Islam Study Guide
Islam- submission to God or Allah
Qur’an- islam’s primary sacred text, regarded by Muslims in the direct words of Allah
Hijara- the emigration of Muhammed and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib
Sunna- the teachings and actions of Muhammed recorded in writings
Umma- the community of all muslims
Shari’a- the divine law, derived from the Quran and the sunna, tells muslims how to live
Five Pillars- specific religious and ethical requirements for muslims: the confession of faith, prayer/worship, fasting during Ramadan, wealth sharing, and the pilgrimage to Mecca
Shahada- the confession of faith, the first of the five pillars
Mosgue- the muslim place or building of worship
Imam- the leader of the friday worship service who directs the prayers and delivers a sermon
Ramadan- a period which muslims fast, in accordance with the third of the five pillars
Hajj- the journey to the Mecca that all muslims are required to take if they can afford it (economically and physically)
Ka’ba- the stone cubical structure in the courtyard of the Great mosque of Mecca, believed to have been built by Abraham and regarded by muslims as the sacred center of the earth
Jihad- the general spiritual struggle to be a devout muslim
Caliphs- the military and political leaders of the muslim community who succeeded Muhammad after his death
Sunni- the division of islam practiced by most muslims, named after the sunna
Shaykh- a teacher and master in islam
Short Answer-
What is the root meaning of the name Islam?
The root meaning is submission or surrender.
Identify two other Islamic prophets besides Muhammad?
Some are Abraham and Adam.
What are the major misconceptions that many people have about Islam?
That it is a violent religion.
Why is the city of Mecca significant for Muslims?
it's the hometown of Islam's Prophet Muhammad and the place where he states that Allah revealed their holy book, the Quran, to him
Who is the Prophet Muhammad?
He was born about AD 570 in Mecca, a city on the Arabian peninsula that was the center of commerce and trade. It is marked as the beginning of Muhamed’s career as a prophet. The angel Gabrial came down and said to him that he needed to essentially start Islam. It is the immigration of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib. It is the founding event of the Muslim community. This is the belief that he is the final prophet, revealing the will of Allah fully and precisely, and for all time.
What is the purpose of Ramadan?
It serves as a guidance for men and women, a declaration of direction, and a means of salvation
Why do many Muslims respect Jews and Christians?
This is because maleness and femaleness are human qualities and would thus limit God’s nature.
True or False
Islam is a monotheistic religion? True
The Holy book for Islam is the Torah? False, Quran
Abraham is the last and greatest prophet for Islam and the founder of the religion. False, Muhammad
Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem are the holy cities for Muslims. True
Many Muslims believe they must meet the basic obligations in life, known as the Ten Commandments. False, Five pillars
Islam is the second largest religion in the world. True
Passover is an important time for Muslims where they fast and pray to become closer to God. False, Ramadan
Who is Muhammad? When and where was he born? What did he do for the Islamic faith?
Muhammad is known as the last and most important prophet of the islamic religion. He was born around 570 AD in Mecca. He spent most of his life in what is now Saudi Arabia. Muhammad was the founder of Islam and the proclaimer of the Qurʾān, Islam’s sacred scripture.
What are the five pillars? What does it do for the Islamic faith?
They are Shadada, Salah, Zakat, Sawm, and Hajj. Shahada is the declaration of faith. Salah is their time of prayer. Zakat is their form of almsgiving. Sawm is fasting. Lastly, hajj is pilgrimage. They are the basic norms of islamic practice.
What are the Five Pillars of Islam and give one example of each pillar.
Shahada When they declare their faith | Salah Any of the five times of daily prayer | Zakat Going to worship in Mosques | Sawm Ramadan | Hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca |