What are Some Most Common Phobias?
Specific Phobia: Involves strong fear and avoidance of a particular type of object or situation.
Clients typically do not experience panic attacks (known as anxiety attacks) or fear of those attacks (agoraphobia).
Exposure to the phobia can lead to feelings of panic.
Most Common Phobias Include:
Airplane Phobia
Animal Phobias
Fear of Heights
Medical Phobias
Elevator Phobia
Examples Adapted from: Spiegler & Guevremont (2010)
Hierarchy for Airplane Phobia (SUDs Ratings):
Making reservations 3 weeks before the flight (5)
Purchasing ticket 10 days before flight (10)
Packing for the trip (15)
Calling the airport for flight status (20)
Driving to the airport (22)
Checking in at the airport (25)
Waiting to board the plane (35)
Boarding the plane (35)
Announcement that the plane is ready for boarding (40)
Sitting down and fastening seatbelt (45)
Plane is cruising in good weather (50)
Plane is climbing to cruising altitude (55)
Plane is taxing to the runway (60)
Plane is taking off (65)
Announcement of preparation for landing (75)
Plane is descending for landing (80)
Plane is banking (85)
Pilot announces turbulence ahead (90)
Plane is touching down on runway (95)
Plane is flying in rough weather (100)
Hierarchy for Other Fears (SUDs Ratings):
Hearing a siren (5)
Seeing a snake (10)
Swimming in a pool at night (15)
Thinking of witches and ghosts (20)
Thoughts of earthquakes (25)
Thinking about auto crashes (35)
Being alone in a house at night (38)
Climbing on high objects (40)
Thoughts of fire (43)
Driving a car on the highway (45)
Flying in an airplane (48)
Riding as a passenger on the highway (50)
Swimming in the ocean at night (55)
Being around guns (60)
Hearing about a fatal disease (70)
Seeing others in dangerous situations (75)
Watching horror movies (80)
Death of strangers (85)
Death of a close friend/loved one (100)
Case of "Tammy", Age 8 (Dog Phobia):
Talking about fear of dogs
Seeing movies with dogs
Holding a newborn puppy
Hearing a barking dog from a distance
Visiting a friend with a dog
Seeing a dog from a distance
Close proximity to a dog
Touching a dog with an adult present
Outdoors with a loose dog
Walking a dog
Control Scene: Being in a favorite restaurant with family and friends
Case of "Will", Age 6 (Dog Phobia):
Reading a dog book
Looking at pictures of dogs
Watching cartoons with dogs
Viewing real videos of dogs
Touching a stuffed animal dog
Looking out the window at a caged dog
Observing a loose dog with children
Caged dog in the room
Dog on a leash near him
Control Scene: Being safe in bed watching a favorite movie
Case of "Sally", Age 8 (Arachnophobia):
Drawing a cartoon spider
Seeing a spider cartoon
Viewing a photo of a real spider
Holding a photo of a spider
Holding a plastic spider
Watching a nature video with spiders
Seeing a live spider in a cage
Live spider crawling on the floor (other side of the room)
Live spider crawling next to you
Having a live spider crawling up your arm
Control Scene: Baking cookies with Mom.