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chemotherapeutic agents drugs

grSummary of drugs



Type of agent

What does it work on

Example name




30S subunit





50S subunit




alternates the base-pairing properties


Actinomycin D


inhibits RNA polymerase





Works directly on the DNA





Inhibits DNA gyrase





Inhibits folate synthesis


Tyrocidines & Gramicidin A


Disorganize membrane structure



Disorganize membrane structure

Polymyxin B



Inhibits cell wall synthesis

Penicillin (naficillin)


Anti Mycobacterial

Inhibits mycoacid synthesis



Anti Mycobacterial

Inhibits RNA synthesis




Type of agent

What does it work on

Cell cycle dependent?

Type of cancer


Alkylating agent

Alters the double helix shape of DNA


Testicular cancer



Inhibits pyrimidine thymidine synthesis


leukaemia, breast, ovary, GIT etc


Plant derivatives

Inhibits microtubule


Leukaemia, neuroblastoma, lymphomas

Actinomycin C, Mitomycin

Antineoplastic antibiotics

Interrelate between DNA bases - breaks DNA bonds


Leuk, lymph, breast, GIT, ovarian, bladder, lung etc


Anthracycline (antineoplastic)

Inhibits topoisomerase II -> interchelate into DNA -> block DNA & RNA synthesis -> generates free radicals


Wide use



Regulates carbohydrate metabolism & anti inflammatory effects


Therapy & pallitative care



Negative feedback inhibition of GnRH secretion from HT

Pallitative treatment of adrogen-dependent prostatic tumourse



Inhibits endometrial cell growth & causes cell differentiation

Advanced endometrial cancer


Selective Oestrogen Receptor Modulators & Antioestrogens

Blocks actions of oestrogen in breast tissue -> inhibits growth of Bca

Breast cancer (Bca)



Antagonist of oestrogen in all tissues

Progressive Bca


Aromatase inhibitor

Inhibits conversion of androgens to oestrogen in the adrenal cortex

Advanced prostate carcinoma



Inhibits androgen binding to androgen receptors



Monoclonal ab

Neutralises VEGF: Prevents angiogenesis crucial for tumour survival

Colorectal cancer


Monoclonal antibodies

Binds to HER2/ERBB2 - will cause immune system to react

Breast cancer overexpressing HER2




Type of agent

What does it work on


HSV-1 &-2, CMV, Varicella

Nucleoside analouge

Inhibits viral DNA polymerase by competing with endogenous nucleosides

Ribabirin /taribavirin

Viral respiratory infections

Aguanoisine analouge

Inhibits viral DNA polymerase by competing with endogenous nucleosides

Amantadine, rimantadine

Viral repsiratory (influenza A)

Inhibition of viral uncoating

Blocks viral H+-ion channel which prevents acidification of the virus-containing vesicles - the viral genome cannot be released into host cell

Oseltamivir (Tamiflu)

Viral resp. (Inf. A & B), H1N1

Inhibitor of viral release

Inhibits neuraminidase - prevents the release of budded virus into the cells

IFN-alpha, beta and gamma

Hepatitis B&C, herpes, hairy cell leukaemia


Supresses host cell proliferation, inhibits viral penetration, uncoating and replication, inhibits viral RNA translation (many S/E!!!!)




Type of agent

What does it work on

Clinical uses

Ergosterol polyenes

Amphotericin B


Binds ergosterol (forms pores in the membranes

Systemic infections (aspergillus, candida, cryptococcus)

Ergosterol azoles

Fluconazhole, econazoel


Inhibits ergosterol synthesis, by inhibiting fungal oxidative enzymes


Ergosterol Allylamines



Inhibits ergosterol synthesis & causes build-up of fungicidal intermediary (squalene)


Echinocandin B

Cell wall

Inhibits synthesis of vital parts of fungal cell wall: B-1,3-D-Glucan

Candida, aspergillosis


Nuclear division

Binds to polymerised microtubules, disrupts the mitotic spindle & blocks replication in mitosis

Prolonged treatment for skin & nail infections


DNA replication

Inhibits thymidylate synthase and DNA synthesis

Yeast & cryptococcal meningitis

Antimalarial drugs



Type of agent

What does it work on



Treat acute attack

Unclear… Inhibits haem polymerase: there’s no formation of haemozoin



Treat acute attack

Same as chloroquinine

Folate anti-metabolites

Dapsone/ Sulphones

Treat acute attack

Compete with PABA for dihydropteroate synthase


Target parasites in liver

Unclear: Something that causes H2O2 which will kill the parasites at the site

Cloroquine, meflouqine, pyrimethamine, dapsone & doxycycline

(combination needed)

Block link between exo-erythocytic & erythocytic stages

Primaquine, proguanil

Preventing transmission

Destroys gametocytes → prevents transmission

Antibacterial agents

Protein synthesis 30S


General facts

Discovered in 1940s, are bacteriostatic

Derived from streptomyces

2nd generation: doxycycline and minocycline

Mechanism of Action

  • Goes through the outer membrane via passive diffusion and active transport in G+
  • Transverses through OmpF & OmpC porin channels in G -
  • Then active transport through cell membrane
  • Binds to the 30S subunit: Competes with the Aminoacyl-tRNA on the A site, and thereby prevents formation of the polypeptide chain


  • Administration: Orally or IV (only doxycycline in clinical setting)
  • Absorption - administered with dairy products - can form nonabsorbable chelates with mg, Fe & Ai cations.
  • Distribution - Everywhere. Undergoes calcification in teeth, bones and tumours with high Ca2+ content. Only doxycycline & minocycline cross BBB
  • Metabolism - first generation not metabolized, 2nd generation partly metabolised in liver
  • Excretion - by kidneys in urine, accumulates in renal failure. 2nd gen: excreted in bile.

Spectrum of activity

  • Very wide, including G+ & G- bacteria, mycoplasma, rickettsiae, spirochaetes, protozoa
  • Were taken preventatively and therefore there has become a lot of resistance

Clinical use

  • Peptic ulcer disease
  • Lymes disease (e.g. borellia)
  • Mycoplasma pnemoniae
  • Cholera
  • Chlamydia
  • etc…

Side effects

  • GIT disturbances: nausea, bowel upset
  • Deposition in calcified tissues: lead to discoloration and hyperplasia of teeth
  • Photosensitivty: can cause sunburn
  • Hepatotoxicity: rare, pregnenant women
  • Vestibular disfunction: dizziness, vertigo & tinnitus
  • Haematolofic toxicity
  • Fanconi syndrom: electrolyte imbalance
  • Pseudotumor cerebri: hypertension in brain - headaches & blurred vision


  • Big problem!
  • Efflux pumps
  • Enzymatic inactivation, a bit rarer
  • Ribosomol protection: blocking the tetracyclines from binding, distorting structure or dislodging tetracycline.

Protein synthesis 50S


General facts

  • First broad-specturm antibiotic discovered
  • Chloromycetin in the US
  • Bacteriostatic, but can be bactericidal at high concentrations

Mechanism of Action

  • penetrates through facilitated diffusion
  • Binds to the 50S subunit, causing a conformational change. This will slow the binding of the tRNA to the A-site, and inhibits transpeptidation process (movement of peptide chain).
  • Obs - it competes in binding the ribosome with macrolides & lincosamide, so combination treatments have no benefits.


  • Administration - oral, IV or topical as ear & eye drops
  • Activation - the oral & IV are prodrugs: they are activated by hydrolysis in small intestine (oral) or converted to active form in circulation (IV).
  • Absorption - oral rapidly absorbed from GIT, peak blood conc. after 2hrs. IV, serum levels are dependent on the patients metabolism. Plasma T1/2 ~4hrs.
  • Distribution - everywhere, 60% in blood because binds to plasma proteins, can accumulate in braintissue.
  • Metabolism - by hepatic glucuronyl transferase into inactive metabolites in liver
  • Excretion - renal tube and excrete in bile, ~10% of drug excreted unchanged

Spectrum of activity

  • Salmonella
  • Chlamydiae
  • Rickettsiae
  • Spirochetes
  • Mycoplasma

Clinical use

  • Last resort drug for serious & life-threatening infections because there’s high toxicity
  • Systemic uses include typhoid fever, cholera, anaerobic infections etc.

Side effects

  • Anemias, causes bone marrow depression
  • Drug interactions, can inhibit some liver drugs and therefore prevent the metabolism of drugs
  • Occular irritation and toxicity, can cause blurred vision
  • Grey baby syndrome
  • Gastrointestinal disturbances, e.g. nasuea, vomiting, diarreah
  • CNS effects, e.g. headach, depression, confusion


  • Enzymatic inactivation through acetylation by chloramphenicol acetyltransferase
  • Decreased permeability
  • Presences / increased presence in efflux pumps: the bacteria pumps out the drug
  • Ribosomal protection, due to modification of binding site

Nucleic synthesis

There’s five ways to interfere with nucleic acid synthesis:

  1. Alteration of the base-pairing properties of the template
  2. Inhibition of either DNA or RNA polymerase
  3. Direct effects on DNA itself
  4. Inhibition of DNA gyrase
  5. Inhibition of Nucleotide synthesis

Acridines: Alternation of base-pairing properties

General facts

  • are intercalating agents: meaning that they produce mutations by getting in between adjacent bases in the DNA, and therefore distorting the 3D structure of the helix.
  • Examples are proflavine and acriflavine

Mechanism of Action

  • Intercalcates into the DNA
  • This doubles the distance between the pairs, causing disruption in DNA synthesis
  • Causes frameshift mutations and therefore prevents bacterial reproduction

Clinical use

  • Used as antibacterial agent during WW2 against G+ bacteria
  • Only as a surface disinfectant or treating superficial wounds nowadays.


  • Super toxic - cannot be used systemically.
  • It’s carcinogenic in animals, because it gets into your DNA and stays there.

Actinomycin D: Inhibition of DNA or RNA polymerase

General facts

  • E.g. actinomycin D, pilcamycin
  • Intercalcalating

Mechanism of Action

  • Intercalates in the minor groove of double helix between guanine-cytosine. GC-rich regions are proliferation genes
  • It interferes with movement of RNA polymerase along the gene, therefore preventing transcription and triggers apoptosis of the cell

Spectrum of activity

  • High inhibitory effect on gram +, - and some fungi

Clinical use

  • Not first line of treatment due to strong side effects
  • Used in combination with surgery for treatment of Wilm’s tumour and other rare diseases
  • Part of combination chemotherapy, because it kills all cells in your body :-)


  • Administration: By I.V.
  • Absorption: Poorly via GT, therefore IV
  • Distribution - Fast into tissue, mostly in bone marrow & nucleated cells. No BBB, but crosses placenta. Is free floating in blood.
  • Metabolism - minimally metabolized in liver
  • Excretion - excreted via bile (50-90%) and urine

Side effects

  • Irritating to tissues
  • Gastrointestinal distress - abdominal pain, diarrhoea, nasua etc
  • Hepatotoxicity - can cause liver injury
  • Haematological toxicity - can cause bone marrow depression
  • Carinogenicity - can cause cancer
  • hypersensitivity

Metronidazole: Direct effects on DNA itself

General facts

Is an alkylating agent: contains a chemical group that produces highly reactive carbonium ion intermediates. These carbonium ions react with nucleophilic substances in the cell - especially with electron donors. It forms covalent bonds with bases in the DNA. It therefore prevents replication.

  • Sold under name: Flagyl
  • Bactericidal

Mechanism of Action

  • Diffuses across the cell membrane via passive diffusion
  • Is activated through reduction by intracellular transport proteins. This only happens in anaerobic cells - it is therefore relatively safe for humans.
  • The nitro group of the molecule binds to the DNA. This causes loss of helical DNA and strand breakage -- preventing synthesis.

Spectrum of activity

  • Used for anaerobic infections
  • Can be used for antiprotozoal
  • There’s not much effect on human cells or aerobic cells

Clinical use

  • Used against anaerobic cocci and bacilli infections, e.g. of wound abscess and combination therapy against helicobacter pylori.
  • Used against anaerobic infections after bowel surgery
  • Etc


  • Administration - Oral & IV
  • Absorption - Rapidly absorbed after both
  • Distribution - Oral bioaailability almost 100%! Goes everywhere, crosses BBB, <20% bound to plasma proteins
  • Metabolism - Hepatic metabolism (30-60%)
  • Excretion - Kidneys in urine, some fecal elimination

Side effects

  • GIT distress; cramps & nausea
  • Neurotoxicity: dizziness, vertigo, seizures, numbness
  • Dermatological effects: Rashes & hives
  • Steven-Johnson syndrome: rare flu-like syndromes with rashes, only found in combination with mebendazole

Drug interactions

  • Acohol: causing nausea, vomiting, cramps
  • Anticoagulants - prolonged prothrombin time
  • Cimetidine - prologons the half life metronidazole


  • Rare, can be caused by specific resistance genes.

Fluoroquinolones: Inhibition of DNA Gyrase

General facts

DNA gyrase is an essential bacterial enzyme that unwinds the helix. It’s a type of topoisomerase.

  • Most used: Ciprofloxacin
  • Bactericidal

Mechanism of Action

  • Inhibits topoisomerases/DNA gyrases
  • This will cause permanent gaps in the DNA strands. This will cause repair by exonucleases. This will lead to breakdown of DNA and irreversible damage → death of bacteria.
  • In G negative: Topoisomerase II, that normally prevents supercoiling of the DNA. Here: There’s no effect on transcription or replication
  • In G positive: Topoisomerase IV, that normally relaxes supercoiled DNA


  • Administration - Orally, IV and Topically
  • Absorption - Well absorbed from GIT (80-90%). With IV, dietary supplements containing Fe, Zn or Ca interfere with absorption.
  • Distribution - Widely distributed in all tissues. Plasma binding 10-40%, Penetration of BBB is low (except ofloxacin which crosses BBB well). Can accumulate in macrophages.
  • Metabolism - Hepatic metabolism
  • Excretion - primarily renal - renal failure can cause toxicity. Some bile excretion.

Spectrum of activity

  • Against G- organisms
  • E.g. mycobacteria & legionella pneumophila
  • Less active against G+ due to resistance

Clinical use:

There is a lot of different types of fluoroquinolones that have different clinical uses:

  • Nalidixic acid, norfloxacin: urinary tract infections
  • Ciprofloxacin: main one used, mostly against G- bacteria, e.g. chlamydia.
  • Levofloxacin: used against streptococcus pneumoniae e.g.

Side effects

  • GIT: Diarrhoea
  • CNS effects: Headache, dizziness, confusion
  • Allergic reactions: rashes, photosensiticty etc
  • Reversible arthopathy: Get’s into the joints, breaking them?
  • Abnormal bone & cartilage formation: you don’t give the drug to children and pregnant women


  • Altered target: there are chromosomal mutations in the bacterial genes that lowers the affinity for fluoroquinolones.
  • Decrease accumulation: due to porin channels and efflux pumps.

Sulphonamides: Inhibition of nucleotide (folic acid) synthesis

General facts

  • Folic acids is needed for synthesis of precursors of DNA & RNA in both humans and bacteria.
  • Bacteria make their own from PABA (p-amino-benzoix acid)
  • Humans used precursors that we take up from our diet
  • We are therefore unaffected by anti-folate metabolites
  • Sulphonamides have given rise to several important drugs, e.g. acetazolmide
  • They are dicided into different groups, depending on if they are short-, intermediate-, or long-lasting.
  • Bacteriostatic, but can be bactericidal at higher concentrations

Mechanism of Action

  • The sulphonamide part of the molecule resembles PABA.
  • It inhibits binding of PABA with dihydropteroate synthase → prevents the forming of dihydropteroic acid (DHF) → inhibits folic acid formation


  • Administration - Orally, IV, topically (used for bad burns) - can cause reactions
  • Absorption - Most cross GIT, reach max concentrations in plasma 4-6hrs
  • Distribution - up to 90% bound to albumin, widely distributed, crosses BBB, crosses placenta, reaches inflammatory sites
  • Metabolism - acetylated and conjugated primarily in liver
  • Excretion - unchanged are eliminated via glomerular filtration & secretion, can be excreted in breast milk

Spectrum of activity

  • Baceteriostatic against many G+ and G- bacteria
  • E.g. streptococcus and enterobacteria, chlamydia etc
  • stimulates growth of rickettsiae

Clinical use

  • Only used in drug combination:
  • Urinary tract infections: sulfasalazine
  • GIT disorders: Sulfasalazine for IBS :O

Side effects

  • GIT: Nausea, vomiting diarreah
  • Nephrotoxicity - renal obstruction
  • Hypersensiticity reactions - rashes, fever
  • Haematological toxicity: anemia
  • Kerniciterus: bilirubin induced brain dysfunction
  • Hepatotoxicity: jaundice


  • Many are resistant to sulphonamides
  • The resistant bacteria either: overproduce PABA, have low affinity for the DHS enzyme, adopt an alternative pathway in folate metabolism or loss of permeability to sulphonamides.
  • When a bacteria becomes resistant to one sulphonamide: it becomes resistant to all :(

Disorganizers of cell membrane structure

The membrane active agents are classified into three groups:

  1. Affecting membrane structure: e.g. tyrocidine and polymyxins
  2. Affecting membrane permeability: e.g. valinomycin & nonactin
  3. Affecting membrane associated enzyme systems

Tyrocidines & Gramicidin A

General facts

  • Both contain the amino acid Ornithine which is not found in human proteins.
  • Affects membrane structure

Mechanism of Action

  • It acts as an ionophore on the bacterial cell wall - meaning that it facilitates ion transport over the membrane.
  • It creates a sort of pore in which cl- and Na+ move through.
  • This will disrupt the cell homeostasis, and therefore results in bacterial cell death.

Side effects

  • Since it is not selective, it will cause toxicity in humans as well

Clinical use

  • Primarly used in the treatment of infected surface wounds


Mechanism of Action

  • Binds to lipopolysaccharides in the bacterial membranes: thereby affecting membrane permeability.
  • This leads to a displacement of Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions.
  • Affects membrane structure (1)


  • Mostly administered intramuscularly for CNS infections due to bad absorption from the gut.

Clinical use & spectrum of activity

  • Selective bactericidal activity against Gram negative bacteria, especially for pseudomonas and coliforms.
  • Not used that much because highly toxic

Side effects

  • Highly toxic
  • Causes nephrotoxicity

Inhibitors of cell way synthesis


General facts

  • There are four categories of beta-lactams:
  1. Penicillin
  2. Cephalosporins
  3. Monobactams
  4. Carbapenems
  • The beta-lactam has a Thiazolidine ring which is its weakness - the bacteria will break this bond which will cause resistance.

Mechanism of Action

  • Interfere with synthesis of cell wall component peptidoglycan
  • It inhibits the transpeptidation enzyme which cross-links peptide chains attached to the backbone of the peptidoglycan
  • Leads to a weaker cell, and therefore cell death
  • Is bactericidal


  • AD: Oral, I.V. (for some types), I.M.
  • AB: Not great in GIT, food decreases absorption - should be taken on an empty stomach.
  • DI: wide, no BBB (except meninges are inflamed),
  • ME: metabolism can occur with impaired renal function, oxacillin metabolized in liver.
  • EX: Plasma T1/2 < 2 hours, kidney

Spectrum of activity

Is dependent on which type of penicillin:

  • Natural penicillin: Against non-beta-lactamase producing G+, e.g. streptococci
  • Anti-staphylococcal penicillin: Active against beta-lactamase producing staphylococci
  • Aminopenicillins: More active against enterococci and listeria monocytogenes
  • Extended-spectrum penicillin: Great activity against G- bacteria, escp. pseudomonas species.

Clinical uses

  • Are enormous, but there’s a lot of resistance.
  • Examples are: pneumonia, streptococcal, meningitis, UTI’s etc

Side effects

  • Hypersensiticty reactions (~10%!)
  • GIT disturbances
  • Nephritis
  • Neurotoxicity: can provoke seizures
  • Hematologic toxicity: decreased coagulation
  • Some drug intereactions e.g. contraceptive pill


General facts

  • Related structurally & functionally to penicillins
  • Bactericidal

Spectrum of activity

  • More active against gram-negative
  • They have no activity against LAME - listeria, atypicals (mycoplasma&chlamydia), MRSA and Enterococci.


  • Route of administration: Injection
  • Distribution: well distributed, can cross BBB
  • Elimination: kidneys

Clinical uses

  • pneumonia, sepsis, UTI, meningitis etc
  • Treatment of unknown bacteria
  • For bacteria which are resistance to beta-lactams

Side effects

  • Allergic reactions
  • Cross reactivity with penicillin
  • GIT disturbances
  • Hematological effects (lower prothrombin)

Anti-mycobacterial drugs

Inhibition of cell wall components


General facts

  • Used only for tuberculosis treatment
  • Bacteriostatic on resting organisms
  • bactericidal for actively growing tubercle bacilli

Mechanism of action

  • Inhibits the synthesis of mycolic acids, which are an essential part of mycobacterial cell wall.
  • It combines with an enzyme in the mycobacteria leading to disorganization of the metabolism of the cell
  • → cell death


  • AD: orally
  • AB: very bioavailable
  • Distribution: is wide, crosses BBB, 20% bound to plasma proteins
  • Metabolism: acetylation
  • Excretion: kidneys

Side effects

  • Are dose dependant:
  • Allergic reactions
  • Fever, vasculitis,
  • CNS toxicity: memory loss, psychosis, seizures
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Hepatotoxicity


  • Is normally oxidized in the mycobacterial by catalase-peroxidase which will make it work in them. However, absences of the enzyme will lead to resistance.
  • There’s also reduced penetration & over-expression of carrier proteins which leads to resistance.


Mechanism of action

  • Inhibits synthesis of arabinogalactan (part of the cell wall).

Spectrum of activity

  • only effective against mycobacteria
  • Is sometimes used as a first line anti-tuberculous drug together with isoniaxid, rifampicin and pyrazinamide

Side effects

  • are uncommon
  • Optic neuritis (is dose related and connected to renal failure)
  • GIT dsiturbances


  • Is common if it’s used alone
  • Found in mutations of arabinosyl transgerases

Inhibition of RNA synthesis


General facts

  • bactericidal for mycobacteria

Mechanism of Action

  • Binds to beta-subunit of bacterial DNA-dependent RNA polymerase
  • Creates a conformational changes that the polymerase have trouble binding to the initiation sequence of DNA
  • Thereby it inhibits RNA synthesis

Clinical uses

  • As a combination therapy for tuberculosis
  • Used for leprosy

Side effects

  • Turns urine, tears and sweat orange lol
  • Rashes
  • Fever
  • GIT disturbances
  • Jaundice
  • Low platelet count


  • Mutations of RNA polymerase so rifampicin cannot bind

chemotherapeutic agents drugs

grSummary of drugs



Type of agent

What does it work on

Example name




30S subunit





50S subunit




alternates the base-pairing properties


Actinomycin D


inhibits RNA polymerase





Works directly on the DNA





Inhibits DNA gyrase





Inhibits folate synthesis


Tyrocidines & Gramicidin A


Disorganize membrane structure



Disorganize membrane structure

Polymyxin B



Inhibits cell wall synthesis

Penicillin (naficillin)


Anti Mycobacterial

Inhibits mycoacid synthesis



Anti Mycobacterial

Inhibits RNA synthesis




Type of agent

What does it work on

Cell cycle dependent?

Type of cancer


Alkylating agent

Alters the double helix shape of DNA


Testicular cancer



Inhibits pyrimidine thymidine synthesis


leukaemia, breast, ovary, GIT etc


Plant derivatives

Inhibits microtubule


Leukaemia, neuroblastoma, lymphomas

Actinomycin C, Mitomycin

Antineoplastic antibiotics

Interrelate between DNA bases - breaks DNA bonds


Leuk, lymph, breast, GIT, ovarian, bladder, lung etc


Anthracycline (antineoplastic)

Inhibits topoisomerase II -> interchelate into DNA -> block DNA & RNA synthesis -> generates free radicals


Wide use



Regulates carbohydrate metabolism & anti inflammatory effects


Therapy & pallitative care



Negative feedback inhibition of GnRH secretion from HT

Pallitative treatment of adrogen-dependent prostatic tumourse



Inhibits endometrial cell growth & causes cell differentiation

Advanced endometrial cancer


Selective Oestrogen Receptor Modulators & Antioestrogens

Blocks actions of oestrogen in breast tissue -> inhibits growth of Bca

Breast cancer (Bca)



Antagonist of oestrogen in all tissues

Progressive Bca


Aromatase inhibitor

Inhibits conversion of androgens to oestrogen in the adrenal cortex

Advanced prostate carcinoma



Inhibits androgen binding to androgen receptors



Monoclonal ab

Neutralises VEGF: Prevents angiogenesis crucial for tumour survival

Colorectal cancer


Monoclonal antibodies

Binds to HER2/ERBB2 - will cause immune system to react

Breast cancer overexpressing HER2




Type of agent

What does it work on


HSV-1 &-2, CMV, Varicella

Nucleoside analouge

Inhibits viral DNA polymerase by competing with endogenous nucleosides

Ribabirin /taribavirin

Viral respiratory infections

Aguanoisine analouge

Inhibits viral DNA polymerase by competing with endogenous nucleosides

Amantadine, rimantadine

Viral repsiratory (influenza A)

Inhibition of viral uncoating

Blocks viral H+-ion channel which prevents acidification of the virus-containing vesicles - the viral genome cannot be released into host cell

Oseltamivir (Tamiflu)

Viral resp. (Inf. A & B), H1N1

Inhibitor of viral release

Inhibits neuraminidase - prevents the release of budded virus into the cells

IFN-alpha, beta and gamma

Hepatitis B&C, herpes, hairy cell leukaemia


Supresses host cell proliferation, inhibits viral penetration, uncoating and replication, inhibits viral RNA translation (many S/E!!!!)




Type of agent

What does it work on

Clinical uses

Ergosterol polyenes

Amphotericin B


Binds ergosterol (forms pores in the membranes

Systemic infections (aspergillus, candida, cryptococcus)

Ergosterol azoles

Fluconazhole, econazoel


Inhibits ergosterol synthesis, by inhibiting fungal oxidative enzymes


Ergosterol Allylamines



Inhibits ergosterol synthesis & causes build-up of fungicidal intermediary (squalene)


Echinocandin B

Cell wall

Inhibits synthesis of vital parts of fungal cell wall: B-1,3-D-Glucan

Candida, aspergillosis


Nuclear division

Binds to polymerised microtubules, disrupts the mitotic spindle & blocks replication in mitosis

Prolonged treatment for skin & nail infections


DNA replication

Inhibits thymidylate synthase and DNA synthesis

Yeast & cryptococcal meningitis

Antimalarial drugs



Type of agent

What does it work on



Treat acute attack

Unclear… Inhibits haem polymerase: there’s no formation of haemozoin



Treat acute attack

Same as chloroquinine

Folate anti-metabolites

Dapsone/ Sulphones

Treat acute attack

Compete with PABA for dihydropteroate synthase


Target parasites in liver

Unclear: Something that causes H2O2 which will kill the parasites at the site

Cloroquine, meflouqine, pyrimethamine, dapsone & doxycycline

(combination needed)

Block link between exo-erythocytic & erythocytic stages

Primaquine, proguanil

Preventing transmission

Destroys gametocytes → prevents transmission

Antibacterial agents

Protein synthesis 30S


General facts

Discovered in 1940s, are bacteriostatic

Derived from streptomyces

2nd generation: doxycycline and minocycline

Mechanism of Action

  • Goes through the outer membrane via passive diffusion and active transport in G+
  • Transverses through OmpF & OmpC porin channels in G -
  • Then active transport through cell membrane
  • Binds to the 30S subunit: Competes with the Aminoacyl-tRNA on the A site, and thereby prevents formation of the polypeptide chain


  • Administration: Orally or IV (only doxycycline in clinical setting)
  • Absorption - administered with dairy products - can form nonabsorbable chelates with mg, Fe & Ai cations.
  • Distribution - Everywhere. Undergoes calcification in teeth, bones and tumours with high Ca2+ content. Only doxycycline & minocycline cross BBB
  • Metabolism - first generation not metabolized, 2nd generation partly metabolised in liver
  • Excretion - by kidneys in urine, accumulates in renal failure. 2nd gen: excreted in bile.

Spectrum of activity

  • Very wide, including G+ & G- bacteria, mycoplasma, rickettsiae, spirochaetes, protozoa
  • Were taken preventatively and therefore there has become a lot of resistance

Clinical use

  • Peptic ulcer disease
  • Lymes disease (e.g. borellia)
  • Mycoplasma pnemoniae
  • Cholera
  • Chlamydia
  • etc…

Side effects

  • GIT disturbances: nausea, bowel upset
  • Deposition in calcified tissues: lead to discoloration and hyperplasia of teeth
  • Photosensitivty: can cause sunburn
  • Hepatotoxicity: rare, pregnenant women
  • Vestibular disfunction: dizziness, vertigo & tinnitus
  • Haematolofic toxicity
  • Fanconi syndrom: electrolyte imbalance
  • Pseudotumor cerebri: hypertension in brain - headaches & blurred vision


  • Big problem!
  • Efflux pumps
  • Enzymatic inactivation, a bit rarer
  • Ribosomol protection: blocking the tetracyclines from binding, distorting structure or dislodging tetracycline.

Protein synthesis 50S


General facts

  • First broad-specturm antibiotic discovered
  • Chloromycetin in the US
  • Bacteriostatic, but can be bactericidal at high concentrations

Mechanism of Action

  • penetrates through facilitated diffusion
  • Binds to the 50S subunit, causing a conformational change. This will slow the binding of the tRNA to the A-site, and inhibits transpeptidation process (movement of peptide chain).
  • Obs - it competes in binding the ribosome with macrolides & lincosamide, so combination treatments have no benefits.


  • Administration - oral, IV or topical as ear & eye drops
  • Activation - the oral & IV are prodrugs: they are activated by hydrolysis in small intestine (oral) or converted to active form in circulation (IV).
  • Absorption - oral rapidly absorbed from GIT, peak blood conc. after 2hrs. IV, serum levels are dependent on the patients metabolism. Plasma T1/2 ~4hrs.
  • Distribution - everywhere, 60% in blood because binds to plasma proteins, can accumulate in braintissue.
  • Metabolism - by hepatic glucuronyl transferase into inactive metabolites in liver
  • Excretion - renal tube and excrete in bile, ~10% of drug excreted unchanged

Spectrum of activity

  • Salmonella
  • Chlamydiae
  • Rickettsiae
  • Spirochetes
  • Mycoplasma

Clinical use

  • Last resort drug for serious & life-threatening infections because there’s high toxicity
  • Systemic uses include typhoid fever, cholera, anaerobic infections etc.

Side effects

  • Anemias, causes bone marrow depression
  • Drug interactions, can inhibit some liver drugs and therefore prevent the metabolism of drugs
  • Occular irritation and toxicity, can cause blurred vision
  • Grey baby syndrome
  • Gastrointestinal disturbances, e.g. nasuea, vomiting, diarreah
  • CNS effects, e.g. headach, depression, confusion


  • Enzymatic inactivation through acetylation by chloramphenicol acetyltransferase
  • Decreased permeability
  • Presences / increased presence in efflux pumps: the bacteria pumps out the drug
  • Ribosomal protection, due to modification of binding site

Nucleic synthesis

There’s five ways to interfere with nucleic acid synthesis:

  1. Alteration of the base-pairing properties of the template
  2. Inhibition of either DNA or RNA polymerase
  3. Direct effects on DNA itself
  4. Inhibition of DNA gyrase
  5. Inhibition of Nucleotide synthesis

Acridines: Alternation of base-pairing properties

General facts

  • are intercalating agents: meaning that they produce mutations by getting in between adjacent bases in the DNA, and therefore distorting the 3D structure of the helix.
  • Examples are proflavine and acriflavine

Mechanism of Action

  • Intercalcates into the DNA
  • This doubles the distance between the pairs, causing disruption in DNA synthesis
  • Causes frameshift mutations and therefore prevents bacterial reproduction

Clinical use

  • Used as antibacterial agent during WW2 against G+ bacteria
  • Only as a surface disinfectant or treating superficial wounds nowadays.


  • Super toxic - cannot be used systemically.
  • It’s carcinogenic in animals, because it gets into your DNA and stays there.

Actinomycin D: Inhibition of DNA or RNA polymerase

General facts

  • E.g. actinomycin D, pilcamycin
  • Intercalcalating

Mechanism of Action

  • Intercalates in the minor groove of double helix between guanine-cytosine. GC-rich regions are proliferation genes
  • It interferes with movement of RNA polymerase along the gene, therefore preventing transcription and triggers apoptosis of the cell

Spectrum of activity

  • High inhibitory effect on gram +, - and some fungi

Clinical use

  • Not first line of treatment due to strong side effects
  • Used in combination with surgery for treatment of Wilm’s tumour and other rare diseases
  • Part of combination chemotherapy, because it kills all cells in your body :-)


  • Administration: By I.V.
  • Absorption: Poorly via GT, therefore IV
  • Distribution - Fast into tissue, mostly in bone marrow & nucleated cells. No BBB, but crosses placenta. Is free floating in blood.
  • Metabolism - minimally metabolized in liver
  • Excretion - excreted via bile (50-90%) and urine

Side effects

  • Irritating to tissues
  • Gastrointestinal distress - abdominal pain, diarrhoea, nasua etc
  • Hepatotoxicity - can cause liver injury
  • Haematological toxicity - can cause bone marrow depression
  • Carinogenicity - can cause cancer
  • hypersensitivity

Metronidazole: Direct effects on DNA itself

General facts

Is an alkylating agent: contains a chemical group that produces highly reactive carbonium ion intermediates. These carbonium ions react with nucleophilic substances in the cell - especially with electron donors. It forms covalent bonds with bases in the DNA. It therefore prevents replication.

  • Sold under name: Flagyl
  • Bactericidal

Mechanism of Action

  • Diffuses across the cell membrane via passive diffusion
  • Is activated through reduction by intracellular transport proteins. This only happens in anaerobic cells - it is therefore relatively safe for humans.
  • The nitro group of the molecule binds to the DNA. This causes loss of helical DNA and strand breakage -- preventing synthesis.

Spectrum of activity

  • Used for anaerobic infections
  • Can be used for antiprotozoal
  • There’s not much effect on human cells or aerobic cells

Clinical use

  • Used against anaerobic cocci and bacilli infections, e.g. of wound abscess and combination therapy against helicobacter pylori.
  • Used against anaerobic infections after bowel surgery
  • Etc


  • Administration - Oral & IV
  • Absorption - Rapidly absorbed after both
  • Distribution - Oral bioaailability almost 100%! Goes everywhere, crosses BBB, <20% bound to plasma proteins
  • Metabolism - Hepatic metabolism (30-60%)
  • Excretion - Kidneys in urine, some fecal elimination

Side effects

  • GIT distress; cramps & nausea
  • Neurotoxicity: dizziness, vertigo, seizures, numbness
  • Dermatological effects: Rashes & hives
  • Steven-Johnson syndrome: rare flu-like syndromes with rashes, only found in combination with mebendazole

Drug interactions

  • Acohol: causing nausea, vomiting, cramps
  • Anticoagulants - prolonged prothrombin time
  • Cimetidine - prologons the half life metronidazole


  • Rare, can be caused by specific resistance genes.

Fluoroquinolones: Inhibition of DNA Gyrase

General facts

DNA gyrase is an essential bacterial enzyme that unwinds the helix. It’s a type of topoisomerase.

  • Most used: Ciprofloxacin
  • Bactericidal

Mechanism of Action

  • Inhibits topoisomerases/DNA gyrases
  • This will cause permanent gaps in the DNA strands. This will cause repair by exonucleases. This will lead to breakdown of DNA and irreversible damage → death of bacteria.
  • In G negative: Topoisomerase II, that normally prevents supercoiling of the DNA. Here: There’s no effect on transcription or replication
  • In G positive: Topoisomerase IV, that normally relaxes supercoiled DNA


  • Administration - Orally, IV and Topically
  • Absorption - Well absorbed from GIT (80-90%). With IV, dietary supplements containing Fe, Zn or Ca interfere with absorption.
  • Distribution - Widely distributed in all tissues. Plasma binding 10-40%, Penetration of BBB is low (except ofloxacin which crosses BBB well). Can accumulate in macrophages.
  • Metabolism - Hepatic metabolism
  • Excretion - primarily renal - renal failure can cause toxicity. Some bile excretion.

Spectrum of activity

  • Against G- organisms
  • E.g. mycobacteria & legionella pneumophila
  • Less active against G+ due to resistance

Clinical use:

There is a lot of different types of fluoroquinolones that have different clinical uses:

  • Nalidixic acid, norfloxacin: urinary tract infections
  • Ciprofloxacin: main one used, mostly against G- bacteria, e.g. chlamydia.
  • Levofloxacin: used against streptococcus pneumoniae e.g.

Side effects

  • GIT: Diarrhoea
  • CNS effects: Headache, dizziness, confusion
  • Allergic reactions: rashes, photosensiticty etc
  • Reversible arthopathy: Get’s into the joints, breaking them?
  • Abnormal bone & cartilage formation: you don’t give the drug to children and pregnant women


  • Altered target: there are chromosomal mutations in the bacterial genes that lowers the affinity for fluoroquinolones.
  • Decrease accumulation: due to porin channels and efflux pumps.

Sulphonamides: Inhibition of nucleotide (folic acid) synthesis

General facts

  • Folic acids is needed for synthesis of precursors of DNA & RNA in both humans and bacteria.
  • Bacteria make their own from PABA (p-amino-benzoix acid)
  • Humans used precursors that we take up from our diet
  • We are therefore unaffected by anti-folate metabolites
  • Sulphonamides have given rise to several important drugs, e.g. acetazolmide
  • They are dicided into different groups, depending on if they are short-, intermediate-, or long-lasting.
  • Bacteriostatic, but can be bactericidal at higher concentrations

Mechanism of Action

  • The sulphonamide part of the molecule resembles PABA.
  • It inhibits binding of PABA with dihydropteroate synthase → prevents the forming of dihydropteroic acid (DHF) → inhibits folic acid formation


  • Administration - Orally, IV, topically (used for bad burns) - can cause reactions
  • Absorption - Most cross GIT, reach max concentrations in plasma 4-6hrs
  • Distribution - up to 90% bound to albumin, widely distributed, crosses BBB, crosses placenta, reaches inflammatory sites
  • Metabolism - acetylated and conjugated primarily in liver
  • Excretion - unchanged are eliminated via glomerular filtration & secretion, can be excreted in breast milk

Spectrum of activity

  • Baceteriostatic against many G+ and G- bacteria
  • E.g. streptococcus and enterobacteria, chlamydia etc
  • stimulates growth of rickettsiae

Clinical use

  • Only used in drug combination:
  • Urinary tract infections: sulfasalazine
  • GIT disorders: Sulfasalazine for IBS :O

Side effects

  • GIT: Nausea, vomiting diarreah
  • Nephrotoxicity - renal obstruction
  • Hypersensiticity reactions - rashes, fever
  • Haematological toxicity: anemia
  • Kerniciterus: bilirubin induced brain dysfunction
  • Hepatotoxicity: jaundice


  • Many are resistant to sulphonamides
  • The resistant bacteria either: overproduce PABA, have low affinity for the DHS enzyme, adopt an alternative pathway in folate metabolism or loss of permeability to sulphonamides.
  • When a bacteria becomes resistant to one sulphonamide: it becomes resistant to all :(

Disorganizers of cell membrane structure

The membrane active agents are classified into three groups:

  1. Affecting membrane structure: e.g. tyrocidine and polymyxins
  2. Affecting membrane permeability: e.g. valinomycin & nonactin
  3. Affecting membrane associated enzyme systems

Tyrocidines & Gramicidin A

General facts

  • Both contain the amino acid Ornithine which is not found in human proteins.
  • Affects membrane structure

Mechanism of Action

  • It acts as an ionophore on the bacterial cell wall - meaning that it facilitates ion transport over the membrane.
  • It creates a sort of pore in which cl- and Na+ move through.
  • This will disrupt the cell homeostasis, and therefore results in bacterial cell death.

Side effects

  • Since it is not selective, it will cause toxicity in humans as well

Clinical use

  • Primarly used in the treatment of infected surface wounds


Mechanism of Action

  • Binds to lipopolysaccharides in the bacterial membranes: thereby affecting membrane permeability.
  • This leads to a displacement of Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions.
  • Affects membrane structure (1)


  • Mostly administered intramuscularly for CNS infections due to bad absorption from the gut.

Clinical use & spectrum of activity

  • Selective bactericidal activity against Gram negative bacteria, especially for pseudomonas and coliforms.
  • Not used that much because highly toxic

Side effects

  • Highly toxic
  • Causes nephrotoxicity

Inhibitors of cell way synthesis


General facts

  • There are four categories of beta-lactams:
  1. Penicillin
  2. Cephalosporins
  3. Monobactams
  4. Carbapenems
  • The beta-lactam has a Thiazolidine ring which is its weakness - the bacteria will break this bond which will cause resistance.

Mechanism of Action

  • Interfere with synthesis of cell wall component peptidoglycan
  • It inhibits the transpeptidation enzyme which cross-links peptide chains attached to the backbone of the peptidoglycan
  • Leads to a weaker cell, and therefore cell death
  • Is bactericidal


  • AD: Oral, I.V. (for some types), I.M.
  • AB: Not great in GIT, food decreases absorption - should be taken on an empty stomach.
  • DI: wide, no BBB (except meninges are inflamed),
  • ME: metabolism can occur with impaired renal function, oxacillin metabolized in liver.
  • EX: Plasma T1/2 < 2 hours, kidney

Spectrum of activity

Is dependent on which type of penicillin:

  • Natural penicillin: Against non-beta-lactamase producing G+, e.g. streptococci
  • Anti-staphylococcal penicillin: Active against beta-lactamase producing staphylococci
  • Aminopenicillins: More active against enterococci and listeria monocytogenes
  • Extended-spectrum penicillin: Great activity against G- bacteria, escp. pseudomonas species.

Clinical uses

  • Are enormous, but there’s a lot of resistance.
  • Examples are: pneumonia, streptococcal, meningitis, UTI’s etc

Side effects

  • Hypersensiticty reactions (~10%!)
  • GIT disturbances
  • Nephritis
  • Neurotoxicity: can provoke seizures
  • Hematologic toxicity: decreased coagulation
  • Some drug intereactions e.g. contraceptive pill


General facts

  • Related structurally & functionally to penicillins
  • Bactericidal

Spectrum of activity

  • More active against gram-negative
  • They have no activity against LAME - listeria, atypicals (mycoplasma&chlamydia), MRSA and Enterococci.


  • Route of administration: Injection
  • Distribution: well distributed, can cross BBB
  • Elimination: kidneys

Clinical uses

  • pneumonia, sepsis, UTI, meningitis etc
  • Treatment of unknown bacteria
  • For bacteria which are resistance to beta-lactams

Side effects

  • Allergic reactions
  • Cross reactivity with penicillin
  • GIT disturbances
  • Hematological effects (lower prothrombin)

Anti-mycobacterial drugs

Inhibition of cell wall components


General facts

  • Used only for tuberculosis treatment
  • Bacteriostatic on resting organisms
  • bactericidal for actively growing tubercle bacilli

Mechanism of action

  • Inhibits the synthesis of mycolic acids, which are an essential part of mycobacterial cell wall.
  • It combines with an enzyme in the mycobacteria leading to disorganization of the metabolism of the cell
  • → cell death


  • AD: orally
  • AB: very bioavailable
  • Distribution: is wide, crosses BBB, 20% bound to plasma proteins
  • Metabolism: acetylation
  • Excretion: kidneys

Side effects

  • Are dose dependant:
  • Allergic reactions
  • Fever, vasculitis,
  • CNS toxicity: memory loss, psychosis, seizures
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Hepatotoxicity


  • Is normally oxidized in the mycobacterial by catalase-peroxidase which will make it work in them. However, absences of the enzyme will lead to resistance.
  • There’s also reduced penetration & over-expression of carrier proteins which leads to resistance.


Mechanism of action

  • Inhibits synthesis of arabinogalactan (part of the cell wall).

Spectrum of activity

  • only effective against mycobacteria
  • Is sometimes used as a first line anti-tuberculous drug together with isoniaxid, rifampicin and pyrazinamide

Side effects

  • are uncommon
  • Optic neuritis (is dose related and connected to renal failure)
  • GIT dsiturbances


  • Is common if it’s used alone
  • Found in mutations of arabinosyl transgerases

Inhibition of RNA synthesis


General facts

  • bactericidal for mycobacteria

Mechanism of Action

  • Binds to beta-subunit of bacterial DNA-dependent RNA polymerase
  • Creates a conformational changes that the polymerase have trouble binding to the initiation sequence of DNA
  • Thereby it inhibits RNA synthesis

Clinical uses

  • As a combination therapy for tuberculosis
  • Used for leprosy

Side effects

  • Turns urine, tears and sweat orange lol
  • Rashes
  • Fever
  • GIT disturbances
  • Jaundice
  • Low platelet count


  • Mutations of RNA polymerase so rifampicin cannot bind