Book Of Wisdom

Book of Wisdom - Volume One

  • Written by Harry B. Joseph

  • Revival of Wisdom

Work Title Information

  • "The Book of Wisdom" is registered with the UK Copyright Service.

  • Unauthorized marketing, resale, or claiming rights to the book without consent may lead to legal action.

  • Social media handles: Revival of Wisdom on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

Images and Copyrights

  • All images in the book have been edited or artificially generated to avoid copyright issues and are categorized as 'artwork'.

  • The book covers esotericism, occultism, symbolism, and syncretism, presenting all knowledge as interconnected and stemming from a single source (the One).


  • The average person primarily uses the left hemisphere of the brain, which isolates and analyzes reality in discredited fragments.

  • To engage the concepts in the book, one should liberate their mind from traditional education indoctrination and view reality as an indivisible whole.

Visual Cortex and The Nature of Light

  • Elements of thought: MENT = MIND, EL = GOD, and how they combine - ELEMENT = GOD MIND.

  • Genesis 1:3 emphasizes creation through light.

  • Discussion on light's properties, matter's relation to light vibrations, and Walter Russell's view of God as the thinking mind.

  • The visual cortex functions as the primary region for processing visual information, where light perception occurs.

The Story of Jesus as a Metaphor

  • Interpreted as the journey of a sacred brain oil associated with spiritual enlightenment and physical transformation.

  • Several symbolic stages in the resurrection process emphasize the chakras, the cross symbolism, and overall spiritual rebirth.

Spiritual Symbolism and the Philosophy of Existence

  • Humans embody divine essence, connecting consciousness to bodily functions. They serve as 'God in separate bodies.'

  • Discussion of Kundalini energy, the functions of the pituitary and pineal glands, and the significance of sexual energy preservation.

Summary of Key Symbols and Their Meanings

  • Important Biblical references: Genesis, Jacob's vision, and modern interpretations of biblical stories related to spiritual anatomy (Kundalini);

  • The role of sound frequencies in our lives and their importance in shaping consciousness.

Astrological References

  • Zodiac signs, their influence on personality traits, and anatomical correspondences are presented.

  • Historical perspectives on astrology's connection to divine forces shape our behaviors and reality perceptions.

Understanding Hierarchical Structures: Freemasonry

  • Details on Freemasonry, its esoteric teachings, and significant symbols throughout history.

  • The intricate relationship between spirituality and symbolism in structures like the Vatican.

Universal Laws

  • Discusses several universal laws like the laws of vibration, correspondence, mentalism, gender, polarity, cause and effect, and rhythm, which govern our experiences and existence.

Human Energy and Electromagnetic Fields

  • The human connection to the electromagnetic field generated by the heart and brain; how emotions and thoughts interact.

  • The impact of dietary choices on mental and physical health through electromagnetic influences.

Conscious Mind and the Subconscious Mind

  • Importance of balancing both aspects for holistic health, prosperity, and spiritual growth.

  • Techniques for re-programming the subconscious mind.

Closing Thoughts

  • The book emphasizes understanding oneself; the interconnectedness of all beings and thoughts, and pursuing spiritual truths.
