Lecture 7 notes

  • Focus on Research: Comp Two emphasizes developing research skills, integrating sources into writing, and crafting an argument.

  • Goal for Projects: Move beyond a simple report to an argumentative paper utilizing quality sources to support a viewpoint.

Research Process

  • Identifying a Research Area: Start with a basic prompt to guide research direction.

  • Developing a Research Question: Craft a research question to focus on sourcing information effectively.

  • Initial Exploration: Use Google for preliminary research before diving into academic databases.

Reflection on Research Difficulties

  • Student Engagement: Students are prompted to reflect on the most challenging aspects of research: Finding data, writing, documentation, or inexperience with sources.

  • Facilitation of Discussion: Gather insights from students to better understand their familiarity with research methodologies.

Weekly Assignments & Activities

  • Free Writing (5 minutes):

    • Purpose: To generate ideas and avoid procrastination; encourages continuous flow of thoughts.

    • Instructions: Set a timer for 5 minutes and write non-stop about prompts regarding AI's dangers and benefits in their field.

  • Looping Technique (5 minutes):

    • Purpose: Analyze previous free writes and synthesize thoughts into a more focused response.

    • Outcome: Intentional writing about whether one is pro or con regarding AI in their field based on the free writing outcomes.

Argumentative Essay Preparation

  • Introduction to the Argument Prompt:

    • Prompt Example: "To what extent, if any, should your field embrace AI?"

    • Personalization: Each student selects their field and articulates their argument based on research findings.

Example Argument Framework

  • Instructor's Position: Anti-AI use in writing education due to:

    • Poor performance of AI in providing appropriate feedback.

    • Concerns over removing humanity and critical thinking in the writing process.

Research Questions Development

  • Craft a Specific Research Question: Keep it pertinent to their chosen field; e.g. "How many college professors have switched to automated course design?"

  • Identify Keywords: Highlight crucial terms related to the research question to guide searches.

Source Workshop

  • Finding Credible Sources: Conduct quick Google searches using identified keywords and filter for reliable scholarly articles.

  • Evaluate Sources: Use specific criteria, including authority and relevance, to determine if the source is appropriate for academic use.

  • Completion of Questions: Answer a set of eight questions about the sources to assess their credibility and applicability to the research.

TED Talk Assignment

  • Watch TED Talk on AI Dangers:

    • Timing: Complete this after free writing to avoid bias in initial thoughts.

    • Purpose of the TED Talk: To provide additional perspectives on AI and prompt personal reflection.

    • Final Reflection: Consider how the talk informs personal understanding and potential arguments in the upcoming essay.
