People would plant things, wait for them to grow, and hope they would get them through winter, they would plant every crop all at once
Mostly everyone was a farmer, they would produce what they needed to survive plus a little more
As for farming technology, there were wagons plows, and wheels
Domestic System/Cottage Industry: Manufacturing of things like cloth is done in the home,
Dads are out on the farm, mom and kids are in the home and since they need a way to make money, they manufacture what everyone needs and sell it for money
Making Cloth: 1) Clean the fiber, 2) Card into strands, 3) Spin into thread, 4) weave into cloth → Whole process can be done by hand in the home over multiple houses
New technology, devices, and innovations make the previous manual + and labor-filled processes much easier
Increase crop output and decrease labor needed
Now equipment equipment and techniques increase the yield of the landowners while
decreasing the need for workers
enclosure movement(common land becomes private) moved people into the cities(work in factories for high pay)
Now because of newcomers into the city who come for jobs in the factory, the factories have more people for labor and start making more profit
machinery of the domestic system was moved into the factories
Now the whole process of making cloth is moved from 10 houses into one building is known as a factory, in England
These new machines increase yield and decrease the work for landowners (Pre cursor of the Industrial Revolution)
All of the cotton-collecting processes had become industrialized due to new inventions, except for the cotton-picking
There was no machine to pick cotton, so they had to use slaves. This was the massive social change that was caused, by the introduction of slavery, if we had an invention, then we could have avoided civil war.
ANTHROPOCENE ERA: Defined by the phases of power humanity goes through during the First and Second Industrial Revolutions
We now have increased raw materials, and we now need something, some fuel to run the machines, we need power sources
We have 2 power sources, steam (Controlled release of pressure, runs on air, which you can store infinite of as long as the pressure goes up, and initially turns due to the burning of coal)
Early population increase would have an effect on society by making more manual labor available, and thus the wages go down, and jobs become more demanded
Effects on this Era Include: Energy Crisis, Impact on the environment(pollution, deforestation, etc), Reactions to industrialization(rapid changes in people's living and working conditions),
Poor conditions for the workers (Led to labor unions and various mutual alliances fighting for better working conditions CAUSED BY MORE AVAILABLE LABOR)
This level of mass innovation and change can’t keep up forever
It was an era in which human activity heavily impacted the environment
Beginning in 1750, previously dominant areas of the world like China, India, and Dar al-Islam were left behind in the wake of European scientific breakthroughs
This can happen because academics and scholars are going to coffeeshops and dosing themselves with caffeine, enhancing their mental capabilities and allowing them to think more deeply about the subjects they studied, creating a greater potential for improvement
Europe was built off of business
Governments gave further motivation to explore new technologies by giving funding to scientific research and private businesses like the East India Companies( Such businesses can re-invest to grow their profit exponentially)
Europe was in favor of private business and innovation long before industrialization
Competition between regions and states created incentives for innovation in getting one over on the nations that rivaled your own (Nationalism)
Industrialization and advancement are centered around large, wealthy cities with an abundance of natural resources and, crucially, governmental structures that disavowed oppression and allowed people to gain individual wealth
They could compete with Asian goods like tea, silk, and porcelain
They were also in control of many of the natural resources that became important in this era and could draw from the rest via all those colonies
Agricultural innovation and the Enclosure Movement sent large numbers of people to the cities
Enthusiastic, entrepreneurial spirit
Large population increase because of said agricultural innovations
Huge, government-protected merchant fleet in the British East India Company
Britain has a lot of capital, allowing for a large number of investments that can then exponentially grow
This is accompanied by a large number of consumers, and the capital necessary to provide them with goods
Large Workforce: Including Women (feminist movement), and children
Checks and balances on royal authority thanks to Parliament, Religious toleration, No unions, Laws of incorporation, Reasonable protective tariffs, the British government and policies are “min-maxed” for businesses
High Workforce: Thanks to people coming from agriculture and women from feminism, along with child labor
Scientific Revolution: Enlightened thought (logic and reasoning + scientific method), coffee houses, “culture of innovation”
Geography: Coal+Iron ore deposits, access to the ocean, Isolation from continental affairs thanks to being an island
Huge Economic Change, social change is awkward
Social changes are happening in response to industrialization and the effect it has on the middle and lower classes
Social Stratification
Middle Classes
Upper Middle Class
Gaining more power (Factory owners)
Lower Middle Class
Laboring/Working Class
No child labor laws
No restrictions on working hours
No welfare
No benefits
Barely any pay
Generally, things suck badly for everyone in the working classes
Huge population increase
Social classes increase in size, and divisions between them begin to grow
As conditions improve for the upper classes, they get worse for the lower classes, The lower classes don’t like that anymore (This whole sequence of events ended up busting
Up to this point, governments have mostly let corporations do whatever they wanted (which led to some egregious human rights violations)
This system of doing things is called laissez-faire capitalism
Industrial workers were treated like absolute dookie, forcing the workers to unionize to prevent themselves from starving and dying in the terrible working conditions
These unions started as guilds and “friendly societies”, groups of tradespeople that taught regular folks how to become skilled laborers
A rebellion led by Captain Ludd and Captain Swing starts smashing up the textile machines that took their jobs (likely as weavers)
The goal of a union is to protect the workers & create change by influencing politics
They organize strikes, they slow things down, they boycott stuff, and they do all that because their conditions are unsurvivable and they need to change that before they all die
Workers saw capitalism as an oppressive system that left them in the same place as they would be as peasants, commoners, and serfs.
Robert Owen - The Utopian Workplace
Created a factory surrounded by actual living quarters where the workers could be accommodated
Had a school for the children, and a cafeteria that fed them all
Failed miserably because they couldn’t compete with the efficiency of child labor
Karl Marx - The Communist Manifesto
Supported a violent overthrow of the bourgeoisie (capitalists) by the proletariats (working class) to begin a new society where private property is no longer a thing and everyone shares everything
There has been a struggle between the upper and lower classes since basically the beginning of civilization, but now it has taken a new form
Now it’s the bourgeois (the owner) and the proletariat (the worker)
Big corporations abuse the labor of the proletariat to make as much money as they can
Labour Party - Workers had a say in the government
Reformist programs to improve conditions
Peaceful transition to socialism
Rejection of the class struggle
Social Democracy
Social reform
Midway between Socialism/Communism and Capitalism
The ideas of Utopia (FE!N) and Communism/Socialism had derived from some Enlightenment ideas, mainly natural rights.
Nationalism also became popular (presagio del fascismo: IL DUCE)
Still not calm
By 1900, there are immense inequalities
Labor strikes, the incapacity of the Labour Party, the economic decline of Britain, the rise of America and Germany
Caudillos(creoles who have now decided they will rule very harshly, militarily) is now in charge of the country's military
The Mexican government is now in trouble fighting with many gangs
Latin America does not have an industrialized economy, its economy is dependent on the industrialized countries, so now foreigners have the power,
Landowners do nothing but give the resources to the industrialized countries
People who own the land are running the country, and they don’t want to see an industrial country with workers because in America this caused many revolts and the business owners had to pay the workers more
So landowners want to keep the workers inferior
People who run the society own the land as they are the ones with the raw materials that are exported to the industrialized countries to make a profit there, thus making a profit in Latin America through exports.
Caudillos are nothing but Creoles deciding to rule their new Latin American territory through violent military means
Landowners run the society as they own the land and they have all the raw resources which are exported to the industrializing countries to hold up the economy
Railroads were built to transport
Foreign investment gave foreign companies political control
Lower-class people worked for the land owners on the haciendas
Mexican Revolution - villa and Zapata rebelled against President Diaz, which led to the new constitution, and better working conditions, regionally
You start a company, buy workers, and reinvest
I can do whatever I want because the government lets the businessmen do whatever they want
Adam Smith and Wealth of Nations say that you should do whatever you want to do to make money (freedom)
All of the workers are getting lung disease since there are no safety conditions, and it's too expensive for businesses to implement
It's ok if the workers die in the USA because we have immigrants and we can pay them less
That way there are no revolutions because the pay is good and there is an endless source of immigrant labor, who want to work even for the worst conditions
Now how are we going to limit the people's power,
Why is the government going to limit the power of the businessmen?
It's going to do that so the children don’t die
Now the businessmen are pissed
Now if the government becomes overprotective, it will limit the economy
If workers ask for too much pay, now the government has to restrict the asks of the workers
Now the government plays referee and we give them infinite power
USA is capitalist, the government lets the businesses do whatever they want to make money (hire kids, etc), the working conditions are horrible yet protests won’t work due to high labor demand because of high immigrant supply, so now the government limits business men power so the kids don’t die, and now they have too limit control of the workers so they don’t get paid too much (The government plays referee)
In Russia, any change is coming from the top down, or in other words, the change comes from the Tsar. Then Russia goes if we are going to compete with the European countries, we have to catch up to the other countries,
In Russia, they are set free, and then go to the city, but the conditions are not good, and since they fight the war, the war debt is bad, and transporting goods is expensive so the standard of living goes down, thus the people go to the Tsar since he is the only one that can make a change, and the Tsar kills them all
Vladamir Lenin sees his brother die and finds the solution in Karl Marx, and he concludes the only way they can make a difference and get rich people off power is with a violent uprising.
Russia doing very badly because of the bad leadership by the Tsar, and thus the Bolsheviks finally took control of Russia, they took the palace of the Tsar, and then the civil war began over who was going to rule Russia, and this disagreement between the Bolsheviks and Menshiviks
So now the government is going to change, and it's going to change into a communist society.
DUMA: Parliament which was made after the Russian revolution