ARKY 325 - Midterm 2 (People)

Hatshepsut: An 18th Dynasty Pharaoh of Egypt and daughter of Thutmoses I1 . She was also the God’s wife of Amun, the highest-ranking priestess of the Amun cult1 . She married Thutmoses II2 , but he died three years into the marriage2 . Hatshepsut was Thutmoses III’s co-regent2 . In her fifth year as co-regent, she crowned herself king and removed Thutmoses III as co-regent, claiming her father had anointed her as his successor and that the god Amun was her real father2 . Her 20-year reign was peaceful and prosperous3 . After her death, Thutmose III took the throne and may have attempted to erase her from history4 .

Akhenaten: An Egyptian ruler (1353-1347 BCE) who, in the fifth year of his reign, broke the power of the priests of Amun and made the cult of the sun god Aten the state religion5 . He declared himself and his wife, Nefertiti, to be gods5 . He shut down temples of Amun and forced priests into the cult of Aten and moved the capital to Amarna6 ....

Nefertiti: The wife of Akhenaten, who was declared a god alongside her husband5 .

Tutankhamun: Son of Akhenaten, who reigned from ca. 1332-1323 BC8 . His advisors had him reinstate the cult of Amun and restore temples8 .... He abandoned Amarna and lived in Thebes and Memphis9 .

Sir John Hubert Marshall: An archaeologist from the Archaeological Survey of India who performed the first systematic excavations in the 1920s of Harappan sites10 .

R.D. Banerji: An archaeologist from the Archaeological Survey of India who performed the first systematic excavations in the 1920s of Harappan sites10 .

Meluhhans: People from Meluhha (likely in the Indus Valley) who traded with Sumerians11 . King Sargon (ca. 2350 BC) stated that Meluhhan ships were moored in his capital11 . There is also evidence of Meluhhan districts or neighbourhoods located in Mesopotamia near Ur12 .

Liangzhu Culture: An early culture in the Yangtze River Delta with evidence of social hierarchy found at Sidun13 . Elite burials included jade objects14 . They existed from 3300-2200 BC13 .

Yangshao culture: Considered to be the roots of Chinese culture15 . They farmed foxtail millet, Chinese cabbage, hemp, chestnuts, and domesticated soybean16 . They existed from 5000-3000 BC16 .

Longshan culture: Followed the Yangshao culture in Northern China17 . There is clear evidence of social ranking, unequal distribution of wealth, and increased violence17 . Many elements of Longshan culture are precursors to the Shang state18 .

Hongshan Culture: Located in Manchuria19 . They had small villages with ceremonial sites and elaborate burials, and existed from 4000-3000 BC19 .

Shangdi: The Lord on High who lives at the centre of ‘tian’ (heaven) and commands nature and all of the ranked subordinate supernatural entities, just as the Shang king did from his palace20 .

Cheng Tang: According to legend, Cheng Tang founded the Shang Dynasty after overthrowing the king of Xia21 .

Lady Fuhao: One of the 60 wives of King Wu-Ding and the greatest general of the Shang22 . She led major military campaigns and acted as his stand-in for state functions22 . Her tomb was discovered in 1976 intact22 .

Yu the Great: A semi-mythical figure and the founder of the Xia Dynasty23 .

Wu Wang: Overthrew the last Shang ruler and established the Zhou dynasty24 .

Phoenicians: An ancient civilisation of independent city-states in Canaan (present-day Syria, Lebanon, and northern Israel)25 . They were renowned as a maritime people and craftspeople25 .

Ashurnasirpal II: Led Assyrian armies to the Mediterranean and conquered kingdoms26 . The first army equipped with iron weapons. He used tribute to build his capital, Nimrud26 .

Shalmaneser III: Took control of Syria and the Mediterranean coast27 .

Nebuchadnezzar: Reconstructed the Assyrian empire under Neo-Babylonian control with Babylon as their capital28 .

Belshazzar: Nebuchadnezzar's son who held a feast using the temple vessels, which led to the "writing on the wall" and his subsequent defeat28 .

Midas: The legendary king of the Phrygians who could turn whatever he touched into gold29 . In real life, he was an ally of King Sargon II of Assyria29 .

Lydians: A wealthy kingdom that prospered on trade routes between Asia and the Mediterranean30 .

Medians: An Iranian group whose capital was at Ectabana31 . They united the peoples of western Iran into a major political and military power31 .

Persians: Came from southwestern Iran and lived under the rule of the Median Kings until Cyrus the Great overthrew the Medians32 .

King Cyaxares: A Median king who invaded Mesopotamia in 614 BC and contributed to the destruction of the Assyrian empire32 .

Cyrus the Great: Overthrew the Medians and founded the Achaemenid Empire33 . He took the title ‘shah’ of Persia and conquered Lydia and Babylon33 .

Darius: A general who became king when Cyrus’ son died34 . He ruled the Achaemenid Empire to its peak and created a uniform monetary system, made Aramaic the official language, built roads, and introduced standardized weights and measures34 ....

Plebians: A self-organised group of commoners in the Roman Republic with their own internal hierarchy, laws and interests36 ....

Hannibal: Led forces in the Second Punic War, capturing the Roman-backed city of Saguntum in 219 BC38 .... He surprised Roman forces in Italy via a land invasion over the Alps39 .

Octavian: (Caesar Augustus): The first Roman emperor, rising to power in 31 BC after the assassination of Julius Caesar40 ....

Julius Caesar: A Roman general and statesman40 . He was granted the title Dictator Perpetuus (Dictator for Life) in 44 BC and assassinated the same year41 .

The sources do not contain information about Pliny the Younger or Amedeo Maiuri.
