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Chapter 21 - Regulating the Eukaryotic Cell Cycle

21.1: Overview of the Cell Cycle and Its Control

  • Phases of the cell cycles:

    • M (mitosis)

    • G1 (between mitosis and DNA replication initiation

    • S (DNA replication)

    • G2 (between DNA replication completion and mitosis)

  • Cyclin-CDK complexes regulate the progress of a cell through the cell cycle and are made up of a regulatory cyclin subunit along with a cyclin-dependent kinase subunit

  • Chromosomal condensation and the disassembly of G1 and G2 cells nuclear envelope is caused by discussible cyclin CDK

  • Yeast cell division isolation mutants help with identifying genes that help regulate the cell cycle

  • Eggs and early embryos of amphibians and invertebrates when fertilized provide extract sources that help in biochemical studies for the cell cycles events

21.2: Biochemical Studies with Oocytes, Eggs and Early Embryos

  • Mitotic cyclin activity is needed for protein kinase MPF

  • MPF activity in the cells as they enter mitosis increases along with the concentration of mitotic cyclins

  • MPF activities rise and fall is result by concomitant synthesis and mitotic cycle degradation

  • Ubiquitin ligase activity of the APC is controlled so the late anaphase is the only time that mitotic cyclins are polyubiquitinated and not before

21.3: Genetic Studies with S. pombe

  • The fission yeast S. pombe gets encoded a cyclin-dependent protein kinase which is associated with a mitotic cyclin, which results in a mitotic cyclin CDK heterodimer

  • Two residues in the catalytic CDK subunit being at a certain phosphorylation state affects protein kinase activity of the cyclin CDK complex

  • The onset of mitosis is affected by an actuated mitotic cyclin CDK complex, which is dependent on a decrease of Wee1 and an increase of Cdc25

  • S. pombe MPF and human cyclin A-CDK2 complex are similar to each other

21.4: Molecular Mechanisms for Regulating Mitotic Events

  • MPF catalyzed phosphorylation of lamins A, B, and C along with inner nuclear proteins and nucleoporins occurs early in mitosis

  • Kinase regulates the phosphorylation of condensin complexes powered by MPF

  • DNA replication in the S phase forms sister chromatids that are linked at the centromere because of cohesion complexes

  • Cdc20 directs APC to polyubiquitinated securin at the onset of anaphase

  • The APC polyubiquitinated mitotic cyclins with the direction of Cdh1 after sister chromatids move to spindle pores

  • Protein phosphates are able to remove regulatory phosphates such as:

    • Condensin

    • Lamins

    • Nucleoporins

  • They are able to do this when MPF activity falls

  • MPF activity falling also helps with the removal of inhibition of the myosin light chain, which lets the cleavage furrow form into cytokinesis

21.5: Genetic Studies with S. cerevisiae

  • The single cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) which is encoded by CDC28 is expressed by S. cerevisiae

  • The three cyclins active in G1:

    • Cln1

    • Cln2

    • Cln3

  • Heterodimers are formed with CDK when Clb3 and Clb4 are expressed during the S phase

  • DNA replication takes place at certain origins only once until a cell goes through anaphase

21.6: Cell Cycle Control in Mammalian Cells

  • Mitogens which are peptide growth factors make mammalian cells that are cultured proliferate

  • This helps guide cells into the S phase, G2 phase, and mitosis even without growth factors present

  • Mammalian cells regulation requires CDKs and cyclins

  • Cyclin CDK complexes are regulated phosphorylation and dephosphorylation in mammalian cells

21.7: Checkpoints in Cell Cycle Regulation

  • The endurance that chromosomes are intact in cells and that the cell cycle is progressing properly is given by checkpoint controls

  • Unreplicated DNA checkpoint

  • During S and G1

  • Prevent MPF before the synthesization of DNA

  • Activates CDK1 and Cdc25c

  • Spindle assembly checkpoint:

  • Prevents premature anaphase

  • Uses Mad2 and other proteins for the regulation of APC

  • Chromosome segregation checkpoint

  • Makes sure telophase and cytokinesis occur after daughter cells have been segregated

  • Allows for daughter cells to have a full set of chromosomes

  • DNA damage checkpoint

  • Arrests cell until DNA damage is fixed if any DNA damage occurs

  • Three tumor suppressor proteins are needed here:

    • ATM/ATR

    • Chk1

    • p53

21.8: Meiosis: A Special Type of Cell Division

  • One cycle of chromosome replication and two cycles of cell division are needed in meiosis for the production of haploid germ cells

  • Chromatids and homologous chromosomes have at least one recombination occur between them

  • Cell cycle proteins that work in mitotically dividing cells also work in meiosis undergoing cells

Chapter 21 - Regulating the Eukaryotic Cell Cycle

21.1: Overview of the Cell Cycle and Its Control

  • Phases of the cell cycles:

    • M (mitosis)

    • G1 (between mitosis and DNA replication initiation

    • S (DNA replication)

    • G2 (between DNA replication completion and mitosis)

  • Cyclin-CDK complexes regulate the progress of a cell through the cell cycle and are made up of a regulatory cyclin subunit along with a cyclin-dependent kinase subunit

  • Chromosomal condensation and the disassembly of G1 and G2 cells nuclear envelope is caused by discussible cyclin CDK

  • Yeast cell division isolation mutants help with identifying genes that help regulate the cell cycle

  • Eggs and early embryos of amphibians and invertebrates when fertilized provide extract sources that help in biochemical studies for the cell cycles events

21.2: Biochemical Studies with Oocytes, Eggs and Early Embryos

  • Mitotic cyclin activity is needed for protein kinase MPF

  • MPF activity in the cells as they enter mitosis increases along with the concentration of mitotic cyclins

  • MPF activities rise and fall is result by concomitant synthesis and mitotic cycle degradation

  • Ubiquitin ligase activity of the APC is controlled so the late anaphase is the only time that mitotic cyclins are polyubiquitinated and not before

21.3: Genetic Studies with S. pombe

  • The fission yeast S. pombe gets encoded a cyclin-dependent protein kinase which is associated with a mitotic cyclin, which results in a mitotic cyclin CDK heterodimer

  • Two residues in the catalytic CDK subunit being at a certain phosphorylation state affects protein kinase activity of the cyclin CDK complex

  • The onset of mitosis is affected by an actuated mitotic cyclin CDK complex, which is dependent on a decrease of Wee1 and an increase of Cdc25

  • S. pombe MPF and human cyclin A-CDK2 complex are similar to each other

21.4: Molecular Mechanisms for Regulating Mitotic Events

  • MPF catalyzed phosphorylation of lamins A, B, and C along with inner nuclear proteins and nucleoporins occurs early in mitosis

  • Kinase regulates the phosphorylation of condensin complexes powered by MPF

  • DNA replication in the S phase forms sister chromatids that are linked at the centromere because of cohesion complexes

  • Cdc20 directs APC to polyubiquitinated securin at the onset of anaphase

  • The APC polyubiquitinated mitotic cyclins with the direction of Cdh1 after sister chromatids move to spindle pores

  • Protein phosphates are able to remove regulatory phosphates such as:

    • Condensin

    • Lamins

    • Nucleoporins

  • They are able to do this when MPF activity falls

  • MPF activity falling also helps with the removal of inhibition of the myosin light chain, which lets the cleavage furrow form into cytokinesis

21.5: Genetic Studies with S. cerevisiae

  • The single cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) which is encoded by CDC28 is expressed by S. cerevisiae

  • The three cyclins active in G1:

    • Cln1

    • Cln2

    • Cln3

  • Heterodimers are formed with CDK when Clb3 and Clb4 are expressed during the S phase

  • DNA replication takes place at certain origins only once until a cell goes through anaphase

21.6: Cell Cycle Control in Mammalian Cells

  • Mitogens which are peptide growth factors make mammalian cells that are cultured proliferate

  • This helps guide cells into the S phase, G2 phase, and mitosis even without growth factors present

  • Mammalian cells regulation requires CDKs and cyclins

  • Cyclin CDK complexes are regulated phosphorylation and dephosphorylation in mammalian cells

21.7: Checkpoints in Cell Cycle Regulation

  • The endurance that chromosomes are intact in cells and that the cell cycle is progressing properly is given by checkpoint controls

  • Unreplicated DNA checkpoint

  • During S and G1

  • Prevent MPF before the synthesization of DNA

  • Activates CDK1 and Cdc25c

  • Spindle assembly checkpoint:

  • Prevents premature anaphase

  • Uses Mad2 and other proteins for the regulation of APC

  • Chromosome segregation checkpoint

  • Makes sure telophase and cytokinesis occur after daughter cells have been segregated

  • Allows for daughter cells to have a full set of chromosomes

  • DNA damage checkpoint

  • Arrests cell until DNA damage is fixed if any DNA damage occurs

  • Three tumor suppressor proteins are needed here:

    • ATM/ATR

    • Chk1

    • p53

21.8: Meiosis: A Special Type of Cell Division

  • One cycle of chromosome replication and two cycles of cell division are needed in meiosis for the production of haploid germ cells

  • Chromatids and homologous chromosomes have at least one recombination occur between them

  • Cell cycle proteins that work in mitotically dividing cells also work in meiosis undergoing cells