United States, Britain, France - exhausted from WW1, experience a great depression in 1930s
U.S. - becomes isolationist
Rise of Authoritarian Government (dictatorship
Communism - Russia, China
Fascism - Italy, Germany
Military Dictatorship - Japan
Experiences economic boom
War reparations from Germany
Money stops coming in when Hitler rises to power
World trade slows
Overproduction of goods
Unemployment goes up→inflation goes up ↔ great depression
France gets Alsace-Lorraine back, turns into huge industrial region (mainly coal)
New political party in France = Populist Party (Communism + socialist parties led by Leon Blum)
Secret Committee of Revolutionary Action - Backed by fascists of Germany
Secret organization of anarchists and revolutionaries in France during the late 19th century
Aimed to overthrow the French government and establish a new social order through violent actions such as bombings and assassinations
Locarno Pact - France signs military agreement with Germany, Poland, Belgium; vowed to protect Czechoslovakia and keep peace
Germany joins League of Nations
France sense of security
France signs Treaty of Neutral Assistance with Soviet Russia
If something happens to you, we will protect you and vice-versa
However, Germany sees this as a stab in the back and Locarno Pact becomes void→French start preparing for German attack and Maginot Line
Maginot Line - fortification that spread along the French/German border but became a military liability when the Germans attacked France in 1940
Germany simply walked around the Maginot Line
Stitzkrieg - Troops waited 8 months for an attack that never happened
British Empire starts to dissolve
By 1920s - British Empire begun to shrink
White Dominions became independent, ties to England in name only
Irish Republican Army launched Easter Uprising (1916) and declared independence from England
Nationalist movements sprung up across Africa, Middle-East, India
Pan-Africanism + Negritude Movement - Pushed for pride in African Heritage & unity towards independence
Fights against Mandate System saw rise in Pan-Arabism
Anti-western movement for independence
Arab lands promised to Arabs & Jews, taken by British
McMahon Correspondence - British promised Arab state in area of Palestine for revolt against Ottoman EmpireWhite Papers of 1939 - Palestine to be an Arab state, Jewish citizens must be protectedBalfour Declaration - British Promised Palestine to Jewish ZIonists
Mohandas Gandhi began pushing for greater equality for Indians in South Africa and against harsh laws in India
Self-Rule Movement fully began in 1916
1920s saw expansion of suffrage in England
Representation of People Act - Gave universal male suffrage at age of 21 (removed property qualifications for voting as wellEqual Franchise Act of 1928 - Gave women’s suffrage to women over 21
George V died in 1936 and British Monarchy became turbulent, King Edward comes to power and is abdicated after 325 days→George VI takes throne
Labour Party - Great Depression brought rise of Socialist party in ParliamentThe Munich Government - Neville Chamberlain negotiates with Hitler to prevent war from happening
International Agreements for US
Washington Naval Conference - 3 treaties aimed at the pacific (Goal was to reduce Naval Warship)
Kellogg-Briand Pact - 15 counties said war isn’t instrument of national policy (they won’t use war to fix problems)
Never considered if war actually happened
Neutrality Acts (1935-1937) - Banned sale and transportation of war material to belligerents
US saw Germany struggling to make payments
Dawes Plan (1924) - Prevent future incidents to repay their loans
US loaned Germany money to pay Britain & France so they could repay loans
US loaned Germany money to pay for reparations so Britain and France could repay loans
US began restriction immigration
Immigration Act of 1924 - Barred entry to only those who were eligible for citizenship, Asians not eligible due to earlier laws
International Struggles for US
US saw expansion of US industry & politics in 1920s
Rapid consumer spending + buying on credit
Harlem Renaissance - celebration of African American culture
18th Amendment - Prohibited production, transportation, of sale of alcohol in US (1919-1933)
1929 stock market crash signaled start of Great Depression
Massive unemployment in US
President Franklin Roosevelt tried to fix the economic crisis with his New Deal
Provided Public Works to get people employed
Won’t be until US gets involved in WWII and it is fixed
Success & Failures of the League of Nations
Founded in 1920, first worldwide intergovernmental organization with the mission of maintaining world peace
Started with 42 nations, reached 58 nations at its height
USSR joined 1936, kicked out in 1939 for invading Finland
Central and South American nations joined, left by 1930s
Germany, Japan, Italy quit when Sanctions applied
Germany and Hitler’s invasion of Poland sparked start of WW2
Japan Upset After WW1
Washington Naval Conference (1922)
Limit size of Navy
Eliminates imperialism of CHina
Racial injustice
Growing tension between U.S. & Japan
Treaty of Versailles
Wanted German islands in Pacific
Earthquake in 1923
100,000 killed + crushed economy
Constitutional Monarchy - emperor as “figurehead”
Parliament - Diet
Zaibatsu - rich military families that wanted to continue imperializing
1931 - invasion of Manchuria
Goes against Washington Naval Conference which says that there is no more imperialization of China
Assert dominance
Hideki Tojo - military dictator
2nd Sino-Japanese war
Rape of Nanjing
Japan successfully captures Nanjing
Tojo elected as Prime Minister of Japan
Responsible for bombing of Pearl Harbor
Totalitarian State - Any government in which one party dictatorship regulates every aspect of citizens lives
Leader complete control over political, economic, social lives of citizens
Rise of Fascism: Spain
After WW1→Industrial class + military wanted to remove corrupt government - unsuccessful
By 1931 - Second Spanish Republic started by leftist socialists & liberals
Monarch and King Alfonso XIII fled country
Francisco Franco
Conservative general led 1936 revolt which turns into civil war
Nationalists (fascists), Right Wing, Hitler, Mussolini vs. Republicans
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)
Dress rehearsal for WWII, German air raid of Guernica
German air raid showed Hitler’s power of modern warfare with bombing
1939 - Franco wins + sets off fascist dictatorship
Spain eventually sits out of WWII
Beginning of WWII
Western Democracy on decline | Fascism/communism on the rise
Appeasement - giving in
West gave into Hitler/Mussolini demands
Liebestraum - territory which Hitler thinks he needs to create a powerful nation
Hitler breaks Treaty of Versailles and militarizes the Rhineland
West does nothing
Enchleusse - joins Austria with Germany
West does nothing
Hitler wants Czechoslovakia→West does nothing
Neville Chamberlain (Britain prime minister) wants Hitler at Munich Conference
Chamberlain gives a sliver of Czechoslovakia to Hitler called to Sudetenland
West Stays Out
France - Popular Front = socialists + communist + anarchist + republicansBritain - No war, Treaty of Versailles unfairUnited States - Neutrality Act
Can’t send arms to any nation
1939 - Nazi-Soveit Non-Pyganoism Pact
Hitler avoids 2 front war
Stalin has time to mobilize
Start of WWII
September 1, 1939 - Hitler begins invasion of Poland→Start of WWII and Hitler & Stalin divide Poland
Hitler uses blitzkrieg in attacks on other tanks→ quick attacks with use of tanks and luftwaffe (German air force)
GB & France declare war on Germany
Hitler invades France in 1940 after 8 months of France
Maginot Line - defensive network built to protect French eastern border from invasions
Germany follows invasion by creating occupation zones in France
Northern France demobilized, Southern France becomes puppet state controlled by Germans known as Vichy France
France falls→Britain stands alone in Europe, Hitler begins attacking British cities with luftwaffe
Hitler begins Operation Sea Lion (planned takeover of Britain)
Battle of Britain begins in 1940, including the London Blitz (50 nights of constant bombing on London)
Despite failure in GB, Hitler has control of most of continental Europe and next focused on North Africa
Erwin Rommel plans to seize Suez Canal and cut off British control→ defending North Africa vital to allies
Summer 1941, Hitler initiates next phase of conquest into Soviet Union through Operation Barbarossa to taken control of USSR’s natural resources + destroy communism
With this invasion, pact between Hitler & Stalin ends
Stalin is still greatly unprepared for war and lacked military leadership from Great Purge
Instead of going straight to Moscow, Hitler focuses on natural resources in Ukraine→winter begins and Stalin has time to reinforce his troops
Through use of scorched earth policy, Soviets withstand long battles
German lack resources to survive winters
By 1942, Hitler fails to conquer Moscow, Stalingrad, Or leningrad in Soviet Union
Hitler used invasion of Eastern Europe to increase his Final Solution
Hitler took resources from battlefront to aid transportation of imprisonment of Jews, communists, other victims
Soviets begin pressuring GB & US to invade Western Europe and relieve pressure
United States
Neutral (1935)
Land-Lease (1948)
Military and
No aid to Japan
Precursor to Pearl Harbor (Coral Sea Midway in 1492-1943)
U.S. enters War
Total war (mass production, war propaganda, recruitment, gender roles
Tehran Conference (1943- Iran) - Stalin, FDR, Winston
Europe 1st - then Pacific
Stalin wants US & GB to invade on Western Front
Need time to mobilize (trust issues involved)
D-Day - France is liberated
Germans gaining to launch final offensive - Battle of the Bulge through Ardennes Forest & take France again
Allies launch Battle for Berlin & Nazi Germany surrenders on May 7th, 1945 (V-E Day)
Yalta Conference (1945) - Ukraine
Soviet Union says “we need 3 months following Germany’s surrender”
Time to mobilize along with trust issues
Germany split into 4 different zones
Self-determination in Eastern Europe
WWII: Pacific
Most of the war in the Pacific was fought between Japan and the U.S.
U.S. used “Island Hopping” campaign to take over Pacific Island by Island
Japanese spent most of early 1940’s quickly expanded in the Pacific
Japan planned to capture Midway as a base to launch another attack on Pearl Harbor
Battle of Midway in 1942
August 1942, first major offensive led by U.S. against Japanese in Battle of Guadalcanal
Goal to break supply + communication routes for Japanese
March 1945, US won Battle of Iwo Jima, providing Us airfields to launch aerial attacks on Japanese main islands
April 1945, the Battle of Okinawa successful amphibious assault led by US firebombing and kamikaze attacks by Japan
WWII: Europe
All of Western Europe liberated by March of 1945 all the way to German border
Germans launched final offensive and surprise attack in Battle of the Bulge (January 1945) in Ardennes Forest
The Big Three (FDR, Winston Churchill, Stalin) met for final time at Yalta Conference (February 1945)
Soviets enter war in Pacific 3 months after German surrender
Germany & Berlin divided into 4 zones controlled by Soviet Union, GB, US, France
Self determination for occupied regions especially eastern Europe
Soviet Union achieve final victory over Germans with success of Battle for Berlin (April 1945)
Russia had greater army
By April, many of major leaders of WW1 dead→Mussolini executed, Hitler suicide, FDR stroke
By May 7, Germany surrenders and VE Day is announced
Allies met for final time at Potsdam Conference in July 1945→Stalin, Truman (FDR death), Atlee (Churchill replaced)
Nuremberg Trials for war crimes by Nazi leaders
US gave Japan ultimatum to surrender or “meet prompt & utter destruction”
Stalin begins breaking from GB & Us to promote spread of communism
US responds with idea of containment to halt spread of communism
Inform Stalin of atom bomb
Japanese refused to surrender, US pushed forward with their plans to invade homelands
First nuclear test completed in Los Alamos in July 1945→Trinity Test of the Manhattan Project
Seen as option to not have to invade
On August 6, 1945 US dropped “Little Boy” on Hiroshima
August 9, 1945 US dropped “Fat Man” on Nagasaki
By August 15th, the Japanese surrendered→VJ Day & End of WWII