
Introduction to Ultrasound

  • Ultrasound refers to sound waves at frequencies higher than the audible range for humans.

  • When used for creating grayscale images of the body, it is specifically termed sonography.

  • The terms ultrasound and sonography are often used interchangeably in the medical field.

Understanding Sonography

  • Sonography is essentially the process of drawing with sound.

  • It involves using sound waves to create images of organs and structures within the body.

Role of Sonographers

  • A sonographer may also be called an ultrasound technologist.

  • Sonographers specialize in ultrasound technology and its applications in medical imaging.

  • The term ultrasound technician is not used because:

    • "Technician" typically refers to someone who fixes or maintains equipment, rather than specializes in its use.

  • Sonographers possess in-depth knowledge of how the ultrasound machines work, including their functionality and the underlying science.
