
Lesson 1: Getting Started

Key Concepts

  • IDE: Integrated Development Environment, where code is written (e.g., Pycharm, Spyder, Thonny, Online GDB, Pyscripter).

  • Syntax: Arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language.

  • Syntax Errors: A character or string incorrectly placed in a command or instruction that causes a failure in execution.

  • Run-Time Errors: Detected errors while the program is running.

  • Name Errors: When a variable or function is not found.

Commands and Functions

  • Print: Prints a string.

  • Input: Allows user to enter a string or integer.

  • Str: Turns an integer into a string (use only if integer is added to another string).

    • Example: print("My grade in Chem is " + str(2))

  • Int: Identifies an integer.

    • Example:

      x = 10  
      if isinstance(x, int):
      print("Not Integer")

Lesson 2: Functions (1)

Key Concepts

  • Function: A sub-program that performs a specific task.

  • Function Body: The block of code after the function header.

  • Def: The first word in the function header.

  • Colon (:): Must appear at the end of the function header.

  • Built-in Functions: Functions that come as part of Python.

  • Function Call: A special line that causes the flow of control to switch to the first line inside the function body.

  • Flow of Control: The sequence in which lines of code are executed.

  • Function Definition: A function header and a function body.

  • Modular Functions: Break tasks into smaller functions (e.g., drawing shapes or numbers like "365").

Lesson 3: Variables, Assignments, and Expressions

Key Concepts

  • Variables: Memory locations used to store data; named by the programmer.

  • Assignment Operator (=): The equal sign; it assigns the value on the right-hand side to the variable on the left-hand side.

    • Example: sum = firstNumber + secondNumber

  • Expressions: Can be a literal value or a combination of values and operators (e.g., firstNumber + secondNumber).

  • Arithmetic Operators:

    • + (Addition)

    • - (Subtraction)

    • * (Multiplication)

    • / (Division)

Variable Naming Rules

  • Start with a letter or underscore (_), not a digit.

  • Contain only letters, digits, or underscores (no spaces or special characters).

  • Be case-sensitive (ISBN and isbn are different).

  • Avoid reserved keywords like print or def.
