Instructor: John ReynoldsDate: 25 September 2024Email: ANAT242
Lecture Topics:
Lecture 1: Definition of a brain system and identification methods.
Lecture 2: Neuroimaging techniques and introduction to the reward system.
Lecture 3: Detailed exploration of the reward system and its dysfunctions.
Lecture 4: Foundations of neuroethics and neuromodulation.
Lecture 5: Advanced topics in neuroethics.
Lecture 6: Applied neuroethics.
Lecture 31: Review of relevant papers.
Lecture 32: Exam advice and degree planning.
Module Test:
Date: 14 October, 7 PM.
Content: Labs 7 and 8, associated lectures on systems, imaging, reward systems, and ethics.
Final Exam:
All content is examinable (MCQs + essay).
Lecture Slides:
Fill in details marked with ‘[...]’.
Colored boxes indicate material importance for exams.
Define a brain system.
Understand various neuroimaging modalities.
Describe information derived from imaging techniques.
Explain CT and PET imaging principles.
Explain MRI imaging principles.
Differentiate T1-weighted and T2-weighted MRIs.
Brain System:
A collection of structures working together for a common function.
Distinction from a 'network' which refers to circuits connecting neurons.
Examples of Brain Systems:
Visual, auditory, vestibular, somatosensory, motor, and reward systems.
Systems Neuroscience:
Analysis of how systems work alone or together to influence behavior.
Input Sensory Systems:
Visual and auditory systems contribute to a single behavioral output (motor system).
Sensory information is integrated to form perceptions and plans for movement.
Neuroimaging Techniques:
CT, PET, and MRI scanning.
Types of Neuroimaging:
CT (Computerized Tomography): Structural imaging.
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging): High fidelity structural imaging.
PET (Positron Emission Tomography): Metabolic and functional imaging.
Key Points:
CT is structural; PET measures metabolic activity; MRI provides detailed structural images.
Imaging by creating slices using penetrating waves.
X-ray Principles:
Different tissues absorb X-rays to varying degrees, creating contrast in images.
Relative Densities:
Air < Fat < CSF < White Matter < Grey Matter < Blood < Bone.
Quick, cost-effective, good for acute bleeding.
Limited detail in brain structures, radiation exposure.
Radiation from a radioisotope is detected externally.
Highlights areas of increased glucose metabolism, useful in cancer detection.
Identifies metabolic activity and characterizes tumors.
Poor resolution, requires radiation, and localization is approximate.
High-powered magnet aligns hydrogen atoms; uses radiofrequency pulses.
Safety concerns with metal objects in the scanner.
Magnetic Field Effects:
Aligns hydrogen atoms, radiofrequency pulse disrupts alignment.
Recovery Measurement:
Time taken for hydrogen atoms to realign after pulse.
Contrast Mechanism:
Different tissues recover at different rates, affecting image brightness.
Voxel Definition:
3D pixel used to create anatomical images.
Tissue Appearance:
Variations in brightness based on tissue type and recovery times.
Quick, less detailed, good for fractures.
Detailed, longer scanning time, better for soft tissue assessment.
Types of MRI:
Structural, diffusion, functional imaging.
Recovery time for hydrogen atoms to return to resting alignment.
Image Characteristics:
Highlights fat; brighter images indicate quicker recovery.
Recovery time for axial spin of hydrogen atoms.
Image Characteristics:
Useful for investigating water content in the brain.
T2 images can show opposite effects compared to T1.
Differentiates between various tissue types based on water content.
Distinguishes between free-flowing CSF and non-free-flowing edema.
Image Characteristics:
CSF appears dark, while edema appears bright.
Key Takeaways:
Definition of a brain system and its components.
Introduction to neuroimaging methods.
Principles of CT, PET, and MRI.
Differences between T1 and T2-weighted images.
Introduction to T2