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Bio final quiz with Chong

  • Darwin four pillars: FIrst, overproduction | Second, genetic variation | Third, survival of the fittest | Fourth, Differential reproduction.Age of Earth

    4.5 billion by most scientists

    1831 Voyage of the Beagle

    Galapagos Islands

    Darwin’s Hypothesis: Descent with modification (method: natural selection)

    Patterns of Evolution

    Convergent Evolution, example hummingbirds and sunbirds

  • Artificial Selection happens when you don’t finish the amount of antibiotics and the leftover cells start to reproduce into stronger and more resistant bacteria.

  • Other Evidence for Evolution: Fossil Evidence, Homologous Structure, Analogous Structure, Vestigial Structure, and embryology.

  • Homologous Structure: Common Ancestry, Common Descent.

  • Analogous Structure: Same Function, do not show evolutionary relationships.

  • Vestigial Structure: No longer being used, like tailbone, wisdom teeth, and appendix.

  • Macro vs Micro Evolution, Macro means they became a whole new species. Micro is just changing within a species.

    Example: Donny is macro evolution, he is a whole different species.

    Gene Pool- often polygenic, and represented by bell curve

    Genetic Drift is a totally random change in genes.

    Gene Flow: In population genetics, gene flow is the transfer of genetic material from one population to another. If the rate of gene flow is high enough, then two populations will have equivalent allele frequencies and therefore can be considered a single effective population.

    Founder Effect-a small group “founding” a population

    Evolved to look like each other is convergent. Evolve to have the same function

    Reproductive Isolation: Behavioral,l Temporal, Habitat/Geographic.

    Divergent Evolution: Common ancestor but then split off.

    Punctuated Equilibrium: Is when a catastrophe happens, not a steady path of growth.

    Co-Evolution is when they evolve together, when 2 or more species affect each other’s evolution

    Gene flow is the transmission of genes across populations, while genetic drift is the changing of allele frequencies in small groups, which allows alleles to vanish.

    Gradualism in biology and geology refers most broadly to a theory that changes of organic life and of the Earth itself occur through gradual increments, and often that transitions between different states are more or less continual and slow rather than periodic and rapid.

  • Evolution: Change in allele frequencies over time.

  • Genetic Drift, population can shrink/decrease (Pinky Finger)

  • Non Random Mating (Ring Finger)

  • Mutation (Middle Finger)

  • Gene Flow (Index Finger)

  • Natural Selection/Adaptation (Thumb)


Bio final quiz with Chong

  • Darwin four pillars: FIrst, overproduction | Second, genetic variation | Third, survival of the fittest | Fourth, Differential reproduction.Age of Earth

    4.5 billion by most scientists

    1831 Voyage of the Beagle

    Galapagos Islands

    Darwin’s Hypothesis: Descent with modification (method: natural selection)

    Patterns of Evolution

    Convergent Evolution, example hummingbirds and sunbirds

  • Artificial Selection happens when you don’t finish the amount of antibiotics and the leftover cells start to reproduce into stronger and more resistant bacteria.

  • Other Evidence for Evolution: Fossil Evidence, Homologous Structure, Analogous Structure, Vestigial Structure, and embryology.

  • Homologous Structure: Common Ancestry, Common Descent.

  • Analogous Structure: Same Function, do not show evolutionary relationships.

  • Vestigial Structure: No longer being used, like tailbone, wisdom teeth, and appendix.

  • Macro vs Micro Evolution, Macro means they became a whole new species. Micro is just changing within a species.

    Example: Donny is macro evolution, he is a whole different species.

    Gene Pool- often polygenic, and represented by bell curve

    Genetic Drift is a totally random change in genes.

    Gene Flow: In population genetics, gene flow is the transfer of genetic material from one population to another. If the rate of gene flow is high enough, then two populations will have equivalent allele frequencies and therefore can be considered a single effective population.

    Founder Effect-a small group “founding” a population

    Evolved to look like each other is convergent. Evolve to have the same function

    Reproductive Isolation: Behavioral,l Temporal, Habitat/Geographic.

    Divergent Evolution: Common ancestor but then split off.

    Punctuated Equilibrium: Is when a catastrophe happens, not a steady path of growth.

    Co-Evolution is when they evolve together, when 2 or more species affect each other’s evolution

    Gene flow is the transmission of genes across populations, while genetic drift is the changing of allele frequencies in small groups, which allows alleles to vanish.

    Gradualism in biology and geology refers most broadly to a theory that changes of organic life and of the Earth itself occur through gradual increments, and often that transitions between different states are more or less continual and slow rather than periodic and rapid.

  • Evolution: Change in allele frequencies over time.

  • Genetic Drift, population can shrink/decrease (Pinky Finger)

  • Non Random Mating (Ring Finger)

  • Mutation (Middle Finger)

  • Gene Flow (Index Finger)

  • Natural Selection/Adaptation (Thumb)
