduling is the basis of multiprogrammed operating systems, allowing the CPU to switch among __________.

Answers: CPU, processes

Q2. The primary goal of multiprogramming is to maximize __________ utilization by ensuring that some process is always running.

Answers: CPU

Q3. The CPU scheduler selects a process from the __________ queue and allocates the CPU to it.

Answers: ready

Q4. A process execution consists of a cycle of __________ execution and __________ wait.

Answers: CPU, I/O

Q5. The histogram of CPU burst durations generally follows an __________ or __________ distribution.

Answers: exponential, hyperexponential

Q6. The two types of CPU scheduling are __________ scheduling, where processes voluntarily give up the CPU, and __________ scheduling, where processes can be forcibly removed.

Answers: nonpreemptive, preemptive

Q7. In preemptive scheduling, processes may be removed from the CPU if an __________ occurs or if a higher-priority process arrives.

Answers: interrupt

Q8. The __________ module gives control of the CPU to the process selected by the scheduler.

Answers: dispatcher

Q9. The time taken for the dispatcher to stop one process and start another is called __________ __________.

Answers: dispatch latency

Q10. The first-come, first-served (FCFS) scheduling algorithm uses a __________ queue.

Answers: FIFO

Q11. The __________ scheduling algorithm selects the process with the shortest CPU burst time next.

Answers: shortest-job-first (SJF)

Q12. Preemptive SJF scheduling is also known as __________ scheduling.

Answers: shortest-remaining-time-first

Q13. The __________ scheduling algorithm assigns each process a fixed time slice and cycles through them.

Answers: round-robin (RR)

Q14. A time slice in round-robin scheduling is also known as a __________ __________.

Answers: time quantum

Q15. The __________ scheduling algorithm assigns each process a priority value and executes the highest-priority process first.

Answers: priority

Q16. The problem of a low-priority process waiting indefinitely is known as __________.

Answers: starvation

Q17. The technique used to gradually increase a waiting process’s priority over time to prevent starvation is called __________.

Answers: aging

Q18. In __________ scheduling, processes are divided into distinct queues based on priority or process type.

Answers: multilevel queue

Q19. In __________ scheduling, processes can move between different priority queues based on their behavior.

Answers: multilevel feedback queue

Q20. The __________ __________ scope determines how user-level threads compete for CPU time within a single process.

Answers: process contention

Q21. The __________ __________ scope determines how kernel-level threads compete for CPU time across the entire system.

Answers: system contention

Q22. The two primary approaches to multiprocessor scheduling are __________ and __________ multiprocessing.

Answers: asymmetric, symmetric

Q23. In __________ multiprocessing, a single processor handles scheduling while others execute user processes.

Answers: asymmetric

Q24. In __________ multiprocessing, each processor schedules its own tasks independently.

Answers: symmetric

Q25. A __________ __________ occurs when a low-priority process holds a resource needed by a high-priority process.

Answers: priority inversion

Q26. The __________ __________ problem happens when a single CPU-bound process keeps the CPU, making I/O-bound processes wait.

Answers: convoy effect

Q27. The scheduling criterion that measures how long it takes for a process to start responding is called __________ __________.

Answers: response time

Q28. The scheduling criterion that measures how long a process takes from submission to completion is called __________ __________.

Answers: turnaround time

Q29. The scheduling criterion that counts the number of processes completed per unit time is called __________.

Answers: throughput

Q30. The scheduling criterion that measures the percentage of time the CPU is busy is called __________ __________.

Answers: CPU utilization

Q31. The scheduling criterion that measures the time a process spends in the ready queue is called __________ __________.

Answers: waiting time

Q32. A process that requires more CPU time than I/O time is considered __________-bound.

Answers: CPU

Q33. A process that requires more I/O time than CPU time is considered __________-bound.

Answers: I/O

Q34. A __________ lock is a synchronization mechanism that prevents multiple processes from executing critical sections simultaneously.

Answers: mutex

Q35. The method used to determine when a process moves between queues in multilevel feedback queue scheduling is called __________ __________.

Answers: scheduling policy

Q36. The __________ scheduling algorithm is considered optimal as it provides the minimum average waiting time.

Answers: shortest-job-first (SJF)

Q37. The __________ __________ is used in scheduling to estimate the next CPU burst based on previous burst times.

Answers: exponential average

Q38. The RR scheduling algorithm results in a high number of __________ __________ when the time quantum is too small.

Answers: context switches

Q39. The RR scheduling algorithm degenerates to __________ scheduling if the time quantum is too large.

Answers: FCFS

Q40. The __________ algorithm ensures that processes with higher priority preempt those with lower priority.

Answers: priority scheduling

Q41. The __________ scheduling algorithm is a hybrid approach that divides processes into queues based on different criteria.

Answers: multilevel queue

Q42. The __________ __________ scheduling algorithm prevents long-running processes from monopolizing CPU time by dynamically adjusting their priority.

Answers: multilevel feedback queue

Q43. A scheduling algorithm is considered __________ if it ensures that no process waits indefinitely.

Answers: fair

Q44. The time taken to save and restore process states during a context switch is called __________ __________.

Answers: context switch time

Q45. The __________ __________ effect occurs when short processes wait behind a long CPU-bound process in FCFS scheduling.

Answers: convoy effect

Q46. The __________ __________ policy ensures that processes are scheduled in the order they arrive.

Answers: first-come, first-served (FCFS)

Q47. In a multilevel queue scheduling system, the foreground queue often uses __________ scheduling, while the background queue uses __________ scheduling.

Answers: round-robin, FCFS

Q48. The two main types of thread scheduling are __________ scheduling and __________ scheduling.

Answers: process-contention, system-contention

Q49. In multilevel queue scheduling, each queue has its own __________ __________ for managing processes.

Answers: scheduling algorithm

Q50. A CPU scheduling algorithm should aim to maximize __________ and minimize __________.

Answers: CPU utilization, response time
