a. Buccal: Posterior tooth surface towards the cheeks
b. Labial: Anterior tooth surface towards the lips
a. Lingual: Posterior surface of all the lower teeth towards the tongue
b.Palatal: Posterior surface of all the upper teeth towards the palate
%%Proximal%%: side surfaces of teeth
a. Mesial: side surface of a tooth closest to the midline
b. Distal: side surface of a tooth farthest from the midline of the face
%%Incisal%%: Cutting edge of anterior teeth
%%Occlusal%%: Grinding or chewing surface of all posterior teeth
the crown is divided into three halves ^^to make study and communication easier^^
Cervical third
Middle third
Incisal/Occlusal third
the root is divided into three halves to ^^make study and communication easier^^
Cervical third
Middle third
Apical third (root)
Apical: Relative to the root tip end of the tooth (apex or root)
Cervical: Related to the middle or the gingival level of the tooth
Coronal: Related to the crown part
Furcation: Place where tooth roots branch apart
it could be bifurcation or trifurcation
Pit: A sharp pinpoint depression on the surface of the enamel
Fossa: An irregular depression or concavity on the surface of a tooth
Groove: A shallow linear depression on the surface of a tooth
1. Cusp: An elevation on the crown of a tooth
- The lingual lobe of an anterior tooth
- makes up the bulk of the cervical third of the lingual surface
Ridge: A linear elevation on the surface of a tooth