
Management Information Systems - Week 2

Instructor Information

  • Instructor: Yuyang Ye

  • Email: yuyang.ye@rutgers.edu

  • Date: January 29, 2025

Database Models and Their Components

  • Definition: A database model is a conceptual framework for organizing and managing data.

Components of Database Models

  • Data Structures: Prescribe how data is organized.

  • Operations: Manipulate data structures.

  • Rules: Govern valid data use.

Types of Database Models

  1. Relational Model:

    • Strengths:

      • Fast queries and efficient storage.

      • Productivity and simplicity in transactional applications.

      • Integration with object-oriented programming languages.

      • Flexible schema accommodating business requirements.

      • Support for unstructured and semi-structured data.

  2. Other Models:

    • Hierarchical

    • Network

    • Object

    • Graph

    • Document (e.g. JSON, XML)

Example Database Systems

  • Examples:

    • IMS, IDMS, Oracle Database, ObjectStore, Neo4j, MongoDB

  • Primary Data Structures:

    • Tree, Linked list, Table, Class, Vertex and edge

Relational Database Overview

  • Introduced by: E. F. Codd of IBM in 1970

  • Standardization:

    • Operations and rules standardized in SQL, the universal query language for relational databases.

Key Aspects of the Relational Model

  • Tables (relations) store data.

  • Rows (tuples) represent records.

  • Columns represent attributes.

Set Theory in Relational Model


  • Set: Unordered collection of elements (e.g. {a, b, c}).

  • Tuple: Ordered collection enclosed in parentheses (e.g. (a, b, c)).

Relational Data Structures


  • A table:

    • Has a unique name.

    • Contains a fixed tuple of columns with varying sets of rows.

Columns and Rows

  • Column:

    • Has a name and a data type.

  • Row:

    • Unnamed tuple of values corresponding to columns.

    • Types of values determined by column's data type.

Relational Operations

Basic Operations

  • Select: Chooses a subset of rows.

  • Project: Chooses specific columns.

  • Product: Lists all combinations of rows from two tables.

Advanced Operations

  • Join: Combines tables based on related columns.

  • Union: Selects all rows from two tables.

  • Intersect: Selects common rows between two tables.

Final Operations

  • Difference: Selects rows unique to one table.

  • Rename: Changes a table's name.

  • Aggregate: Functions over multiple rows (e.g. sum, count).

Relational Rules

Key Constraints

  1. Unique Primary Key:

    • All tables must include a unique primary key.

  2. Unique Column Names:

    • No duplicate names within the same table.

  3. No Duplicate Rows:

    • No identical rows across all columns.

Business Rules

  • Definition:

    • Based on specific business policies.

  • Examples:

    • Employee records must include valid department codes.

    • Passport Numbers must be unique.

Structured Query Language (SQL)


  • SQL: Standard query language for relational databases.

SQL Sublanguages

  1. Data Definition Language (DDL):

    • Defines database structure (CREATE, ALTER, DROP).

  2. Data Manipulation Language (DML):

    • Manages data within schema objects (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE).

  3. Data Query Language (DQL):

    • Queries data (e.g. SELECT).

  4. Data Control Language (DCL):

    • Controls data access (e.g. GRANT, REVOKE).

SQL Language Elements

Statement Structure

  • Definition: Complete, executable instructions ending with a semicolon.

Key Elements

  • Literal: Explicit value (e.g. 'Maria', 129).

  • Keyword: Special meaning in SQL (e.g. SELECT, INSERT).

  • Identifier: Database object names (e.g. FirstName, Population).

  • Expression: Sequence evaluating to a value (e.g. Population > 1000).

  • Comment: Ignored by the processor.

Tables, Columns, and Rows

Table Characteristics

  • Table:

    • Must have a unique name and at least one column.

  • Column:

    • Each column must have a unique name and data type.

  • Row:

    • Each row is an unnamed sequence of values corresponding to column data types.

Primary and Foreign Keys

Primary Keys

  • Definition: Identifies each row uniquely in a table.

  • Types:

    1. Simple Primary Key: Single field.

    2. Composite Primary Key: Multiple fields.

    3. Candidate key: Possible choices for primary keys.

Foreign Keys

  • Definition: Attribute matching primary key from another table.

  • Example: In CITY and STATE tables, StateAbbrev serves as a foreign key.

Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs)


  • Visual representation of relationships between database tables.

  • Entities correspond to tables; relationships shown by connecting lines.

Creating ER Diagrams

  1. Open diagrams.net: Start a new diagram.

  2. Add Entities: Use rectangles for entities and label them.

  3. Define Attributes: Use ovals for attributes connected to entities.

  4. Specify Relationships: Use diamonds for relationships, labeling connections.

  5. Add Cardinality: Indicate relationship types (e.g. 1:M).

Database Design Practice

Case Study: Plumbing Store

  • Entities: Customer, Orders, Product, Ordersdetail.

  • Relationships:

    • Customer has many Orders (1:M).

    • Orders has many Orderdetails (1:M).

    • Product can appear in many Orderdetails (1:M).

Database Design Problems and Solutions

Database Design Challenges

  • Common design issues include redundancy and poor normalization affecting data integrity.

Normalization Process

  • Reduce redundancy by restructuring tables ensuring dependencies link to primary keys only.

  • Types of anomalies resolved through normalization:

    1. Insertion Anomaly: Inability to add data due to missing information.

    2. Deletion Anomaly: Unintended data loss via record deletion.

    3. Update Anomaly: Multiple updates required for single information change.

Homework Assignments

  • Readings: Cover Chapter 4, SQL Workbench Tutorial sections.

  • Practice: Create ERDs using diagrams.net.

Additional Reading

  • CREATE TABLE & DROP TABLE statements.

  • Example of ALTER TABLE in MySQL.

  • Familiarize with MySQL data types and characteristics.

Key Data Types Examples

  • Integer: INT, SMALLINT, etc.

  • Decimal: FLOAT, DECIMAL(M,D).

  • Character: VARCHAR, CHAR.

  • Date and Time: DATETIME, DATE.
