1. Mental Processes:
Internal processes like thinking, remembering, and problem-solving.
Different from brain activities but interdependent.
2. Definition of Psychology:
The scientific study of mental processes, experiences, and behavior in different contexts.
Experiences are subjective and embedded in consciousness.
Behavior: Observable actions or reactions (overt or covert).
3. Scientific vs. Common-Sense Psychology:
• Common sense relies on hindsight; scientific psychology predicts behavior through research and patterns.
4. Early Schools of Thought:
Structuralism (Wundt): Focus on analyzing the structure of the mind through introspection.
Functionalism (William James): Study of how the mind helps people adapt to the environment.
Gestalt Psychology: Focuses on holistic perception-experience is more than the sum of its parts.
Behaviorism (John Watson): Emphasizes observable behavior and environmental influence.
5. Psychoanalysis vs. Humanistic Perspective:
Psychoanalysis (Freud): Focus on unconscious desires and conflicts.
Humanistic Psychology (Rogers, Maslow): Emphasizes free will and personal growth.
6. Other Perspectives:
Constructivism (Piaget): Active construction of the mind through exploration.
Cognitive Approach: Focus on mental processes like thinking, memory, and problem-solving.
7. Branches of Psychology:
Cognitive Psychology: Studies mental processes (e.g., perception, memory, language).
Developmental Psychology: Studies changes in physical, social, and psychological aspects across the lifespan.
Health Psychology: Examines how psychological factors affect physical health.
Clinical vs. Counseling Psychology: Clinical deals with serious disorders, while counseling helps with everyday challenges.
Educational vs. School Psychology: Educational focuses on learning methods, while school psychologists help children in school settings.
8. Roles of Psychologists:
Clinical Psychologists: Diagnose and treat mental disorders.
Counseling Psychologists: Help with emotional and motivational problems.
Organizational Psychologists: Improve workplace conditions and employee well-being.
Community Psychologists: Focus on community mental health and rehabilitation.
9. Themes in Psychological Research:
Human Behavior is Caused: Internal and external factors influence behavior.
Human Behavior is a Function of Person and Environment (Kurt Lewin):
Interaction between individual traits and the environment.
Cultural Influence on Behavior: Emphasizes the importance of considering cultural contexts in psychological theories.
10. Psychology's Collaboration with Other Disciplines:
Mass Communication: Understandina media's impact on attitudes and behavior.
Medicine: Psychological counseling for patients with chronic illnesses.
Architecture and Engineering: Human-centered design for safety and aesthetics.