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Chinese Unit 5 review

吃 (chī)- to eat

美国菜 (měi guó cài)-American food

汉堡包 (hàn bǎo bāo)-hamburger

薯条 (shǔ tiáo)-French fries

意大利面 (yì dà lì miàn)- pasta

披萨 (pī sà)-pizza

三明治 (sān míng zhì)- sandwich

热狗 (rè gǒu) - hot dog

中国菜 (zhōng guó cài)- Chinese food

米饭 (mǐ fàn)-steamed rice

面 (miàn)-noodles

饺子 jiǎo zi-dumplings

炒饭 (chǎo fàn)-fried rice

包子 (bāo zi) - steamed stuffed bun

炒面 (chǎo miàn)-fried noodles

肉 (ròu)- meat

牛肉 (niú ròu)-beef

猪肉 (zhū ròu)-pork

羊肉 (yáng ròu)-lamb

鸡肉 (jī ròu)-chicken meat

炸鸡 (zhá jī)-fried chicken

鸡蛋 (jī dàn) - egg

鱼肉 (yú ròu)-fish meat

海鲜 (hǎi xiān)-seafood

虾 (xiā)- shrimp

龙虾(lóng xiā) lobster

螃蟹(páng xiè) crab

三文鱼 (sān wén yú)-salmon

蔬菜 (shū cài)-vegetables

豆腐(dòufu) tofu; bean curd

西兰花(xī lán huā) broccoli

番茄/西红柿(fān qié/ xī hóng shì) tomato

土豆(tǔ dòu) potato

胡萝卜(hú luó bo) carrot

我吃素。 (wǒ chī sù)-I am a vegetarian.

好吃 ( hǎo chī ) delicious (food)

汤(tāng) soup

想 (xiǎng)-want to

要 (yào)-want; need

你想吃什么? (nǐ xiǎng chī shén me?)-What do you want to eat?

我想吃...。 (wǒ xiǎng chī...)-I want to eat...

欢迎(huān yíng) welcome

餐厅/饭馆(cāntīng/fànguǎn) Restaurant

服务员(fú wù yuán) waiter, waitress

点菜(diǎn cài) to order food

饮料 (yǐn liào)-drinks (noun)

喝 (hē)-drink (verb)

茶 (chá)-tea

红茶 (hóng chá)-black tea, red tea

绿茶 (lǜ chá)-green tea

奶茶 (nǎi chá)-milk tea

咖啡 (kā fēi)-coffee

牛奶 (niú nǎi)-milk

巧克力 (qiǎo kè lì)-chocolate

巧克力牛奶 (qiǎo kè lì niú nǎi)-chocolate milk

果汁 (guǒ zhī)-juice

汽水 (qì shuǐ)-soda

可乐 (kě lè)-coke

热 (rè)-hot

热茶 (rè chá)-hot tea

冰 (bīng)-ice; cold

冰牛奶 (bīng niú nǎi)-cold milk

很好喝 (hěn hǎo hē)-tasty (good to drink)

不好喝 (bù hǎo hē)-not tasty (not good to drink)

你喜欢喝牛奶吗? (nǐ xǐ huān hē niú nǎi ma?)-Do you like to drink milk?

咖啡很好喝 (kā fēi hěn hǎo hē)-Coffee is tasty

你喜欢喝茶还是果汁? (nǐ xǐ huān hē chá hái shì guǒ zhī)-Do you like to drink tea or juice?

最 (zuì)-most

最喜欢 (zuì xǐ huān)-favorite

我最喜欢喝热巧克力。 (wǒ zuì xǐ huān hē rè qiǎo kè lì)-My favorite drink is hot chocolate

Chinese Unit 5 review

吃 (chī)- to eat

美国菜 (měi guó cài)-American food

汉堡包 (hàn bǎo bāo)-hamburger

薯条 (shǔ tiáo)-French fries

意大利面 (yì dà lì miàn)- pasta

披萨 (pī sà)-pizza

三明治 (sān míng zhì)- sandwich

热狗 (rè gǒu) - hot dog

中国菜 (zhōng guó cài)- Chinese food

米饭 (mǐ fàn)-steamed rice

面 (miàn)-noodles

饺子 jiǎo zi-dumplings

炒饭 (chǎo fàn)-fried rice

包子 (bāo zi) - steamed stuffed bun

炒面 (chǎo miàn)-fried noodles

肉 (ròu)- meat

牛肉 (niú ròu)-beef

猪肉 (zhū ròu)-pork

羊肉 (yáng ròu)-lamb

鸡肉 (jī ròu)-chicken meat

炸鸡 (zhá jī)-fried chicken

鸡蛋 (jī dàn) - egg

鱼肉 (yú ròu)-fish meat

海鲜 (hǎi xiān)-seafood

虾 (xiā)- shrimp

龙虾(lóng xiā) lobster

螃蟹(páng xiè) crab

三文鱼 (sān wén yú)-salmon

蔬菜 (shū cài)-vegetables

豆腐(dòufu) tofu; bean curd

西兰花(xī lán huā) broccoli

番茄/西红柿(fān qié/ xī hóng shì) tomato

土豆(tǔ dòu) potato

胡萝卜(hú luó bo) carrot

我吃素。 (wǒ chī sù)-I am a vegetarian.

好吃 ( hǎo chī ) delicious (food)

汤(tāng) soup

想 (xiǎng)-want to

要 (yào)-want; need

你想吃什么? (nǐ xiǎng chī shén me?)-What do you want to eat?

我想吃...。 (wǒ xiǎng chī...)-I want to eat...

欢迎(huān yíng) welcome

餐厅/饭馆(cāntīng/fànguǎn) Restaurant

服务员(fú wù yuán) waiter, waitress

点菜(diǎn cài) to order food

饮料 (yǐn liào)-drinks (noun)

喝 (hē)-drink (verb)

茶 (chá)-tea

红茶 (hóng chá)-black tea, red tea

绿茶 (lǜ chá)-green tea

奶茶 (nǎi chá)-milk tea

咖啡 (kā fēi)-coffee

牛奶 (niú nǎi)-milk

巧克力 (qiǎo kè lì)-chocolate

巧克力牛奶 (qiǎo kè lì niú nǎi)-chocolate milk

果汁 (guǒ zhī)-juice

汽水 (qì shuǐ)-soda

可乐 (kě lè)-coke

热 (rè)-hot

热茶 (rè chá)-hot tea

冰 (bīng)-ice; cold

冰牛奶 (bīng niú nǎi)-cold milk

很好喝 (hěn hǎo hē)-tasty (good to drink)

不好喝 (bù hǎo hē)-not tasty (not good to drink)

你喜欢喝牛奶吗? (nǐ xǐ huān hē niú nǎi ma?)-Do you like to drink milk?

咖啡很好喝 (kā fēi hěn hǎo hē)-Coffee is tasty

你喜欢喝茶还是果汁? (nǐ xǐ huān hē chá hái shì guǒ zhī)-Do you like to drink tea or juice?

最 (zuì)-most

最喜欢 (zuì xǐ huān)-favorite

我最喜欢喝热巧克力。 (wǒ zuì xǐ huān hē rè qiǎo kè lì)-My favorite drink is hot chocolate