Chronic- Long-term or long lasting.
Acute care- 24-hour skilled care given in hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers for people who require short-term immediate care.
Subacute care- given in hospitals or LTCs for people who need less care than acute, but more care than chronic.
ADLS- activities of daily life.
Medicare- federal health insurance for people who are 65 years or older, have certain disabilities/ permanent kidney failure, or are ill and can't work.
Part A- helps pay for care in a hospital, skilled nursing facility, care from a HHA.
Part B-helps to pay for doctor services, other medical services, and equipment.
Part C- allows private health insurance to provide medicare benefits.
Part D- helps pay for medication.
Medicaid- medical assistance program for people who have low income/ people with disabilities.
Chain of command:
Medical Director (MD)
Director of Nursing (DON)
Staff development coordinator
Minimum data set (MDS) coordinator
Nursing supervisor
Charge nurse
Staff nurse (LPN, RN, LVN)
Policy- course of action that should be taken every time a situation occurs.
Procedure- a method or way of doing something.
Compassionate- caring, considerate, empathetic, and understanding.
Empathy- identifying with the feelings of others.
Sympathy- sharing in the feelings and difficulties of others.
Tactful- showing sensitivity and having a sense of what is appropriate when dealing with others.
Conscientious- guided by a sense of right and wrong.
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA)- law passed by the federal government that includes the minimum standards for NA training, staffing requirements, resident assessment instructions, and info on rights for residents.
Cite- a survey.
Ombudsman- legal advocate for residents in LTC facilities who help resolve disputes and settle conflicts.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)- fed. law that requires health information to be kept private.
Protected Health Information (PHI)