DPOR: Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
Holds all professional licenses, including real estate.
Virginia Real Estate Board (VERB):
An independent board under the DPOR
Regulates real estate practices and ensures licensing standards are enforced.
Composed of 9 members serving 4-year terms.
Includes 7 licensed real estate agents and 2 non-agents.
Rulemaking, licensing enforcement, and education.
Does not arbitrate license disputes or set commission rates.
Must be at least 18 years old.
High school diploma or equivalent required.
Must be in good standing in other jurisdictions where licensed.
Must be reputed as honest, truthful, and fair.
Course Requirement:
Complete 60 hours of real estate coursework.
Must demonstrate competency and ethical behavior.
Must be at least 21 years old.
Requires a minimum of 36 out of 48 months as a licensed salesperson.
Must demonstrate good standing and reputation.
Complete 80 hours of real estate coursework.
Broker Responsibilities:
Oversees the work of salespeople within their brokerage.
Salesperson License: Potentially active or inactive status.
Broker License: Required to operate a brokerage firm.
Business Firm License: Brokerage firms need their own operating license.
Specific Licenses:
Appraiser, Mortgage Broker, Home Inspector (individual licenses, cannot hold more than one from this list).
Property Owners:
Homeowners can sell their own properties without a license.
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