Untitled Flashcards Set


A. Water

1. Water is polar

a. Water molecules from hydrogen bonds with one another

  1. Water is adhesive (to other surfaces ) and cohesive (to itself)

  2. Water modifies climate

1. Ice is lighter han líquid water

5. Water is a powerful solvent

  1. Solvent - dissolves solute

  2. solute - dissolved by a solvent

C. Solution - combination of a solute and solvent

6. Water solutions have a pH value

a. pH = negative logarithm of the (h +) concentration

Of a solution

b. pH of pure water is 7
C.ph <7 1s an acid

d. pH >7 is a base



2. Carbohydrates

  1. Sugars or chains of sugars

  2. Carbons with on OH and one H attached

  1. One or two sugars is a simple carbohydrate

  2. 3 or more sugars is a complex carbohydrates

i. Starch - storages of sugars in plants Ii.

Glycogen - storage of sugars In animals

ili. Cellulose - structural materials in plants

3. Liquids

a. Non polar - very little oxygen

b. Fats- Saturated vS (Solid)

C. Phospholipids

d. Steriods

Unsaturated (liquid)

4. Proteins

a. Chains of amino acids

N - C-C



b. Types

1. Enzymatic - biological Catalysts ii. Defensive -antibodies üi. Storage of amino acids

iv. Transport substances throughout the body (hemoglobin

V. Hormonal - comunication chemicals within the body neurotransmitter

Vi. Receptors - hormones bind to receptors on cells to stimulate a reaction In that cell

VII. Contractile - found in muscles

IV. Structural - provide the basic framework of the body

5. Nuclear acids

a. Chain of nucleotides

1. Phosphate

i. Sugar ill. Base.

(codes for the amino and sequence of protein)

b. Types of nuclei acids

i. DNA (deoxyribose nuclei acids)

  • Double stranded

  • sugar is deoxyribose

  • bases are adenine (A) , guanine (G), cytosine (C) thymine (t)

ü. RNA (Ribo nuclei acid )

  • single stranded

  • sugar is ribose

  • bases are Adenine (A) guanine (G) cytosine (c) uracil (u)

V. Cellular anatomy

A. plasma membrane

  1. Phospholipid bilager

  2. Proteins

  3. Cholesterol

  4. Glyco proteins -sugars + proteins

  5. Glycolipids- sugar + phospholipid

B. Nucleus

  1. Nuclear membrane

  2. Chromatin (DNA + protein)

  3. Nucleolus - produces ribosome

6 of 9

C. Ribosome- sites of protein synthesis
Rough endoplastic reticulum (rer)

  1. Ribosome embedded.

  2. Produces proteins for export

    E. Smooth endoplasmic reti

    1. No ribosomes

    2. Various uses

    F. Golgi apparatus

    1. transport materials to the exterior of the cell

    9. Lysosome

    1. Digest materials within the cell

    H. Chloroplasts

    1. Sites of photosynthesis

    2. No found In animal cells

    1. Mitochondria

    1. Sites of ATP synthesis

    J. Proxisomes

    1. Detoxify poisons

    K. Cytoskeleton

    1. Microtubules - large

    2. Intermediate filaments

    3. Microfilaments - small

    L. Céntrale - uses in cell división

    A. Epithelial- lover sunfaces

    1. Squamous - flat cells

    2. Cuboidal - cubed shaped cells

    3. Columnar -tall

    4. Pseudo-stratified columnar epithelium - appears

    stratified but it Is not

    5. Transitional - cell shape changes by on A level of stretch
