Johnson's great society




Higher education facilities act (1963) federal funding 

Johnson joined an office with 300 African American elected officals and there was 9000 in 1999

1 million youth unemployment 

Civil rights act (1964)

28% of Jobs corps still unemployed

Food stamp act (1964) fed 8 million households 20 million ppl

20% of Americans below poverty line (1968)

Economic opportunity act (1964) (enforcing equal oppurtuntiies in work force $1 million)

40% of impoverished did not receive welfare or medicaid

Urban mass transportation act (1964) ($375 million for urban rail)

Wilderness Act (1964) preserved Yellowstone etc

Clear Air, Water Quality and clean water (1964) pollution controls

Elementary and Secondary education act (1965) ($1 billion in aid for deprived areas)

Higher education Act (1965) (140,000 scholarships and low interest loans poorer college students) 41 -> 81 college rates 

Housing and Urban development Act (1965) (urban renewel) (homes for 7 million families)

Social Security Act (1965) (medicaid - low income, medicare - disabled and old)

National Endowments for the arts (1965) (PBS sesame street) (350 tv stations 699 radio)

Voting rights act (1965) (Outlawed literacy tests and other defacto disenfranchisment of african americans)

Immigration and Nationality Services Act (1965) (removed 2% quota)

Jobs corps (1965) vocational training 

Demonstation cities and Metropolitan Development act (1966) (urban redevelopment)

National Traffic and motor vehicle safety act (1966) Created Highway traffic police and ordained road safety

Freedom of information Act (1966) public information except in matters of security)

Federal Jury reform Act (1966) (Protection from racial discrimination from the Jury)

Civil Rights Act (1968) voting to Native americans and criminalised housing discrimination 

Bilingual Education Act (1968) aid for children in local districts with limited english)
