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Chapter 29 Key terms and People

Key Terms:

  • Underwood Tariff 

    • Reduced import fees

  • Federal Reserve Act 

    • Kept money in reserve, inspired by the panic of 1907

  • Federal Trade Commission Act 

    • Make sure large companies did not lie about their laws and ways

  • Clayton Antitrust Act 

    • Made sure large companies didn’t get too much power

  • Holding Companies 

    • Owning controlling interest in other companies to gain power

  • Working Men's Compensation Act 

    • Insurance if workers got injured

  • Adamson Act 

    • 8 hour railroad worker days + paid overtime

  • Jones Act 

    • Philippines got freedom if they established a stable government

  • Tampico Incident 

    • Small number of Americans captured by MX by accident

  • Central Powers 

    • Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire

  • Allies  

    • France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan

  • U-boats 

    • German submarines that were insanely powerful

  • Lusitania 

    • A GB passenger ship that was exploded by the Germans and had some Americans so now they all had beef

  • Zimmerman Note

    •  A coded note wanting germany/mexico alliance

  • 14 points 

  • Committee on Public Information 

    • Created to influence US public opinions to support world war i

  • Espionage Act 

    • Made when German hostilities grew due to many Germans in America, scared of spies

    • Prohibited leaking national security

  • Schneck V. United States 

    • Imprisoned for violation of the espionage act

  • War Industries Board 

    • Created to help boost supplies for the war

  • Industrial Workers of the World 

    • Wobblies, labor union

  • General Strike 

    • 35k seattle ship makers went on strike for more pay

  • Great Migration 

    • African Americans escaping Jim Crow Laws

  • 19th Amendment 

    • Women can vote

  • Shepherd Towner Maternity Act 

    • Women get money after birth, promoted families

  • American Expeditionary Forces 

    • Sent to europe to help the europeans  

  • Battle of Chateau-Thierry 

    • Led by Pershing and they lost

  • Meuse Argonne Offensive 

    • Largest AEF 47 days western front

  • League of Nations 

    • International organization made to promote international peace

  • Treaty of Versailles

    • Led to the end of the war but lowkey didn’t work bc wilson had beef w everyone (petty pookster)

  • Irreconcilables 

    •  Senators who opposed the treaty of versailles (republicans)

People to Know:

  • Luis D Brandis 

    • First Jewish supreme court justice who wilson nominated

  • Victoriano Huerta 

  • Francisco Villa 

  • Arthur Zimmerman 

    • Wrote zimmerman note

  • George Creel  

    • Propaganda spreader (journalist)

  • Eugene V Debs 

    • Industrial workers of the world; arrested under the espionage act

  • William D Haywood 

    • Led IWOTW

  • Herbert C Hoover 

    • Created Food wheat wednesday, Meatless monday in order to conserve food for the war, other nations copied him

  • Alice Paul 

    • Led women's suffrage in the national woman's party

  • Henry Cabot Lodge 

    • Wilson hated him, wrote the new treaty of Versailles, but wilson voted against it


Chapter 29 Key terms and People

Key Terms:

  • Underwood Tariff 

    • Reduced import fees

  • Federal Reserve Act 

    • Kept money in reserve, inspired by the panic of 1907

  • Federal Trade Commission Act 

    • Make sure large companies did not lie about their laws and ways

  • Clayton Antitrust Act 

    • Made sure large companies didn’t get too much power

  • Holding Companies 

    • Owning controlling interest in other companies to gain power

  • Working Men's Compensation Act 

    • Insurance if workers got injured

  • Adamson Act 

    • 8 hour railroad worker days + paid overtime

  • Jones Act 

    • Philippines got freedom if they established a stable government

  • Tampico Incident 

    • Small number of Americans captured by MX by accident

  • Central Powers 

    • Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire

  • Allies  

    • France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan

  • U-boats 

    • German submarines that were insanely powerful

  • Lusitania 

    • A GB passenger ship that was exploded by the Germans and had some Americans so now they all had beef

  • Zimmerman Note

    •  A coded note wanting germany/mexico alliance

  • 14 points 

  • Committee on Public Information 

    • Created to influence US public opinions to support world war i

  • Espionage Act 

    • Made when German hostilities grew due to many Germans in America, scared of spies

    • Prohibited leaking national security

  • Schneck V. United States 

    • Imprisoned for violation of the espionage act

  • War Industries Board 

    • Created to help boost supplies for the war

  • Industrial Workers of the World 

    • Wobblies, labor union

  • General Strike 

    • 35k seattle ship makers went on strike for more pay

  • Great Migration 

    • African Americans escaping Jim Crow Laws

  • 19th Amendment 

    • Women can vote

  • Shepherd Towner Maternity Act 

    • Women get money after birth, promoted families

  • American Expeditionary Forces 

    • Sent to europe to help the europeans  

  • Battle of Chateau-Thierry 

    • Led by Pershing and they lost

  • Meuse Argonne Offensive 

    • Largest AEF 47 days western front

  • League of Nations 

    • International organization made to promote international peace

  • Treaty of Versailles

    • Led to the end of the war but lowkey didn’t work bc wilson had beef w everyone (petty pookster)

  • Irreconcilables 

    •  Senators who opposed the treaty of versailles (republicans)

People to Know:

  • Luis D Brandis 

    • First Jewish supreme court justice who wilson nominated

  • Victoriano Huerta 

  • Francisco Villa 

  • Arthur Zimmerman 

    • Wrote zimmerman note

  • George Creel  

    • Propaganda spreader (journalist)

  • Eugene V Debs 

    • Industrial workers of the world; arrested under the espionage act

  • William D Haywood 

    • Led IWOTW

  • Herbert C Hoover 

    • Created Food wheat wednesday, Meatless monday in order to conserve food for the war, other nations copied him

  • Alice Paul 

    • Led women's suffrage in the national woman's party

  • Henry Cabot Lodge 

    • Wilson hated him, wrote the new treaty of Versailles, but wilson voted against it