Colonial Economies 1750-1914

Economies of Coercion: Forced Labor and the Power of the State

  • Forced labor was often used to meet the demands of the colonial state 🡪 Examples:

    • Building railroads

    • Constructing government buildings

    • Transporting goods

  • Most infamous cruelties of forced labor = in the Congo in the early 1900s

    • Governed by King Leopold II of Belgium

    • Forced villagers to collect rubber 🡪 they had daily rubber quotas

    • If rubber quotas were not met, villagers were tortured and/or killed

      • Shot, ears/limbs cut off, tied up with ropes around their necks, dragged away, etc.

  • Several colonial states used “cultivation systems”

    • Peasants were required to cultivate 20% or more of their land in cash crops such as sugar or tobacco to meet their tax obligation

    • Cash crops sold to government contractors at fixed, low prices

    • Cash crops are resold in the world market for a very high profit

Economies of Cash-Crop Agriculture

  • In some places, colonial rule created conditions that facilitated and increased cash-crop production to the advantage of local farmers

  • Example: British authorities in Burma encouraged rice production among small farmers

    • Ended the prohibition on rice exports

    • Provided irrigation and transportation facilities

    • Passed laws that encouraged private ownership of small farms

  • Results of these policies in Burma:

    • Population boomed 🡪 in Burma AND in other parts of Asia

    • Rice exports soared

    • Small farmers able to buy their own land, build nice homes, buy imported goods, etc.

    • Standards of living improved sharply

  • Profitable cash-crop farming = in the southern Gold Coast

    • British territory in West Africa

    • Modern-day Ghana

    • African farmers themselves developed this export agriculture

    • Planted cacao trees in huge quantities and became the world’s leading supplier of cocoa by 1911

  • Problems with this success:

    • Labor shortage = led to employment of former slaves who were exploited

    • Labor shortage = led to migration of workers from the interior of Africa to the Gold Coast 🡪 caused ethnic and class tensions

    • Some men married women for their labor power, but didn’t take care of them

    • Many colonies only specialized in one or two cash-crops 🡪 hurt them when world market prices dropped

Economies of Wage Labor: Working for Europeans

  • Millions of colonial subjects across Asia and Africa sought employment in European-owned plantations, mines, construction projects, and homes

    • Needed money

    • Lost land they needed to support their families

    • Sometimes forced by colonial authorities

  • European-financed plantations in Southeast Asia that grew sugarcane, rubber, tea, tobacco, and so on employed hundreds of thousands of workers

    • Workers = subject to very strict control

    • Often housed in barracks

    • Paid very little (and women made even less)

    • Disease was common 🡪 high death rates

  • Even more land taken from local people in Africa than in Southeast Asia

    • Ex: South Africa in 1913 🡪 whites were 20% of the population, but controlled 88% of the land

  • “Squatters” = Africans who stayed and worked for the new landowners as the price of remaining on what had been their own land

  • Another source of wage labor for many = mines

  • Major tin mines in Malaysia

    • Miners = mostly impoverished Chinese workers

    • Worked on strictly-controlled 3-year contracts

    • Horrible living conditions

    • Rampant diseases

    • Dangerous work = many accidents

    • High death rates

Major gold and diamond mines in South Africa

  • Workers = mainly impoverished Africans

  • Recruited on short-term contracts

  • Lived in all-male prison-like barracks surrounded by barbed wire

  • Forced to return home periodically so they didn’t establish a permanent family life near the mines

Large Colonial Cities

  • Examples: Nairobi, Cairo, Singapore, etc.

  • Racially segregated

  • Often unsanitary

  • Greatly overcrowded

  • Seen as meccas of opportunity for people all across the social spectrum

  • Western-educated people found opportunities as: teachers, doctors, professional specialists, clerks in European business offices, workers in European government bureaucracies, etc.

  • Working-class elite = skilled workers on railways or in ports

    • Also included workers in factories that processed agricultural goods or manufactured products such as beer, cigarettes, furniture, etc.

  • Urban poor worked as: construction workers, rickshaw drivers, food sellers, domestic servants, prostitutes, etc.

African Women and the Colonial Economy

  • In pre-colonial times African women:

    • Were active farmers

    • Were responsible for planting, weeding, and harvesting

    • Prepared the food

    • Cared for the children

    • Were allocated their own fields with which they could feed their families

    • Were involved in local trade activity

    • Enjoyed some economic independence

  • Under colonial rule = men moved into wage labor or cash-crop agriculture

  • This put A LOT more responsibility on women:

    • Total responsibility for domestic food production

    • Had to also supply food to men in the cities

    • Took over traditionally male tasks 🡪 breaking the ground for planting, milking cows, supervising the herds, etc.

  • Result = many men and women began to live separate lives and develop different cultures

    • Men in the cities working for wages

    • Women in the villages focusing on subsistence agriculture

  • Many married couples no longer lived together

    • Women started to build closer relationships with their own family instead of their husband’s

  • Many women became the heads of their households

Assessing Colonial Development

  • Clear results of economic development within European colonies in the 19th-20th centuries:

  • (1) Colonial rule facilitated the integration of Asian and African economies into a global network of exchange

    • More land and labor = devoted to production for the global market

  • (2) Nowhere did a breakthrough to modern industrial society occur

  • (3) The appearance of some elements of modernization

    • Modern administrative and bureaucratic structures

    • Schools 🡪 used to train the intermediaries that were so crucial to colonial rule

    • Communication and transportation 🡪 railroads, motorways, ports, telegraphs, postal services

    • Modest health care provisions 🡪 part of the “civilizing mission”
