Day #4 - Computation

Models of Computation

  • RASP model: Random access stored program model

    • Memory Access: Assumes random access memory (RAM), you can directly access any memory location in constant time

    • Stored Program: The program instructions are stored in memory just like data. This allows for self-modifying code (program can change its instructions while running)

    • Instruction Set: The model includes basic operations like reading/writing memory, arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, etc.), and conditional jumps

    • Turing Complete: The RASP model is equivalent to a Turing machine, meaning it can compute anything that is computable

    • Registers: Assumes a small number of registers for temporary storage (indexes), but the actual instructions reside in main memory

  • Markov Algorithms:

    • Definition: Apply a set of rules to a string of characters until no more rules can be applied. This approach allows for the manipulation and transformation of strings in a systematic manner.

    • Example:

      • String: "abc"

      • Rules:

        • Replace "a" with "ab"

        • Replace "b" with "c"

        • Replace "c" with "a"

      • Process: "abc" → "abbc" → "abcc" → "abaa"

  • Lambda Calculus:

    • Definition: Mathematical logic system for functions using lambda expressions to define and apply functions.

    • Basic Operations: Create functions (abstraction), apply functions (application), rename variables (renaming).

    • Example:

      • Function: λx.x+1

      • Apply to 2: (λx.x+1) 2 → 2+1 → 3

  • Turning Machines (Finite automata):

    • Finite Automata:

      • Simple model, reads input, changes state based on rules.

    • Turing Machine:

      • More powerful model with an infinite tape and a head that reads, writes, and moves along the tape.

      • Example:

        • Tape: "1101"

        • Robot (Turing Machine) reads the tape and changes states according to rules.

        • Rule: If the symbol is "1" and the state is "A", change to state "B" and move right.

        • Process:

          • Reads "1" (state "A"), changes to state "B", moves right.

          • Reads "1" (state "B"), changes to state "C", moves right.

          • Reads "0" (state "C"), and so on.

The Chomsky Hierarchy

The Chomsky Hierarchy is a classification of different types of formal grammars in computational theory. It includes four levels, from the simplest to the most complex.

  1. Type 0: Recursively Enumerable Languages

    • Definition: The most general type, where the grammar can generate any language that a Turing machine can recognize.

    • Example: A grammar that can generate the language of all strings where the number of 1s equals the number of 0s (e.g., "0011", "1100").

  2. Type 1: Context-Sensitive Languages

    • Definition: Grammars where rules are applied depending on the context of the nonterminal symbols.

    • Example: A grammar that ensures all "a"s are followed by "b"s, and the number of "a"s matches the number of "b"s (e.g., "aabb", "aaabbb").

  3. Type 2: Context-Free Languages

    • Definition: Grammars where rules are applied regardless of the context of the nonterminal symbols.

    • Example: A grammar that generates balanced parentheses (e.g., "()", "(())", "()()").

  4. Type 3: Regular Languages

    • Definition: The simplest type, where rules are very restricted and can be represented by finite automata.

    • Example: A grammar that generates strings of "a"s followed by "b"s (e.g., "ab", "aabbb").

String Matching

  • String matching: Finding where a specific sequence of characters (pattern P) appears within a larger sequence (text T).

  • Goal: Locate all occurrences of pattern P in text T.

  • Applications:

    • Search engines: Helps in efficiently finding information.

    • DNA sequencing: Identifies specific genetic patterns.

    • Data compression: Enhances performance and accuracy by recognizing patterns.

Finite Automata

Finite Automata

  • Finite Automata: Models of computation used to recognize patterns within input sequences.

  • Transducers (informal): Devices that transform input sequences into output sequences, often used in applications such as text processing.

    • Mealy Machines: A type of finite state machine that produces outputs based on the current state and the current input.

      • Example: Vending machine system

        • Where the output (dispensing a product) directly depends on both the current state (amount of money inserted) and the input (button pressed).

    • Moore Machines: A type of finite state machine where the output is determined solely by the current state and not by the input sequence.

      • Example: Automatic light control system

        • In this case, the output (light on/off) depends only on the current state (people in room) regardless of any external inputs.

  • Transducers (formal): G-tuple ( Q, Σ, q, d, O, G)

Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA)

  • DFA: A type of finite automaton.

  • Directed Graph (Digraph): Represents DFA as a graph where:

    • Nodes (States): Represent different conditions or statuses.

    • Edges (Transitions): Represent the movement from one state to another based on input characters.

  • Deterministic: Each state has exactly one outgoing edge for every letter in the alphabet (Σ).

  • Example:

    • Alphabet (Σ): {a, c, t, g}

    • Pattern (P): "AAC"

    • Process: DFA checks each letter in the input and follows the corresponding edge to a new state.

    • Simple DFA: If input is "AAGTC", the DFA will transition through states to check if "AAC" appears.

Nondeterministic Finite Automaton (NFA)

  • NFA: Another type of finite automaton.

  • Edges (Transitions):

    • Can transition on an empty string (λ), meaning the machine can change state without consuming any input.

    • Can have multiple edges for the same input character, allowing multiple possible transitions.

  • Example:

    • Alphabet (Σ): {a, c, t, g}

    • Pattern (P): "AAC"

    • Process: NFA can explore multiple paths at once. If one path leads to matching "AAC", it accepts the input.

    • Simple NFA: If input is "AAGTC", the NFA will consider different paths to check if "AAC" appears


  • Prefix Function: Encapsulates the knowledge of how a pattern matches itself to avoid repeating work within the text

Languages and Grammar

  • Statement (word): A string of finite length of elements in a vocabulary

  • Vocabulary: a finite, nonempty set of symbols

  • Syntax: form of a statement

  • Semantics: meaning of a statement

  • Formal Language: Rules of syntax for organizing tokens syntactically-correct statements, with no ambiguity

  • Empty String: λ,

    • All words over a vocabulary: v*

    • A language over a vocabulary: Lc v*

    • A phrase-structure grammar: G = (V,T,S,P)

      • V: Vocabulary

      • T: Terminal symbols | T c V

      • S: Start Symbol | S V

      • P: Productions: A Set of rules for converting nonterminal symbol into terminal symbols

      • N: Nonterminal symbols| N = V - T

  • Example:

    G = {V, T, S, P} = V = {a, b, A, B, S}, T={a, b}

    S = S, P = {S → ABa, A→BB, B→ab, AB→B}

    L(G) = {“S → ABa → BBBa → abBBa → ababBa → abababa”, “S → ABa → ba”

    L(G) ={ba,abababa}

    L(G) = { w (word) ∈ T* (all sequences of foraminal) | S →* (arbitrary # of products) w

Linear Grammar

  • Definition: A type of formal grammar where each production rule has at most one non-terminal symbol on the right-hand side.

    • In right regular grammar, this placeholder appears on the right side of a rule (like finishing a sentence with a placeholder).

    • In left regular grammar, this placeholder appears on the left side of a rule (like starting a sentence with a placeholder).

Simple Example

  • Right Regular Example:

    • Rule: A→aB

    • Expansion: If "A" is the starting symbol, it can become "aB".

  • Left Regular Example:

    • Rule: A→Ba

    • Expansion: If "A" is the starting symbol, it can become "Ba".

  • Acceptors: recognizers: FAs with accepting states that recognize/decide if input strings belong to the language the FA recognizes/decides

  • Acceptor: 5-tuple ( Q, Σ, q, F, d)

    • See above for Q, Σ, q, F, and d definitions, which outline the components of the finite automaton used in this computation process.

    • F: accepting (finishing) states; F >= Q

  • Backus-Naur Form

    • BNF: Specifies type-2 (context form) grammar formally

      • “: : =” - in a production

      • <…> - wrapper for non-terminal symbols

      • | - Separates RHS production results

    • Example ALGOL 60 identifiers (i.e, variable names + other symbols)

      • <id> ::= <letter> | <id><letter> <id><digit>

      • <letter> ::= a | b | c | … | x | y | z

      • <digit> ::= 1 | 2 | 3 | … | 7 | 8 | 9

    • Produce x99a

      • <id> ::= <id><letter>

      • <letter> ::= a

      • <id> ::= <id><digit>

      • <digit> ::= 9

      • <id> ::= <id><digit>

      • <digit> ::= 9

      • <id> ::= <letter>

      • <letter> ::= x

        • ends to a → 9a → 99a → x99a

    • small problem - toy - give back problem from last quiz being a transducer and accepter of each
