
social physic

Social Psychology and Personality Vocab
4.1: AttribuSocial Psychology and Personality Vocab
4.1: Attribution Theory and Person Perception
1. Attributions
2. Dispositional attributions
3. Situational attributions
4. Explanatory style
5. Actor-observer bias
6. Fundamental attribution error
7. Self-serving bias
8. Internal locus of control
9. External locus of control
10. Mere exposure effect
11. Self-fulfilling prophecy
12. Social comparison
4.2: Attitude Formation and Attitude Change
13. Stereotype
14. Prejudice
15. Discrimination
16. Implicit attitudes
17. Just-world phenomenon
18. Out-group homogeneity bias
19. In-group bias
20. Ethnocentrism
21. Belief perseverance
22. Confirmation bias
23. Cognitive dissonance
4.3: Psychology of Social Situations
24. Social Norms
25. Social Influence Theory
26. Persuasion
27. Halo Effect
28. Foot in the door
29. Door in the face
30. Conformity
31. Obedience
32. Individualism
33. Collectivism
34. Multiculturalism

35. Group polarization
36. Groupthink
37. Diffusion of responsibility
38. Social loafing
39. Deindividuation
40. Social facilitation
41. False consensus effect
42. Superordinate goals
43. Social traps
44. I/O psychology
45. Altruism
46. Social reciprocity norm
47. Social responsibility norm
48. Bystander effect
4.4: Psychodynamic and Humanistic Theories of Personality
49. Unconscious
50. Defense mechanisms
51. Denial
52. Projection
53. Displacement
54. Rationalization
55. Reaction formation
56. Regression
57. Repression
58. Sublimation
59. Projective tests
60. Unconditional positive regard
61. Self-actualizing tendency
4.5: Social-Cognitive and Trait Theories of Personality
62. Social cognitive theory
63. Reciprocal determinism
64. Self-efficacy
65. Self-esteem
66. Trait theory
67. Big Five theory
68. Agreeableness
69. Openness
70. Extraversion
71. Conscientiousness
72. Emotional stability

4.6: Motivation
73. Drive-reduction theory
74. Arousal theory
75. Homeostasis
76. Yerkes-Dodson law
77. Self-determination theory
78. Intrinsic motivation
79. Extrinsic motivation
80. Incentive theory
81. Instincts
82. Lewin’s motivational conflicts theory
83. Approach-approach
84. Approach-avoidance
85. Avoidance-avoidance
86. Sensation-seeking theory
4.7: Emotion
87. Emotion (affect)
88. Facial-feedback theory
89. Broaden-and build theory
90. Universal emotions
91. Display rulestion Theory and Person Perception
1. Attributions
2. Dispositional attributions
3. Situational attributions
4. Explanatory style
5. Actor-observer bias
6. Fundamental attribution error
7. Self-serving bias
8. Internal locus of control
9. External locus of control
10. Mere exposure effect
11. Self-fulfilling prophecy
12. Social comparison
4.2: Attitude Formation and Attitude Change
13. Stereotype
14. Prejudice
15. Discrimination
16. Implicit attitudes
17. Just-world phenomenon
18. Out-group homogeneity bias
19. In-group bias
20. Ethnocentrism
21. Belief perseverance
22. Confirmation bias
23. Cognitive dissonance
4.3: Psychology of Social Situations
24. Social Norms
25. Social Influence Theory
26. Persuasion
27. Halo Effect
28. Foot in the door
29. Door in the face
30. Conformity
31. Obedience
32. Individualism
33. Collectivism
34. Multiculturalism

35. Group polarization
36. Groupthink
37. Diffusion of responsibility
38. Social loafing
39. Deindividuation
40. Social facilitation
41. False consensus effect
42. Superordinate goals
43. Social traps
44. I/O psychology
45. Altruism
46. Social reciprocity norm
47. Social responsibility norm
48. Bystander effect
4.4: Psychodynamic and Humanistic Theories of Personality
49. Unconscious
50. Defense mechanisms
51. Denial
52. Projection
53. Displacement
54. Rationalization
55. Reaction formation
56. Regression
57. Repression
58. Sublimation
59. Projective tests
60. Unconditional positive regard
61. Self-actualizing tendency
4.5: Social-Cognitive and Trait Theories of Personality
62. Social cognitive theory
63. Reciprocal determinism
64. Self-efficacy
65. Self-esteem
66. Trait theory
67. Big Five theory
68. Agreeableness
69. Openness
70. Extraversion
71. Conscientiousness
72. Emotional stability

4.6: Motivation
73. Drive-reduction theory
74. Arousal theory
75. Homeostasis
76. Yerkes-Dodson law
77. Self-determination theory
78. Intrinsic motivation
79. Extrinsic motivation
80. Incentive theory
81. Instincts
82. Lewin’s motivational conflicts theory
83. Approach-approach
84. Approach-avoidance
85. Avoidance-avoidance
86. Sensation-seeking theory
4.7: Emotion
87. Emotion (affect)
88. Facial-feedback theory
89. Broaden-and build theory
90. Universal emotions
91. Display rules
