
Operant Conditioning Overview

  • Definition: A type of learning where behavior becomes more likely to recur if followed by a reinforcer, less likely if followed by a punisher.

Need for Operant Conditioning

  • Classical conditioning alone (e.g., dog salivating) is limited.

  • Operant conditioning enables learning complex behaviors (e.g., teaching an elephant to walk on hind legs).

Comparison of Classical and Operant Conditioning

  • Classical Conditioning: Forms associations between stimuli (conditional stimuli and unconditional stimuli) and involves automatic, respondent behaviors.

  • Operant Conditioning: Organisms associate actions with consequences; actions followed by reinforcement increase; actions followed by punishments decrease.

Key Concepts

  • Respondent Behavior: Automatic responses to stimuli in classical conditioning.

  • Operant Behavior: Behavior operating on the environment.

Law of Effect

  • Thorndike's principle: Behaviors followed by favorable consequences tend to be repeated; unfavorable consequences tend to reduce behaviors.

Skinner's Experiments

  • Skinner Box: An operant chamber designed by B.F. Skinner for experiments involving reinforcement.

  • Mechanism: Includes a lever (or key) to receive rewards (food/water) and a device to record responses.

  • Concept of Reinforcement: Any event that strengthens a preceding response. Types differ by context and animal.


  • Operant Chamber: A device used in operant conditioning experiments to record response rates.

  • Reinforcement: Any event that strengthens the behavior it follows.

Shaping Behavior

  • Definition: A process where reinforcers guide behavior towards closer approximations of the desired behavior.

  • Practical Application: Example of training for a 5K race, rewarding successive improvements.

Types of Reinforcers

  • Positive Reinforcement: Adding a pleasurable stimulus to increase behavior (e.g., praise, payment).

  • Negative Reinforcement: Removing an aversive stimulus to increase behavior (e.g., taking painkillers).

Important Examples

  • Erlinda's nagging as positive reinforcement results in a trip to the mall.

  • Her mom’s compliance to nagging shows negative reinforcement by removing the unpleasant situation.

Operant Conditioning Examples




Positive Reinforcement

Add a desirable stimulus

Petting a dog that comes when called, paying for completed work.

Negative Reinforcement

Remove an aversive stimulus

Taking painkillers for pain relief, buckling a seatbelt to stop beeping.

Reinforcement Coincidence

  • Positive and negative reinforcements can occur simultaneously, like students studying harder to avoid poor grades.

  • Reinforcement is any consequence that strengthens behavior, either by reducing negatives or adding positives.

Primary vs. Conditioned Reinforcers

  • Primary Reinforcer: Innately satisfying stimulus (e.g., food).

  • Conditioned Reinforcer: Gains reinforcement value through association (e.g., money).

Immediate vs. Delayed Reinforcers

  • Immediate Reinforcer: Occurs right after a behavior (high effectiveness in learning).

  • Delayed Reinforcer: Slight delay (e.g., weekly paycheck) still influences future actions but requires more self-control.

Schedules of Reinforcement

  • Continuous Reinforcement: Rewarding behavior every time it occurs.

  • Partial (Intermittent) Reinforcement: Rewarding only part of the time; leads to slower learning but enhances resistance to extinction.

Types of Schedules

  • Fixed-Ratio Schedule: Reward after a set number of responses (e.g., free drink after 10 purchases).

  • Variable-Ratio Schedule: Reward after an unpredictable number of responses (e.g., slot machine winnings).

  • Fixed-Interval Schedule: Reward after a specified time (e.g., paycheck every two weeks).

  • Variable-Interval Schedule: Reward after unpredictable time intervals (e.g., checking email).

Effects of Punishment

  • Punishment decreases behavior while reinforcement increases it.

  • Positive Punishment: Adds an aversive stimulus (e.g., traffic ticket).

  • Negative Punishment: Removes a rewarding stimulus (e.g., revoking driving privileges).

Punishment Issues

  • Punished behavior may be suppressed but not forgotten.

  • Physical punishment does not teach what to do instead of what not to do.

  • Can create fear or teach discrimination between situations.

Effective Parenting Strategies

  • Time-outs can be effective by removing access to positive stimuli while clarifying what behavior is expected.

  • Positive framing of expectations for desired behaviors versus threats of punishment.

Applications of Operant Conditioning

  • In educational settings, using immediate feedback in adaptive quizzing enhances learning.

  • In athletics, rewarding small successes can efficiently shape behavior.

  • In parenting, reinforcing positive behaviors encourages a better parent-child relationship.

  • Personal behavior change can be achieved through setting specific measurable goals and incremental reinforcement.

Comparison of Classical vs. Operant Conditioning

Classical Conditioning

Operant Conditioning

Basic Idea: Associates events

Associates behaviors and consequences

Response: Involuntary and automatic

Voluntary, operating on environment

Acquisition: Associating events

Associating responses with consequences

Extinction: Decrease in response when stimulus presented alone

Decrease when reinforcement stops

Spontaneous Recovery: Reappearance after resting period

Reappearance of extinguished response after resting period

Generalization: Response to similar stimuli

Responses reinforced for similar stimuli

Discrimination: Learning differences

Learning differences in reinforcement contexts

Revision Questions

  • Shaping Behavior: Reward behaviors in steps towards a desired outcome.

  • Positive vs. Negative Reinforcement: Understand the difference between presenting and removing stimuli.

  • Partial Reinforcement Schedules: Differentiate types based on fixed or variable intervals and ratios.
